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Esoteric Wizardry


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File: 1427209101888.png (91.89 KB, 510x510, 1:1, chart2.png)


What can fringe tell me about my astro chart?


That you're a stubborn fuck. Searching to be complete…


Why are you so upset? Take a second look.

I'm curious if you see what I see.


I am so upset. So very angsty, I'm in tears.

Your erroneous assumptions betray your ego…


Deep romantic relationships are where your heart's at.

And with the heart, in this life, lies your fate.

For you the home is a serious matter.

Strange little human



Yes but do you not see this human's strange divide?

Within is its heart and home and hearth.

But without is its occultation.

For it, it is in speech, sociality, and outward charm that the esoteric resides.

It is a bit like a cat. Homebound but mysterious, and given to strange wanderings through the night.


The Mercury in aries shows your arrogance, which was proven with your initial response. Balance the sheep, you seek to be the ram. The heavy emphases on earth signs is showing you being stuck in subjectivity lol…

>I'm curious if you see what I see.

Nobody sees what you are seeing, because you do not see objectively. You are seeing in a way that was shaped by your surroundings, and your beliefs. Maybe you need to see how we see.



Something of a superficial response, don't you think, good sir?

There's little wrong with a little arrogance. But to present your analysis of a whole living being with such pettiness, with so much bile honing in on so few of the pertinent details?

You're telling us more about yourself than him.


adjective: superficial

existing or occurring at or on the surface.

>not examing subtle psychological factors

>penetrating beyond the surface into the psyche via the chart

adjective: petty; comparative adjective: pettier; superlative adjective: pettiest

of little importance; trivial.

Isn't your comment, bashing someone who was actually doing what op /wanted/ the very definition of petty?



File: 1427237039786.png (223.51 KB, 831x730, 831:730, Screen Shot 2015-03-24 at ….png)

What about me? Any advice for my transits?


Nice trips, but seriously look harder, if you know anything you can figure out who I am. I'll even give you my initials.


Alan Harper go back to your sitcom


nope. Do you even know what the chart means?



Uh, no?

It's funny how people think that if they throw in a few dictionary definitions they can pull of the appearance of being learned.

If the OP were actually posting his chart, then people are sensitive about such things and comments about them. 'Bashing' some angry /fringe/ virgin who tried to take out his anger by attacking that vulnerability wouldn't be petty. It would be about protecting somebody's image.

As it is, the OP has made clear that he was duping us and is actually 88. So he can't fall prey to my Forer effect manipulations. Oh well.


You are very action oriented with your sun and mercury in aries (you communicate in an action oriented way, all about getting things done). With moon in sag your emotions are free-ranging and no know bounds, try to keep them in check but you probably experience emotional heights most dont know. You also have uranus, neptune, and saturn in capricorn. Stay ambitious and keep achieving to remain satisfied. They are also in the 6th house of work so of course you are naturally inclined to the mystic aspects of reality.


File: 1427459070536.jpg (137.93 KB, 1017x815, 1017:815, astro.jpg)

Any thoughts on my chart?


You fellers don't seem to realize that, although charts can be used for pretty good divination, we still need to see the aspects to better understand shit.


File: 1427650687144-0.gif (57.43 KB, 670x471, 670:471, tmp_7049-astro_w2at_01_car….gif)

File: 1427650687144-1.gif (14.48 KB, 500x600, 5:6, tmp_7049-1120574920-206253….gif)

A piece of the puzzle is better than none.

What can fringe tell me about my chart? I have two because I was told one was easier to read.


This is strange… the charts do not match. I think the top chart's reading is more accurate. I heard one of the sites I used to get these readings gave inconsistent charts, hence having two charts.


I"m impressed you found me.

What do you think?


File: 1427685764685.png (61.78 KB, 518x514, 259:257, sdsd.png)

Forgot pic.

yours is very similar to mine.


File: 1427686600015-0.png (218.14 KB, 600x594, 100:99, sdsd.png)

File: 1427686600015-1.png (218.14 KB, 600x594, 100:99, sdsd.png)

Nearly the same except for a moon.. Perhaps we are lovers


File: 1427893692593.jpg (229.68 KB, 1200x839, 1200:839, astro.jpg)

is this better?
that's interesting


I see now, we aren't lovers but we have a birthday 2 days apart. Where are you from friend?


That's hitler's chart faggot


At least somebody figured it out.

I am Hitler reincarnate.


