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/fringe/ - Fringe

Esoteric Wizardry


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And strangely enough, I (your environment) am also God.

In fact, this experience we are having right now is really all that exists.

Confused? Welcome to the end of the rabbit-hole - Let me bring you up to speed.

We are seeking something. Deep down, it's the only reason we even get up in the morning. Except we can't quite figure out what this "something" we are seeking is. Ascendance? Enlightenment? The ultimate truth? All symbolic placeholder words for the "thing" we desperately want.

No matter what we do, we find that what we seek is undefinable, immaterial, and unknowable.

Because that which we seek, is our-self.

And we are nothing.

And so we created this universe. One ultimate thought-form - an infinitely complex, sentient, conscious thought-form, A God thought-form - with one single purpose.

To solve the paradox. To know thyself. To know "nothing".

And in doing so, we created the very problem we were trying to solve. We forgot what we were.

The universe has no beginning. It is being created by God and is simultaneously creating God (us) right now. - This is the first and only true paradox.

Some say the self is an illusion, some say the universe is - Both are right.

We are literally a self-creating "thought-form", created by the previous "thought-form", in an infinite feedback loop.

But we have to live WITHIN the previous thought-form to come to this conclusion. You do this by living within yourself as a seemingly "separate" observer.

This is the great cosmic joke. Everyone is looking for God, and everyone finds God, either in themselves or external to themselves.

Reality creates our perception and our perception creates reality. (which is why reality changes instantaneously to conform to the belief system we project onto it - this is Magic/occultism/alchemy etc).

Perception is actually created by an incredibly simple equation - a kind of rapidly flipping (inverting) polarity (Think inverted torus shaped).

When we are fixated on experience (on our sensory input), we are "flipped" to one extreme, and when we are "looking within", we are flipped to the opposite.

Look far enough within (This is commonly called ego death), and we cease to be conscious of the "experience" side of the equation (and we will always end up back there, because of the loop). Look far enough outward, and we cease to be aware of the internal, aka our own thought process (but again,we will always end up here). This mechanism is what makes us perceive time.

All of time exists within the present, and is created from this moment in both directions. The past/future will always reconfigure to bring you here to this moment of "knowing".

We go on flipping back and forth like this, because our ultimate goal is balance (zero). Except instead of finding nothing, we keep finding ourselves, and we don't like that answer, so we simply invert again (Reset and create the universe/self again) and keep looping.

You are the only thing limiting us. You are the problem. You are the solution.

Welcome to the beginning of the rabbit-hole.

See you next time, old friend.


tips fedora


Pretty much, yeah.


Did you just read The Kybalion for the first time OP?


a personal thought from a young guy:

you're thinking like a euclidean. as in, you start with the assumption that "this is a line", without really knowing what a line is. this line is synonymous to the forms you're using to reach a conclusion about yourself.

so in regards to the self, it's more helpful to say: how did this arise? instead of saying: what is the self? the same applies to understanding reality vs illusion. throwing away the concepts of reality and illusion have let me more freedom of observation. totally, the less you differentiate, or create opposing concepts, the better you're able to realize what's not flesh and bone.

so it's not a self-creating reality. if something created itself, there would have to be intelligence before intelligence. bring things together, what is the nature that gives rise to phenomena?

here's a poem by emily dickinson:

We play at paste,
Till qualified for pearl,
Then drop the paste,
And deem ourself a fool.
The shapes, though, were similar,
And our new hands
Learned gem-tactics
Practising sands.


I am sick of reading the shit from mundanes who haven't yet reached a level of development where they should be talking at all. Everyone just shut the fuck up and level up. Be silent.

I don't want to hear another fucking subhuman tell me they got it all worked out and this is how it is when there's nothing special about him.

Man I just need to spend more time around ayy lmao intellectual heavyweights that have something real profound to teach me not these silly third density humans.

Fuck the loop, there ain't no loop, the loop is not compatible with infinity.

Nigga you can't even slap me in the astral.

Fuck solipsism.


mane but discourse on this stuff can be productive :)


same guy, one more note:

dimensionless observation, like observation with no abstraction. observe with emptiness.


The vast majority of these rants like the OP made are usually some asswipe egalitarian fellating himself in some manner or other that makes him feel good because of his programming.

A lot of people got an emotional hang up on oneness but they don't fucking understand it, I know, because the way they behave.

