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I finished reading Life Beyond Death and proceeded with some random reading of other texts in the series.

My reading is almost done, most of the other stuff is repeats of concepts I've already read.

I think I see through the maya aspects of this lower realm in many ways and it seems the appropriate approach to this matter is to kill out the desire for the lower material things and move onwards to the higher things of spirit.

Everyone is on the path and struggling to change others and give them an accelerated push seems unnecessary.

Does the history and the future of Earth matter at all to anyone but the fool?

I don't know if I should be in so much of a rush, onwards and higher, but it seems we're living at the end of a cycle in which many souls are soon to graduate from this plane of existence altogether.

There was a quote I read about true Yogis rejecting the world but that the world does not reject them at all, it loses them.

Should it be that I am to attain perfection in this physical form only to leave no lasting legacy here and to disappear from this world? Healing my every imperfection only to caste off a perfect body?

Maybe everything has been so arranged that I am to experience immense pain for doing anything less.

I feel like I'm supposed to skip past a great many mundane things. The usual manner of acting in the world through the flesh is impotent, illusory, and inferior.

Why make companions of others from this plane who are of inferior mentality and development?

Why work for the good of others when activities in higher planes call upon you?

The only excuse I can make for lingering is that maybe I am also here for others. This can only be so if my countenance is strongly desired however. I need not stick around for those who can get by without me, or whose lowly aspirations would only serve to drag me down into the mundane.

My plan regardless of the above speculation is that I will I call upon a divine guide to make the realization of the path clear to me.

All the same I think I played out my part. I might be wrong. I just think I'm falling out of the picture or that this particular cosmic drama is soon coming to a close. It could be that all beauty and good must die out in this world in a great separation of the wheat from the chaff. All that will be left behind in this world is the degenerates who will then proceed to burn by reason of their vices. Then they will perhaps be reborn with some lingering sense of the immense pain of the spirit that has tired of the Earthly things or maybe they will continue to be degenerates for many more lives until the end of a second cycle in which they will come to see the frivolity of it all.

For some reason I feel sad about being rushed along right at this moment. I think it's because I desire to wield power blatantly in this world. I still want to make THIS world my canvas, even though it would be easier to find my canvas elsewhere. I also maybe have to renounce more things that for some reason I don't want to let go. Now that I think about it, maybe I am not renouncing them because they were placed there in my life, and I feel like my higher self set it up for me. My intuitive signal however is not clear and I get the impression that holding on may cause stagnation where the imperative to evolve and move on to higher spheres of activity is more important.

If I don't identify and fulfil and kill out every lingering desire for the scenes and activities of Earth life I will be forced to be reborn again in order to live and outlive those desires.

This rant will never end and I guess I'm still in a state of ignorance without my divine guide so I'll just conclude the speculation here. I should continue to pour over my books looking for any new information in them that hasn't already been covered until I am satisfied there's truly nothing new left to read and craft my infinitybook. I should then set random goals along the lines of elemental magick, advanced thoughtforming, and extreme meditations and just do them. I need to either shed all my attachment to Earth or else manifest very strongly some place here in this realm to continue mastery over matter and personality. I think I would be most happy living in a secret place, having bought by my efforts no shortage of time, and covertly leaking out into the greater mundane world things of beauty and intrigue given freely without expectation of compensation.


If men are here in the material plane in order to suffer and cultivate desires maybe we would be going against the cosmic will by creating the conditions of the astral here in this realm.

So maybe it is the case that those who have desires to reform the whole world are missing the point and failing to recognize each individual's unique path to god.

However, maybe we can let them live out their lives, while creating little secret bubbles of our own that can gradually over a thousand years perhaps spread out and transform the whole of the Earth.

Not by appealing to the masses and their sentiments but by gradual genetic and spiritual warfare, propagating our own thoughtforms, to wipe out the lower ones.

