superpower thread 03/31/15 (Tue) 22:47:48 No. 30488
I understand that there are people out there who are not necessarily wizards by any stretch of the word and yet exhibit supernatural powers. I am one such person. I seem to have a lifeline connection with batteries. When I get damaged physically it charges my phone. Just now i got hit on the head very hard and next thing I know my phone is off, but when I turned it back on it had 10% more energy. Also, when I lick 9v batteries I feel reinvigorated. I believe that my affinity for electronics has lead me to develop electric related powers. If you have a power that you would like to share post it in this thread. Lets discuss why powers like this emerge.
04/01/15 (Wed) 01:07:16 No. 30500
I'm remaining as rational and level-headed as I can be, but I think I'm starting to notice a tenuous ability to influence the wind, which I was inspired to work on when I saw Michael Grubb's videos (regardless of whether or not they're the real deal). It seems I can somewhat focus where the wind blows as well as the intensity of it, but I need to be in a relaxed trance-like state to do it. It's easy to lose my grip if I start getting overly excited, frustrated by small failures, or have invasive egotistic thoughts, like how impressive it would be if I could show other people.
04/01/15 (Wed) 01:59:24 No. 30504
>>30500 >>30488 Perhaps everyone or most people have elemental powers like these. Electricity and air go hand in hand I think. Perhaps aeromancy would work well for these two posters.
Zimmer !UrGVburcew 04/01/15 (Wed) 03:48:30 No. 30533
>>30500 I also try to remain rational and even borderline skeptical when it comes to abilities like these, but I've had a few instances where I've been able to exert some control over the weather.
The most memorable one is when a pretty big snow storm was moving toward the area that I live. The cloud system was a big long wall of dark heavy precipitation, and just for kicks I went outside and essentially commanded the storm to move around my area to the left and right, anywhere besides my general location. After an hour or two, there was an almost perfect horseshoe shape of clouds surrounding and moving past my house, seeing the whole thing happen from the POV of a satellite would've been pretty cool.
I don't really bother doing anything like that, since my practices never involve influencing other people or natural systems, so it's not really something I ever focus on or try to develop.
04/01/15 (Wed) 06:09:29 No. 30575
I feel moments like these are just initial stepping stones into a wake up call. A wake up call that begs to bring up, "It can be more than just this element." I feel this is essentially the starting motion to understanding will.
04/01/15 (Wed) 16:23:09 No. 30622
Are you black by any chance OP?
04/01/15 (Wed) 16:32:06 No. 30624
max kek
04/01/15 (Wed) 18:11:28 No. 30649
Well I'm only a "redpilled" mundane, a neophyte that has a few basic concepts but i havent really started a non halfassed study of magic, yet today when i woke up, i was having an annoying back pain but i had to accomodate some heavy things soon so i started to picture my back pain as two thin rods embedded in my shoulders and then i started to remove them, it was hard to picture the removal but i finally did it and by the time i was done i wasnt feeling any pain anymore. Sometimes when I'm feeling really tired i imagine extracting some green fluid out of my head and that makes me very very slightly less tired however this back thing was actually really effective and makes me want to try learning again
04/01/15 (Wed) 18:12:10 No. 30650
>>30649 filter pls, i dont think im a neophyte even, i said i was a newfeg
04/02/15 (Thu) 19:52:10 No. 30867
>>30500 Let me also add that I have quite more direct, substantial success with influencing numbers on a number generator. I use, set it between 1 and 9 (to keep it easy with single digits), and if I take a moment to thoroughly visualize a certain number, it's generated. A while back I was able to do this four times in a row, but I haven't been doing it in a while and I'm getting back into it now. Lots of fun.
04/02/15 (Thu) 20:39:21 No. 30879
05/06/15 (Wed) 06:29:54 No. 36928
My grandmother was witch but my mother raised me on a christian family which I left of course when I became 17. I still have some doubts about my belief, sometimes I identify myself as apgan and sometimes as protestant.
I seem to have some electronic kind of thing as well, my brother was complaining his xbox had the red ring of the death, I isited him about a week later I forgot about the problem just went and turned on the xbox and started playing and just realized until my bro asked me how I fixed it.
My father bought a tablet and shortly after stopped using it becuase it crashed every 20 secs or so, I got a graveyard job, and I asked him about the tablet, I was skeptial but has not gave me any trouble so far.
Non electric related; I was taking a shower today and when I reached to grab the shampoo the courtain moved slightly, as if some wind did eneter the bathroom, although there is no way because it is my bedroom's bathroom with no windows and I cclose every door to take a shower. so I started puching the ccourtain without actually touching it and it would move away like a magner repelling another magnet.
05/06/15 (Wed) 09:33:57 No. 36953
That is legitimate wizardry; bonding entirely eidolic, abstract quiddities with visualized forms so as to interact with them, place them under your agency, and effectively transmute them into more favorable substances, or eliminate them entirely. This isn't preferred only because the vast majority of neophytes and initiates experience tremendous strains and tribulations trying to master or realize their ability to visualize– or imagination– as a higher spectrum of stimulus perceptivity and interpretation, or mode of "second sight".