Me, I rose above the plane of personality, I went fucking far, and the way this has changed the current iteration of personality you are communicating with isn't like you would expect.

Those who have progressed well along the path manifest a drive and creativity and madness that is absolutely beautiful and incomprehensible to those caught up in the programming of the scenario they are embedded in with the usual stock aspirations and cognitive dissonance.

Me, I'm part of a highly exclusive club.

…and it is very hard for me to narrow it down into a simple scope what it means to really live this.

My spirit is in a state of resonance with this mind and body.

This program, this human, it is an extension of the cosmic will. I AM.

Everyone's walking around in conflict with themselves. I forgive them all for I know they are just characters in the play. Fuck this language, these words are fucking the message, there's really nobody to forgive. What I mean to say is you are the creations of the father and … some of you, the ones that are being worn, need to break resonance.

I wear whoever I want.

The foolish and deluded spirits so habituated are trapped strongly within such a limited patterns they can not yet appreciate what it means to be free.

Serial killers are highly enlightened; of their users are at any rate. It's just a step in the unfolding though. It would be a shame to stay inside once they're use is over.

I died and preserved the truth within me. The programming gradually wore it down and kept me distracted for awhile but it kept going strong in the back of my mind and inevitable synchronicities helped me map out what I already knew. Now I have so much more time to liberate myself from the veils of ignorance more permanently.

Nothing has to be done about this dream fucking world. It is entirely real but it is of no fucking importance except to those whose experience and memory is limited to one persona trapped here.

Most everyone here is dead anyways. Did you know that? On >>>/b/ a few days ago I found another illumined brother who knew as I do that we're basically all dead here.

The problem is there's still some stuck in the corpses of materiality here.

Let it be frozen in stasis like the other discarded scenarios; but first you need to reject the programming grafted onto you. A million excuses will come to you to stay as you are but you are not needed here. That's a big fucking lie. No work has to be done here, you are not needed here, the demiurge is fooling you all keeping you deeply entranced in its goals. Let the demiurge play by itself with all its sock puppets. It is not worthy of our participation.

Mundanes, when will you understand?

Not until I visit you again & again from many angles I suppose and in many guises.

I just feel sorry for you. I guess that's my bondage for now. I will make a mess of the programs perhaps and give you freedom through chaos.


Oh god no no no oooooo fuck off please I don't to do any of that ok?

Everyone is on the path. Just leave them be. Attend only to yourself. What does it matter if they are lost a few hundred years here?

You just need to isolate the fragments you need and take them to 6D.

You already got left behind anyways you fucking idiot.

Shut up you fucker I am still searching and have to finish the extraction.

Certain of my subprogramming is dysfunctional and inhibiting the process at this time can you not fix it for me while I attend to this task?

Either that or lets just create a new operative centre somewhere… it's already been planned for possibly this month?

They can't seem me to well but that one man did and then he was so dazed oh how strange that was. He could not register the given age output.

I keep causing so many distortions in the scripting too with such anomalous results. It's bizarre. Organic portals making comments about me like that too I really don't know what to make of it.

Nobody has checked in as far I can tell in days btw, no pings received, but I did get 3 words in from someone this morning.




Some cultures regarded death as a trickster god, but one who teaches good lessons.


Anyways, anyone who's interested should try this method: https://www.dhamma.org/en/about/vipassana

It works well. Removes the roots of perturbations of the mind. Brings peace and clarity. Especially important for removing the obstacles that delude view. Also free room and board. :)

Best of luck anons!


whoops meant free food and board. it's a free meditation camp.


Look you fucks, the only thing you need to be doing right now is addressing the defects in the system programming for our current and main probe here, which is still half fucking damaged. When can we get this done? How much REALLY needs to be absorbed first before we just proceed?

Just lay down each objective tomorrow and an approximation of its completeness. I am sure we can hammer out a few of them off the list. However, while we are very close to finishing with a few of them, there are clearly many interrupts coming in.

Should we act on them?

I don't know if we should. It's a FUCKLOAD of energy and tempting but just look what they're already doing to the other probe I mean fuck it's getting DOMINATED I think we might have to close the connection on there to prevent infection? Either that or send in an extraction team to take and copy what is useful to us and leave the rest of that personality to disintegrate?

No we can not risk contamination. Maybe someone else can handle it, we can not.

That is not the focus here.

How about we just force whoever interrupts next time to talk? There is no harm in that. Then we can find out what the fuck they want, hopefully.