In other words; we should strive to be the Nordic aliens. Hidden from the world but acting upon it, beautiful and possessing of longevity, the mass men will doubt our existence but we will be here watching over the maturation of the race from our secretive enclaves.

All the lower souls that are here will be permitted to live out their karma but gradually we'll claim Earth as ours and those animal-like men will have to go be reborn in other worlds than here because we will conquer it all very slowly, using our influence and manipulation to upgrade the species on a genetic and spiritual level.


Although I am only a neophyte, I am hoping to leave this realm and progress higher. But before I ascend, I will do my best to leave footprints behind for other /fringe/ to follow. Every should ascend.


>Does the history and the future of Earth matter at all to anyone but the fool?

Are you not here now?

>Should it be that I am to attain perfection in this physical form only to leave no lasting legacy here and to disappear from this world? Healing my every imperfection only to caste off a perfect body?

Doesn't matter if you do or if you don't. Top boss wins no matter what. You can start by healing your gland imbalances and remove the dependency for animals in your diet so that you can live off the food the creator made for you.

>I feel like I'm supposed to skip past a great many mundane things. The usual manner of acting in the world through the flesh is impotent, illusory, and inferior.

Yet you haven't even tasted the nectar of life. Go open your heart on a hippie festival and then balance your chakras so you can open your spiritual eye.

>Why make companions of others from this plane who are of inferior mentality and development?

Because your idea of them being inferior is an ego trap that got you stuck so hard, you won't progress until you see that the person you think of as inferior is you. And thus, "catch 22", you become inferior to the next level you are trying to reach.

>Why work for the good of others when activities in higher planes call upon you?

Because if you can't do good for others, let alone yourself, regardless of plane and density, you won't do it in the higher planes. As above, so below. Start working on it here and it will be reflected on all other planes.

>My plan regardless of the above speculation is that I will I call upon a divine guide to make the realization of the path clear to me.

Takes 5 minutes if you know how to do it. Quit your desire for attention and find someone that can teach you how to find it, it's a fast and easy ritual.

You are probably at the stage where you can read how many books you want but you won't learn anything more. This is the moment where you take what you've learned and make it into practice. Realize and remember that you are God and you are already part of him. All the abilities and power you have is within reach for you the moment you realize that you have it. If your imagination is blurry, go day dream and start painting. If you can't think logically, go solve some puzzles.

Balance is the key.


>Because your idea of them being inferior is an ego trap that got you stuck so hard, you won't progress until you see that the person you think of as inferior is you. And thus, "catch 22", you become inferior to the next level you are trying to reach.

Bullshit from a butthurt egalitarian. Thinking they are me is incorrect as thinking this collection of thoughts and this body is me.

>the rest of your post



With all due respect, Smiley, you're just thinking too much.


>If men are here in the material plane in order to suffer and cultivate desires maybe we would be going against the cosmic will by creating the conditions of the astral here in this realm.

No they are here because they are gathering experience. Just like the gold farmers multiboxing on 8 monitors while playing World of Warcraft to gain as much experience/loot possible, the higher God is using all of us to gain experience in a very fast and efficient manor. Suffer or not, he wins. By creating conditions of the astral, you mean a world of love, peace and tolerance where everything can be manifested and everything feels nice, that could also be part of the experience.

>So maybe it is the case that those who have desires to reform the whole world are missing the point and failing to recognize each individual's unique path to god.

Because some individuals get cut off from the connection to said God, it is not always his will or intention for it to happen.

>However, maybe we can let them live out their lives, while creating little secret bubbles of our own that can gradually over a thousand years perhaps spread out and transform the whole of the Earth.

While everyone lives as slave and their liberties are taken away from them? Yeah sure, you wait for that to happen while I focus on the truth.

>In other words; we should strive to be the Nordic aliens. Hidden from the world but acting upon it, beautiful and possessing of longevity, the mass men will doubt our existence but we will be here watching over the maturation of the race from our secretive enclaves.

