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/fringe/, we need a more arcane headquarters. So what's better than an ASTRAL SANCTUARY?! We can create a place in the astral realm and connect it to a sigil. That way we can meet up in real (astral) life safely and somewhat secretly, and show each other cool magick tricks. Also, if we can use this to prove to normalfags that magick truly is legit by organizing events entirely in the astral realm. Also please post help with astral projection so that anons can help build our cool new clubhouse.


This is one of my goals OP but I've refrained from announcing it because I still want to complete some other things first… but it's a very big goal of mine to gather up loosh and start building a stable astral realm with it.


there is no need to work alone comrade. besides, its better that we start with a blank canvas, that way it can be a creation of the community, not just one wizard.


Bumping in hopes of this going somewhere. I don't see any benefits of getting normies concerned with our doings though, those who are willing to seek out such information respect it - the normies won't.


I've for a while the idea of making a sigil tied to a location in the astral and share it with fringe so we could use it to meet.

Making an entire astral realm is an order of magnitude more ambitious though. I'm not sure if I'd like to share such space with the people in here, considering the kind of entities that torment some of them. I wouldn't like to attract the attention of the beings currently following smiley for example.


Well, I was going to invite people to it, once I had stabilized it, confirmed I could return to it efficiently, populated it with some thoughtforms and made a basic building and surroundings for it, and created a portal for others to use with the help of a tulpa.


I've thought about this as well. I am willing to help with this idea as much as possible.


I know relatively fuck all about the astral realm as i'm still going through the reading list in the sticky, but from an outsiders point of view it seems like congregating without any sort of protection is an extremely bad idea.

Compare a school of fish Vs those 'cleaner' fish that hide with the big ones to avoid getting eaten, or something.


Sounds good. I look forward to this project. I can help out once I actually get to AP-ing.


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OP how do you build something in the Astral that other people can actually find/inhabit?

How does one find … anything, in the Astral?

Every time I go I get completely lost/confused. I can anchor myself but it's like anchoring yourself in the middle of an infinite ocean.

Seriously how do you navigate the Astral.


Wondering the same thing. Also isn´t this project kind of dangerous. I mean if some looshmaster harvester 3000 comes and eates all of you?


Really interested in this.

Although, didn't halfchan's /x/ try this before with Veelox? They encountered a lot of issues, such as people not being able to find it, and someone summoned demons there.

Might wanna make sure the same doesn't happen to us.


how to make noob gains in astral projection?


I'd probably end up breaking the thing, so I don't wanna participate.


I have started reading the Psychomancy book and although it's only been one chapter I already consider it required reading now for any astral traveller. Read that after reading "Life Beyond Death".

Astral projection is easy btw if you realize the first principle and know it's a mental plane and understand how the plane works.

Dreaming is a form of poorly controlled and not fully immersed astral projection you know.

It's also apparently easier to AP btw if you are sickly like me all the time. So try fasting while eating nothing but a little sauerkraut each day and drinking water for several days and see how things go.

>How does one find … anything, in the Astral?
>Seriously how do you navigate the Astral.

You do this by Psychomancy.


What psychomancy book? I'm hyper annoyed that I have to ask this. -_-


By William Walker Atkinson. You should be able to find a copy in the mega.




File: 1428295938161.pdf (286.15 KB, 1907psychomancy.pdf)

I had trouble finding it on the mega so here it is from a different source.


How the fuck can you not find it? It's under the New Thought folder with the rest of Atkinson's books.

It's like the most amazing book I've read yet, it really takes you to the next level of occult power.


I couldn't find it. Nothing personal. I didn't not able to find it to spite you.


Why would you say that it takes you to the next level?


Every so called schizophrenic is a person connected to 4D without the knowledge of how to navigate it. Psychomancy is the art of navigating the astral.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Yeah, look at all the enlightened and connected to 4D people in this video.


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I have been wanting to create something like this for quite some time. I will convene with my fellow practitioners and create such a space where we may come and go freely and safely. I should have a sigil, meditation, and full ritual posted by the end of next week, at the latest, for everyone to give a crack at. Im sure that some kinks will have to be worked out over time but as long as I get feedback my compatriots and I will work on it. I haven't done some major astral construction for a while this should be fun.


What are you trying to prove by posting that video?

You know what schizophrenia is?

It's dreaming while awake; normally people dream only when body is still and turned off and eyelids closed.

