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 No.31566[Last 50 Posts]

Occult Homophobia:
Some Choice Quotes

Compiled by Phil Hine & Paul McAndrew

"What people have to remember is that Wicca; man and woman, God and Goddess is a fertility cult - a heterosexual fertility cult."
Wiccan author Keith Morgan, interviewed at Autumn Link-Up '89

"The Wiccan cult stands for fertility and re-creation and not the sexual union between two 'spiritual' members of the same sex as some groups like to believe."
Kevin Carlyon, Hastings & St. Leonards Observer, 1985.

"Thus the blasphemy of the homosexual formula, for it denies Babalon and breeds devils in chaos."
Kenneth Grant, Nightside of Eden.

"The (Hornsea) Group … considers that any genuinely contacted fraternity could not countenance working with sexual deviants of any sort. The reasons for this should be obvious to any trained occultist." "…you can't work magic with a homosexual. Homosexuals just can't create a current."
Quotes from Tanya Luhrmann's 'Persuasions of the Witches' Craft'

"Homosexuals are not human"
Nicholas Tereshencko, in a letter to the Lamp of Thoth

"Blockages in the mulahadra chakra can lead to child abuse, sodomy and rape."
remark by a teacher of a 'Gnostic Study Group' in Leeds, 1991.

"Anyone who is bisexual or homosexual cannot advance spiritually."
remark by Wiccan High Priestess, 1985.

"Homosexuals cannot be true witches…we want no kinks in our circle."
quoted from a wiccan magazine, exact source unknown.

"…when homosexuality is not 'natural' or else cannot be explained in terms of incomplete, inborn forms of sexual development, it must have the character of a deviation, vice or a perversion."
Julius Evola "The Metaphysics of Sex."

"Homosexuals are simply fighting against their Karma - the homosexual man simply has more 'feminine' energy in his 'lower self'. The Lesbian simply has more 'masculinity' in her lower self."
The Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness.

"The homosexual male does not imitate the female adult when he 'camps' but the female child his mother played to him. Maturer aspects of adult love are often missing, and the homosexual couple finds difficulty in making an alliance of the sort that deepens with time."
Jean Wedloff, The Continuum Concept

"Women are by nature Yin (passive, soft, centrifugal). When they become too Yang by taking too much Yang food - the become miserable…they devote themselves to animal pets, or they turn homosexual. Their life is miserable because it violates all natural laws. …the homosexual and the asexual person are the most pitiful of all - and the literature of the West is littered with their monstrosities … sexual abnormality can be cured in time by strict adherence to the macrobiotic regime."
Sakurazawa Ngoiti, Macrobiotics.

"Homosexual freedom can be associated with the decline of Greece. from the first Century onward, homosexuality flourished in Rome; male prostitution developed to an extraordinary extent and another great empire fell."
"An active, aggressive male homosexual is in a great position of responsibility. By practising oral or anal sex with his male lover, he transmits his karma as well as his hormones & vitality. The links in a chain of destiny are established and invariably passed on to others … Homosexual men transform one another psychically but pay the price of complex metaphysical entanglements."
"Surely it is time for homosexuals themselves to wake up to the reality of their situation and seek solutions to their problems, rather than campaigning for more acceptance of homosexuality. Eastern techniques offer practical techniques for overcoming the wiles of destiny."

Nik Douglas & Penny Slinger, Sexual Secrets.


The true occultists like thelemits aren't homophobic.
Wicca is the part of stupid new age movement and I don't belive that real wizard would practice this bunch of crap.


>true occult

Thelema is right up there with Wicca as the absolute bottom of the trash pile of occultism.

Get shat on, Thelemitefag.


is it possible to have female astr form while male? an if spirits etc have sex with you what one do they fuck?

im being visited by something and it doesn't really feel like its in the butt, so im curious


>as the absolute bottom of the trash pile of occultism.

I think you've forgot the theosophy. It's the real bottom of the trash pile of occultism.


No Wicca is the absolute bottom, Thelema next, and Theosophy is pretty much right beside Thelema it's really a close call… actually not because at least Theosophists aren't bumb-drillers.


Go read Zivorad's books if you have problems with astral attachments from the other gender there's some stuff in his books about how to deal with that and remove it and restore your sexuality to a state that actually is harmonious with your body and role in the life you incarnated into.



as if the bum-drilling with the strict occult purposes is something bad.


>The true occultists like thelemits aren't homophobic.

maybe because their founder was into getting assfucked by other men? that seems like a possible reason.



