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/fringe/ - Fringe

Esoteric Wizardry


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I had gotten this idea from /homeforanon/ although the admin there enjoys the power and just ruins everything.
So basically, this is about occult people living in the wilderness away from mundanes and normies.

Can you guys also add a link to my board in the sticky?
There is an intro thread, resource thread, and a thread on where we will all go. We need this.


Thanks for doing this.
/homeforanon/ was a great idea but the admin ruined it. At least /fringe/ got something from that.


You are welcome. I hope this comes off the ground. You can see from my intro post, things are not going so well for me right now.






Everyone /fringe/ come in here. This is the way for our future!






/fringeville/res/14.html Made a thread about natural medicines, always something that has interested me




Thank you very much. This is a great idea.
Also, Bump!


Bumping. Everyone go to >>>/fringeville/


Why would you make a new board for that? Why not make a thread here with dedicated discussion on the topic which would not splinter the community and it might bring you new people that come to /fringe/ as well?


Fucking this. That whole fucking board doesn't need to exist when it all could just be done in one single thread on /fringe/ and if that thread ever happens to reach the bump limit (not likely) then a second one can be made, just like is done for the renouncing lust, music, and other popular threads on here.


I've always liked the idea of making a small temple for us to all stay at and practice our magick, similarly to this https://www.magiccastle.com


Because we would need to have a lot of threads. Like locations, where we would all go. Resources: downloads, good stuff and bad stuff. That sort of thing.
The main idea behind >>>/fringeville/ is not to flood /fringe/. I doubt the board owner would like me highjacking this place.


That'd be nice as well. But would involve way more money and skills.

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