I think there is a way we can re-order this failing race we were born into. We can create a new race to rise out of the ashes and shame of the mundane-Boomer generation who ruined our civilisation.
If we are wizards, then we are progenitors of the mental forms which come to be the architecture of more dense men's minds. We are fire to their earth. That doesn't just happen by invisible influence. It also happens by us crafting mental constructs and measurably propagating them.
Right now this board is too mundane. We talk about techniques and methods and almost border upon the mundane-boomer pseudo-occult which a few idiots from our parents' generation generated. We almost border onto the whole disinfo sideshow for middle-class hobbyists that started with Theosophy the Golden Dawn, and spawned out into the endless and impotent public spirituality of today.
But /fringe/ always had a foot in something beyond that. We always had people who saw the real esoteric structure of society. Who were at the level of insight of real initiates, but who had been thrown overboard by the generation in which a real initiate would have become an upper degree Mason or similar.
We sit here, talking 'esoterically'. Meanwhile, we are in a society and generation that is increasingly discontented. That is being visibly ruined. Where the search for answers and what has gone wrong is more pressing, and will drive more to extremes, than ever.
We must weaponise that discontent. That discontent, and that failure, is the negative space into which magic can create. It is ideal.
/fringe/ should be an idea factory. A center of operations. An occult gate to forces beyond which pour into and remake our world. It should be frenzied, ungraspable, an overflowing geometry from beyond the mental bounds and attempts to define of uninitiated. When it is that, it becomes the occult and the trans-mundane. It doesn't just say: 'it's real guys, believe us. Fedoras are too dumb to see'. It is.
The reason /fringe/ is ideal for that is because our people's civilisation has failed. The white race has failed. We have lost our societies. We have lost to another tribe (you know who). What has to be created now has to happen at the level of the family. And so the fringes of society, where the discontented with some potential will be drawn to, is an ideal place to seed new forms outside of present civilisation's structures.
NRx and National Socialism and all of these other solutions which are trying to gain a foothold in people's discontent are PUBLIC. They deal with PUBLIC society and its direction. What we need to realise is that the public has failed. Just look at them. At your parents generation. At our peers. There is no saving them. There never was. The Volk are a lost cause. They betray. They destroy. They profane. Just because we are not in a socially established elite, that does not mean we turn to them like National Socialism does, or think some solution to do with their behaviour is the answer, like Neoreaction or Marxism do.
We have to only work with the people who can see at a higher level. And what do we do with them? Get them doing meditation and a bit of magic? Get them in some ideological sect? That's all useless.
We have to weaponise our own extremity and loyalty to something more. Each one of us who sees more has to build a tribe. A family. An new kind of human lineage. One that is also an esoteric order. We do this. We make a different world with all that is under our power. We don't perpetuate the public-oriented child-rearing that has failed before the tribalism of another people. We do this, making a far more beautiful and conscious tribalism than the world has seen. And until we have the means to start doing it, we plan.
If we do this, we begin to build a answer to the failure of the white race to the Jews. Its outbred and liberal tendencies allowed it to be hijacked. We will be the portion of the race capable of turning the technological, creative spirit of European man towards the task of technologically engineering a new form that overcomes the flaws that led to the current situation.
If we propogate this European Tribalism, we can go far. NRx could be dominated by this. /pol/ could become dominated by this. Right now it's torn between useless, impotent old ideologies and conservatism. It draws people to that. We need to seduce the portion of /pol/ and many other places who could become part of something more.
But it doesn't matter if there aren't that many of us. One line/tribe with amazing education and loyalty naturally rises to the top. So this is going to happen. It's just a question of whether you and your line will be a part of it. Or whether you'll commit what the gnostics saw as the greatest sin: unconscious breeding and rearing.
And we are happy that degeneracy and economic hardship thin the stock of the rest of the race. That they'll drive a few more to our solution. That's perfect. In the time of fake prosperity, potential was blocked and stupidity protected.