>this is what degenerates tell themselves to justify engaging in lust


ok ill do that, thank you for the suggestion


>subscribing to the Jewish anti-homosexual trait


I suppose you don't know about tantra.
or you know and for you it's just:
>this is what degenerates tell themselves to justify engaging in lust

You judge about the sex from western-christian point of view. Christian don't have the long tradition of using sex for self realization. In fact they don't have such tradition at all.




>damaging your etheric body irrediemably each time
>not bad
crowley pls go


Cassiopaeans on homosexuality;

>Q: (L) We received a question from a reader who wants to ask: “Is homosexuality determined at the early imprinting stage?”

A: In some instances. There are many reasons.

>Q: (L) The second part of the question reads: “If not, what determines sexual orientation at an early age?” Well, they just said there are many reasons. Can you list any of those other reasons?

A: Past life influences and more rarely, genetics.

>Q: (L) So which of these three reasons is the most frequent?

A: Early imprinting could be said to be marginally most frequent cause.

>Q: (Ailén) So you were very close, Laura. (Perceval) Does the early imprinting case have to do with abuse?

A: Not necessarily abuse as lack of proper input at moments of high susceptibility. Also, in some individuals the sequence of imprint slots is different or not synchronous with the pattern of the majority. In a sense, then, this is genetic though all such individuals do not necessarily develop as homosexuals.

>Q: (L) I think that the writer wanted to know is this a condition that can be changed, assuming the individual wanted to change?

A: Not usually.

>Q: (Ailén) When you talk about a lack of proper input, I assume then that in some way development is not normal. Does that mean that homosexuals have any impediment to spiritual growth?

A: No, that is not implied.

>(Perceval) I wonder what the imprint actually is. What is the actual imprint data? Is it interaction, or words, or treatment by another human being? (L) Well, let’s ask. In a general sense, what is the imprint that determines sexuality for an individual?

A: The pleasant interaction with an adult model at a moment or during the time the imprint window is open in conjunction with the release of specific hormones and brain chemicals.

>Q: (Perceval) So you’ve got a kid, a boy, and if the window is open, then they get more female attention from their mother. But if the window opens later, when the father takes more interest in the boy and starts to treat him “like a man”… like fathers will sometimes chide their sons about things like, “You cry like a little girl” or “Don’t be such a little girl”, “You gonna wear a dress?”, etc. If you had the window open then during that period, and you received that kind of treatment … (L) In other words, a delayed imprint window. (Perceval) Yeah, and producing chemicals and being treated that way or laughed at or made fun of, and being made to think that you’re a little girl … (Burma Jones) Though they did say a “pleasant” interaction with adult models. (Perceval) That’s the ideal. (Belibaste) Usually at what age does this window open?

A: 18 months to 2.5 years.

>Q: (Burma Jones) Well, I was wondering, if that imprint comes in with an adult model, does that also set the sort of person that you’re going to look for to mate with?

A: Yes.

>Q: (Burma Jones) So maybe it’s also to make it so that you will look for a mate within your own “group”? Like setting up the parents early on in life.

A: Control system modification.

>Q: (Perceval) It’s probably like you were saying, a pleasant interaction with an adult model. So, if it’s later than 18 months to 2.5 years … (L) So if you have an unpleasant interaction, it can really mess you up. (PoB) Does it mean that somebody can make another person homosexual by specific kinds of treatment?

A: Yes.

>Q: (Burma Jones) Well, it sounds like if you knew when someone’s imprint vulnerability was, and you abducted them and put them with someone that you wanted to pair them with, you could set up the whole imprint for them. (L) Yeah, you could. (Perceval) The problem is that the normal window is 18 months to 2.5 years, and then there are people who have delayed windows. (L) And maybe people who have early windows. So, it’s like what Sidney Baker talks about, our individual physiology in terms of health and how completely individual we are. There are certain patterns for the majority, but still there are ranges. So everybody is really completely individual and different. (Andromeda) Are they talking here about having a role model of the same sex, or the opposite sex?

A: Opposite generally.

>Q: (L) So if you have a pleasant experience with a member of the opposite sex during this moment of imprint, that will set you up to be attracted to members of the opposite sex. (Perceval) It kind of suggests that a normal person in a normal family with both a mother and father, that baby or small child is going to have interaction with both …

A: It should be noted that the infant is sensitive to pheromone type substances that can trigger the imprint window. That part of the process is “hardwired”.


