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Esoteric Wizardry


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So /fringe/ anything significant about this blood moon tomorrow? Anyone doing rituals for it?


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Was just about to post this shit. Going to my friends house with a massive telescope. Anything I should do during? sacrifices?

pls /fringe/


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Of course op



I've decided last second to do a blood ritual infusing a tigers eye gem with my energy as I watch the partial blood moon.

I'm going to stay up, come up with an incantation in the mean time, and say the incantation as I spill my blood onto the gem.


I have a blood magick ritual all lined up for you goys. Im going to finish the directions and post them here and in the tea party thread.


Cool. thank you.


Thank you.


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BloodMoon ritual for Apr4 3rd holy Bloodmoon to the goddess of blood.


It is recommended you are wearing red, either red robes, pajamas, tshirt anything so long as its red. If you don't have anything going naked is fine. If this is your first time at blood magic, cut your finger a lot, and bleed more than one drop. If not just one is fine. If you haven't done a blood ritual or blood magick before, but have done sorcery, don't be afraid. This will make you far more powerful than you know.Also don't eat after 10:00 pm. remember to shower before the ritual.

>1. Get a Bowl, a Candle (any kind, red candle) and a string, (preferably red) and aRAZOR (or cutting instrument- needles and thumbtaacks also work, anything to draw blood), Water (the purer the better- reverse osmosis recommended') and your choice of tea, but dandelion, horsetail, and chamomile are preferred and Matches (not a gas lighter- strike anywhere is preferred) and finally a String (any kind of string, preferably red'')

>2. Take your heel and scrape a circle of dirt around you, if you dont have dirt use chalk, red paint, a red rope (not the string). Set bowl on either the ground, or a stone table or a rock at 5:00am PST and Light your Candle.. NOT A MINUTE LATER OR EARLIER. Begin by lighting your candle. Then tie the red string around your right index fingers second knuckle (between the first and third).

The bowl should be infront of you, with you in the circle, the candle between the bowl and the blood moon, you MUST be facing the blood moon.

You should drink your tea at this time, take one sip. Breathe deep into your gut and up your chest all the way to your 3rd eye. Visualize the loosh flowing into your blood with each heart beat.

>3. Begin chanting ALLLLLLLLLLMMMMMMMMAAAAAAA. It sounds like Alllllllllllllmuuuuuhhhhh or alllmmmahhh works fine too. Be sure to stress the 'ALL' in the chanting. Sounding like Awl or Auuull. Do this for 60seconds after 5:00am. You should hit for seven chants.

Vocaroo sample: vocaroo.com/i/s0QclnnYLM1Q

>4. Pour the pure water in the bowl and continue chanting for 30 seconds. Get close to the bowl and chant into the bowl like you are talking into it.



Another tea sip.

>6. Read this aloud.

Sanguine Sister of Slaughter, Maiden of Massacres, Beauty of Blood and Butchery, Fearful feminine, Vicious Virgin. Oh! hear my plea.

"On your holy moon,
let us slaughter all the üntermench,
Slay all those who violate the natural order,
kill all with impunity and return them to the great blood ocean.
Sacrifice them in the sanguine symphony of slaughter.''

Final tea sip.

>7. Look into the reflection of the bowl and view the blood moon. Spooky shit should be happening, keep calm bane on. Keep looking in the bowl to scry in the blood moons reflection until the eclipse has passed. (Make sure the candles flame can shine its light into the water.)

>8. Finish the ritual after the blood moon has passed by blowing out the candle and drinking ALL the water (preferably in one gulp).

>9. Clear your space, but if you left dirt or chalk or string leave it there until morning. If your candle was in the ground leave it there until morning if not take everything with you, no one must witness this but the goddess.

Blood magic thread


What exactly counts for "violating the natural order"?


Oh lawd, be careful /fringe/! I don't wanna wake up tomorrow with a bunch of demons running around my front yard..


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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New Zealander here who just realised it's the blood moon tonight. Everywhere is saying it's on April 4th, but due to my timezone it's actually going to happen on April 5th for me. A blood moon on Easter Sunday! This has got to have some significance.


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I had a wonderful blood moon and saw the sanguine sister again.

How was yours? And everyones?


Does it matter that it´s not visible here in europe?


Everything matters. It is likely it does not matter in the way you are attending though.


It worked…

I think I've officially reached neophyte status. Or at least the status where I can confirm magic is real.. divine mathematics…

As soon as the blood moon began I said the incantation. I then proceeded to cut myself, rub some blood onto the tigers eye. I went to sleep. Fast Forward to today.

Go through the day, enjoy a nice easter dinner. Fairly usual holiday. I worked the day before, and my dad paid me money for it. Cleaning up a lot of dog shit in the back yard from all winter.

Randomly my dad pulls me aside later that day and says 'heres a couple hundred." Okay, umm thanks Dad? On a technicality my dad has to pay me support up until im 21, which I turn in June. So, I don't think anything of it, and leave to head to my moms house.

Later that night my mom wants to go to the casino, so we do, and I win about 1000$. The whole time I was playing I held the gem in my hand.

Couple up the winnings with another synchronicity that I experienced, and I couldn't possibly attribute it to anything other than the stone.

tl;dr Magical Events happened that resulted in my confirmation that Blood Magic, and Crystals work.

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