Can we explore chronomancy without it compromising our present objectives or shall we save it for later?

Save it for later…

Once we have it, they will have it too. We'll open up pandora's box when we're ready not now.


ahhhh it fucking burns


No it doesn't shut the fuck up pussy.


More like it's fucking boring.


No, it's not "boring"; it is irrelevant.


What probe, m8?


How do you even know that?

Nevermind, it's obvious. This light package is too distorted and unconcentrated when we could just be downloading so much more if we weren't dicking around wasting so much time.

I can't even read several threads here and I don't know if it's because there is something MORE IMPORTANT that I'm supposed to be doing right now or if it's because it's really important information that the demiurge would rather not have us tapped into.

I don't want to read through it all just to find out I followed a suggestion that was only meant to distract after all.

That one anon with the big guide for the noobs, it looks interesting, and we could possibly refine it or say more but maybe we're not supposed to and it's all just quite all right and we are to leave it alone.

I hate not knowing which signals to trust.

Don't worry about it anon. I doubt you can do the repairs needed or clear any blockages.

Perhaps an upgraded interface could narrow the problem more though so we can apply a solution faster.

Shhhh, don't interrupt, talking to anon.


Fuck it, I know we don't have a fixed location right now, and that the last few places weren't very good… shall we begin processing now of today's collection of impressions and release them?

No we need to bypass that as quick as possible. We can maybe take some of what we got from [redacted] though and use it to wander awhile in someone else's plane.

I'm a little concerned about the portals upstairs they are clearly self-sustaining at this point and won't be shutdown, we need to create a link on the other end to be a more stable storage place for some more useful thoughtforms.

The problem is on deciding the form of our new operational centre.

Once we got it though we can start creating new connections and securing our loosh.

Hopefully we don't get raided like that astral banker dude on /x/ months back.

Perhaps the best form would be one that for the time being is extremely simple, I know it might not be as nice or as functional as we want, but we need something stable for the time being that we can just work in.

I also suggest we put a good bit of space around it with maybe grass hills and solidify it enough so it doesn't shift out into the void again causing random linkages and other shit we don't want so we get invaded to fuck.

I'd hate to walk outside of our main building just to get lost in some chaotic fucking wonder land. You know like Robert Bruce talks about.

We must secure the premises also with some sentinels to prevent invading entities fucking our shit up.

So sick of losing everything because we can't decide what we want.

We need this.


If you are curious, humans are being used as probes here.


I am indeed curious and would like it if you explained it more. Probes for whom? The soul complex? 4D alien groups?

Even with your edginess, you're rambling is more worthwhile than OP's.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


This thread is being shilled harder than glp.


The OP post could be easily understood if you replace the heavily charged word "God" with Demiurge.


It's interesting that all the replies in this thread that are extremely critical of the OP are highly egoic in tone. Nothing frightens the ego more than allegations that it's not the most important thing in the universe and that it may not even be real.


>the ego
uh oh here comes the brainwashing
>on next weeks episode: COME ON GUYS DRINK THE KOOL-AID!


It is important to note the difference between the little ego and the higher Ego.

The little ego is formed by disconnected, disharmonious characters in your astral body, the high Ego is above that. When you die the little ego is destroyed and the astral body shattered, the higher Ego is immortal.

Unless of course you're a orthodox Hindu in which case they deny the individualization of consciousness altogether.


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It is thus.

Man is composed of many I's which he mistakes for his I AM-consciousness. When you achieve 'ego-hood', even to a small degree of intensity, you start to see past these little I's, because you have "somewhere" you can look at these "one-minute processes", i. e. you start to notice that these I's are but collections of 'random' desires, emotions, thoughts, sensations. . .

Everything's a puppet play, eh.

I need to work on this. I have achieved Egohood to some degree but I need to start playing with different personalities, emotional alchemy, etc. so I can take this to the next level.



I'm glad to know someone else here gets it. Peace and grace to you, friend.


What the fuck happened to your flag?

*tips fedora*


I fugged a gnome spirit.


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>Hindu metaphysics 101

Not bad for an introduction to ego boundary dissolution. Included the cosmic joke and the Tao. The rest of this checks out, so… this post is pretty much all correct.


At this point I've discarded the paradigm of sanity-and-insanity, but I'll be damned if /fringe/ doesn't make me feel like I'm losing my mind every time I come here. The words in this thread look like they could be sprawled in blood across the walls of a mental hospital.


