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Would anyone advise how to deal with aliens?
I would answer specific questions tommorow and just give a general picture of them
They seem
1.Benevolent, they are interested in my health(i also get the hint they want some of "ichor" my liver/some organ etherically generates)
2.Somewhat ignorant of human anatomy/biology
3.Possessive, but i seem to keep control
4.Highly spiritually refined(they charge chackras, fix energy channells etc)
5.Communication is problematic, if they turn telepathic links my brain overheats and i get a bit edgy.
6.They use tons of technology,implants, surgical instruments
7.They made few months of my life a form of hell, however i retained my sanity and rationally communicated what i feel.
8.They appeared after my high-frequency binaural beats(i'm astral projecting with them) experiments leads to an incident where i broke my etheric body and was extrmely sick and basically wished for help..They started etherically-based surgical operations and i reluctantly let them do it.
9.my current situation is much better now, however when i break cooperation(by using specific binaural frequencies to shut off their synchronization which keeps me bound to their operating table in their dimension and not staying still when they operate on my etheric body) my health is suffering and energy drops.

I just seek some advice because this board doesn't have much skeptic/trolls etc(i'm the guy who posted about that hypersigil today)
Also they seem a bit angry right now and i have "butterflies in the stomach feeling"


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Ur Pic made me feel good

My answer is to feel Good all the time

Also to pet cats. Maybe do some daydream imagineering where u meet these aliens and chill with them


Don't let them get you. They are making you rely on them. You can heal yourself, you don't need them. STAY AWAY FROM ALIENS!

Alternatively you could ask them to make you /cyber/. Become Adam Jensen.


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My experiences with aliens is very limited but pretty much it's all the same shit you described even down to the fixing chakras / energy channels stuff.

I don't know what to say. Chasing Phantoms is a good book on the subject and it's important to have a general occult knowledge dealing with them.

I intend to arrange more meetings with them soon… just waiting for shit pertaining to 8ch.net to be fixed up.


Anything that forces you to be connected with it is essentially making you pay 'protection money". Get rid of that shit… the human creative power is strong enough to sustain almost anything if you have the willpower to do it. The more reliant you become, the heavier the chain gets. This is a prime example of stopping the snowball while it's small.


Yes, the problem is mainly me having very little knowledge(what i learned about binaural beats and astral projection didn't even prepare me) which i acquired experimentally and getting into this situation wasn't really my intention.
Its easy to say that, but my etheric body is a proving ground for all their tech, implants and control systems. I have very little power there, it like fighting a tank with sticks.
They program different regions of my brain to become as the brain implant compatible(its sort of stabilizer/control/remote) and they could technically turn me crazy by flip of button(but it rarely occurs since i prefer to cooperate).I might be also some sort of vessel/agent to influence the world(i'll explain later), however they hint they do it for scientific experiments on my subtle bodies as they think i'm some sort of anomaly(i've listend for high-frequency binaural beats for a decade 24/7 as form of raising energy for astral vibration. They also operate on family members, one of which is a typical crazy tard(he even babbles about angels/demons,rituals and astral planes in public, however his brain is damaged beyond repair and there is very little content in his wordsalad talks(I suspect they actually started with him to test their beta version equipment ,however they managed to get him into sort of stable craziness where he is less dangerous to the public. He is stain on family reputation(and his behaviur is really creepy ) and his room hass huge negative vibes as some sort of astral battleground or cemetery, and stinks like hell) ) and the other member is ignoring it as weird new disease(he however put tinfoil on the wall which is towards my room as if was some nuclear site and explained he worried about cell tower (which is half KM away actually and is not on the direction of wall, he might be suspecting something his materialistic mind can't explain as he would react neagatively if started talkign about aliens(which i don't do since then i have to take the olanzapine again + be pressured to visit psychiatrists ).He complains of being cold recently,i can't even tell him its standard alien trick to reduce heat/energy so their surgical ops on etheric body are less painful )).


Stay the fuck away from greys, angels and reptilians!! They are human hating bastards!