An Esoteric Order that is also a tribe, a race, a new incarnation of humanity. The public could never be drawn into something that amazing. So we have to separate out discontented and visionary minds from the public and get them building something outside of the public sphere. Every man becomes a progenitor of a new tribe. Or, a strain of THE new tribe.
Our order can be all about models for how to build such a tribe, how to truly make it something more, how to build a model of loyalties and functioning which reaches into the occult and the beyond and greatness.
This kind of creation is the true magic. Magic stays kind of isolated and unfulfilled until it spills over into becoming the genesis of a people. This is how we take the beauty we sense in the best of our people and build a new world with it. That is the highest Wizardry, and we'll stay mundane until that is how we're living and relating to one another.
This Order can work by MODELS of clan and rearing. Each can propogate/push a model of how to construct clans. These models can compete. And they succeed or not by convincing individuals to adopt and use them or not.
This is a thousand times superior to the directionless battering by information and ideology most subject ourselves themselves to on the internet today.
Then you can gear all of your activities towards attaining the skills, knowledge and mastery neccessary to actually do this. To be an inspiring model to your clan. To break the chains and cycle of the past and of the sleeping lineage of your ancestors.
-Most of our women and inspiration-needing types are not won over by pol or similar. And this isn't just stupidity on their part. A lot who could be utterly essential are put off by the actual ugliness and imbalance in places like pol. But, at the same time, they won't have had their compassion and open hearts completely won over by SJWs and similar, because they'll sense SJWs are not really all they claim to be. Anyway, if you SHOW them a higher model of being, they will come to you.
In the times of hardship ahead, if you BE the strength, they'll come to you and adopt your model. This is why economic hardship and social breakdown are perhaps the best possible things for the future of our people. They'll drive people back to family structures. We, with the conscious intent to build a new model, can see that coming and make the most of it to forge new traditions to last and propogate the heart of our race over Aeons.
To do that, we need balance. Successful societies and clans are built upon balance, guilds, roles, breadth. We need heart and compassion and beauty to inspire the more heartful. Most on /fringe/ are more like the warriors and hawks of a clan. Most who we could get to be conscious progenitors of clans will be of the same type. We have to transcend our own characters.
>>28796very inspiring write up brother. i enjoyed it.
I agree on the part with women. Too many guys saying "women are so fucking stupid, why dont they like me" blah blah blah but I've found with these guys there is usually a big flag that something is "off" with them.
As a nordic male who not just believes in the values of our ancestors, but LIVES THEM as well, I get eyefucked constantly by women. Do you think women really prefer these hipster pussies or these Swag tatooed degenerates wearing those "OBEY" shirts? Lol. and the ones that do, who cares they aren't the kind of person you would want to be with anyway.
One should soon realize when they live out our beliefs women have a natural attraction to it. our ideology is that of Mother Nature herself. Just remember to live what you preach. Being anti-degenerate, but jacking off to jew produced porn every day is contradictory and will show in your character. Every action you make has an effect on you.
>>28800True. Of course women have different tendencies of character. But it does seem to be the weak who need to really denigrate them and insist that they conform to some limited stereotype.
Really, they embody some virtues we don't. And are as variant and individual. The best among them are souls/have esoteric aspects to their character as strange and individual as ours on fringe. I think it's always been the European way to recognise those virtues and to respect and honour.
You have to live on your path, right. You do that and everything begins falling into place. The same goes for children with that. They won't follow you unless you're for real.
That's why I think we on /fringe/ could be doing so much more. Do we really want another race? Do we really want the truly occult and beyond? Wizardry on the scale of Aeons and races? Or do we want to just post some esoteric stuff and talk like we're real, when in the real world we're bound by the mundane and serving Boomer society?
I've been thinking of something similar.
The state of Eastern Europe is that most are atheistic and aimless, only wanting a job and money, enjoying their "democracy" and voting for either pro-Europeans or pro-Russians, or for "nationalists" in name only. Their mindset is lacking anything long range or anything beyond the mundane, there is no Will to be found.