Jibberish, blablabla. Desire for power reeks through; try again.

There's a space ship waiting for you to ascend. Just sit on your ass for 70 years and it will beam you up sometime.


>There's a space ship waiting for you to ascend. Just sit on your ass for 70 years and it will beam you up sometime.
I never heard of that before. And I don't want to die and reincarnate. I want to advance myself.


It was a joke.

You need to work hard to get out of here, that's why it's called the "Great work". And after you've left from here, you'll realize you're doing it all for coming back and doing what it was you were supposed to do.


So I ascend, then I come back into the 3D and do something that I was meant to do?


You'll go to a place while still being here, learn what you need to learn and then you finish your term here. See it as a little summer camp.

If you die here before you're done, you'll have a fun time doing it again.

Unless you have no real purpose here and you haven't created one, you can do whatever you want.


Thanks. I hope I can ascend. I would hate to restart and forget everything.


>By creating conditions of the astral, you mean a world of love, peace and tolerance where everything can be manifested and everything feels nice, that could also be part of the experience.

No I mean a world of chaotic freedom and fluidity and deep sensuality as opposed to the rigidity and grinding and limitations of the material plane.

It wouldn't necessarily be peaceful, it would however be intense and beautiful, more conscious and vivid than the vague impressions one gets living in physicality at this time.

>While everyone lives as slave and their liberties are taken away from them? Yeah sure, you wait for that to happen while I focus on the truth.

I just feel this place is MEANT to be a shithole and there's no use in fighting against the tide as it would upset God whose plans are that everyone here shall burn.

>Jibberish, blablabla. Desire for power reeks through; try again.

Fuck you, power is the best thing ever, and power exercised wisely more so. It is not power that is the problem. It is power without wisdom that is the problem.


Because The Secret obviously doesn't work for you now does it?

It's not meant to be a shithole. You can't even see the bigger picture of what is going on right now. This universe, let alone this galaxy, let alone this system is being fought over by advanced 3D-4D beings between multiple factions. One faction wants us to be free and the other doesn't. That's why it's a shithole and why the Renaissance was a golden age for people to grow up in.

And by focusing on power and power alone, you forget all else connected to power like love. Because through love, you can move mountains, stop bullets and resurrect the fallen.
But please, keep going about the power part, just remember to wear rubber gloves and a white robe while doing it.


I think in the bigger picture it IS meant to be a shithole in order to urge wayward souls onwards to higher things.

If it were to nice a place everyone would be content with their lives and not look higher.


Love and hatred are the same thing btw. You faggots keep going on and on about love in a most vague manner. Love is a force of attraction towards something. So don't tell me about love unless it's love of ideals, love of consciousness, love of freedom, etc.


Every form of love is also a form of hatred and fear.


It would give people time to actually do the great work that you see monks in Tibet do.

Or it would create a civilization of docile animals reproducing out of control. Wait, that's Africa.

Too bad we live on a world of all trades.

The purest of love is not an attraction or fear. If you haven't felt it you are still in the dark. If you think love is about finding a girl friend to put your pussy in, you're mistaken. Go pet a cat for 4 hours and stare deeply in its eyes.

Nope. Try again.


>using the most mundane definition of love
You have more to learn about love as a spectrum of desires, attractions, and ultimately, at the highest levels, pure and full understanding of a subject or subjects in their totality. It is hardly a form of hatred and fear of anything, not even of ignorance/illusion/maya.

Keep working at it. What you've attained is not the end.


You can believe that if you want, but how far does hatred take you in comparison to love? You're just trying to rationalize having a shitty time through a conceptual framework of non-duality. And I think this is why you assume the world is just a "shithole" full of suffering: because YOUR world is a shithole full of suffering, and you project your state of affairs as absolute truth.


