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File: 1425890171665.jpg (9.08 KB, 271x186, 271:186, water source.jpg)


Do you guys take measures to refrain from taking in the fluoride water? Is it as bad as they say?

My refrigerators "filtered" water tastes way better than the tap which tastes "metally". However I am sure the fluoride is still present as fluoride is very difficult(and very pricy) to filter out. I have a doubt whether a lot of these filters even get rid of this chemical.


File: 1425914997599.jpg (17.89 KB, 500x378, 250:189, Recovering pure water from….jpg)

Carbon filters will not remove fluoride as the particles are very small.

They are however a good idea, getting rid of other substances, grit, bacteria and just tastes generally better.

Reverse osmosis systems work as well as distillation via boiling then condensing. (Pic related)

A lot of green-pilled and tinfoil people profess the benefits of distilled (pure) water, but studies suggest it leads to a shorter lifespan and poor health. This may be due to the fact that it lacks important minerals, so it ends up leeching them from the body and apparently increases bodily acidity. The human body has not evolved to drink pure water.

"Dr. Gabriel Cousens, a living foods advocate who writes on page 509 of his book "Conscious Eating," "distilled water is dead, unstructured water so foreign to the body that one actually gets a temporary high white blood cell count in response to drinking it."

Additionally, my understanding of medical doctor Zoltan Rona's article is that long-term distilled water consumption may well contribute to high blood pressure and other cardiovascular problems. Dr. Rona writes, "The longer one drinks distilled water, the more likely the development of mineral deficiencies and an acid state. I have done well over 3000 mineral evaluations using a combination of blood, urine, and hair tests in my practice. Almost without exception, people who consume distilled water exclusively, eventually develop multiple mineral deficiencies."


Before you start screaming "SHILL!", I do believe that fluoride is harmful, especially in large quantities. Sadly its hard to come-by natural water in urban centers without some level of fluoridation. If I were to choose between carbon filtered tap water or distilled, I would go with the tap water. You could add minerals yourself to the pure water, but getting the balance right will require a bit of research and you will have to be fairly meticulous in your ratios.

If you can, seek out natural spring water, from sources with a good mineral profile and little in terms of natural or artificial poisons. Good luck.


ok let me post my nearest springwateranalysis and you tell me if its good:
FREE CO2 650

Sodium 986
Potassium 23
Ammonium 1,5
Magnesium 36
Calcium 59
Iron 0,9
Manganese 0,07

Chloride 550
sulfate 29
bicarbonate 1984
fluorid 1,2




Go to some fruity stores like whole foods or whatever sells the "good stuff" where you are. Look at all the different brands of water. Comb through the water reports for each one. I've found alkaline water in my area with no fluoride. They filter the water with reverse osmosis (one of the only things that breaks the ionic bond of the fluoride to the water) and then give it a "mineral bath" to up the ph and get some good minerals in there. Careful about what minerals they use. Look up individual minerals they're using. A majority of them will be irritants to the digestive system. Good water can be a bitch to find but in reality, it just takes either a longer drive or more money to get what you need. If you're stingy with your cash, you're going to have a real hard time eating healthy in a comfortable manner. Adjust your lifestyle accordingly. Money is important in this world, wizards. If you cant use magic to get money, use magic to change yourself so that you have an easier time using deterministic means to get money.

On that note… /fringe/ needs more information regarding monetary gain. It might not mean anything, but it does give you more freewill.


> On that note… /fringe/ needs more information regarding monetary gain. It might not mean anything, but it does give you more freewill.

Have to agree. There's a taboo around wanting to cultivate wealth and rightfully so if you're just a greedy idiot.

But those types will get their karmic comeuppance regardless so I don't think we should refrain from discussing it just for their sake.

We live in a world where money is virtually a necessity for nearly all of us and should focus on teaching neophytes how to make it work in their favour.


95% of the users of this board don't work and live off others.

I wonder why there is such a lack of information regarding monetary gains here :^)


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
>implying wageslaves don't live off of others too
You beg your boss for $$$, you beg the customers for $$$, it's no different than begging the state or your parents.
>inb4 welfare is from taxes, taxes are theft, thus bad karma
the west (unless you're a brasilian pooskin or something) is rich because it's been jewing third world countries left and right, so all that cash is damned just like the golden chest in pirates of the carribean.

Only way to live not to live off others is starting your own homestead somewhere with the right climate and resources (water+wood), grow your own food, make your own clothes, get electricity from solar panels/wind turbines.

Hardest part would be finding the right land and buying it, the rest will be easy, you don't even have to build your own home like the guy here, just get a container and live there.


It is also possible to negate some of the bad karma through kindness, service and teaching.


A new study has found a correlation between the use of fluoride in drinking water across the United States and the rise in Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) diagnoses.

Researchers found that states with more prevalent fluoridation practices also had higher rates of ADHD diagnosis and that that trend held out over a six year period, starting with data from 1992.

The study — the first to examine a link between ADHD and water fluoridation — was published in the journal Environmental Health and conducted by psychiatrists Christine Till and Ashley Malin at York University in Toronto.

Their analysis showed that for every 1% increase in fluoridation prevalence in the US, there were 67,000 more cases of ADHD 11 years down the line. The researchers said they also took wealth differences into account, as poor children are more likely to be diagnosed with ADHD.