So what of it? They are downright waiting to be animated, for they're previous "core" has been taken from them, and no mundane solution would give results.
The more I practice, the more I want to reshape the wider society around myself. To acquire "allies" in the strictest sense that could be formed into powerful wizards themselves and that would help perpetuate the goal. A wider group of tribe oriented people that would have the perpetuation of their own in their highest most quality as the main goal. And within it another, smaller group, with the goal of magical empowerment of themselves and the wider group, with the eventual goal of "mastery" becoming an automatic and ingrained thought that children are taught from birth that needs to be done.
Women are wonderful, indeed. They are "softer" in a sense. You cannot expect them to have to deal with the unwholesome reality that you need to drive away the "lesser" and destructive elements of a potential society and protect yourself from those that would do you harm, in some cases, with fatal means. They most strive in improving the group cohesion and making it more comfortable when the harsh circumstances have been removed by man.
In /fringe/ I mostly see the people that will help me get closer to achieving this. Some like minded, some from which to learn. Brainstorming would be definitely useful.
We've discussed of forming a "monastery" for Fringe wizards.
A physical community would be interesting.
I read up until the point where you speak of lineage propagation and tribe creation.
I have too many instances of synchronicities speaking of contraction and consolidation to think it something of passing and no consequence.
But enough to where I realize it as something that represents but one motion, one pathway.
I do believe that it will be something of complete varied brilliance to outdo any immediate conception of need or action.
One of many, aye cera cera …
>>28808Uhuh. Have fun.
See, think about an enlightened alien race. A truly advanced civilisation.
Do they ignore breeding? No, the entire fabric of their race has woken up and become a kind of electric weaving of currents of consciousness through generations, awake to itself.
From common society, individual men can awaken, to an extent. And then the exoteric comes to dilute their esoteric insights, and humanity's unchanged habits continue generating the conditions of history.
And then there are a few aristocrats who are awake to lineage, and maybe have esoteric knowledge, and they rule, and care about this.
And the public's lineages sleep. And a few rise, and might even create their own lineage. But the race sleeps.
If humanity is to really go to the stars, its racial/ancestral/intergenerational consciousness has to awake to itself like Aristocrats' do.
So why don't I just concern myself with Aristocrats? Becuase there's something creative and special across the classes of European man.
Who will take us to the stars? Western men post-Reformation have been the one who created the most technology and had the most Faustian spirit. But as we've seen, their social/breeding model fell apart. So they need to apply their technological spirit to that.
We can have our insights, post our posts, be 'esoteric' individuals. And the race will sleep.
Or we can begin actually developing the linage, the fabric of intergenerational consciousness, the weaving that will spread out into the 5th dimension and beyond.
Over time, coherent tribes and lines beat out individuals. The long success of Aristocracies and the success of Jews over Western civilisation shows that.
I really think the awakening of the individual is not that great until he's reached the level where it spills out over into his ancestors and fellows. That is where ruling clans are born. That is where future star-faring races are born. That is where a kind of people who could never be corrupted as modern society has corrupted the lumpen masses of the West are born.
If we use Spengler's model of Civilisation, there's another factor to consider:
This Aeon is drawing to a close. With a potential unfulfilled. It's reaching the Winter phase, in his model. The Faustian urge to go beyond, which created our technology, will go into a seething and occulted state like the 'Magian' spirit which infected Faustian civilisation did.
We can use that. We can weaponise that. We can take the Faustian spirit and the move towards family and clan values that naturally comes in the Winter phase of economic hardship at the end of a civilisation. And we can turn it into a conscious, directed esoteric current that will manifest across aeons.
Each one of us can do this, simply by deciding to generate a conscious family line. By building, in our own lives.
And then individual awakenings will happen in the context of an unfolding process of transformation upon the race as a whole.
This seems like real awakening and magic, to me.
>>28804Welcome on-board. I think we share the same essential aims.
Sure, let's brainstorm in this thread.