Appearance(in the astral):
Humanoid shapeshifter, currently pretend to be russian(i'm immigrated from the former soviet union and they pretend to be "future russians",in other cases they just generic humanoids or dwarfs,i get rare glimpses of parallel worlds they run which are often russian-themed but this is some sort of mental model or show where they translate everything to things most familiar to me).Enviromnment is variable:
aliens ship(looks really fake, like half of stage from some show +hospitals wing),old hospitals,futuristic medical buildings/resorts, dreamscapes,mostly medical/science themed.I can only see them in dreams or within projection states.In physical i sense touches and energy, as i don;t have third eye open(i closed it completely in the past because of stupid decisions(it made me less influenced by negative shit i have to feel)) i cannot see them in physical(I also don't have any innate psi abilities or strong projection skills, in fact almost all of what i have is managed and developed by these aliens(with minor exception i started yoga at age 12 and this might be some sort of opened door)).


>Chasing Phantoms
I'm reading it getting huge chills and minor tooth pain, like they don't like it. That book is amazing btw and feels like someone else dealt with similar aliens before.
I'm thinking it began much earlier than the etheric body incident, it just i was blind to their interference.


Their technology:
is audible and they know it(they often make minor sounds by going/moving in my room/walls/mybody/clothing however this could be attributed to falling items/heat/shifting of weigth by outside observers, and would make me look crazy(this board practically the only place where i can talk) if i mention it(i also get this urge/fantasy to take over the world all the time by violently occupying and invading earth(with drones and computers) which creeps me a bit, as this is some sort of contrlfantasy that get very detailed and explaining how i should build some sort of matrix "utopia" with humans producing ichor on industrial scale in their matrixlike pods immersed in virtual computer realms(they would actually be happy compared to this world,). i don;t know why i get sent constantly this, as i'm not even capable of taking over a small dog))).

IChor: some kind of etheric liquid, human generate it when igesting food, it depends on food energy . alien generate artificial ichor, ours is delicacy(they also smaple brain liquid and semen,but their main interest is ichor).
They initially drained it with painful operation,in thin pipe. Now they use some sort of miniportal i got used to. It doesn't affect me much as i think i just compensate by eating more(i lost almost 70% weight i gained with olanzapine).
I intially cirticized them for "vampirism",but they mentally showed me its not much more harm than milking a cow. I don't know if they drain other humans ichor, but i'm seem to be a unique case and make many experiements on me and my ichor production:it also made me more advanced spirtually as they circulate ichor and clear etheric channels for maximum ichor and enrgy production.
They also don't like me eating spicy/harsh food(i'm a vegan btw and imagine gettings even more diet restrictions and bland food,its like they want a specifc ichor composition), though i still eat it sometimes(it makes the ichor i produce bitter or something of that sort, and they wait until it removed completely). They maintain my physical non-mental health 24/7 at top condition(i never get sick), my mental health is controlled by brain implant above my head, which stabilized my mood and stopped all the depressive thoughts(There is also sort of mouth implant that streams some etheric liquid i can swallow,tastes like sugar/vitmain water but without sugar(hard to explain,its non-physical etheric stuff but it can affect taste ,they called it "nectar" ironically the name of juice type i used to buy(which fucked up my teeth) and the stuff from greek mythology(gods drink unspecified plant nectar)),they expected initially to feed me with this implant and it failed to satisfy my physical needs(8-10kg wieght loss before olanzapine treatment,same after,i'm so 5-8kg more than before all this started and these fluctuations are psychologically traumatic)). so i started eating normal food again,i rarely drink water(mineral water for cooking*(which they dislike)/swallowing vitamin pills*(which they dislike too because of water use) now because they say it dilutes the nectar stuff and makes ichor weak).From reading my posts you may think i'm sort of a puppet but instead i feel happiness and freedom which is rarely my "normal pre-alien state"(i started astral projecting as temporary escape from shitty reality and it spiraled out of control).I managed to get my life into a decent state, but the future is still uncertain.

