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/fringe/ - Fringe

Esoteric Wizardry


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File: 1426125435578.webm (1.78 MB, 320x176, 20:11, MJ_they_dont_care_origina….webm)


I am pretty damn baked right now and i never post here, but tell me /fringe/, what do you make of those symbols hes flashing ?

Also the video in general, google can find it quickly, and general MJ appreciation is always appropriate


Fucking shitposters when will you ever learn to read the rules before plastering your shitposts on here?

ProTip mundane: they're just fucking hand movements.



Nothing in the media is "just" hand movements, they are charged gestures, especially in the case of music videos. Even if they are just expressing emotion related to the music.


You people are less competent than i expected
t=11s is obviously not just hand movements and i shouldnt have to mention that you might wanna consider looking at it in slowmo

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