My aim here is to create a kind of distributed mental form which can be spread around fringes to attract the relevant individuals. It needs to be broadly purposed enough to attract people and relate to mental forms they currently think they're interested in, and deep/seductive enough to bring out their full potential for applying this. So, it needs to inspire them enough to get them to actually do this in their own life.
As you implied we need layers:
-An esoteric form for wizards.
-And a slightly more general form for what Plato would call 'silver bloods' or spirited people/warriors. Basically, a tribal form to replace idiocies like NRx and nostalgic Hitlerism and SJWism in the minds of discontented young people.
I agree with you OP. Not too long after the great purge this board has seemed to be steadily declining in any quality. This could possibly be due to the new members we've managed to accumulate or some shitposters having their jollies.
I advise all other wizards to start improving fringe in their own way. When everyone puts work in that means a better board for all.
Help the neophytes asking their questions. Create that thread you've always wanted to discuss. The time to start acting is now. We don't need to waist any more time.
Improve the quality and educate the newcomers. Let's rebuild this board!
>>28806Certainly. Our physical environment and how it is ordered is so important. Why wouldn't we want it to reflect our highest concerns and involve the people we have most brotherhood with?
That's how the most powerful people do it.
For now though, lots of ways of doing that would fall apart. I think the thing with the best chance of succeeding would be for individual Wizards wherever they are to begin building a clan around themselves, or planning for it.
They can network. And build mental/magical forms encouraging the relevant people in our generation to do the same.
And maybe out of that networking, and that stable distributed structure, some will begin to move to live near one another, maybe in rural regions where their families are close. So that closer bonds can begin to form.
What we certainly don't want to do is have some 'house' or 'organisation'. That would be a transitory unstable form that would fall apart, just like every commune falls apart.
>>28817Yes, /fringe/ was truly inspiring when I first found it.
We can be the ancestors of future star-faring, awakened, dimension-crossing beings. We just have to start taking the actions that would really lead to that. Why waste our time in this strange, limited world on anything less?
The mundane is an illusion. A persistent illusion. We all know the magical is what's truly real. So we can built it out into reality. /fringe/ and our brothers here are an amazing way to do that and remind ourselves.
Things we need to work out:
-Models of education. Obviously home-schooling. Unless you're sending a son to an elite school for social connections, you're anathema if you send a child to brainwashing camp.
More to come. Please, everybody who wants, brainstorm with me.
-Mythos: we need stories, names, images to make the intent of this coherent in people's minds for a long time. Some will be creative enough to see the importance and generate their own mythos for their family etc. Others, we need to generate it for them.
-Rituals and groundings. Activities and rituals people can engage in to fill this intent out into their life. And more mundane forms that can cluster around this in their mind to support it.
-Destruction of opposition. Skilled rhetoricians should make sites/posts attacking the errors and shortcomings in NRx, SJW, public-focused NS. It can in a subtle way, pretending to be one of them. The point is just to cast a wide net and draw in the relevant individuals. It's easy to make enough noise to do that.
-The transhumanism question. What if it all goes transhuman and we have no levers of power left because of robot armies, or are even outmoded genetically? Answer: might happen. So some of us need to get wealthy, and we need to gear this ethos towards seducing the wealthy young people who share this spirit and probably realise they'll never really be at the top because of other/older families and tribes who don't share their spirit.
-How to create Esoteric connections? Ritual.
Blood magic rituals for wizards. A blood magic dedicated to the unfolding of our racial potential out into a hyperdimensional structure of loyalty and fidelity and beautiful creation, across aeons.
Perhaps the entry rite to this whole process of creation, a sign that somebody is choosing to generate their own clan/family, can be by a basic blood magic rite. This has to be constructed so that faith can be had in it. So people know it's not to some parasitic esoteric order feeding on them. That's a type of blood magic that would fuck with the people in the order for a long time, anyway. Something encoding pure intent and fraternal love.
-Overstructure: whatever mythos somebody is attracted to is ok. Whatever particular family structure. So turning this mental form/Order of ours into something as adaptable and virally mutable as it can be, whilst still propagating European tribalism.