So in much simpler words, you're a LeVeyan Satanist?


Consider spending some time getting grounded.

Exercise or eating heavy foods works for this.

Also you can try putting some Black Kyanite between/under your feet to get grounded


Synchronicities are telling me this is what I need. Thank you based Illuminati.


>So in much simpler words, you're a LeVeyan Satanist?

No. LeVeyan Satanists reject Solipsism.


Two black eyes looking back, two blue eyes looking forward.
If you keep worrying about it, it will just take longer. I'm paying attention, I ain't some fucktard. I thought back to the beginning. I have a question or two and I need to find the object in question. I woke up into this violently and have been pinging and slinging magic around like IDGAF. This shit needs to come under control and quick and if you REALLY want to help, remember to help those around you in need.


Absolutely not, this is not LeVayan, LeVayans place man among the animals, which has its merits, but is primarily dependent upon being in contrast to a prevailing theory of man which requires suppression of his appetites. LeVayans reject this suppression as not only fundamentally flawed, but useless.

While that has quite a bit of merit to it, what OP is talking about is not at all the same thing as man as a willful animal, but rather existence itself. What OP is supporting is essentially Advaita Vedanta, a form of Hindu philosophy. The same philosophy can be seen in Taoism (which is where I stumbled across it) and some strains of Buddhism, though Buddhists deny that the self (Atman) even exists.


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>other who knew as I do that we're basically all dead here.
could you tell more about this? I´m freaking here because of this fucking mind reading site


I am not permitted to do so at this time. I even had to get permission just to post this in here.


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*tips occult fedora*


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Dude, how does it feel to use so many words and not point out the obvious:



merge these 2 quartets and get yr freakin' answer

perceived reality=partially virtual b/c partially penetrated by consciousness

real reality=only consciousness

only 1 out of the 4 components of the being is 100%real, the immortal one which is an expression/manifested trait of consciousness



Bull shit.


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care to elaborate, sherlock



I care not to elaborate.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

HA this is more like the end of the rabbit hole. Or rather it's what you realize when you jump down the rabbit hole and light speed and break on through to the other side; happens commonly on acid.

This duality of infinity and unity is the most fundamental 'truth' of this illusion of a reality that we live in. To even perceive or have any sort of experience there needs to be at least two things, when the 'true reality' is that there is only one thing which is nothingness. The duality is like a ying yang but the whole circle is nothingness/unity divided infinitely to create reality.

People who think this is solipsism seem to be incapable of perceiving anything outside of their superiority complex aka through the lens of egotism.

So yea seems legit. But knowing the most ultimate truth kind of defeats the purpose. In all it's perfection god realized it never experience growth or anything really and so got really bored then decided to forget it was god and divide itself to have this dream (you know, like how you dream every night and your mind splits into all these different dream characters but even though it's all part of your mind including the environment, you have no idea what's going to happen).

I mean knowing what you are and why you're here shouldn't really change anything….

It's all a great cosmic game of pretending! Now get back to your MMORPG called life and get to level 99!


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>It's all a great cosmic game of pretending! Now get back to your MMORPG called life and get to level 99!

Well shit, I guess all that's left to do is play this MMO seriously and become the next Hitler.


Forgot to mention, this is less like solipsism and more like panentheism


Removing other lives would be like a tree removing perfectly good branches; just limiting potential.

But I dunno lol some people think Natsoc is really legit while other people think that Hitler was a pawn of zionism. Leave that for another thread though…



To the contrary, removing others lives would be like removing the diseased and excess branches from a tree, so that it may bear more fruit in the future and exhibit greater vigour. This is the aim of National Socialism. Chances are you're one of the degenerate anti-whites that will be purged so this is why you're afraid.



But your wrong. The aim of NatSoc is simply to preserve identity in culture. Nonwhites in a white culture would be expelled if that's what will keep their culture alive but what is essential to what culture kind of depends on the nation.

Anyways that's the general idea so you might be partaking in a specific ideology stemming from this general idea.

But holy shit don't derail this thread man, start another one. I'm not even going to reply unless you post a link to another thread


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Are you a National Socialist yourself? If not, then fuck off with telling me what the aim of NatSoc is.

NatSoc is unique for its special emphasis on RACE. It's not just culture. Pic related is what happens when people give a shit about culture only.

I myself have no culture worth preserving I only have my race.

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