Imagine you pick up the telephone, the person speaking is your sixteen year old self, He says: "Listen, we only have a few minutes, please tell me the most important things you know about Magick." What is your answer?
Realize you exist beyond you current lower self. Read Atkinson and Bardon. Do the exercises.
>>28675get 5g dried of psylocibin, get 2-3g of strong cannabis and do them at night after a full day fast. get the kybalion and arcane teachings. work out.
>>28676Pleb detected
My god you people are so fucking lame… Bardon and the Kybalion are freemasons… Jewish puppets… The kybalion is a joke full of half-truth philosophical ramblings meant to ensnare the weak of mind into believing they understand the universe.
I'd tell my 16 year old self to stop everything else he's doing and start practicing and studying yoga.
I'd let him know that if he does this, its essentially making up for 10 wasted years that went by in my timeline. I'd also quickly teach him kriya yoga, and a better system of meditation than the one he's doing now. Maybe point him towards some important text to start on, etc..
I would probably tell him the same things mentioned above, that is, read and practice Bardon and Atkinson and start yoga. Tell him of Robert Bruce. I would also recommend him to change his diet and stop masturbating (I stopped when I hit 18).
>>28686Are you the one who criticized the book recommendation picture? I think I asked you to show some better books if you happen to know any, please.
>>28688What's this better system of meditation, may I ask?
Grow up and do Yoga, kid.
>>28686Yea, dunno why moderners still have such a hard on for The Kybalion. "God is mind, which is actually spirit, which is undefinable and creates universes cos not telling!". Bardon smoked, died eating pig and his system is just Tantra Yoga for westerners.
>>28675All you need to know about magick is that
it isn't real. Here are the lottery numbers.
>>28691Sorry, wasn't me. For the book recommendations, do you mean the fringe reading list, or the mega upload?
Umm… Mouni Sadhu and his trilogy: Concentration, Samadhi and Meditation are pretty fuckin beast. The books force you to procure physical, telekinetic results to move on. They will shit on the weak, and promote growth in the strong. (so more than half this board is SOL lol)
Also Raja yoga is pretty legit. Translates to "path of the kings".
>>28691Back when I was 16 I was all about zen buddhism, so I used to practice their zazen style of meditation. The one that I refer to as the "better" system is called "systematic meditation". Its taught in the himalayan tradition of Yoga.
I personally find it more effective since it provides a framework for understanding and deliberately moving through the different layers of our awareness and consciousness. Instead of sitting quietly and waiting to be introduced to the centre point of existence, it gives you a road map on how to get there! Here's where you can learn about it, I won't try to re-explain the whole thing: No.28703
>>28697That helps a LOT! Thank you so much!
>>28695Too bad Mouni Sadhu's books are hard to get in pdf form. Literally the only one I can find is of Concentration. Might you have any to share?
And I won't have money to buy the others for at least 3 monthsStill, I fail to see what you might dislike of Bardon's work when it's not considered the only thing to use and learn from.
"Don't be lazy, learn it yourself"
I tell him;
We live in a mental universe, go read all of William Walker Atkinson and Franz Bardon's books and the site, and unfold your higher astral faculties further.
My sixteen year old self didn't know shit about the occult. I got into this only like 2 years ago. Only things I knew back then were from personal experience of the astral but I barely had the terms of understanding to really make sense of it. I have notes from back then still (or maybe I was 17 then) which talk about a "dreamscape" because I didn't know the term "astral planes".
I also would tell my 16 year old self to stop being an atheist fucking fedora and read The Kybalion to learn about the true god.
>>28694>you get a call from your past 16 year old self>you tell him magick isn't real>all the while, you are doing magick, to do thisFedoras; not even once.
>>28675Why the collective fucking boner for Bardon? Seriously, his shit is mediocre at best. Fuckin jews influencing people who think they can see…
>>28722The Universal Master Key is BASED AS FUCK.
Deal with it.
File: 1426982462781.jpg (19.99 KB, 441x311, 441:311, Stop Picking on Franz Bard….jpg)

Leave Franz Bardon Alone!
