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Esoteric Wizardry


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Greenpill me on the Mathematical or Quantum basis for magick.

I know about reality uncertainty principle and have read some shit about scalar physics and that's it. I also know the double-slit experiment is not valid proof of anything. I do not understand the subject and do not pretend to do so.

However, there is increasingly a large number of wizards here that at least claim to be well-educated in math, physics, and muh quantum.

If you could pool together all books, articles, and other material that you believe supports the existence of magick here I'd like to see you guys discuss this.

Me personally I avoid ever saying "quantum physics" supports magick or that there is a "mathematical basis for it" or whatever. It might be so; but I am only fit to make myself look like a fool talking on this subject I do not understand.

I prefer to just stick to metaphysics and "finding out for yourself from first-hand experience and practise". I know beyond all doubt magick is a reality because I've seen others do amazing shit and I've done amazing shit myself and I also know the vast majority of people trying to prove it or at least the ones that get all the attention are all obvious hoaxes. For some reason the sceptics stay very silent and just ignore the cases that actually present a real challenge to debunk but lots of New Age retards get paraded around as examples of the supposed stupidity and unreality of magick.

tl;dr prove that quantum physics, math, etc. supports the reality of magick


There is no quantum basis of it. You have it in reverse.


What? I'm not the one claiming there is a quantum basis to it.

What is the mathematical/scientific/physical/quantum-physical/whatever-the-fuck basis of magick then that some people seem to be espousing?

What is the basis of magick you identify?


Can your a dick touch your asshole?


I don't want to find out.


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>Jonah Cardeli Falcon (born 1970) is an American actor and writer. He came to national attention in the early 2000s for his large penis, reported in many publications as being the largest in the world at 13.5 inches (34 cm).
>Because of the size of his penis, Falcon can receive oral sex while lying on his stomach, penetrate his own anus, and perform autofellatio

also Jews have been trying to spread a rumor that he is Jewish (probably to make them feel better about their small circumcised shriveled benis)
he repeatedly denies that he is Jewish and does not support Israel
he is also against a war with Iran according to his Twitter (I skimmed through it)


also he doesn't support GamerGate


Where are all you math wizards and quantum guys at?


why am I laughing so hard


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It's a scam, learn the trivium method instead

Must see:


Doing something useful with their lives rather than posting on an imageboard about magic.


Quantum physics is simply a consequence of duality in the material realm. This is what Heisenberg's uncertainty principle is.

Here: http://www.ashishdalela.com/2014/11/15/difference-matter-spirit/


*tips STEM fedora*


Are you knowledgeable about what you talk about? Like, have you studied quantum physics or related fields? …or are you just a layman relaying something?


I have studied it.


Well do you have anything more to say on this matter? Also are you worried that like most theories it'll all fall apart one day?


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This will provide the basic framework…

However there are still much greater understandings to be had

That 2nd one might seem kinda abstract at 1st but bear with it, it will come 'full toroid' (circle) in time. If you want to take it another level, you can get into how (technological) based quantum computers work; as we are just biological ones.


Or you can get into metaphysical applied sciences with this newfound knowledge; there are quite a lot of fringe science application. Look into Montalk's science & research notes sections, http://scalarphysics.com/, Telsa, and (a)ether physics/theories.


This is the main thing you have to understand: http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/goedel-incompleteness/

Half-understanding this is worse than not understanding it at all.


Vortex Math, Marko Rodin.

Its new stuff.


If by new you mean it hasn't been recognized/adopted by the main stream yet, I'll grant that, however vortex math has been around since the 90s.


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This is a pretty good general/layman's overview of the supporting logic & experiments with out all the math (or the hours of length).

He's got a few other good videos too.




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Deflections caused by consciousness are not caused by force or energy in the conventional sense; but by something more subtle, namely effects within the underlying wave structure out of which matter and energy are manifestations (collapse of the state vector) [5].

To psychically obtain information about a target or to psychically influence events, one has to have one's brain resonating with aspects of reality interconnecting the brain with the target. The more one's brain resonates with non-local aspects of reality connecting with a target, the more communication and direct influence one can have on it.

The more fundamentally diverse the potential outcomes of a process targeted are, the more effect one gets from resonating ones brain with it [5]. Also, the more small changes in the system tend to amplify as larger changes in the end result, the more effect one can get. This provides an explanation of why patterns exist within seemingly random events and why successful magic often results in a chain of synchronicities.

For a given subject (performing under optimum conditions and having no difficulty visualizing the nature of the experimental target nor psychological aversions to the target), the magnitudes of the results obtained in tasks to affect the readings on measuring devices (such as magnetometers, radiation detectors, Josephson effect devices, balances, etc.) can be related to one another by calculating the probability of the reading based on the standard physical principles of quantum mechanics [5].

The sporadic nature of psi phenomena can be explained as a matter of outside observers randomizing the process, causing dilution of will data channels and randomizing the results [5]. Thus, the need for secrecy in magical operations.

One can no longer maintain the division between the observer and observed or between consciousness and the physical world. Rather, both observer and observed, along with both consciousness and the material world, are merging and interpenetrating aspects of one whole indivisible reality [1].

Whatever the subtle level of reality underlying matter and energy, we are that (including our consciousness). If hidden variables exist, we are the hidden variables. It has been theorized that consciousness is an inseparable aspect of this underlying reality. When our awareness connects with the deepest layer of reality interconnecting everything, we may experience the level of consciousness beyond time and form reported by many mystics. It is this non local structure that we share with nature that makes it possible to "attune to nature," to psychically participate in nature, and to live in accordance with it.