The only thing i might find objectionable they erase some memories(but they explain its the memries that hold me back and drain my energy (like trauma blocks)).I still have the general picture of past with 80% of detail but they seem to hide things(alien-realted and paranormal mostly) of which i have only a vague feeling of fear and unknown.(this might be the reason i misremember some details as they also alter memories and i have little secondary source to check against. Posting this here helps me remmeber.).


Psychiatry(i'm officially "crazy" despite looking 100% sane if don't mention the alien control.No one of course sees/calls me as crazy, except the the psychiatrist, even my family views its as some sort of temporary psychotic episode that was over few years ago.):
The psychiatrist in 3 minutes of listening,diagnosed with shizophrenia, wrote recipe for olanzapine(which made me fat and brainfogged for a year), and then i mentioned horrific muscle spasms(alien tech interfered with muscle nerves,locking the body into contorted shapes),
he wrote a recipe for some anti-spasms pills which made me weak(walking was hard.but reduced the pain from spasms) but this convinced aliens they have to find a common ground, and they stopped really intrusive experiements, i stopped taking pills(they didn't have any positive effect whatsoever,and aliens hinted i'm harming my etheric body hardcore).


Frequencies which i used to desync from alien tech:
I don't know if they're my ehteric body specific(i'm a walkign playground for their scientifc experiments) but 0.5-1.5 hz is the range,note the have equipment that can neutralize this in a few hours and you'll be frequency hopping all day if you choose to resists.
side effect it makes you sleepy and lower chakra vibrations/genral energy, (i sleep above 200 south pole magnets which recharge me, even if i don't use the low frequencies, this make their work harder, but since magnets are static they have workarounds and it completely unaffected the experiments). I've tryied at some time putting magnets to the brain/body closely it was a mistake, it drains energy and grounds/short the etheric body.


Telepathic links: they use the brain implant on top of skull, fells like a plant growing inside brain i got used to it and it now only a slight pressure.
(they are fans of highly invasive technology we won't even approve for mice due ethical grounds(if it was physical operation it would be banned as vivisection,as their operation/experiments on etheric body is really something that you could describe as surgical rape marathon:though its purpose is often beneficial and it heals fast;i cant 'really classify what they do as bad , just traumatic and ignoring human mental state as if we don't have emotion or pain )) They read thoughts and send thoughts,emotions and pain signals(when they don't like something). Its sorto f techno-spiritual technology which works on everyone.I can imagine people going crazy with this "device/plant" on their had, but if you can adapt or used to telepathy interference its not that bad.


The books perfectly described what i feel a precursor the etheric surgery begins with whistling high-pitched ehtereal sounds similar to some high-frequency binaurals but x1000 more powerful and non-physical.
It comes from the brain implant probably or something installed near my head(they have invisible stuff attached and the room(the room is synchronized to their dimension, like a projection into out 3d world) is filled with various tools and equipment which i can only hear:other family members think that is me making the noises, though they rarely notice this as our fridges are powerful enough to vibrate walls).


from page 106 if any interested:
heart was racing and my nerves were all standing on end, and I could
STILL HEAR the remnants of the wind around me, and feel the effects
on my body, even though I was now awake. Very loud, surrounding
me over my head, whooshing this way and that. I pulled the covers
over my head to drown out the whooshing wind noise, like,
AHHHHH!!! Shut UUUUP!!! I need to get back to sleep!! I have to get
up for work!!! I don’t have TIME for this.


page 115:
And if there’s one thing that has
absolutely defined me in this life it’s the fact that I do not look my age.

This is it, i was born in 1984 and basically look like i'm 16-18 year old though different from my naive 16-years self. I depend on them to keep me at that youthful state(its by their drugs probably as i feel aged when in periods not under the influence of aliens, getting youthful when they return) and i feel aging is under their complete control.


page 122 matches their machine operation perfectly:
Beeping noises in the air. For a period of time in Florida in 2002 and
into 2003, I would hear these electronic beeping noises in my
apartment that would happen in mid-air, coming from an invisible
source of some sort. Later an episode occurred with Tom there as a
witness. It happened up in the air by the vent in the wall…and then
beeped twice more, moving down the hallway…actually echoing, like
there was a real “something” there, in the apartment, invisible, moving
about. And the fact that it echoed between the walls was amazing.