-A seductive/overwhelming intellectual model and vision of history is attractive. Spengler's cycle and the move to family tribalism is a start. The move away from the state to something deeper is a start. The move towards a hyperdimensional end-point/starfaring future is one seduction, of a kind more attractive to esoteric or fringe types.
A Mythos of Blood
Blood, the deepest bond.
Our aim is the creation of a structure which propagates where society and institution have failed. Society and institution failed because of the actions of another tribe, bonded by another blood. Our institutions operated on a kind of trust and openess which could not remain coherent in the face of their tight coherency and deeper bonds.
Our institutions, abstracted as they long have been from roots and clan and people, where leveraged and taken from us. Used to control us. They were abstracted enough from our people that we could not maintain a grasp over them, but bound up with us enough that they could bind us.
The solution is not an economic model, or ideology, which returns control of abstracted institutions, through more reliable abstracted mechanisms, to an abstracted 'public'.* The solution is to shed abstractions, volk, and public and to return to truer, deeper bonds of the kind which won out over us.
Our race? Our race is a slave race. Creative, brilliant and compassionate, at its best. But a slave race all the same. It was fooled by its own aristocrats for centuries, then by an invading tribe, and now by a general haze of abstractions and institutions and whoever it is that can get a hold over them, leverage them, and buy its cheap, stupid loyalty.
So we shed our race, and carry its potential forward into a new structure, that corrects its errors. A new Order of Being, bound by blood.
Why not let those who are winning now continue to, if they have proven themselves superior? Not out of pure animal self-preference. Because there is something beautiful and with ultimate potential that lies waiting in the heart of our people. Tangibly, you can see it in all that we created over the past few hundred years, and in our dream of freedom and endless progress towards the stars. In its truer form, we just feel it and know that it is there. That striving towards some real, manifest ultimate that we find mirrored in no other people. They might want God, or ascendance, and have their ways towards these. But they don't seek to truly create, via technology, worlds. That's what we want, and our hearts are open, so we want our worlds to be beautiful and full and loving and woven from threads of wonder.
Those of us who have seen the failure and know what's happening in the world could let this potential die. We could accept defeat. Or we could take it and withdraw it from investment into the gameboard it lost on: society and institution. Withdraw it, and bind it back in upon itself again and again, turning its loyalty and love inwards into itself, and its technological genius back upon its own structure, not leveraged towards the ends of its enemies via economic slavery.
Turn back in upon yourself; build a clan, a family, a tribe. Plan for generations, centuries, aeons. Integrate technology into the very core of your line's being and habits of life, making it itself a technologised form of being, designed to unweave and reweave the fabric of reality. We do this, and this world we're in now will one day be a weak and distant echo compared to the worlds our creative spirit will be able to create on a whim.
This time has been a time of defeat. We can be enslaved by our idealism and publicism, and accept it. Or we can be the genesis of the answer. We can die with the public, or rebirth ourselves by blood, by new bonds, a new technology, a new magic.
*Both Marxist and National Socialism are based upon this mechanism.
The Lies of Ideology, Image and Common Good
There are myriad images pressing in upon you, seeking you support. Myriad idelogies and solutions which want to be animated by your life and seen as the answer to your sorrows.
In the occult: this school or that. This magic or that. This Order or that. In politics: this or that ideal ordering of the public. In society: this or that sector or profession and its image of itself and its importance relative to others. In ideas: endless.
But nothing in the public sphere wants you to withdraw from the public sphere and build on a deeper level. And the public sphere is inherently profane. Inherently falsifying, common, and not where the deepest beauties in life lie. Full of cheap and easy words, intended to dazzle. To promise. To do anything to win your attention, your efforts, your loyalties.
For centuries our people have lived with one eye upon this public sphere, entranced by its changes and its ideas and its progress. Now, many of us sit with two eyes glued to the screens it plays out upon. Our ideations bound into its, our energies leaking into its world of lies and distortions and surveillance and spectacle.