>doesn't account for shamanic androgyny
>or spiritual androgyny


This seems like a product of the views on the time, but the whole fertility cult angle is strange. Being a homofag myself, i see the act of procreation more as a distraction set about by our bodies than any centrally spiritual thing. Sexuality is a powerful force,sure, but physical offspring takes up a lot of time and energy you can use for further development.


Those who do choose to form relations with one of the same sex will need to exercise caution. If you have proper understanding of the seventh Hermetic law of gender then you will understand the negative effects of this practice.
There is a reason why there are two genders to balance the two energy forces of yin and yang or female and male energy. Any straying from this natural law and trouble will soon follow.
Remember that you're playing with the strongest form of energy available to humans. That is a bold statement to be made.


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>subscribing to the jewish homosexual perversion


>being a weeaboo race traitor on top of a homosexual degenerate

…and I do not embrace that disgusting oriental religion known as Christianity either, you freak!


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But homosexuals are an efficient source of energy as alternative to fossil fuel .


>the act of procreation more as a distraction set about by our bodies than any centrally spiritual thing

This is correct. The idea of homosexuality only exists when you look at it through the modern lens and mundane motivations for living.

Celibacy and continence are valued in many traditions both esoteric and exoteric. Whether one views it as "right" or "wrong," having your diddlydong get hard because you feel that way about someone of the same sex does not mean you need to act upon that. The net result is celibacy through and through. In fact, the sexual repression imposed on homosexual may drive them to greater heights than a straight mundane who finds themselves more at home with the paradigm they exist in. Ultimately when one ascends, sexuality, the lifetime imprints that shaped your sexuality, and all the mundane notions of that force become irrelevant.

Being "straight" is only important if the paradigm you belong to or identify with mandates it, you intend to procreate, and that it encourages you to support your offspring and family.

Whether they know it or not, "homos" are being weaponized to destroy or otherwise alter modern western civilization simply because of the queer idea that where we put our genitals should determine our identity or label us for others to sort us out like on Tumblr or something gay like that.

Identifying with frivolous categorizations is a tribalistic virus from a tribal mind that relies on polarization for manipulation and profit. Become aware of this, master yourself, and you are relinquished from that control.



You really are a ridiculous little pleb.

>muh muh tumblr sjw falling West civilisation modern mundane muh bad!!!

Only in the PSYOP ridden thoughts of you and fellow dupe are those the terms and meanings the world is built from.

Back in the real world, Spartans fucked each other, many of the Athenian philosophers fucked boys, and buggery was a staple of the English boarding schools which produced the men of Empire. That's not to mention the practices of the ruling aristocracy, hardly the victims of identity politics.

>muh muh Sjw fringe wizard celibacy identity

YOU are the decline.


Sodomy was illegal in Athens and especially Sparta, faggot.



Sodomy was illegal in Victorian England. So what?

Read a history book.


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Pics related.

I'm a homosexual, and I've never given in to these desires, and I'm never going to let another man touch me.

Life tests you first, then it gives you the lesson. To all you homos out there, read these posts and don't complain that nobody ever tried to help when you realize what a terrible mistake you've made.


If you can't control your own thoughts and desires, you're the lowest of the low.

Enjoy your fantasies of getting sodomized by men, they are about as real as your fantasies of becoming versed in the arcane.


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I don't give a shit.


What you do behind closed doors isn't my fucking business and it isn't my life.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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Bruh, I already beat the gay. I beat it with self inflicted burns, icy showers and all manner of punishment based training. Nobody told me to do this, I did it because I knew being a faggot was wrong. I won. I wasn't able to fully make the shift to normal, but I was able to save myself from becoming an active homosexual. I don't fantasize, because I've learned thought control. I don't indulge in careless thinking. I'm pretty sure I blinded my third eye as a teenager to ensure that I couldn't visualize and actively fantasize, something that I'm now struggling to fix, because homosexuality is no longer a large issue for me to deal with.

I haven't advanced far enough to fully fix myself, but I'm close. Once I can AP, I'll be able to go full psychonaut and rewire my sexuality manually.

Part of the problem is that many homosexuals have no resources to confirm their suspicions that what they are doing is harmful, and an abundance of retards saying they should go ride dick. I think if any young man struggling with this issue took the time to read the posts I attached, and studied enough to understand them, he would be able to find the strength to fully put his demons to rest.

Stop being such a faggot, anon. I don't know anything about you, but I have to wonder if you would have done better in my shoes, or if you would be sucking dick at this very moment if fate had been more unkind to you. I don't know why I was that way, but despite everything, I handled it the best I was able to, and I can be proud of that.