As they say like begets like, if you view everything as shitty you in turn will believe everything is shitty. There are people, like myself, who used to view the world as completely shitty but more and more view it as pure love and see just that, pure love and bliss!! Is that not the ULTIMATE power? Where everything is blissful and happy? You neglect true love because you have never known true love. Hell, most people don't know TRUE love! Singers sing about passion, and you can label many things as "love", even relationships of 50 years may not be TRUE love but more fear of separation, fear and respect of the other or fear of what might be! You need to learn love Smiley, you tell us your parents don't have the best relationship with you which means that you don't really know what love is and even if they did have a good relationship with you would they be one of the few on this Earth that know what love is? Just because a concept is unknown to you doesn't make it wrong and never equate passion to love, never equate hatred (the complete opposite) to love. If anything, your passion for power STEMS from a hatred for others giving you a desire (note, not love for power, desire and passion) to subdue them and to be better than them but never showing compassion and love to even yourself to get there. Do your diets, read your books for months and months and have fun living a sad life if there is no love. Not trying to attack, just saying the truth. Love to you brother, then you will truly be "smiley".


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>Nope. Try again.

Nah, fuck off anon, I am right.

Love of knowledge is hatred of ignorance.

Love of beauty is the rejection of ugliness.

I've been able to do some crazy awesome magick by focusing on both poles at once and using both my hatred and love at the same time.

Deal with it.


As a quick side note loving everything != equality! You respect the truths of everything. That things are inferior or superior but have compassion and love towards them. Or you accept the differences. Say for example your hatred of blacks, are they not better than the white race at things such as sport? Are there not more black witch doctors than white ones? They have latent potential, but aren't as intelligent and because of their negatives (which are extrapolated by the jewish society you so hate) you hate them as well. There is no need for hate, just to acknowledge the differences but show compassion, understanding and love. The mass amount of SJW and other blue pills chase equality for EGO not for LOVE they attribute things like the fact that everyone is the same and that no race has an advantage or disadvantage, they are lying to themselves to make their ego strong in saying they are "up with the times" and etc to make them appear better to themselves, and friends, colleagues etc but that doesn't mean they're doing it out of love. There are many wrongs! Find the right love but understand that it is rare to find these days. Good luck to you brother.


You are full of shit.

Just as far as love will. It's only a matter of intensity.

The smiley thing is supposed to symbolize black face and is just an expression of wearing darkness.


Again, keep searching. Whether or not you are able to attain power from hatred is beside the point. If you are unable to accept the existence of illusion as an aspect of the whole even as you dispel it from your mind to the best of your ability, you are still tethered to it.

>You are full of shit
You've got some work to do.


The only one claiming any actual issue here is you Smiley. The only one claiming any issue on this board is also you apart from the people who are mundane or new to this system. People are giving you advice and truth you refuse it from your own desire for power and "to be right" while all the time showing how wrong you really are. You don't know acceptance which is probably why you hate your body so much and why it has acne that you constantly fight. Look at your ugly ego trying to make you think hate is the key, then look at your long rant showing you're getting nowhere and actually losing all those things that you had at least a basic idea of love in regards to.

>basic idea of darkness
Darkness also symbolizes not knowing truth, to be lost, to be upset and depressed. All the things you're displaying. It will be your loss in the end Smiley, and when you come to that realization it will have been staring you right in the face the whole time.


>all of that faggotry

Power, wisdom, consciousness… all superior pursuits than love. Love is only the vehicle and so is hate. I don't see why they can't be combined. I want to utilize everything at my disposal, all the elements, all of the darkness, all of the light.


>I want to utilize everything at my disposal, all the elements, all of the darkness, all of the light.
Won't be useful to you if you're still bound.
Useless without direction.
Impossible without understanding.
Limited by anger.


If all of /fringe/ is just turning into a bunch of RHP faggots then I am going to be seriously disappointed.

What are you demanding I search for and why?

What is your point in rambling about illusion?