This problem affects intellectuals and the discontended especially. They seek solutions for 'society'. And, of course, there are always those read to leverage this discontent, offering a putative answer in exchange for the loyalties and energies of the dissatisfied.
If you are dissatisfied, a seeker, not in a world you find real: maybe the root isn't without, and the answer isn't without. Maybe its in the very fabric of life and epi/genetics and practices of rearing which you were generated from? And maybe you should withdraw from this spectacle, generated as it is by many such people born from a civilisation with its eyes set upon the public, and turn your eyes back upon an art and science of altering these core factors.
Forget society. Think of your clan. Don't have one? Some people do. And they're winning. And they're world-making. You're a loser. Your family are losers. Sleepers. And whatever you hold dear in your heart and vision doesn't matter, and will not come to be. Maybe you'll manifest a consolatory something, in your fleeting lifetime. And then the children of clans will live in a world emanated out from the coherent and enduring actions of their line.
Our race is losing, in this society. It is manipulated from above. Its mind is filled with trash. Its attention is scattered. Its efforts serve a system of economic slavery. If that system tanks, and it has nothing deeper, there's no guarantee it won't return to a dark age of the kind it has lived in in the past.
But if you weave a deeper structure, a deeper tradition, then the creativity and potential can be carried forward no matter what happens in the public sphere. Weave the tradition, order your clan right, and survive. This is how you make worlds over time. This is how you become the ancestor, the patriarch, the matriarch, the progenitor of future greatness. This is how you win the reverence of your descendents.
Break the cycle of sleep that your slave ancestors wrought. Take the beauty they never fully realised, turn it in upon itself, and become the beginning of a clan born from Gnosis.
>>28812>FaustianDon't get me wrong, I'm familiar with the term in the sense of the willingness to trade away something precious in exchange for power. My problem however is your application of the term.
Can you outline how the western men expressed a Faustian spirit?
What is the Magian spirit?
Hey anon I've done and seen a lot of crazy awesome magick while on /fringe/ of a very powerful nature. Not everything we talk about has to be high magick though, it's a lot of basic shit that has to be sorted out first, before you can reliably engage in higher manifestations of magick consistently.
So don't shit on the basics, it's the building blocks towards greatness, but feel free to denounce what is incorrect or leads someone away from that greatness. It is from simple and clear understandings that we can build very complicated systems, where others do not understand the basic underlying principles, they are quite lost and taking stabs in the dark.
I'm not entirely sure if you mean to say /fringe/ is stuck in the basics or if you mean to comment more on the newfigs and egalitarians and so on that keep periodically invading and bringing their Thelema/Wicca/New-Age/Mass-Spirituality/etc. shit with them that is full of outright lies and misunderstandings.
The way personally I think of magick for myself lately is I keep using basic symbols like spirals, points, circles, lines, and flowers…
I think right now pretty much every day of "unfolding".
Unfolding enables pretty much everything to be done. People sometimes ask really specific questions about how to do certain things but it's like moving your arm only they don't have active astral senses so they just don't get it. You have to unfold and then you can just DO a lot of things simply by an act of the will.
I just want to leave this here as a note.
I think of myself as a flower-bud, opening up slightly, then closing back up, but one day the flower will open fully… and night will be day, and waking will be dreaming, and many other opposites will be resolved into their underlying unity… and one day even later the flower petals will fall off and be shedded, no longer needed, and some greater form yet will emerge in the process.
>>29036You missed the point, friend. The point is to create something.
I don't care how anybody got here to engage in this creation. It doesn't matter whether they also do magic on other levels. The question is whether they want to engage in something on the level of races and world, or leave that to others.
>>29037I like that, thanks. Feel free to unfold this way if you'd like. There is more that can be done with our race and world.
>>28864It's from Spengler.
Civilisations are organisms. They have a life cycle. The Western one started c. 1000 A.D and is approaching its early Winter phase now.
The Magian was the Arabian-Islamic-Semitic civilisation of the middle east which was around for near to a millenium before that, crossing over with the end of the Graeco-Roman one.
