>>29314>Why do you bring up illusion?Are you familiar with Taoist or Hindu metaphysics? Since you're into Hermeticism I would imagine you would find it relatively familiar. The world of the mundane, up to and including much of the distractions of magical life, are artifice. They are
maya, illusory. Even the steps to understanding are yet another version of maya. This is why things like, say, walking an inch off the ground, stepping out of time, being weightless, being heavy, many exercises of "power," etc, are generally not very significant. They're neat party tricks but they pale in comparison to total understanding of what is. To be awakened–this may be called moksha/satori/attaining the status of a sage, is not to be deceived about the nature of these things, to not be distracted from full awakening by them, although they are recognized as an aspect of brahman.
In a word, I consider much of the material on here to be illusory. Keep in mind, it isn't a moral failing to engage in illusion so long as you recognize what you're doing once you know what it is. I mean, there's really no cosmic punishment for it because it is self-deception, you playing a game as the ego.
>I want to see what your reason is.My reasons were that I was curious where all this led because I saw potential. Now my reasons are because my own awakening dispelled all the phantoms of my ills. Beyond any sense of cosmic fear, anger, despair, delusion about the fundamental nature of being. To recognize illusion for what it is, fully, is to be beyond the ability of desire to spoil the game of things.
In a word, I may now play this game to my heart's content, knowing that it is so, which makes it far more enjoyable and fulfilling.
>Stop hating on power, that is the mentality of a slave, who would divest of himself all power to do his own will.We've talked at length about this before. I have no intention of enslaving you, of forcing you to bend to the will of a greater force or paradigm, to my power. Of what use is that to me? None whatsoever. I am pointing out an area where I see an error, and you may do with that as you wish. It's not a personal attack against you, nor is it an attempted slight against the process of attainment which you're already undergoing. I think the misunderstanding is that we have different goals, different frames of meaning, like having two conversations at once.