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/fringe/ - Fringe

Esoteric Wizardry


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File: 1428193442319.jpeg (47.78 KB, 960x720, 4:3, horse.jpeg)


Post yourself




Yes, please post your image. That will be totally fun and safe!


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Here's a pic of me being magical.


>data mining
>wanting yourself posted
Only a retard would want this.


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Nigger, everyone here is either fat, ugly, skinnyfat, a teenager or a combination of the above.

They come to anonymous imageboards because here their retarded opinions aren't judged based on the impact they had on their lives. Actually posting their pictures would defeat that purpose and consolidate the idea that, despite the common delusions, the average magic user is nowhere near the uberman they would like to believe.


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>dat data mining taunt


Don't project your weak, unhealthy teenage loser angst on me!

Some of us on /fringe/ are heroes. Humans at the peak of virility and power! Beings with influence and abilities beyond anything you noobs could imagine, and we walk the earth as living man-gods while females beg us to sire their children.

Our massive intellect and universe-altering will is matched only by our near perfect bodies hardened and shaped by years of hardship and endless battles of supremacy over the physical plane.


You forgot to post a picture of yourself.


Aw man, your lips are fucked like mine / you must have been a mouthbreather, but at least you don't have much as acne as me.

I don't want to take a picture of myself, I am a disgusting subhuman, and need to re-engineer my body.


>that dildo sword


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>being a stellar man
>not taking the time to fix up your body vessel to be perfectly beautiful


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muh brilliant eyes

>this is what wizardfags say to themselves to comfort about their own shitty bodies


My eyes (including the white parts) appear blue here because I'm looking at a screen which has an imageboard up, you can see that in the reflection of my eyes, and the pink edges are just because my skin appears pink. Only shoop'd part of the image is the part of my face turned grey. It is turned grey to make the acne less apparent. This is years old and I am uglier now.


Could you point out where to even begin? Following the dieting/fitness threads helps and all, but it doesn't really fix generics and shit.


Welp I meant genetics, I'm typing like a retard lately.


OP looks like a tragic homeless child who gay prostitutes to survive.


File: 1428280426905.pdf (2.68 MB, 1428006884731.pdf)

Well, I have been able to bruteforce heal over some parts of my body in just 3 hours of intense trancework.

Problem is it's not a last changing.

I need to inject a kind of etheric virus into my etheric body and rewrite the code.

The Book of Knowledge has the method but basically what I'm going to do (once I'm done reading my books, for now I just patch things up, and don't do more because I want to finish all this myopic-as-fuck book reading anyways first) is I'm going to create a tulpa and we're going to work on the problem together probably by making another thoughtform and injecting fuckloads of loosh into it and its purpose is to do nothing but heal me.

There is another book which also describes the method (used by people with "MPD") and how it works; The Holographic Universe.

It's in the section of that book about the body.

My body is so fucked up but once I'm done the reading I intend to film myself for a few minutes every day just to show how I look and then stop the film and do my magick work, then film again tomorrow, and one day if it succeeds say a month later upload it all so people can see how I transformed from a fucked up degenerate into an ubermensch purely by magick.

For me diet and other shit just doesn't fucking cut it. Magick is the only way to go that extra distance now.


I did post a pic of myself! Me on my bicycle.


If that's actually you, well, better luck on the next reincarnation.

>being incarnated as an ugly swarthoid spic


HA! jokes on you, I'm an ugly native american. You can classify me as you wish.


Spics are Native Americans.


I looked up the definition of spic, and it seems to be: "a contemptuous term for a Spanish-speaking person from Central or South America or the Caribbean."

So even though I'm not really a spic, like I said. You can classify me and way you like, or make up your own definitions.




Injun, rednigger, I don't know give me new dank racist terms for describing members of your race.


In fact you don't look like native american. You look more like beaner.


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am I easily the hottest poster here?



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I got the perfect one for you: Prairie Nigger!

Easily the most offensive term racist locals use for natives around here. That and savage.


File: 1428354228863-0.jpg (182.66 KB, 1080x720, 3:2, Photo on 3-14-15 at 3.28 P….jpg)

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i c u brother o mine gat dam

w2c your definition and sculpt???




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Now I kind of wish I wasn't, but the dude seems to enjoy what he's doing, so who am I to shit on his fun?


Who the fuck is this?


It's a face of /fringe/. That's what the thread is about, no?


…but none of those are even really specific to your race. Nobody will know who exactly I'm talking about by saying "Prairie Nigger" and "savage" is a very general term.

These racist terms just aren't dank enough for me.


Holy fuck I must attain a body like this or just kill myself.


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Please post more images of yourselves. Pose in front of a monchrome background. Recent images are preferred. You could also post your first or last name or the motto you chose for your initiation with your image. Or maybe your timezone and when you usually sleep.


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Would bang.


Is that you, Sylar?




Going to sage this thread after this post..


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yeah like i'm totally going to post my photo to become experiment of your black magic OP


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Indigo Pill is Herrenrasse.


You have suffered depression for years non-stop and it has left its mark on your face, even if you aren't depressed anymore :/.


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This made me smile so much I had tears in my eyes.


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