>cleanses your system internally
>removes toxins
>cures practically all poisons, can save your life and correct the problem before you even get to poison control (whether you consumed rat poison or a poisonous mushroom or many other things)
>whitens your teeth
>helps align your chakras
>is black, like the akasha
>your great grandparents probably used it
>helps sensitize your tastebuds and sense of smell by removing the sensory burden upon them for awhile, allowing you to experience true taste and smell neutrality for awhile
>used by some as a facial mask to combat acne and other skin problems
>receives nothing but glowing reviews on WebMD
>a single bottle can last you a very long time, depending on level of usage
>is /edgy/ approved
>non-toxic, improves the condition of the environment
>can be added to your soil after you're done using it to improve the soil condition
>likely many other uses besides what I have described.
I took the blackpill. What is your excuse for not having done so?
Based blackpill is based.
File: 1425927857406.jpg (Spoiler Image, 68.85 KB, 666x375, 222:125, LHP Blackpilled Youth Top ….jpg)
Me taking a blackpill.
>>26365Smiley, I have 4 bags of activated stone coal for my distiller. Link me info on why I should put it in my mouth.
Now please.
>tfw I only meant to have it in my mouth but it's in my fucking nostrils, skin pores, throat, and stomach
It gets into fucking everything even though I tried to spit most of it out and cleanse my mouth and semi-vomit.
I guess I'll just have to do 15 minutes of intense cardio now to sweat all of this shit out through all my pores.
>>26365>dat disgusting mustacheWhy do you keep such thing?
>>26370I have never once shaved in my life.
Doesn't fucking matter if I do or don't, I'm ugly either way, lel. I can't grow really any hair and I'm 22.
>>26372Not even your privates? It's a matter of hygiene at certain point.
File: 1425928990606.jpg (Spoiler Image, 59 KB, 701x343, 701:343, Fucked Up Teeth.jpg)
Probably 1488% whiter now, not that it fucking matters, when cursed with teeth like mine.
>>26373>Not even your privates? It's a matter of hygiene at certain point.No never. I don't think you understand how fucking ugly I am. I seriously hate this body. It can not be made to look better. There's a point where additional ugliness doesn't make a difference anymore.
>>26374Btw, it make look as if I have my mouth open, but that's as far as I can fucking close it. Fuck my teeth.
God damn it this thread makes me want to kill myself. I shouldn't have taken a blackpill today.
I'm going to spoiler all this shock imagery I just uploaded. Fuck it.
File: 1425930083534.jpg (Spoiler Image, 560.31 KB, 1603x1153, 1603:1153, Kill Me Please.jpg)
The sooner I am out of this disgusting abhorrent fucking body the better.
I just want to pour gasoline over my body and set it on fire so bad.
le autistic subhuman piece of shit staring into the sun
How fucking horrifying.
Time to autosage this shit.
>tfw shedding
What in the fuck is going on in this thread.
Deleted a fuckload of black cock spam.
>>26375>>26381You sound like you have some self-image problems, from the pictures you post you don't look bad. Unless you got some terrible scarring that I can't see, you're in fact above average. You'd probably look even better if you shaved that poor excuse for facial hair and started lifting heavy. Your teeth can probably be fixed, or at least severely improved, with braces. Not all the solutions for your problems have to be 100% magical solutions. You're stuck with this body for now, why not do anything you can do improve it?
Not sure if you are mining for compliments there, but nice eyes.
>>26381What the fuck?
Dude you have seriously delusions about you being "ugly". You may have had an anti-social upbringing which led to a few problems, but I assure you your looks are not one.
-Learn to shave those pubes off your face.
-Shower. you don't look clean, and that is a mistake. Cold showers are great and should be done at least 2x a day.
-Stay lean, fit, run and do pushups, pullups, bulgarian split squats for legs if you have access to weights.
and I guarantee you will look within the top 10% of people. Your attitude and outlook however is something I'd seek to correct. There is a ton of information in the sticky about transcending humanity. Use it, embrace it, practice it, and you will feel godly among the masses of this world.
And Stop falling for false advertising/propaganda on the internet/tv thinking everyone else looks like a model. the average human being is a pube hair shit skinned mongrel whose IQ hovers around the 80s.
>>26381You're not as bad as you make yourself sound like, bro.
| Rolled 1 + 3 (1d2) |
>>26381You look pretty similar too me except I can grow a beard. You also have a thinner face, but overall there are far uglier people in the people. I really wouldn't let your looks discourage you. I understand having a bad body image from abuse though, but it is very fixable.
>>26362Activated Charcoal is great for neutralizing poisons in the digestive tract (can save your life), rectifying stomach upsets and quick weight-loss.
Just be aware that regular over use will lead to malnutrition as it binds to molecules in the digestive tract preventing bodily absorption, which you end up shitting out.
You look fine smiley. Just a bit sad and worn out. Disregard Siddhis and Astral temptations for a while and try to work on skillful perception, physical exercise and sleep.
>>26444>>26446I cropped the worst part out of the image. If you could see my jaw and lips you'd realize why I'm a 2/10 kill on sight.
>>26446>the average human being is a pube hair shit skinned mongrel whose IQ hovers around the 80s.You either have no idea on how IQ is calculated or is purposely presenting false information in order to make smiley feel better. The average IQ is, by definition, 100.