>>28723I could learn more about the universe from jacking off to midget porn than reading that book again…
>>28739You have never read it before once you fucking fedora.
>>28697Cool, thank you. I have been doing Anapanasati only, so this should be promising.
>>28751>all of the implicationsLOL some wizard you are. Goes to show what Bardon fangirls are like.
>>28688Do you have any good books for/information on kriya yoga? I Read about it in Autobiography of a Yogi but alas I could not find much in my searches online for it.
>>28852I hadn't found the Samadhi book before, thank you kindly.
Read the Stellar Man. Stop fapping. Don't stop astral projecting. Work out and do energy work.
>>28697Thanks for that site bro, needed it.
there are seven laws which impose themselves upon nothing to span out infinity for forever and that is the bases of your existence and everyone elses which why we are one and if you want to get ahead in any desires that is our life reason to be here interpose laws on laws the bend reality to our will
>>28853Sure, download the three part PDF at this site:
>>28863And also get a hold of a copy of this book by J.C. Stevens called "Kriya Secrets Revealed Fourth Edition Lessons and Techniques Workbook". There's a few extra practices that Ennio Nimis doesn't have in his PDF, and a few things that J.C. Stevens doesn't have in his book, so its best to have both of them.
I got in touch with a third Kriya practitioner/scholar who owns this little site: and he supports Ennio Nimis's PDF's as being accurate. And the J.C. stevens book mostly agrees with both of them also.
With three different sources supporting the same system of Kriya techniques, its safe to say that we've got a pretty good handle on how to practice. The good thing about "Kriya secrets revealed" is that he includes the techniques taught by Yogananda's Self Realization Fellowship, as well as a few others. Not because they're authorities or anything, but just so you can see what people in those organizations are taught.
>>28870One more thing to note.
There are different versions of Kriya techniques floating around out there. The system shown in these materials I mentioned are "classical", meaning they try to get as close as possible to the practices that Lahiri Mahasaya taught. The ones taught by Yoganada's SRF's, other lineages, even Lahiri's own grandsons, might be different.
>>28870How far are you in that book or your practice? I have it, but I believe this book is better: No.28927
>>28882I've heard good things about swami nityananda, but I don't know much about him. The practices are what's important in books like these, what are some of the differences you've noticed?
I added kriya to my practice just this last October or so, so I'm still working with the first "level" of the techniques, but I've had a lot of positive experience with them. Since I've had a lot of time to focus in the last few months my practice has gotten solid and steady.
Haven't gotten too far into it yet, but it has 250+ pages of theory, which I believe is quite useful, but I suppose you won't like much. I'm hesitant to go too far into that workbook without Guru.
>>28948Lol I don't have anything against theory! The reason I said the practices were important in books on kriya is because the underlying theory is the same foundation of yoga knowledge that all forms of practice are built on. It is important to have a solid grounding in the knowledge and theory, but with books on kriya it's important to know exactly what techniques they use.
Remember that lahiri mahasaya himself stated that one should not avoid practicing on account of not having a guru. The principle of guru is not a human being it is a guiding force which draws us nearer to God and truth, but it does work through adepts and teachers. We're living in a time of guru-drought. There's just not that many true masters around these days, it's our responsibility to be good students, practitioners and yoga scholars, and to do the best we can with what's been made available to us.
Guru's are important, but even those known as some of the best guru's (lahiri and swami sivananda) downplayed their importance, and denounced guru worship.
>>28956Ok "downplayed their importance" wasn't a good choice of words, a better way of saying it is that most respected teachers taught that not having a proper guru didnt mean liberation and samadhi wasn't possible, and that a human teacher wasn't the end all be all of the spiritual path.
Guru's are a tricky thing, good ones can help you more than any practice or book ever could, bad ones promote spiritual helplessness and dependence.