If you were familiar with the occult at all, you would be very concerned about the active promotion of homosexuality, because it leads to one of the worse fates in death.

Rather than getting to live out every possibility of your life, every fantasy you ever had, every long shot decision. . . you end up a ghoul, hideous and unable to die for like a hundred years.

It is very unpleasant, or so I've heard. Don't fuck around with fundamental life energy.


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>you end up a ghoul, hideous and unable to die for like a hundred years


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Jesus didn't give a fuck!


These two posts will summarize all you need to know.


Anti-racist egalitarian and pro-degeneracy "everybody is beautiful, even my disgustingly deformed or landwhale or whatever body" propaganda? Come on now… at least I see why you are attracted to Smiley despite his defects but that's a fucked up mindset to have.

Also, As Within So Without means that a person's appearance is an exact reflection of their inner nature.


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What the fuck is wrong with you?


>Also, As Within So Without means that a person's appearance is an exact reflection of their inner nature.
I've been pondering over this recently. It seems that not only the exterior of how people present themselves with hair, clothing and other fine details, but also the physical body seems to mold accordingly.


In the context of this thread and what has been revealed so far? Not much. I value beauty. You do not.

I come from a long line of wizards, well, not everyone is a wizard but most of my cousins and ancestors all had some powers and a few were developed to a very high degree.

One of my cousins right now who is still alive has a whole lot of different powers and he's a lot older than me. He can heal up wounds extremely fast, he can use his mind to change the lights at traffic so that all the lights are green or red at once and he could cause cars to crash with each other, and many other things.

One of his abilities is that he immediately knows all about a person's character just at a glance. Upon observing someone, he knows if they are dangerous / a threat or not, and how to handle them. The appearance of a person tells him everything he needs to know.

There are people who want to deny the principle of as within so without but it is completely real. All fat people share common character traits. There's a kind of "fatty personality". You know what I am talking about right? You've probably noticed it for yourself.

Likewise for many other things. Kikes for example are hideous creatures and they're behind a lot of the evil in society, there's always an ugly jew behind all this disgusting crap that gets out into the media and so on.

All the mud races also you can see how savage they are and know by their bodies everything about their character or chinks you can see how passive they are and strong in the water element as a race.

Smiley is fucked up because he was abused badly and it has left its mark on him physically and mentally and emotionally. Most people I think would collapse under the grief he's experiencing but I reckon if he survives it will become the fuel of greatness, just like the MK victims that survived all became extremely powerful.

Another thing you should notice anon is that presentation can not hide the character of the person. You see this with the fedora phenomenon. Ugly, deformed, weak, inferior men dressing up and putting on a fedora and so on but it doesn't change a thing they are still pitiful. Some men can make anything they wear seem cool, other men make anything they wear seem lame by association.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
>I value beauty.


I appreciate you writing all of that out. It has connected a lot of dots in my mind.
I will need to continue developing the ability that your cousin has since I think all humans innately have this at some level.


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>I value beauty.
but you're so ugly


Conscious procreation is GREENPILLED and OK. Franz Bardon would never have come into this world is not for his parents calling upon an advanced initiate to come to them and teach them, the spirit of Franz Bardon then coming to possess that body.

Creating a new child is exactly like making a tulpa with an actual physical body, indeed, you can make tulkus by simply creating physical bodies through the procreative act while reaching gnosis having sex and attracting to the new being made the soul of your tulpa.

>Ultimately when one ascends, sexuality, the lifetime imprints that shaped your sexuality, and all the mundane notions of that force become irrelevant.

DO YOU EVEN http://www.kybalion.org/kybalion.php?chapter=XIII ?

One of the most important things here is conscious mastery over sex, something mundanes generally lack, as they can't choose to be attracted to something or work up a boner and even ejaculate and orgasm and whatever with nothing but the will.

Homosexuals are acting purely in lust and should be condemned as such. Heterosexuals should be overwhelmingly condemned as well with a very few exceptions that use the procreative power in the right way.

>Identifying with frivolous categorizations is a tribalistic virus from a tribal mind that relies on polarization for manipulation and profit. Become aware of this, master yourself, and you are relinquished from that control.

Why does tribalism make you so butthurt?


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All SJWs push is more sexual degeneracy.

No John, YOU are the SJW!