What we are usually aware of (normal waking consciousness) is a relatively superficial movement in the order of things. Behind the things we are aware of in waking consciousness are a vast array of less strongly linked phenomena. This latter realm is commonly called the unconscious (and parts of it the subconscious). The unconscious is not very accurate, since it forms a kind of ground of consciousness [8]. Our awareness can link with this ground of consciousness to gain information and to influence events.




At this point, I diverge from theory and describe some plausiblehypotheses. Consciousness, at a fundamental level, is associated with the continuity of the underlying structures out of which matter and energy manifest. Everything shares this continuous structure; therefore everything has consciousness to some degree (though not necessarily normal waking consciousness).

Quoting from Evan Harris Walker (4): "Consciousness may exist without being associated with either a living system or a data processing system. Indeed, since everything that occurs is ultimately the result of one or more quantum mechanical events, the universe is 'inhabited' by an almost unlimited number of rather discrete, conscious, usually non-thinking entities that are responsible for the detailed working of the universe. These conscious entities determine (or exist concurrently with the determination) singly the outcome of each quantum mechanical event, while the Schrodinger equation (to the extent that it is accurate) describes the physical constraint placed on their freedom of action collectively."

In shamanic and in religious practice, one resonates with other intelligences to get their assistance, inviting them to join in the work at hand. These intelligences can be thought of as consciousness resonance matrices. Some may be localized, as we are (such as other biological intelligences, plant divas, power spot spirits, some deities, etc.); and some may be non localized (spirit animals in the other world, some deities, etc.).

The personalities of the Gods, Goddesses and spirits that many practitioners of religion relate to can also be thought of as consciousness resonance matrices. They can be very non-specific and disperse, or very specific (such as the Orishas and other deities that can manifest in full possession of those who invoke them).



>No actual simple explanation. Y'all dumb

K I actually understand quantum mechanics (or think I do, somewhat. I don't understand it's implications for quantum computing though)

And it's pretty simple. First get a rudimentary understanding of it, watch some videos.

Here's the magick: All you have to do is ask yourself, what is the cause of the wave function collapse.

Okay I will teach what quantum mechanics is, I kind of have to; at least to explain what the wave function collapse means.

Elementary particles, when not interacting with other particles or entangled, exist in a superposition (they don't have a single position but rather a 'cloud' of possible positions. Yes the electrons orbiting a nucleus in an atom aren't actually orbiting but they exist as potentials until they interact with something).

So in the double slit experiment the particle leaves the gun and approaches the slits not as a particle, but as a wave of possibilities. No one knows what's really going on, but this is just a layman's interpretation of what that math seems to signify.

That's the whole point really; all the scientists agree on the math, but what the math MEANS no one really knows. It's up to each scientist to provide or accept an interpretation.

One of these is the many worlds interpretation. It simply denies that the wave function collapses, and simply says that every time a collapse seemingly occurs what really happens is that every potential/possibility causes the universe to split apart to accommodate all the different potentials. Which is bullshit. Because what determines the reality that we have is basically complete randomness or chaos.

And as Einstein says, God doesn't play dice.

I will explain the magick/occult interpretation behind the wave function collapse once someone can say what I said makes sense so far, I think it's pretty obvious though; there's no more physical variables and all that's left are nonphysical variables or astral energies, so it appears to be just complete randomness or chance.

Or say I'm wrong or say it doesn't make sense and I will reply accordingly. But you have to be specific of course…

BTW Montalk says a LOT about this, surprised no one mentioned it. Or one person did, but also posted hour long videos and fuck that…


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Citations and evidence of a lack of agreement into the meaning of the math behind quantum mechanics



Why no responses? Was my post too confusing? I can clarify.

Or does no one care


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Plenty of us care ; not all of us live on here, /fringe/ by nature, always has been really slow, in good content and in the pace of the culture.

I disagree on 'God doesn't play dice.' It *is* still chance it's exact form of manifestation is not predetermined only it's concept. Now if you wanted to speak grandly, the ultimate goal, sure it manifest the object of mind but it's not strictly deterministic, it may do that thing, however since there must also be room for freewill it can happen in a plethora of ways only being more or less probable.

I need not get into hyper dimensional warfare/timeline hijacking here, but suffice to say these things exist because freewill *can* totally and radically alter the possible outcomes in a way that is new, novel, or just contrary to the physical and energetic 'inertia' going into a set of probabilities.

And regarding the vids; Books would probably be a more idealized form, but there is what there is and they are still great sources of info.

>Nutshell version of QM & Magic:

The universe is only just likely (literally: probably) to behave in accordance with the 'laws of physics' when no higher dimensional force/energy is present, there is still quantum 'noise' but it gets 'filtered out' or it averages out at larger scales (a la meso/macrocosmic) thus making it seem more solid.

Now introduce aetheric, astral, ect energy (willpower), allows for the bending of normal probabilities in a desired/consistent direction this altering and butterflying out into more mesocosmic reality could be called magic or the effect of mind upon reality.



Hey, want to read about something mind-blowing that ISN'T complete bullshit?




We basically have the same idea, your just using the traditional definition of god.

The creator god doesn't directly control the events but did create some dynamic sequence of events that could happen anytime but have to be in order. As I said what really determines the events is the astral energies which is due to the willpower and such


Can anyone post a full recommendation of books for the scientifically minded occultist to read?



It works like this.

> Give up on your traditional religion because we're modern men mate

> Suddenly it's a very lonely world with no meaning

> Swallow some half baked occultist or science fiction bullshit that's your new religion, but you won't admit it

> Profit! (for everyone else selling you crap)

That being said, traditional religions have their limits: that groupthink is frankly unberable in the 21st century. However, they do have the nice side effect of shielding you against other religions-in-all-but-name.



Christian occultists disprove that tbh

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