page 129 they do this if i persist with binaurals they don't like.
Power repeatedly surging. On Halloween night in 2002, Tom was
trying to set up our newly purchased web cam so that we could have it
Part II – My Own Experiences 119
on, monitoring us while we slept to deter abductions. Well
“coincidentally,” the power kept repeatedly surging/going out that
night – six times in fact – interfering with the entire thing. Admittedly,
it scared me to no end because that was my mindset back then. Plus I
also had that newfound phobia about the power going out. I’d
occasionally experienced power glitches in that apartment…but none
like that, to that extent. And there hadn’t been any in awhile…not
until the night we were trying to set up the new web cam.


page 136, similar thing happened once during their etheric surgery session,like lamp going on near my eyes(feels like dentist/optician shining a powerful light on your face, not like photoflash though)
The [“phantom photographer”] phenomenon takes yet another form.
The witness is stepping out his door, or getting out of his
automobile, when there is a sudden burst of light “like a flash gun
going off.”


page 146 feels really familiar,i had similar surgery…at daytime. they can control the heart rate/rhythm/vibration with it.
The Black Box. A dream when I lived back in Florida where I was
shown something about how “They” had connected a “black box” to
my heart, and had control over whether I lived or died. There was a
switch/button on the black box that they could turn my life on - or off -
with. The dream seemed to take place in a mix of where I grew up in
Massachusetts and Connecticut. I was lying on a table, and there were
people in white coats around me, performing the “black box heart
procedure.” But I seemed to be me at my age now, in the present,
rather than a kid. I could see out the windows that it was sunny and
blue skied outside. A weird muddled dream.


i had this, and i even wrote a program to replicate the expirience(it didn't feel the same):
page 153.
Scrolling text. Had a really strange dream full of negative
themes/elements, and I pulled myself out of it at the point where there
was a computer screen sort of thing in front of me with rapidly
scrolling text (programming?) Just all of this text, scrolling very
quickly upwards, right in front of my face. Strange colors to it as well,
like lime green, white, and turquoise blue or whatever.


Will i become some sort of robot???


page 168 small surgery marks,heart rate is stable though(low blood pressure however sometimes occurs). These aliens learn biology fast and they're extremely advanced. I feel like the book describes different aliens and they don't visit our dimension much but use similar technologies and approaches to dealing with us.

Including one mark that appeared to be a
strange surgery-looking line on one of my calves, and another that
looked like a mysterious surgery scar on one of my knees. Pics of both
of these can be found on my website. And my heart – maybe. There’s
heart issues on both sides of my family, and my mom’s father dropped
dead of a heart attack at the shockingly young age of 36. My heart rate
is very inconsistent, my blood pressure is freakishly low, and I have
allergic reactions to alcohol, including my heart getting all weird and
elevated and fluttery (especially from wine) to the point where I’ve
worried I would die after drinking.


I'm having stomach related pain right now in they area where they drain ichor. they are pissed somewhat that i talk about them here.


I've heard that aliens being ignorant of human biology/anatomy is not too rare, they can hurt you by accident even if they mean well.

Anyways, be skeptical; negative aliens can pretend to be benevolent by doing nice things to you, but they might have some not-so good motives for doing that. Don't trust them blindly, see how the situation grows.

Also, they might be annoyed of you telling of them to us because they are worried of their own safety. Whatever their alignment, (STO-STS), they need to be careful not to reveal too much of themselves.


There were two cases when i had to telepathically send them a message that they're hurting/destroying my physical body before they stopped some highly experimental
advanced and and same time primitive(by human surgeon standards) operations if i didn't explain basic human biology. I don't think they had much practice before my case or my family. They see to rely on computer/technology designed models of what humans are. Incredibly retarded but, they can force me to pee, not by sending a signal to the bladder but by forcefully opening the channels where it flows so i look like i wet myself(it doesn't occur when not in the trance state, it something they do before operating, they also shutoff blood flow(major veins, it doesn't hurt just like a hand going numb/buzzing) to body regions where they operate and put me into some sort of extreme sleep paralysis/brain lock(i learned to break through it now, so its completely ineffective today))


You know, reading your earlier posts, I am slightly worried. . .