>Just as far as love will. It's only a matter of intensity.
Then why are you still lost, distraught, and restless? Why did you even make this thread if you think you have everything sorted out?
This is an unwise investment in half-truths. Whether or not love and hatred are, in an absolute sense, one in the same, that doesn't mean your relative experiences of them are one in the same. Love is still pleasant, empowering, and uniting, and hatred is still unpleasant, disempowering, and divisive, whether or not you think you know their true nature. You're conflating your present finite state with one of infinite absoluteness and now you're getting burned as a result.


What am I wrong about?

Also, you can never make me eschew power, I will not be a slave to the demiurge.

God is the ultimate principle of power and god is infinite universal living mind.

Love of god is love of consciousness expanded, deepened, made more intense, more aware, more potent… it is spirit penetrating all minds and all matter.

>Darkness also symbolizes not knowing truth, to be lost, to be upset and depressed. All the things you're displaying. It will be your loss in the end Smiley, and when you come to that realization it will have been staring you right in the face the whole time.

Maybe I am only losing weakness and ignorance and impotence.


>What are you demanding I search for and why?
I demand nothing of you, do as you see fit. I was under the impression that attainment of full understanding was the goal here. If it is not, then disregard anything I post because it won't be relevant to you.

>What is your point in rambling about illusion?

If you can't see my point in rambling about illusion then I won't waste my breath trying to explain the fundamentals of consciousness with you. I thought you already grasped this, based on the conversations we've had. Odd that you'd get so upset over this now, I figured we were on the same page.


>Won't be useful to you if you're still bound.

The bondage of one soul is the freedom of another, the ability to pick your bondings an even greater expression of freedom.

>Useless without direction.

I already told you that power must be coupled with wisdom. Every growth of power must also come with a growth of wisdom otherwise we get ignorant shitheads abusing power because they don't know better.

>Impossible without understanding.

No shit.

>Limited by anger.

Not at all. It's limited by stagnation, dullness, and reduced awareness. Anger felt strongly and clearly is an expression of a well developed consciousness.


>The bondage of one soul is the freedom of another

>I already told you that power must be coupled with wisdom.

Then by all means, follow your own advice.

>Not at all.

See where that takes you and let me know if it works out. Perhaps you know something I do not. It's not my business if you attempt to gain power from anger even if I think you're thoroughly misguided.


>Then why are you still lost, distraught, and restless?

…because I sacrifice a lot in order to pursue knowledge. My dominant desire dictates that I spend the majority of my time reading my books and posting on imageboards right now.

Scold me more if and when I focus the whole of my desire and knowledge upon a matter for a long and intense duration and yet do not acquire the fruits of my labours.

Hatred is not unpleasant or disempowering and it is useful to repel and destroy that which is unworthy in order that love may then fill in the void left by hatred.


Full understanding of what?

Why do you bring up illusion? What is the point for you in recognizing illusion? I have my own reasons for recognizing and dispelling illusions but I want to see what your reason is.



It is absolutely true.

>Then by all means, follow your own advice.

Stop hating on power, that is the mentality of a slave, who would divest of himself all power to do his own will.


>Stop hating on power
Yet you hate yourself, and the people here are trying to direct love to you and give you more power than you even know yet your own hate blinds you. You are upset, you have health issues, you have magic issues, you have social issues, you have many many issues as do we all and yet you won't try love even when you already admit you've exhausted your other options and aren't getting much. You're clinging strongly to an ego that won't admit it's wrong and as of such will never have peace, tranquility or happiness. Even in the most powerful situation you will be upset and just as cursed on the inside as the curses you lay against others on the outside. Peace to you Smiley, I hope one day you realize.


>My dominant desire dictates that I spend the majority of my time reading my books and posting on imageboards right now.
Yet, I repeat, you're still lost, distraught, and restless. Why have this desire if it isn't leading you anywhere fulfilling? Are these actually the fruits of labor you hoped to acquire? And to also repeat what I said in my initial post, this seems like nothing more than a way to rationalize having a shitty time. You've steeped yourself so much in theory that you're always trying to draw out the calculated wisdom behind all of your actions, when really it isn't there, and you're just confused and don't want to admit it.