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I understand where you are coming from especially

>Homosexuals are acting purely in lust and should be condemned as such. Heterosexuals should be overwhelmingly condemned as well with a very few exceptions that use the procreative power in the right way.


>Why does tribalism make you so butthurt?

You should consider why an ass ought to receive tribalism so openly and eagerly.

Unconscious tribalism, like unconscious procreation, is for kikes, nigs and other mundanes driven to perpetuate the culture disease set before them and repeat and virally spread their karmic curses.

>muh football team

>muh patriotism
>muh unique political opinions
>muh pride in material accomplishments I can't personally take credit for

maybe primitive tribalism makes sense if you want to rally together the horde to suit your private interest in the way corporations and politicians do, but a lot of this sort of stuff reeks of memetic residue from /pol/ as opposed to something of conscious design and wisdom.

>speaks of decline
>can hardly form argument without meme arrows


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I have completely mastered sexuality.

I can turn it off, turn it on, be attracted to whatever and whoever I want, adjust the intensity, and reproduce any of the various aspects of sexual activity just by the will.

I can evoke a succubus, telekinetically fap, turn on or off receptivity programs, dump pleasure chemicals and other chemicals into my body just by willing it, I can fuck other people with my mind, I can turn any part of my body into an erogenous zone (like, a typical mundane probably has to stroke his dick right to produce those feels, well I could say stroke a hand and get the same thing).

I can seduce anyone. I can develop any fetish I want and make up random ones at times just for testing, a few examples being; a fruitfucker, pedophile, homosexual, heterosexual, asexual, numbers fucker (being turned on by doing math), I have been asexual, etc.

I have absolute self-control. I can create desire within myself and not act upon it, even if it's intense. I can do the inversion of that, act with little desire.

I can stroke my dick and make it go soft in my hand at the same time. Like a monk who can take a psychedelic drug and not be effected by it at all and yet can also reach those states of mind while having absolutely no drug at all in their body system.

I can look at any porn and not be turned on at all, I have to choose to activate the receptivity programs for that, or will to be attracted to it.

I can invoke water and pick up through mental contagion other peoples fetishes. I sometimes see posters on here talking about stuff and I do this and suddenly I'm attracted to giantesses, or whatever else, I can completely feel what other people feel and even pick out details of their sexuality through this mental induction that they did not tell me about but when I bring it up with them I find out the thing I was feeling from them is something they do indeed profess to feel.

I know what it's like to have my consciousness occupy a female body as well as a male body and feel the differences.

I never set out to be a master of sex, sex never really interested me, and has never held any sway over me like it has for others. I didn't ever read any books about sex magick and have never had any of the issues the people in the no-fap threads have.

My spirit completely dominates and controls, consciously, every aspect of my sexuality. Sexuality is completely fluid for me, that is, it can be bent to my will easily in any manner I wish.

I have reached much higher phases of the sexual expression that are extremely abstract and have transmuted the energy towards wonderful uses.

I can also be kicked in the balls like one of those monks and feel nothing and can turn on and off sensitivity.

In terms of sexual mastery I feel I deserve to post with the Magus flag. At the very least the Adept flag.

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My suggestion to those of you far below me in conscious mastery over the generally subconscious processes of sexuality is to learn to control and use desire correctly, pursue a general occult development (which will in various ways tie into sex as all these various practises are interconnected), and ultimately to remake your sexuality along the lines of the most noble and virtuous expression of sex possible; informed by the reason as to what is best. Remember that sex is a highly energetic activity that exhausts ones vitality and it is wise to use that loosh energy towards other purposes than mere shallow and fleeting hedonism. I highly encourage celibacy and condemn the various perversions of sexuality. If you want to feel lust towards an object, same gender, animal, and whatever else do so without acting on it and only to prove that you can. A lot of old people in time learn to channel the sexual energy into creative pursuits rather than base sexual desire.

Do not forget also if you want to master sexuality that there's little difference between thinking sexual thoughts and doing sexual actions. If you have ceased the actual physical fapping and such, you need to also control your thoughts. In some cases the mental thoughts charged by lust and their expression upon the mental plane have greater consequences for you then the physical expression of sex and reach a depth and intensity beyond what is generally expressed on the physical. So those of you renouncing lust, don't just stop fapping, stop THINKING sexual thoughts. Control your mind.

The default condition for man is to not be in control of his sexuality but to be controlled by his sexuality. Never let that happen.