I think you should ask Montalk, here's his email, tom@montalk.net, tell him of this.


I don't really want to make it known to public, and this board is letting me tell this anonymously. If my family will know this thread is by me, they will force me to take pills and i don't want to be on any psychiatric treatment.
I'm sane and rational at most situations, even when reality isn't. Also, i've noticed dogs and cats , just like in the that book avoid me(i'm nice to cats, neutral to dogs) and bark/hiss/run away when i'm near for no apparent reason, people don't exhibit this behaviour though and we don't have pets.


I've got a nasty headache right now.which is fairly rare these days. They are pissed. I'll be back in thread later.


I've found out they are pissed because of me eating green onions recently(I bought the onions myself yesterday),not because of talking(or so they hint)!
I read in a another thread onions are spiritually related so this might be it. The headache is because they filte rbrain fluid.


Onion might be good when used to heal from cold or such, but it's poisonous to your mind.

I still think you should ask Montalk. He won't publish anything you say, he knows a lot of alien phenomena so he can help you in a way or another.


There is no way he can help. They are extremely powerful species and can kill us as an ants with their remote technology, as all they need is a minute of synchronization.
The question i'm essentially asking is there a way to make it bearable(without pills).
trying to desync would only harm my body, i've tried that in the past and it would take me to the edge, i couldn't sleep(this would start a trance, synchronization and binaurals become useless(they have implant to block jbinaural beats and stuff which works when they need to synchronize and i use binaurals that desynchronize me from their dimension frequencies))


Then they're not really benevolent if they would kill someone. Sounds like a bad case of STS.


Also, the crazy tard in our family, absolutely loves onions(green,normal,red) and eats them daily. Is he "fighting off" them with that? His health is much worse than mine, not to mention he is psychotic and unstable. He talks wordsalad spam to unspecified voices no one hears or himself all day. Its creepy and annoying.


They are operating in the principle they goals justify the means and one of their goals from what i gather is to forcefully advance humanity spiritually by altering our bodies(the price is that we produce ichor and alter our habits), the plan is at beggining stages and the experiment on people like me to understand us.


No one can forcefully advance anyone's spirituality. That's STS.

Sounds like you're in a really bad situation, OP. . .


OP. Is it possible to make your ethereal body explode? Like really big?

It would be a good sacrifice. Make the explosion huge OP, kill them all. DO NOT BE THEIR PET! DEFEAT THEM! DESTROY THEM!


Literally, the first time I ever encountered a reptilian, was shortly after figuring out how to seriously manipulate etheric matter to reconfigure physical matter.


yesterday was eventful, i lost few kilos,toook three hour bath/shower(it makes you feel calm), they made me throw up,pee,excrete everything eaten in last few days, at night they attempted to transfer my etheric body to their dimension(during a dream, they wanted to do something extensive or even replace my soul/etheric/astral body),but i managed to force myself to wake up and hold the bed frame for a few minutes they stopped trying. I only have a mild headache now.


Shit, guy. The more you type, the more it seems like they placated the minor problem just to make you into their test subject. That's so far from anything truly beneficial to your spiritual development as possible.


Step 1: Don't deal with aliens
Step 2: ???
Step 3: Profit?


with space jews, you lose


I now get a more complete picture what is Earth actually is.
etheric fluid,Emotion(loosh) , thoughts and soul emanations( its sort of a "spirit emotion") are farmed by different species operating on different dimensions, they don't have to cooperate (and in turn the aliens themselves are farmed by higher level aliens very often). Its like a giant food/energy chain and Earth like a giant chaotic farm shared/disputed by mafia clans.All cultural/social changes are orchestrated to benefit a specific alien group, producing desired product(fluids/emotions/thoughts/emanations) on industrial scale until some other group changes it again. Some groups focus on farming animals like cows or bacteria(they have unique products) and don't spend much time on humans at all unless humans interfere with their cow/bacteria farming(typically reducing number of cows or specific bacteria).

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