>Why do you bring up illusion?
Are you familiar with Taoist or Hindu metaphysics? Since you're into Hermeticism I would imagine you would find it relatively familiar. The world of the mundane, up to and including much of the distractions of magical life, are artifice. They are maya, illusory. Even the steps to understanding are yet another version of maya. This is why things like, say, walking an inch off the ground, stepping out of time, being weightless, being heavy, many exercises of "power," etc, are generally not very significant. They're neat party tricks but they pale in comparison to total understanding of what is. To be awakened–this may be called moksha/satori/attaining the status of a sage, is not to be deceived about the nature of these things, to not be distracted from full awakening by them, although they are recognized as an aspect of brahman.

In a word, I consider much of the material on here to be illusory. Keep in mind, it isn't a moral failing to engage in illusion so long as you recognize what you're doing once you know what it is. I mean, there's really no cosmic punishment for it because it is self-deception, you playing a game as the ego.

>I want to see what your reason is.

My reasons were that I was curious where all this led because I saw potential. Now my reasons are because my own awakening dispelled all the phantoms of my ills. Beyond any sense of cosmic fear, anger, despair, delusion about the fundamental nature of being. To recognize illusion for what it is, fully, is to be beyond the ability of desire to spoil the game of things.

In a word, I may now play this game to my heart's content, knowing that it is so, which makes it far more enjoyable and fulfilling.

>Stop hating on power, that is the mentality of a slave, who would divest of himself all power to do his own will.

We've talked at length about this before. I have no intention of enslaving you, of forcing you to bend to the will of a greater force or paradigm, to my power. Of what use is that to me? None whatsoever. I am pointing out an area where I see an error, and you may do with that as you wish. It's not a personal attack against you, nor is it an attempted slight against the process of attainment which you're already undergoing. I think the misunderstanding is that we have different goals, different frames of meaning, like having two conversations at once.


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Of course, the planet Earth is "under attack" by negative alien forces, who've manipulated historical events and human biology to achieve their goals of conquest and domination. These events have brought a lot of suffering to humans, yet the suffering works as a catalyst for our development.

Even without the negative entities, the 3D Earth would be full of suffering and negativity. We're STS beings living on a STS planet, we live on the suffering of others. Many things the humans hold dear and normal, like sex, are but ways to serve the self. Even by 'helping' others at wrong time and wrong place is self-serving! Can anyone here say they know what's best for humanity?

The point of material existence is to learn the lessons of material existence. It's an existence of pain, suffering, death and empty pleasure, an existence of tyranny, negativity. . . and Hope! It's not bad or evil, it's a necessary step to bestow our spirit with wisdom and divine love.

"What of the demiurge, he's at fault for all of this!" - No, physical existence would still exist without the demiurge's corruption, and there would still be STS beings. Why physicality exist, if it didn't have a purpose? Everything has a purpose and its place, God gave the possibilities to find them but it is all up to us. "Serve the others or the self?" - it is all up to you.

We cannot force a world of peace on people, not a world of love and understanding can we force. Not by force or law. We cannot force evolution on others, otherwise we try to selfishly change them when, in fact, they should change themselves; advice is allowed, but not forcing; they have a unique path to follow - do we really know what is best for them, do we know better than their Higher Selves who've already made the Journey to God?

Vegetarian diet is hardly what all humans can process. Some can, some cannot. I think people should try to live vegetarian for a while and see if they can live on it. If they cannot, then they cannot; there is no reason to feel disappointed.


*why would physicality exist

My rant was a lot shorter than I thought it would be.


Explain the process, smiley. You always hint at how you use emotions like that, but give me a rundown, please. I've had good success with using low and happiness, but want to see if there is something more powerful still.


>when really it isn't there, and you're just confused
>not lazy
>not afraid

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