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/fringe/ - Fringe

Esoteric Wizardry


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File: 1426472707324.jpg (1.56 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, image.jpg)


This is a love sigil so keep that in mind.

A ridiculous chain of synchronicities have been occurring related to this in the last couple days.

I don't want to say too much at this point.

Just please help me charge it up.

Things are going well so far.


File: 1426475811624.jpg (112.94 KB, 1200x1723, 1200:1723, 09.jpg)

sent that nigga powerful loosh. caught me at a good time


File: 1426476444701.jpg (634.81 KB, 3264x2448, 4:3, image.jpg)

Big ups, I really appreciate it.

Here, have picture that I took at a gallery today.


>Having anyone else charge your sigil
>Having strangers on the internet do it


Hey thank you.

If it were not for your post I wouldnt have realized that something else was awry.

It's all about intent and your post helped me so much.

Thank you and big ups.

I just did a phatty style ritual to counter any potential issues.

I'll tell the story for the board at some point so we can all look at the processs and talk critique and make progress.

But to expand on the OP all morally upright practitioners are invited to keep the vibes flowing.

Peace and light



bless you

stay strong niggah

you can do it

Gave H the D.


Thanks, off to work for a bit but I'll check in later.



There's only one way to charge it, you're going to have to cum onto it and post pics. It won't work unless you have a sharpie up your pooper at the same time.


I have a few other, less stereotypical, methods that I employ.

But thanks for the suggestion.

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