The problem with these people that get labelled schizophrenic is they don't have enough thought-control and can't navigate the astral properly so they end up all fucked up by what they do not know how to handle.

They are in fact connected to 4D, constantly, but are unable to handle it and being fucked over by their connection massively.

>tfw my whole browser crashed just moments ago when I clicked on your post



Someone needs to write a schizophrenic to mystic manual.

Big gap in the market there.



Whoever does this will likely get a fatwah put on them by the AMA so use a pseudonym and get your publisher to pey you in bitcoin.




The idea sounds interesting. It sounds like it could be a good space to learn and experiment.

Adequate measures would need to be taken to keep the place safe though.




What the fuck is loosh? Sorry newfig here.



Loosh in its main form is emotions but it has other forms as well. We have a glossary of terms on montalk.net btw, it's mentioned in the /fringe/ sticky at >>1




I want to participate. Do you have any coordination for participanties?



We haven't even started yet



Wrong; it's closer to possession. The one characteristic they all share is obsession with an entity, a type of entity, or an entity's personality. We've been over this; they're thralls, burlesque depictions of astral travelers and practitioners intended to sabotage our already fragile image. They aren't "evolved", they're broken and abused by those demiurgic agents you're already apt to embrace.



If you will start the project, please contact me(skype: trollemancer)


Any bumps here? Did OP drop the shit?



I think loosh gathering from 3d is un reliable .

I did it different some years ago with amazing results.

There is another way more risky but works well.

Create a thoughtform that gathers loosh from the astral realm sustaining itself and you constantly.

There is tiny wisp like entities that are just energetic clusters that the thought form can feed off ,it also can be dangerous for two reasons.

1. The thoughtform can be eaten by larger astral entities and lead them to you. (The hunter becomes the prey).

2. Your thoughtform can get too powerful and get out of control making an instability in the astral.

(Big problem).


>>40375 here.

I am still working out the kinks on this so to speak.


performing necromancy on this thread



I don't use skype anymore, but if you have TOX I can send you the details of the project so far.



Ok, I'll get TOX this evening. Should I know anything about it? How will I contact you?




If you can add me:




Just saying that one guy with the Illuminati flag talking about Tox is a massive shitposter and fedora and mundane as fuck.

t. volunteer



What are you talking about?

If you talk about group chats. It's based on every group chat (Example Irc, Skype etc).

But if you talk directly everything is alright.



If he's a volunteer he can see our ip's and that's what he's basing his opinion of illuminati flag guy on.

Also we should make a tox chat.



I actually don't care. Post your tox id.



Volunteers can see post histories but they can not see IPs. Absolutely nobody on 8ch.net can see IPs except the cripple.






>Absolutely nobody on 8ch.net can see IPs except the cripple

Nope, global volunteers can see them too


Currently reading Astral Dynamics by Robert Bruce and trying to make some gains as far as APing goes, but do you guys have any sorts of long-term goals for this? The idea that all this is possible absolutely fascinates me.

What are the plans?



It's the least you should be able to do. Read his 90 days guide if you want to start practicing at once.



I got TOX: 7AC39F3D1789A563CBDFB44845AAB23E63ED97BBA974981F26C7845AD26DBA2A75273BFF9E28


Linux Mint Master Race Reporting In

How do I get tox?

sudo apt-get tox?

Is that it?


Made a tox group so far its just me and someone else, here's our id's:





Where/how the fuck do I actually download this thing?

>inb4 it's going to take ten hours of random shit just to get the fucking thing to work on Linux as I go through endless commands and errors and troubleshooting




Just go to website tox.im and press download. There is everything written.


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I already did and couldn't fucking find the download link.

I'm here: https://wiki.tox.im/Binaries



I am not using mint… so I haven't problems before.

sudo apt-get install qtox works for me (I am on ubuntu, don't bully me)


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Are you sure you added repo ?

(It's getting ridiculous, maybe you should ask on >>>/tech/ board)



Shit like this is why people aren't going to move over en masse to Linux anytime soon.



Oh, I was referring to plans for the astral sanctuary. Wanted to know what the overall goal was for it, you know? Surely we aren't planning on just circlejerking with "cool magick tricks" like OP said.


I'll add you guys on tox, by the way.


I can't get fucking Tox to work ;_;.



Are you the same Mint guy? What is your problem?

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