“States in which a greater proportion of people received artificially-fluoridated water in 1992 tended to have a greater proportion of children and adolescents who received ADHD diagnoses [in later years], after controlling for socioeconomic status,” Malin says.

Since 1992, the first year of data the study looked at, the rate of fluoridation in the US has risen from 56% to 67%, and ADHD diagnoses have risen from around 7% to 11%, according to current figure from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.


Reposted from: >>>/4chon/17478


You'd still have to pay taxes on your property.

The much easier way to "not live off others" (in reality, completely impossible in this world) would be to have large amounts of money invested in the stock markets giving you dividends you can live off of (in addition obviously to having your homestead).


Not all of the world has property taxes, and there are places where they don't cost much you fucking normienigger.
And if you saved the money to buy land, build a house, a glasshouse, and solar panel then you have the money saved to pay your property taxes for the next ten decades.


Not all of the world has property taxes, and there are places where they don't cost much you fucking normienigger.
And if you saved the money to buy land, build a house, a glasshouse, and solar panel then you have the money saved to pay your property taxes for the next ten decades.


Interesting path this thread has taken. I'd be interested to know what some fringeanons recommendations are on specific reverse-osmosis/fluoride filtration systems. Been thinking about getting one, and then trying to remineralize on my own, bottled/spring water can be expensive.


Acquire something like ConcenTrace mineral drops. $20 USD for a 90 day supply. If you drink distilled water you should add these. Failing that, reverse osmosis filtered water and/or spring water from select sources is good. Unless you maintain the filter yourself there is no guarantee that it is removing fluoric acids as well as it should, but generally they do. you can use bone char filters to remove fluoric acids. I have not used these myself though.


I just eat cucumbers instead of water.They're 90% water with minerals.


Fluoride in the water is just an excuse, it almost unnoticeably affects magick and the pineal gland



Unnoticeably affects magick as in the effects if it are small enough to be unnoticeable? or that it affects magick but is gone by unnoticed?


I feel like permission and karma is a big thing with 4th density STS.

Or it might just be a regular Joe being innocently ague.


hold on, I thought rising ADD diagnoses were from companies trying to peddle meds to parents who're disraifht that their children behave like energetic and inquisitive young animals instead of shutting up and sitting still for hours at a time in a classrom?


That is surely the main source of it. Also, certain forms of media promote an ADD sort of mind, whereas meditation and reading and so on can train you to concentrate on something a very long time.


ADD is part of ADHD as a spectrum disorder. Part of my work is studying it (neurochemist/neuropharmacologist). No, don't worry, I'm not peddling any one drug, that's not what I do.

I have ADHD in addition to studying it. Certainly there are doctors who overdiagnose ADHD in the United States because of the utterly fucked way in which pharmaceutical companies are able to make obscene profits. The only other country which allows direct-to-consumer advertising is New Zealand, for example. Pharmaceutical companies regularly subtly bribe doctors in ways that doctors don't even recognize. "Hey, why don't we discuss the benefits of our drug over lunch? I'm buying," for example. The physician doesn't think "Hey, he's trying to bribe me!" as he accepts the lunch, but now he's got (presumably nice) food and is there listening to the supposed benefits. Sometimes it's this subtle. It's not very common that doctors will be overtly bribed, but it does happen. So now the doctor has incentive, sometimes covert incentive (even a free pen with the drug's name on it is enough to plant the idea in his head to prescribe it for a range of general symptoms), to prescribe a patient a particular drug. Well, he wouldn't do that if the patient didn't have the symptoms, right? Now he's looking for symptoms and he doesn't even realize it. Pretty soon he's seeing ADHD patients all the damn time, to him it must look like a veritable outbreak!

The issue with this is twofold; not only does it mean that it's overdiagnosed in some places, but in response, some doctors refuse to diagnose it whatsoever because they think it's so overdiagnosed, so now it's underdiagnosed because if someone actually has it, they'll be ignored to avoid overprescription by doctors who are trying their best not to dope up their patients. Whatever the case may be, a happy medium is rare and usually has to be found by the patients themselves. Unfortunately, self-medicating through substance abuse is far more available and common than cultivating discipline or looking into the actual causes of ADHD (improperly developed anterior cingulate cortex. The cause of mine was anti-seizure meds my mom was on, though I'd rather be ADHD than a drooling retard).

It's sad, but that's the healthcare industry in the US right now.


Aside from stims, which treat the symptoms but not the underlying brain disorder, are their any known substances or practices known to improve the functionality of the ADHD brain?

I have heard of l-dopa but apparently due to homeostasis the brain drops to baseline after a period of use. What is your opinion of nootropics such as those of the racetram family? What about choline or choline derivatives? (Citicoline, Alpha-GPC etc.)


Unnoticeable affects as in it barely affects the magick's efficiency



u fuking wot m8

if hes in any joo occupied land, he would get arrested for trying to dodge the taxedjoo and live off grid



im fortunate to reside in a area in canada where they don't fluoride - and there is a local store that stocks 2L of clean oxigen pure 0 contaminents osmosis water for 1.99, the ting tastes as if a blanket of hugs touched the inside of my mouth when ever i drink it's glorious purity - you can so fucking feel and taste and smell when water is low tier.

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