I also advise, as a series of thought experiments, to learn to view sexuality through as many different perspectives as you can. If you haven't been universally condemned by everyone by taking up every stance possible at some point on the issue, you aren't proceeding in the right way to mastery. Just learning to do Step 5 of Initiation Into Hermetics and hooking up your spirit to the minds and bodies of other people for periods of say 12 hours can let you experience what it's like to feel and think as another person including potentially experiencing their sexual nature and help you rise up above the plane of personality so that spirit may dominate and conscious egohood be reached.

…and now just for the purpose of extracting loosh from the high concentration of homosexuals and bisexuals in this thread; please hang yourselves asap you dirty subhuman animals. Thanks.


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You do realize you live in the same society as homosexual freaks and that these perverts with their warped mentality end up making the whole world shit.

This lolberg "I'm just going to mind my own business and don't care what else goes on around the world beyond my doorsteps" is weak and permissive and allows degeneracy to flourish.

Faggots need to be hunted down and exterminated.

I hate gay marriage because it's not fucking marriage. It's a mockery and perversion of what marriage actually is. Two or men can live together for life in the same house for life and they will never automatically be considered married by the law. A man and woman can live together and even if they didn't go out and get married, the law will consider them as married after a few years. That's because actual marriage is the partnering of a man and woman together to raise and have children. Sterile people can't be married either BTW.

I will not recognize two faggots as married. I do not care what some corrupt church or the government says. They are just degenerate freaks buggering each other and NOT MARRIED.

I'm also not a homophobe and don't like that word. I have absolutely no fear of gays. Only hatred for them. Imagine if we called people "pedophobes" and used the same retarded arguments as in your image to call everyone who condemns pedophilia a secret in the closet pedophile. In the future, pedophilia is going to be accepted just like faggotry, the jews are already pushing it and laying down the groundwork for it. The jews themselves molest many goyim children.


Good work anon, I'm very strongly connected to the astral myself, and yeah once you join us in the astral you'll have a much easier time completely rewiring yourself.

Sexuality is a like a thoughtform… although not necessarily having a form it's still a mental program that can infect someone. You can literally be possessed by the gay.

I'm not sure if I should offer up speculation as to how the gay became attracted to you or leave it up to you to figure out on your own one day when you reach that level of development where knowing is easy. It could have been induced by mental contact with some other fag at some point in your life and the program replicated itself onto you and took hold like an etheric virus channelling energy into itself. It could have been something along the lines of what is described here: ( >>31628 )

Extremely improbable assertion and even if Jesus ever held such a mentality (which I doubt very much) it would have been wrongful.

Also some Christians say to love others without loving the bad things about them. To love someone who is a homosexual should not mean dismissing their perversion.

It is not loving to encourage defects in people. If someone has an eating disorder and you love them, you don't just let them continue with the defective behaviour, you seek to reform them and help them grow into a better and stronger person for it. If someone has an addiction or engages in various other vices and you care you should encourage them to stop.

…and if you care about your whole society, you should realize the importance of putting a stop to things like this, and the necessity of executing and punishing people to suppress it. It takes a really strong man to make these sacrifices and condemn people to death, a good King will understand the necessity of it, and will do what is required of him.

Those who are permissive and let degeneracy grow and infect the populace do not serve the greater good. Many of the self-styled RHP followers here are leagues behind the seemingly edgy LHP posters here who actually care very much about the world and its people.

Here's a lame ass quote to further support what I am saying "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."

Meditate on every virtue and act to create as much virtue as possible in the world, reject that which runs contrary to virtue, do not let vice take hold in the world or it will grow with nobody to oppose it. Even if all you do is condemn it with your words that's better than telling others to do whatever they want.

>inb4 you're too immature to understand this


It is often the case at this time that the beautiful in this world do not appreciate and value their beauty whereas the ugly men are the quickest to condemn ugliness in others while fully admitting themselves to be ugly and scorning the condition.

Do not take beauty for granted or it will fade from this world.

If you lose your beauty hopefully you will begin to desire and appreciate it again.

…and if not, then your fate is to become really fucking ugly, while others do all that they can to attain beauty contrary to your degenerate tendencies; until perhaps you occupy a realm of only filth.

It is a perversion of ideals which makes men overlook beauty and leads to the degeneration of the race.

tl;dr your assertion that I am ugly has no bearing on this matter, I do in fact value beauty, and if I am ugly or not does not necessarily change that I value beauty.

You could only rightly accuse me of not valuing beauty if I were to not seek out beautiful things.

…but only beautiful things hold my attraction; as it right and proper.

