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/fringe/ - Fringe

Esoteric Wizardry


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Ok /fringe/, maybe you heard the whole thing with /bane/ fucking breaking the fourth wall with their shitposting and causing a plane to go down in the French alps.

Well us good ol folks over at /pol/ were discussing the whole issue with 'collective summoning' thing and would like some advice in achieving something like this. /pone/ saw what happened and is already trying to summon a pony by doing some chaos magic shit.

Any tips or pointers by high level sources like yourselves?


^ thread where the conversation took place


Who do you think posted the chaos manuals?

I've already posted a very high level ritual in your thread


Do you think a bunch of shitposters can handle a "very high level ritual"?


I designed it to have maximum effect for their level, any who actually do it will have changed their lives very noticeably after a while.


I'll clarify a little more, I took some words out, and filled in some spaces that required a higher understanding, the rest is mostly explained as one reads it.

Taking the Godhand for oneself is to affirm ones right to do ones will, unchained, one becomes a king with the right hand of a god.


You're referring to the pony ritual?


Did you create the ritual? I had thought someone experienced would have made it with that many spirits in it. Don't you know better than to unleash these kinds of powers among the uninitiated.


I can't help but feel that if mass internet rituals become a thing there is going to be a lot of bad people who are going to try and harness it via the usual shill tactics


Allow me to handwave it away with a convenient excuse, as it invokes and instills the user with the will of god, all they do falls within gods will.

yes, people who perform it will feel a rush, tingling, indefatigable lust for power to enact their will- however they wont pursue non-spiritual means to accomplish it because of the authority of the ritual itself and its association with worship, god, and spirituality. As far as I care to examine it can only make them well read and well practiced in the long term and free them to know themselves, thus to enact what they truly desire.


Sorry to bother you once more. Could you offer help with the "Title" part of the ritual?


I figured you could call yourself whatever you wanted, I assumed that would be 'anonymous'

as a basic rule you never give your real name out to anyone, its kind of like a patent on an idea, if you have the patent no one else can copy it completely or own it. You are You, the I Am, and your chief property is your name.

Just pick whatever title you first think of, provided its not something negative.


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its already fairly well understood by mass marketers, every time you see someone wear a brand label, a companies advertisement on their body, speak mottos from commercials you are witnessing a golem, a robot-like human that is not in full control of their faculties whose critical mind has taken backseat to their memetics.

if you want to learn how to manipulate this kind of stuff learn hypnosis, theres a free 10 hour course here - https://hypnosis.edu/

the keys are

repetition - product is placed three times in one shot
association - "freedom" and "cigarrette"
authority - "celebs do it"
reverse action - "I do not smoke" becomes "I smoke" the more powerful suggestion is always the override
delayed action - "wow I want to look cool too" -→x amount of time later actions associated with 'coolness' are taken

the laws are all interconnected, like a persons brain.


Ritual complete. Time will tell I suppose.


>create sigil for your thought form
>have everyone fap to sigil


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>/pone/ saw what happened and is already trying

Oh dog no


http://8ch.net/fringe/res/29590.html#q29740 If you guys need a tutorial on it.


You could always hide transparent sigils on doujins and upload them back on Sadpanda or similar sites.

Bonus points: Learn moon and upload translated works with the sigils.



is it possible that Christianity itself was created through the Baneposting effect?

>Jews ritualistically worship a god for thousands of years

>many of them expectantly wait for a prophecy to be fulfilled: that God would come down to Earth and save humanity
>it finally happens, Jesus is born, their prophecy gets fulfilled in uncanny ways
>Christianity created


I'd argue you don't need to hide sigils for it it, you're whole doujin is a sigil.

Grant Morrison, a comic writer, supposedly went through a lot of changes after publishing one of his comics where the main character looked like him and suffered a serious injury in the same vein as the character. So I'd argue that you need to create the doujin and assign it's thoughtform to take in energy and do a certain purpose with it afterwards.


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Its true that a higher level psyker would be able to enact such a ritual easly.

But the warp is a damned thing, you know. Everyone has a warp presence(unless they reject it). If enough people believed in something, the warp would make it so.


>/bane/ can crash down a plane by itself
>/fringe/ can't even stop mundanes from crashing it's board
When was the last time you did an actual feat of magick of this magnitude /fringe/? How come even mundanes are more successful at magick than you?


You sure do talk the talk.


>mundanes have to collectively shitpost for years on end before their efforts manifest in reality
>meanwhile, I individually have succeeded in various synchronistic manifestations of a highly improbable nature, but which are primarily of benefit and interest only to myself and therefore aren't worth sharing


So when do we summon Khorne?


>/pone/ trying to summon a pony through chaos magic
oh that tickled me good.


There has been enough energy for years now. Pinkie Pie visited me before. I think for the most part they prefer Equestria, though I have sent a letter to Princess Celestia in an attempt to open diplomatic relations.


Sorry if this isn't the kind of opinion you'd prefer but I believe that that plane crash was a hoax. The scene in the batman movie was predictive programming for this plane crash (and others as well).

Not trashing anyone's magical beliefs


With the amount of pony tulpas around I wouldn't put it past them to succeed if they put their minds into it.


>it wasn't the result of magic because even more magic is at play here


kek, you're like a christfag whining about magick, then suddenly doing something that is an intensely magickal practise


>>meanwhile, I individually have succeeded in various synchronistic manifestations of a highly improbable nature, but which are primarily a fruit of my own imagination and therefore aren't worth posting
FTFY. You can try again once you crash a plane with your will alone :^)


Come back to me when you individually, without a collective of shitposters doing it for years on end, manage to send out a servitor to possess a girl at random so hardcore she walks in a trance right into your room.


>they said I'd have to leave my parent's basement to meet a girl

>made a girl walk right into my room

What's the probability of that happening now huh? It all occurred within a few hours of deciding to make it happen too. Can you just decide that a total stranger is going to walk into your house in a trance and into your room and it just happens?

I don't think so buddy.


Can you use magic to make her post tits?


This was months ago during summer. It's winter right now.

I'm pretty sure if I want to amuse myself I can manifest a display of tits in my life even though I never see actual physical tits ever, I bet I could make it happen on the same day I really decide to use my will towards that end.

I have more important things to do at the moment though and I know that getting yet another image of tits onto the internet isn't going to greenpill anyone as it's easily explained away by simpler explanations even though those explanations would be wrong.

I'll be using my magick tomorrow to get some money if all goes well.

Think about it for awhile, there are very few things I can do and people can just dismiss it. Yet there are countless ways for me to personally prove magick to myself in the most amusing and wonderful ways. It's just only I know how I did it and can appreciate the magnificence of the act I set in motion with my will.

Others will sit on the sidelines and never be convinced until they decide to study the occult for a few years and apply it personally and achieve amazing success.


>Can you just decide that a total stranger is going to walk into your house
It's easy if you live next to niggers: just leave the door unlocked

>possess a girl at random so hardcore she walks in a trance right into your room.

>though I never see actual physical tits ever
Do you have a magickal shield to protect your virginity or does that just come naturally?

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