05/06/15 (Wed) 10:25:46 No. 36965
I'm going to be damned honest here /fringe/, I have to admit that despite my best attempts to rationalize it I'd have to say I have supernatural bad luck.
I'll run you through my average day:
Say I want to eat an apple, well it turns out I'm out. That's pretty normal, but for me it's a sign that literally everything will go wrong today. I turn on a light-bulb and it bursts. I'll be in the middle of reading through some /fringe/ material and whatever I'm using crashes. I'll go to cross a road and I narrowly avoid being hit by a car. I'll attempt to meditate and minutes later my neighbors will throw an incredibly loud party. If I'm attempting to astral, then I'll have somebody knocking at my door for any reason imaginable. When I'm trying to go to sleep my alarm clock will break and constantly blare out its alarm. Trying to read a normal book? A nearby cup will spill over ruining my book.
Not every day's like this, but when I see a single sign of bad luck fucking everything that could go wrong does for me.
05/06/15 (Wed) 13:49:52 No. 36976
I just started to see signs in the sky.
I still don't know what they mean or if I'm missing stuff I still don't recognize, but I see skulls (like in the harry potter movie but more vague and still), arrows, roads as if I'm setting a map but haven't figured out any place yet, etc. As I said I still haven't figured it out since it's very new to me. First day it happen I had a huge headache that lasted about 5 hours and my body was feeling hot even tho I was next to an open window at 1am near the beach.
In the morning later I started seeing all this which I tried to dismiss as "I'm still sick" but it's been days, I'm feeling great and is nothing you can dismiss as coincidence, you know a sign when you see it, and is not the kind of sign where you find a dead animal or have a dream and you wonder what it means, is more like a bright stop sign in the sky but made out of light(like roads) or some sort of gas(like the skull)
05/06/15 (Wed) 14:04:11 No. 36979
I'll never understand people who think that luck works for some reason on days
05/07/15 (Thu) 06:01:10 No. 37141
I'm not sure if it's anything, but I seem to have an affinity for knowledge in general, I have a pretty bad memory, but sometimes, whenever somebody asks me something, I seem to automatically know the answer, even to some questions I don't know/had no way of knowing.
08/06/15 (Thu) 07:18:40 No. 49108
Actually, superpowers are the only things that distuingish wizards from mundanes. Sorry, but philosophy and endless meditation don't make you "enlightened" or "spiritual". Raw power, however, does.
08/06/15 (Thu) 12:03:31 No. 49130
A whole number of things, the most every day ones that I use these days is warming myself up with the fire element on cold days, water element to redirect some rain away from me on rainy days, using the wind to spook chirping birds when I want to meditate in silence and "guessing" some answers in my online maths assignments that accommodate for that sort of technique.
Never trained for any of them by the way, if you can feel you can do something, you do it and it feels right and it works then congrats, you've unlocked a "superpower".
:) 08/06/15 (Thu) 13:41:48 No. 49134
08/06/15 (Thu) 15:33:26 No. 49142
08/06/15 (Thu) 19:07:26 No. 49159
I find 4 and 5 leaf clovers like a mother fucker. Ever since I was a kid I would find several clovers at a time. I had bags and bags of them. Here a some pics of a recent find. Instead of playing with other kids at recess I'd hunt clovers. Even up into uni i'd go out on smoke breaks and bring back a handful of lucky clovers. I mostly just give them to people around me bc i dont have stuff to dry/press them. Funny thing, my sister has never found a single one in her life.
08/06/15 (Thu) 19:14:23 No. 49160
I'm pretty sure this is the law of attraction at work. I consistently find buttloads of clovers so I know I will continue to find them. My sister believes she will never find one and I doubt that she will.
08/06/15 (Thu) 19:27:44 No. 49161
Protip: four leaf clovers aren't rare at all in the species you're picking (probably trifolum repens but I could be wrong)
08/06/15 (Thu) 20:34:23 No. 49166
That's not the point. In Anglo-American culture they are perceived to be rare, so they appear to be. Our friend above has chosen to believe otherwise, and so he always finds them. This is complete confirmation of the Law of Attraction.
08/06/15 (Thu) 20:46:58 No. 49169
I'm afraid not, our clover-buddy obviously puts in an effort to actually find these things, he regularly searches for them, as opposed to most people who only rarely notice one on the ground
08/06/15 (Thu) 21:25:44 No. 49171
Yeah that's the LOA explained in materialist terms. You see things that were already there that you did not notice before. It's not as mystical as the New Age movement would lead you to believe.
08/06/15 (Thu) 22:01:57 No. 49174
I do occasionally go out looking for them but more often than not i'll find them while walking somewhere or doing something else. I just look down and there will be one near my feet.
08/07/15 (Fri) 05:52:41 No. 49207
a bunch of battery lickers in a shit thread
08/07/15 (Fri) 06:18:07 No. 49210
08/08/15 (Sat) 15:21:15 No. 49353
It's more likely self-hypnosis, though that isn't anything bad whatsoever.