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Esoteric Wizardry


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Hey kids, wanna learn how do do more ancient astrologies like actual astrologers and not be a Charlatan that tells you you're gonna have some nice lucky outings tomorrow at a more natural location (as in a beautiful heavenly garden) because you were born on the cusp of Pisces?

Want to learn how to properly predict things with more rough alignments of the heavens (and maybe even PRAISE THE SUN BECAUSE THE SUN IS WORTHY OF PRAISE!)




Asatru, you really have an addiction with using baphos as useful idiots and then getting infiltrated by them, you should probably get that checked up on.
>pic related, bapho was the bull
>RIP in peperoni Aurochs bull's, you died for… I don't even


went extinct for*


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No thank you.




>oy nein vey muh solomon = muh modern talmudic jew

Buddhists post there t… oh wait

Buddhists turned out to be totes gay too because they don't like it when people do bdsm with dragon dildos and dildos shaped like the buddha.



I'm sure buddha wouldn't mind if someone derived pleasure from his enlightened mind entering a butthole.


That Buddha wouldn't be respected in his local community because that breaks one of the 5 principles.

Also, kill yourself SF fag. Better not be browsing anything cross-boarded by /lgbt/ conservatives.



I meant a statue not an actual buddha.


I don't know of any buddhist parables about buttsex but I do know the cathars a gnostic christian offshoot practised anal sex as a fuck you to the demiurge and to prevent offspring who suffer the prison world.

Which principle does it break?

>Also, kill yourself SF fag. Better not be browsing anything cross-boarded by /lgbt/ conservatives.

I have no idea what any of this means. What is an SF? Lesbian gay bi transexual conservatives? wat


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>I do know the cathars a gnostic christian offshoot practised anal sex

And how do you know that?

Did Thoth come down from the sky as an alien and tell you? Because you know, I think there was someone who wrote something about Gnostics roughly 101 years ago (+/- 1 year) who would probably agree that sticking a Buddha up your ass isn't such a bad idea.



It's documented historical fact. They got burnt alive for it.



Although I guess it could have just been catholic propaganda.




>Contraception - If the physical world is flawed or evil, it's not a good thing to bring more people into the world. Therefore, many varieties of contraception were practiced. This is the origin of the term bugger (derived from Bougres) meaning anal sex in British English.


the way they had anal sex was more akin to the way the greeks did it, not the way San Fran faggots do it on Folsom Street (with buddha/jesus dildos)



So greek man/boy love is more acceptable than desecration of idols?

Buddhism teaches non attachment (and specifically non attachment to statues of the buddha in the parable I linked to here >>27019 )
and judeo-christian mythology has the whole Moses saying not to worship idols shit so getting defensive over it is kinda silly.

Desecration of idols has its place in the occult I believe, taboo has power. If they're just doing it for fun they're not seriously harming anyone other than themselves.


Their own source present it as a myth.



It's under "Roman Catholic Propaganda: Sodomy", by the way, just not to leave you looking for it all around.


That's bullshit. Buddhists pay lot of respect to statues and images, as they are representations of the real thing, as much as any thing can be. A big part of zen schools are not the word of Buddha, mainly the ones derived from southern chan, which was even banned in Tibet and had its followers expelled after a big debate.



Oh so this cancer is back again.


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>the SJW faggot on /arcane/ filters NIGGER to "person I love"


>taboo has power.

Buddhists, Hindus, true Greek Hermetics, Pre-New Kingdom Egyptian priests, Zoroastrians, they were all right handed because they had a stable code of conduct (often from spirits of above) for them to live by and do their various occultic practices by. They were not into taboo, you left handed sorcerer.

I think I'm going to link this thread on /pol/ and see what happens.


>muh non-edg-

>muh moralfags


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who cares if the mod is a bit tempered, there are several useful threads on there even if some of the janitors there are way too jewish.

Honestly, if there are any bnai brith there they should be cleared out.



I don't think there's much of a way to tell one way or the other considering how old the religion is. Personally I like the idea of anal sex as a fuck you to the demiurge so there's at least one person doing it.


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>muh demiurge

This guy is really starting to sound Crowlian
or maybe, should I say,



Taboo had power for Crowley. Moses broke taboo smashing golden idols. A bit of back and forth between rejection of the past and acceptance of new ideas is a good thing. Disgracing idols as a symbol or action of power is nothing compared to genuine dark magic or serious curses


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Taboo is in no way of Mithraic cults, Hermetic greek cults (of Hermes, the god of Alchemy) or even of Solomon, the wise king of the Hebrews who fell for Phoenician gods such as Baal who was also worshiped in Carthage, and thus began a long line of Judeans who were not Hebrews but Talmudic Jews and Kikes who probably did Phoenician rituals on the side.

Fortunatelly, they weren't too bad until maybe the 1st or 2nd trip to Babylon, in enslavement and then exile from cities such as Alexandria and in fact…

drum role please…





That just pleases the demiurge more. Generation is a universal principle, but this degeneracy is exclusive to the demiurge and his creation.


I banned people from /sunnyd/?

No, not really. Are you talking about Arcane? I was wondering why no one was posting there anymore. Maybe occult board owners that claim to be of higher occult ways should be less fucking autistic over their boards and not go on banning sprees because they're having a middle school hissy fit.

Actually it pleases the demiurge(s) because it tempts the highest animals (man) in this creation into becoming lesser animals, thus holding them off from higher realms. The Buddhists, Zoroastrians and Early Christians realized this and this is why so many monks are so adamantly against degeneracy and discourage it, especially degeneracy that literally involves animals.


Jesus christ, I didn't even see the /sunnyd/ board in your post, I just visited and it has like 25 fucking posts on the whole board and is completely dead. Also /arcane/ has very few actual posts on its board and got about 300 of its posts just from spam which was then deleted.

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