>>28956Haven't seen him say that, rather something opposite. I believe he accepted Krishna as the Supreme, who guided him in his mind, and it is said in Kriya Secrets Revealed that those of true spiritual advancement understand that He is the Oversoul of us all and that we are Krishna. How does an impersonalist react to this?
Why does the lack of Gurus on this planet matter much? Gurus can manifest in various ways when the student is ready.
I would at least like to get guidance from my unconscious in dreams or on the astral before doing the more advanced techniques frequently.
>>28962If I could remember where I read that quote from him I would tell you, but that is something that he said.
And the form and ideal of Krishna is only an aspect of the divine. If anyone says that Krishna is the supreme and that we are all Krishna, it means that's how they choose to relate to it. You can't limit the absolute within one form or one name, but you can relate to it and perceive it as such. What about those who say brahma is supreme, or shiva? Or the divine mother? Or those who say the supreme has no attributes at all? In a way, they are all correct in their perception.
One of the greatest Bhakti yogi's Sri Ramakrishna said that those who worship the absolute with form, and those who worship without form are both only seeing things in part, that the absolute is both with form and without form. "The paths are many, but the truth is one."- Swami Sivananda
I'm sure lahiri did feel that way about Krishna, but you have to make the distinction between one's personal relationship with the divine, and the truth.
I think we agree on the guru principle, I was mistaken and thought that you meant you were waiting for a physical guru.
Plenty of people have poor funds of knowledge and slurp up misinformation on a large manner of topics. I personally don't subscribe to the le love and light 'everyone is right in their own special way :^)' approach, rather the 'we live in an age where stupid people spout wrong opinions at every turn and very few people are completely correct'.
I'm sure Lahiri would have been thinking about Krishna when he chose his death, so he could attain Him, rather than thinking about something with no attributes or 'everything' so he could attain 'Truth'.
Many 'great' Yogis attain Brahman, but slip back into the material world. Instead of arguing about something that has been debated for a very long time and derail this thread, I will suggest you read Srimad Bhagavatam, it may enlighten you more that I am able to here.
>>28985I won't comment on that quotation because I doubt the reliability of its source. Let's just end this arguing lol.
And I think you misunderstood me, I didn't mean to say that a devotee of Krishna is wrong in their worship, I meant that it's a relative, personal thing. Ramakrishna focused on the divine mother at the time of his death, lahiri mahasaya focused on Krishna, and a vedantist or a yogi who preferes God without form would focus on that, none of them are wrong.
I'll get around to taking a look at Srimad Bagavatam soon, I recomend you read Vasistha's Yoga, it might enlighten you more than I can here as well.
>>28998Indeed, we are among the few members of the dedicated Yoga master class on this board, so no need to argue, rather share knowledge.
I am not some stuck up Krishna devotee btw, I have a Shiva statue and I chant His glorious mantra often. I have far too many books to get through as it is, but I will try to give that book a read soon, thanks.
>>29028The egotistical circlejerks keep this board running in circles. Stop talking about what you are, those posts are pointless. Only post to promote growth, to destroy stagnation, and to create. If you were a real 'master' you wouldn't have talked about your own ability, even once.
Fuckin plebs…
>>28852These two are easy to find. Anyone got Sadhu's Meditation?
>>29071Tell that to the board owner lol. I don't see how posts discussing our beliefs are pointless, as it can promote growth among other things. What's the difference between promoting growth and "destroying stagnation"? Every post I make is a creation.
I have not claimed to be a "real master" nor have I talked about my ability in this thread.
Then you go on to call me a 'pleb' like a 4channer and imply superiority over me. Pretty poor post overall, I suggest deletion tbh.
Fuck off, who are you to ask me this and do you have any pussy currency in return?
Your thoughts are your reality, learn to master them. If you choose the side of Good, NEVER underestimate the Dark side. It seems that everything is based on that conflict between positive and negative forces. It's the basis of all of our stories. You can read all you want, do yoga, meditate etc (and you should) but the main thing to remember at all times is The Law of Attraction, and Manifestation. If we want to master our own lives, this is all that matters, learning to focus on the things we want, and not the things we don't.