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/fringe/ - Fringe

Esoteric Wizardry


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File: 1426112422114.jpg (89.01 KB, 500x470, 50:47, occult-record.jpg)


If you are experienced and have the time and inspiration to write your own occult text, however large, based on what you've learnt or exercises or materials you've created I will gladly host it on the mega in a /fringe/ works folder.

This thread can be used for discussion on what's been written, discussions on what we would like to see written etc.

Here is the folder you need if you want to submit anything:

Anyone up for doing this? Basic guides and daily routines for neophytes to follow would be a good start. Personal techniques you've developed yourself would be another good starting point, it doesn't have to be massive, just useful.

/fringe/ wizard created content would be an interesting experiment.

If you'd like to maintain/show ownership of what you write feel free to use a trip and put it in the text.


A suggestion:

We could create a ritual to carry out as a global working on a specific day in advance, someone who knows their stuff with planetary and lunar significance could time appropriately.

Someone with a way with words could create a decent script.

Appropriate incense, herbs, etc determined in advance so people can prepare.

We could have a unified group goal or we could call upon the same deity and have our own individual demands.


I don't have the time to write anything in full, perhaps I can make time sometime.

I'd likely write about a combination of meditation I used to use, LBRP followid by yogic breathing until a certain degree of emptiness is achieved followed by lying completely still in bed for a little longer than is comfortable. The state achieved can then be used to fire sigils through gnosis.

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