File: 1429254378861.png (307.84 KB, 667x624, 667:624, Astrologafsfasgf.png)

How's this?
I feel like I'm destined for greatness, like I'm a wanderer with a real mission in this life.


use astro.com for your chart. But yes your char is very interesting. Check out pathwaytoascension.com and other esoteric astrology resources to learn more about your souls duty


File: 1429266327679.png (137.29 KB, 807x799, 807:799, Astroyeahmanfuckyou.png)

Okay, so this is the true thing, with real time of birth.
I'm capricorn, 18 january, but I don't really understand what this shit means.
What about Saturn?
I hate physicality, I want trascendence, reunification with the all, and just some timeless peace.
I feel like I already lived a lot of lives and learned everything there is to learn in this density.
Then, what the fuck about Saturn? The exact opposite of my values?


I'm curious, say you were born in may during the legal time at 11:00am should you put 10:00am due to the real time being that or is that already taken into account on the site itself?


File: 1429267257469.gif (103.66 KB, 748x1028, 187:257, astro.gif)

I like how busy it is


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
I am an Aryan Aquarian


depends on the site, but you should use the time on your birth cert and your location of birth


From the soul-centred perspective this is an excellent place for Saturn yet not from the level of the personality where Saturn ~falls~ the farthest. We have to take the term ~fall~ from an occult point of view as the meaning is very collective in its orientation and refers to the fact that when the sons of Mind {humanity} ~fell~ into incarnation, the Lord of Karma ~fell~ right along with us. We all certainly know this is the case, and no mater how hard we try, it is impossible to escape the Law of Cause and Effect.

Mercury as esoteric ruler of Aries, blends its energies with Saturn, allowing the Third Ray energy full access to the Messenger’s entire range of communication. The Soul-centred purpose for this position is involved with the ability to properly discipline and structure the mind for the constant birthing of new ideas. If this does not occur, problems could arise from a lack of responsibility in the proper use of mental energy. Once the right use of will accompanies the right use of mind, Saturn in Aries is an excellent position.


nice meme


File: 1430036759862.gif (51.11 KB, 670x471, 670:471, reviewplz.gif)

My want to know far outweighs my desire to just lazily pass this by.



holy shit, you're the beast


The said beast is most hungry to know more, but appreciates your kind words.


The Pluvians told me once I past being with the Reptilians I would find the Pleiadians… I have felt nothing but close to this board since I found it today, and I feel I have found the oddest of all affirmations. >>34935


File: 1430038856136-0.gif (137.67 KB, 748x1026, 374:513, astro_2gw_01_anonymous.570….gif)

File: 1430038856136-1.png (90.24 KB, 670x471, 670:471, astrochart.png)

Here is mine.


File: 1430040237063.gif (48.46 KB, 670x471, 670:471, Chart of the Witness.gif)

I have a lot of naturally occurring disharmony.

Yet, whatever ISN'T nonharmonious is very harmonious.

What do you folk think?


File: 1430094269502.png (17.85 KB, 480x640, 3:4, natal.png)

Anybody care to shed some light on mine? I have had many intriguing interpretations of it, I would be ever grateful for a good interpretation.


Not surprised to see a lot of capricorns here since its the sign of the initiate. Keep on studying to find truth


What is this chart? I had a dream in which I died. An older version of myself came to me in the dream and had something similar to this chart, and said I died because something about it wasn't right.


File: 1430123237812.gif (133.53 KB, 747x1027, 747:1027, virgo.gif)

What could it mean…


File: 1430123499926.jpg (132.75 KB, 670x471, 670:471, image.jpg)

Pretty curious about this all, what does it say?



tell me more


File: 1430148501354.gif (90.05 KB, 673x992, 673:992, 2.gif)

>>SORRY actually THIS is my real chart as it seems… i didnt knew my birthtime in first place.

i am very new to astro stuff though i am interested in nature and meditation since i am a little child… i recently found the Kybalion and it guided me here. since i read the book i felt like everything has cleared up for me (i had depressions a very long time)

can please someone clear me up on everything what my Chart actually means?

- Thanks a lot in advance!



yes… and i really would love to know much more about my past and the stars… i feel very connected to the universe and feel like i belong there somewhere



sorry im new to this kind of board, how do i know what email i should write to? i can't see any … mine is gtf-bastard@web.de (mostly old and for spam)

thanks for your help :)



i sadly still have no answer to my questions on my Astro Chart. may someone help me?