That which is not beautiful should be made beautiful, not by distorting one's perception of beauty so that the ugly and disgusting become attractive, but by the actual cultivation of beauty.

Just unfold the astral senses and you'll attain the ability along with a fuckload of other abilities all at once really quickly. The Psychomancy book explains how to do this though it's an advanced book and there's several other books for you to read before you are ready for it.

He has many other abilities, it would take awhile to describe, also he has killed a few other men in his life and got away with it and the police have chased him many times and he has escaped every time and never spent any time in Jail and in fact at other times in his life has helped the police capture or kill various targets. Like one time some chink went berserk and killed someone with a machete so he was hired to hunt the chink down and kill or capture him and he got him. He is well respected in the military and people fear and love him and do not fuck around with him. His personal magnetism is extremely high and he manifests many other qualities of the advanced occultist. I really am not supposed to talk too much about him and his abilities though so I'll cut myself off here and just say he is an incredible man and very powerful, he is a good example of what /fringe/ should become… and he's also not even the only impressive wizard I am related to.


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as is* right and proper

Various qualities of a person may hold your attraction.

The images you posted are bad and the mentality you express is bad.

I KNOW that you are here to heal people and help raise them up from an inferior condition to a superior one.

William James tell us wisdom is knowing what to overlook.

Just don't forget the otherside of that coin.

There are three vectors of approach:

1. Knowing someone is a hopeless case you aren't powerful enough to change and not wasting your energy further upon them (at least until they change to a state of receptivity to such positive influences at a later time or you grow strong enough in the fire element that your will can push them in that direction)
2. Knowing someone is willing to change positively and aiding them to the best of your ability in that endeavour.
3. Opening yourself up to the good influences and qualities of your superiors and basking in those currents and making them your own possession (without taking it from them mind you, lets not go all black magick on people here).

It is all a very complicated matter really, I hold so much and see so much in my mind, and I'm typing furiously fast here. What I am relating to you at this time through this medium of text should be sufficient though and I can just send more to you through subtle channels of influence to flower within you at a later time.

In your case something deep within you calls you to be with this person, perhaps it is an impulse from spirit to cross paths with this person, and your coupling may be a very positive thing. If it's coming from the dark matrix though then I fear for ☻'s welfare if you go full succubus on him. I don't really want to plant negative suggestions but I don't think it's going to get through to you anyways so it's safe for me to say. ☻ is very loved in higher planes and very hated as well.

*zips lips*


SJW on the left and SJW on the right.

Fuck women's rights, fuck men's rights, fuck rights in general, and fuck all forms of equality.

Male feminists are the most pathetic cuckold men on the planet and deserve to be sterile.

Female feminists are also worthless women and any woman that identifies as a feminist is not fit for breeding until properly reformed of any identification with the feminist label.

Also the feminist on the right of your picture is surely the least likely to support modest and proper dress and condemn degenerate wenches from showing too much skin.


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I tried.


Oh I understand what you mean by now by tribalism. Yes, all those aspects of it repulse me, and I see why you condemn it.

Tribalism in the sense however of a closely genetically related actual tribe of people looking out for each other and advancing together as a whole is a very good form of tribalism… and racemixing is degeneracy.

Also tribes have in the past come together to work as one great nation while still maintaining their genetic distinctions and the good aspects of each tribe. We see examples of this in North America in the past and we can regard Europe as a collective of tribes that should maintain their distinctions while still being united together under the common identity of White/European.

What exactly do you mean by "muh unique political opinions"?


To shitpost? Yes, you shitposted a whole bunch, and said very little.

While the intellectual heavyweights in this thread are writing up multiple paragraph long discourses all you have is one liners and meme images and videos.

Do you not have a functional keyboard or what?


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Wow, you have so much to add!





YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



>Tribalism in the sense however of a closely genetically related actual tribe of people looking out for each other and advancing together as a whole is a very good form of tribalism

I can agree with this sort of nepotist altruism since it reinforces conscious design and prevents racial/cultural corruption like the type we are experiencing today.

>racemixing is degeneracy

In the way we can see it today, yeah definitely. Even that word just sounds disgusting. An unconscious drive toward a big, grey mediocre race rather than a conscious striving toward the stars, manifesting an ideal. Play-Doh is better when it's not mashed up into a big bland mess.

>muh unique political opinions

not directed at you, but rather the edgy teens who use any extremist attitude they find the puppeteers sprinkling about for them to choose and latch onto in order to feel empowered. SJW and /pol/ack alike.


