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Esoteric Wizardry


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Good morning fringe! I have been thinking that with all this snow melting it is time to embrace spring and grow something! Lets talk about subsidy gardens and what you like to plant, what sort of set ups you have, and if there are any gardeners that pour magic into their garden more then just mundane tending?

A garden is more then just a place to cultivate food, I believe it is also able to cultivate the soul. What are we going to plant this year?

Where I am living now we have 5 planter boxes, a raspberry patch, nice grapes and currents, and a pear tree that our neighbor never picks (love dat pear jam.)

Pic loosely related. Only garden-esk picture on my phone.


I know I will grow something but I am not really sure what. . .

I'll go pick herbs and berries and make tea when it's the time, though, but what should I grow. . .


Everything is still covered in snow and most of my garden stuff got destroyed because of neglect through the winter when it should have been brought inside.

I'm probably going to have a lot less plants this year but will tend more carefully to the few I have.

Last year I put a lot of work into my garden and got basically nothing out of it.

It's too shady here and I don't have the land.


I found a pallette and after some washing and sanding I want to turn it into a vertical garden. But the problem is I dont know if its been chemically treated or not since it was just in the trash.

I would love to plant some herbs and spices in recycled plastic bottles but not sure if itll be safe to consume.


I recently acquired a serrano pepper plant, which coupled with a small christmas cactus, comprises my entire garden. I made a talisman for the cactus, but I haven't yet tried doing magic with the pepper plant.


We had one of those and set it the correct way. Just seal the sides with plastic, wood, something. Fill with dirt and you have nice neat rows for herbs. Chances are with a pallet that is was not treated though since it would be used as… a pallet would, inside.


Grow some mint and other shit for herbal teas.
They're easily maintained and make shitty supermarket tea so much better.


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I really want to get some vegetables and things planted, I've got a good amount of land to use.

I just gotta figure out how to protect them from animals, there's either cows, deer, or gophers to contend with.



Place some poisonous plants around the edge of your garden. Human hair can be a deterrent for wild animals. You could also spray the plants down with hot pepper juice.


>I would love to plant some herbs and spices in recycled plastic bottles but not sure if itll be safe to consume.

Horrible idea. Fuck plastic.


Use chicken wire fences or other forms of fences to keep them out.

Also, killing some animals there can make all the animals afraid to go near.


I'm thinking of keeping an offering bowl next to my garden and evoking a spirit to help it. Though it might be liable to getting stolen by fairies.


You should take a peek at my garden tonight smiley. Tell me what I can do to help it improve. Offerings sound like a fine idea or even feeding faries would bring a smile.


That's because you're in Canada


I don't into psychomancy (yet) so how am I to locate your garden?


Hmmmm, I set up a beacon that should be able to be seen in the etheral realm by remote viewing.
(If you can make an astral tube down the 401 you should be able to see it from the highway, but as you said, you don't into psychomancy yet)
I'm also pretty new to this and unsure if it has faded now or not.
Past that I am not sure how I would get you to see it though.

I wouldn't worry about it too much. When it is important enough, you will see it because I will project it with enough power to do so.

Since you are here though, I have a thoughtform you will enjoy and I hope brings you strength

Joy of the gardens, a walk in the shade. comfort in solitude, not kissing the maid.

Isolation is peace, surrender the will, who can we find, up on the Hill?

Errors we make, redemption we seek, everyone together stands at the peek.


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oh oh and you should check out polyploids :^)



Carrots, peppers, tomatoes, peas, water melons, pumpkins, radishes, lettuce, and I'm letting all the wild herbs and edible weeds live.

There is more wild herbs growing in my plots than I can ever drink as tea. Gotta love that wizard tea.


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Weird that you post that, I found a polyploid grape about a month ago and instead of eating it kept it around in the refridgerator for a long time to look at it, it was really strange and I didn't know what it was called.



Looks like a GMO orange.

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