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/fringe/ - Fringe

Esoteric Wizardry


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File: 1428373218570.jpg (527.38 KB, 1343x1600, 1343:1600, 1343x1600_15370_Pygmalion_….jpg)


ITT: Post anything I can use for making a new /fringe/ CSS including mascots, background images, fonts, and other stuff.

If someone makes some kind of OC that I can use in this even better.

I need to make a new CSS for /fringe/.


File: 1428374559898.png (61.73 KB, 300x100, 3:1, Fringe Banner.png)


File: 1428393925954-0.gif (21.08 KB, 300x100, 3:1, 1428374559898.gif)

File: 1428393925954-1.png (6 KB, 233x305, 233:305, hermt.png)

File: 1428393925954-2.png (2.55 KB, 233x303, 233:303, hermeticross.png)

File: 1428393925954-3.png (4.56 KB, 233x303, 233:303, hermeticros.png)

The (Christian) Hermetic Cross

7 lines mean the Seven Hermetic Principles.
4 outer lines that form "a square" mean the four elements and the +-shaped form inside them symbolize the Akasha.
The square means zero, the No-thing, the embryo of every emerging creation.
11 arrows symbolize the male and female principles.
The one-barred cross symbolizes the Christ-consciousness within us.
The two-barred cross (counting the T-shape) symbolizes all the dualities and their oneness.
The three-barred cross symbolizes the body, the mind and the spirit.
The first bar symbolizes the high vibration which in its quick state of vibration seems to be still.
The second bar symbolizes the positive (STO) and negative (STS) alignments of Being.
The third bar symbolizes dualities but without the oneness.
The slanted bar symbolizes the ascending and descending evolution of Being.
The downward arrow and line symbolizes the emanation or lowering-of-the-vibration, the creation of the Existence. It also symbolizes the number 1, which together the 0 form number 10, the Pleroma, the wholeness and interconnectedness of the all and The All.

The Hermetic Cross itself symbolizes the Path or the Journey from Neophyte to Master, (from 1D to 7D), from unconsciousness to consciousness, from mundane to supramundane, from ignorance to understanding, from lowliness to highness, it is the Cross of ascendance, of transcendence, of majesty, light and wisdom. It is the Cross of the stellar men, of the Hermetists, of the 'real' Christians. It is the sign of the illumined ones.


File: 1428403879929.jpg (44.59 KB, 457x256, 457:256, r169_457x256_12530_You_Sha….jpg)

Original so someone can vectorize or something. Can't see anything in that pic.


File: 1428409028858-0.png (34.02 KB, 613x631, 613:631, ascii.png)

File: 1428409028858-1.png (60.46 KB, 435x415, 87:83, asciiherm.png)

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File: 1428412976216.jpg (651.56 KB, 624x622, 312:311, schwarzesonne-wewelsburg-o….jpg)

More of an idea, it should be based off the Wewelsburg Castle, with a castle pattern for background and the Black Sun on the right.


File: 1428424339468-0.png (3.27 MB, 2000x1500, 4:3, 843434d155f9f80c8ca9c650ec….png)

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File: 1428424339468-2.jpg (83.92 KB, 600x366, 100:61, 1388947715922.jpg)

File: 1428424339468-3.jpg (42.19 KB, 480x284, 120:71, tibet.jpg)

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File: 1428425173781-0.jpg (43.45 KB, 415x507, 415:507, Le Demiurge.jpg)

File: 1428425173781-1.jpg (21.91 KB, 205x252, 205:252, Lion-faced_deity.jpg)

File: 1428425173781-2.jpg (63.89 KB, 369x480, 123:160, Yaldabaoth2.jpg)

File: 1428425173781-3.png (584.37 KB, 1400x2700, 14:27, 1399872629439.png)

File: 1428425173781-4.png (54.79 KB, 780x770, 78:77, 1425556528356-1.png)

Don't forget the Based Demiurge


File: 1428425664008.jpg (68.78 KB, 600x450, 4:3, demiurg.jpg)

Yes, fear the demiurge!


File: 1428426123888-0.jpg (65.06 KB, 337x480, 337:480, Demiurge (2).jpg)

File: 1428426123888-1.jpg (407.66 KB, 2100x1576, 525:394, Yaldabaoth.jpg)

File: 1428426123888-2.png (686.44 KB, 965x708, 965:708, Demiurge_large.png)

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File: 1428426123888-4.png (392.66 KB, 1534x958, 767:479, a2339e715bd5a95d51e9787559….png)

Thanks for him you have computer


File: 1428435790977.jpg (176.46 KB, 1321x423, 1321:423, 1321x423_12530_You_Shall_N….jpg)

That is not the original.


File: 1428436036791.jpg (795.53 KB, 1750x2482, 875:1241, 1400443369669.jpg)

All objects have their design from the astral. Before anything is manifested in the physical realm first it is conceived of in the mind.

The demiurge is not the reason we have computers.

Fuck the demiurge!


File: 1428822120015.png (239.17 KB, 1169x1197, 167:171, character map.png)

I just made the initial release of Raidho Theodings. I'm not sure it will be useful to you for a board design, but here it is anyway.

The initial Opentype release is here:

For general information, or to file issues, pull requests, etc., the project page is here:

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