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Esoteric Wizardry


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I am really serious about this, I really want to make a demon pact and trade my soul for money how could I do it ?(Rule 2 - also holy shit what a newfag you are, you must know nothing about the occult)


Buy my books and become a living God!


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>Trading souls for money

Why do you think you need to trade your soul for money?

Why not offer a goetic demon to be its bitch for 100 years after death?


Ow so I don't need to trade my soul ? Well I'm a newbie teach me how


what books ? I just want money.



Major in business.


Need insta millions even billions in a few days..



Why the rush?

How old are you? I'm asking so
I can help you.


why not suck a million cocks?



too much time plus not gay.



Thank you.


You soul can't be traded you fucking idiot, your soul isn't a thing you just have and give away, it's your fucking mind and astral body. If you sold your soul into slavery, all you would end up experiencing is being a slave to this demon, you wouldn't even get to actually experience whatever the demon gave you to have on Earth.

Unless you set up the deal something like ( >>28099 ) in which case soon as you die, your soul will be claimed, and you will do slavery for a long period of time.

Here's the thing OP though; you have to be really fucking skilled in the occult to even do this transaction and if you had the skill needed you'd realize how damned precious your soul is and wouldn't give it up. You'd also surely have the skill to accomplish what you want without giving up your soul.

Another thing; many entities do not necessarily have a need for you soul.

Yet another fact; some entities can just take your soul from you and bring it under their control without you having to give it to them. They just fucking make you their bitch and don't give a fuck if you made a deal.

If you want easy riches and whatever, well faggot, there is no easy way. You're just going to have to become disciplined and develop yourself in the occult.

Go to the actual question thread and read the FAQ, read those books, then get started on your occult journey.

What the fuck do you need several millions or billions of dollars in a few days for? It's hard enough to get a few hundred or a few thousand dollars in a few days, nigga, you ain't ever gonna get millions or billions.

You think you soul is worth much? Your soul is probably fucking garbage. The souls of higher beings are worth far more. If you want your soul to be worth a lot, read and practise The Universal Master Key by Franz Bardon. Your soul will acquire a ton of worthy through virtue.


Because he does it for free

Kid please, 90% of this board is made of poorfags that either live with their parents, leech off the government or are the equivalent of magic-hobos. You're asking in the wrong place.


I've been told by someone that this place is serious, oh well.


Well yeah I would do that offering for a goetic demon like that guy said up there. How can I do it tho ?


Why do you need millions of dollars and fast?

Become a hitman if you want that kind of money really fast.


OP is a faggot.


I've been told you're a fedora troll or enemy occult group here for subversive purposes.


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>occult group here for subversive purposes

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