Of course there are other continuous and overlapping historical processes with these life forms, on different time cycles.
But the idea is that each c. 1,200 year long civilisational being has an acausal, or spiritual, character. Some world it draws forth.
Spengler's 'Decline of the West' maps out this life-cycle beautifully, with such massive explanatory power. It was huge in Germany and all of Europe before the war, but become unpopular after because it's German and not left-leaning and progressively optimistic.
If the spirit of a civ is supressed from expressing and flowering into a full form of itself by the overbearing forms of another civilisation already in existence, the spirit gets seething and malignant and intense.
The idea is that the Magian– via Christianity and Jewry– came into our civilisation with that kind of intensity, after itself having been suppressed for its first several hundred years by overbearing Roman Imperium.
Its spirit is different from ours.
Ours is Viking, individualist, striving into the beyond. Faustian means striving ever onwards into some infinity beyond. Our whole mathematics and science and world picture expresses this spirit.
We're the only ones to map the whole world, climb mountains just because they're their, sail across the oceans out of curiosity. The only ones to seek an actual non-mythological history stretching back millions of years, to penetrate reality to a sub-atomic level, to technologise. And there's the occult aspect of that as well. Much of semitic Kaballah and such, in its modern form, developed as influenced by its proximity with this.
Until recently, the whole civlisation felt this spirit in its sense of 'infinite progress' that would go ever onwards. 2008 changed that. But that sense was just a later, materialistic manifestation of the inward sense which our civilisation had in its youth, and which drove and seeped through all of its mathematical and scientific and technological systems and experiences.
There are a few senses in which this infinite striving is Faustian:
1) Faust is a scholar who tires of all the fields of conventional knowledge out of this striving impulse, and seeks the occult beyond
2) Our technology, a product of this striving, in a sense also compromises and destroys us. Our created world from this striving become a prison itself. A curse, or burden.
3) Such striving is inherently tragic. It can never really fulfill itself. It always seeks beyond, further, but is kind of like an inherently empty energy pattern just churning life experience through itself to fulfill its own hunger.
Anyway, that's my very poor rendition only. To see how the concept is actually ingenious and explanatory, Spengler's 'Decline of the West' read alongside Goethe's Faust is the source.
The potential application is that we ourselves have been infiltrated/altered over the course of our civilisation, and certainly haven't reached the potential of our spirit. So, magically, that dissatisfaction can be leveraged to alter the future and have forms continue being generated for centuries to come.
I am well aware this will appear as shitposting to some, and to others it is offensive for other reasons. But, from my view at this moment, it is between the race of Enlil (good, excellent blue pilled goy) and us, those of the blood of Enki.
I am certain Enki is Odin, Marduk is Thor, Inanna is Freya.
Deny it, but dont discount my view. Remember where intelligent civilization began for the west. This was not a freak occurance, and what sparked live between the rivers did venture about the earth doing this. Here is a book from before even WW1. puts to question of the Finnish connection to Mesopotamia. While this could be scoffed at if one thinks in a more recent historical sense, but think further back, BC timeline.
The kikes stole the secrets of old, and altered the history as well to conceal the source of their "wisdom". Fuck them, fuck them to hell. The shit they hide is our key No.29905
>>29905What has caught your eye?
>>29902Wow, synchronicity. OP here.
I just stumbled across a Racialist theorist talking about Enki and Enlil yesterday. He was saying that the black nobility and, essentially, all those occult initiated traced themselves back to Enki and Poseidon. i.e. that they saw themselves as descended from the 'revolting' faction of heaven.
I don't think that fits your theory. But it coming up twice is interesting.
I'm certainly of your inclination as to not being one with the good goy or the general mass of whites as backed by people like /pol/. I think there's a faction within us that have the power and the Luciferian (possibly wrong word) drive to overturn and recode reality.
Jews have their own machinations and revolutionary impulses, of course. But we're very different from them. We want to create worlds with our revolution. Not bind all into a machine system of disgusting sycophantic scarcity.
Any more info on your ideas would be very welcomed.