File: 1430171194651.gif (50.31 KB, 670x471, 670:471, astro_w2gw_02_kevin.78319.….gif)


here with my right birth time



you are most likely a very sensitive, empathic person. Im not too familiar with Aquarius moons but its a very detached sign so you may be distant emotionally. With that said, your cancer ascendant shows at first that you are quite sensitive to the people around you. Check out your chiron for more emotional issues you can work out. For any sort of karma issues, look at Saturn which rules the sign of capricorn and the 10th house. You have venus and mercury in the house of the subconious (12th) so there is quite a lot of energy there, you may speak unconsiously at times and you may also not understand consiously your love nature. You can find more resources out there with in depth information on each sign and house position.

this is a solid website to learn from http://members.wizzards.net/~magyan/astrology101.htm




What does it mean? GUIZE WUT DOEZ IT MEAN?


Here you all go!

Have fun!



Thank you very much for your efforts! This helped me out a little but and i will read into it further!


I accidentally put in my wrong birth time and felt far more connected to the descriptions than when I put in the correct time.

Astrology seems to be worthless.



Maybe you put the right time if your country was in light saving time when you were born. Anyway you don't know how to read your chart, not everything has the same importance.



The same happened with me. Except I didn't put in the wrong birth time but the wrong year.

However I'm not sure if astrology is worthless, there is always the chance that the people who make this things simply don't know the truth of astrology. Specially when you consider that this shit is so popular that it is in most news papers around the world daily, the chance for the true knowledge to be overshadowed by mundane thinking is too big.


Just checked this thread and… You people have complex charts, mine always just form either a straight line or something like ^



> Theory : Using the pattern in one's birth chart as a summoning circle.


File: 1439071281697.jpg (704.92 KB, 1126x822, 563:411, Natal.jpg)

Alrighty, what about this one?

I have no Idea how to interpret.



What calculator did you use to generate that?






Thanks for that.


File: 1439480756611.png (19.04 KB, 480x640, 3:4, daisy24.png)

Please read mine.


That's Adolf Hitler's natal chart fuckwits.

OP is a phaggot.


Will it be very inaccurate because I wasn't able to enter my exact birth time? Any interpretations are welcome.


File: 1440186848686.png (19.82 KB, 480x640, 3:4, dachart.png)

Look at dem squares bitches. Look at dat cusp square. Moon opposite Mars, Sun opposite Pluto.

I don't know much about reading into charts myself besides a few basics. Anyone mind analyzing mine?


File: 1440186899568.jpg (404.21 KB, 761x945, 761:945, whatamI.jpg)


Here's the chart.


File: 1440188099537.gif (140.44 KB, 748x1102, 374:551, astro_2gw_01_bantham.71852….gif)

Can someone give me a reading, please?



Some kind of homestuck shipping clock.


File: 1440188944860.gif (59.82 KB, 497x658, 71:94, astrological.gif)


File: 1440194274767.gif (78.41 KB, 776x560, 97:70, Astrologychart.gif)


File: 1440201335309.png (151.57 KB, 746x1007, 746:1007, chart1.png)

Can I get a reading?


File: 1440224663316.jpg (112.29 KB, 510x510, 1:1, cobjcdic.jpg)





>not realizing that is adolf hitlers chart



That sure was counter productive, wasn't it?


File: 1440432784879.jpg (113.84 KB, 630x840, 3:4, 10997633_805087366226632_6….jpg)


You are 19 years old, give or take a single year, not more. You are quite tall with dark blonde/brown hair. Your 20s will not be very enjoyable, but the end of your life will be. Very much so actually. As will the middle of it. You will have a minor position of power which will not be good for you.



Forget the last part.




12 is the house of self undoing. Plus his sun has fried Jupiter which means not much good things will happen to him in short. Venus in 12:th means it's week as hell. Saturn is in the 6:th house, things you dont deserve etc. bad things that happen. Mars rules it while saturn shills in it's own sign. So I think that would mean the things you dont deserve are related to time and imprisonment. Mercury is in it's own sign, but yet again in 12:th. Mercury rules 4:th house, possesions. You will probably work as some low level public servant as pices rules 10:th house with node in it. But in turn the south node goes on 4:th house so you will have a harder time to make a living.


File: 1440481773923.jpg (60.15 KB, 600x598, 300:299, IMG_20150822_104408.jpg)

If there appears anything troubling I'd appreciate knowing.


You were born on 8:th December 1995, give or take a day.



>human stuff, human stuff, your human stuff is human stuff, in your human stuff you will not human stuff much, but later on in human stuff you will human stuff.

Let's remember immortality is a choice.



How exactly does one make that choice? All the stuff about immortality I've found were all clickbait tier shit.

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