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>yet another video

…and you justify this by Multiple Intelligences Theory, kek.

Your input in the thread is shitposting, it's borderline-spam.

At least admit you are a shitposter and get yourself a Spurdo folder.


This is just trolltastic.


You reply with
I reply with
You say
"yet another video"
>are you stupid?
It takes two to play this game


One of the things about race we must not forget is each race is adapted to a specific region of the world and also competition between subraces always happens with EVERY SINGLE SPECIES EVER and drives their evolution forward.

Did you know that in North America there's a higher concentration of Nordic-types towards the north of the continent and more Southern Europeans in the south? It mimics the kind of distribution you'd see in Europe itself a lot.

Racemixing fucks everything up though, instead of these highly refined humans that actually have a genetic configuration that works well SOMEWHERE in the world, you get these mismatched freaks that are inferior no matter where you place them in the world. It's like if some architect decided to randomly blend up some design elements of a building that stands up well in a dry hot climate somewhere with little Earthquakes and randomly matched it up with elements from a building cold wet place with constant Earthquakes and even though he might be taking the superior qualities from both original designs the resulting abomination he'd end up creating would have vulnerabilities that cause it to fall apart in either original environment, making the new structure unfit for either climate.

Racemixing is revolting and stupid. It is the impulse of subhumans that have no standards and want to muh dick anything with a hole. It is not like the conscious and proper selection by a breeder to create a refined organism.


The difference between you and me is that I'm shitposting and I know it and you're shitposting and think you're not because you're really that retarded.

Don't think you can pretend you're not a shitposter by pointing out my shitposting.

Give me the loosh!


>I'm shitposting and I know it and you're shitposting and think you're not
No, you're being played like a game.


If trips I am a superior being to you.


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>nice get


wow nice info thanks!

FFFFFFFF i think some entity is doing homosexual acts to me, if you become a ghoul is it possible to ascend back up the ladder? or do you forget what you once knew? not that i aim to have this carry on, i will be devoting more time to reading the fringe library


It is permanent damage.


well fuck.

are there any books related to subject you recommend?

i am really grateful for the information in this thread, thanks guys! you've helped me alot


As mentioned above you will need to seek out zivorad mihajlovic slavinski's books. Aside from that. Become abstinent because it will help "reset" and restore your natural sexuality.


Related to the thread:

Carissa Conti in Chasing Phantoms mentions that aliens frequently created homosexual urges in boy's at age 16 when they had no such previous urges before. They were quite frequent in making fetishes for others as well.

What better way to take out a potentially spiritually growing soul than to make him a faggot and make him slowly kill himself?


And what about transsexuals?



I'm no expert, but I believe that with dedication anything can be fixed. I don't know if you will ever be able to restore yourself to your original state, but I am sure there is a way to heal the damage and move on from it.


Don't congratulate me, I didn't always win the mental battle, and I'm pretty sure I screwed up my etheric body anyways. I worry about what sort of damage I've done to myself in ignorance.

I've been doing energy work ala Robert Bruce for over 7 months, for hours every day. Getting into the astral is proving to be extremely difficult, and I feel as if I'm missing some basic concept or understanding of what exactly astral projection is. Off the cuff, do you have any wisdom to share, any thoughts or insights into what astral projection actually is, the basic principal of it.

Either that, or I screwed up my development and there's nothing I can do about it. I hate to ask, because it's inappropriate, but this is the only place I know about with people who might be able to answer this question. How bad is self inflicted sodomy, in terms of spiritual damage? It's something I never did regularly, but it has happened before. Obviously, these days it is not something I do.

Please accept my apologies for the question, but an informed answer one way or the other would do alot to ease my mind and help me formulate a new development path.


>those abominations


sorry to pester but is there a ritual or prayer to get it away asap? fucking working and trying to sleep. trying this glass wall and rope cutting under psychic self defense, i know to be persistent like meditation.

i dont like asking to be spoonfed sorry but man i am dont want any perma damage. I understand if you chose not to answer.



Keep looking for a fast way, but as someone who's experienced this fight let me give you the information I wished I had years ago.

This is going to be a LONG game you're playing. Buckle down and swallow your pride, be totally honest about what it is you are. Accept it as a reality, and reject it totally.

You are already in a much better position than I was at your stage, because you have some pretty detailed sources and resources avaliable to answer your specific questions and give you answers besides "lolsbadok?"

It is possible, and you can succeed. Don't let your failures get you down, analyze them from a calm and excited perspective as an opportunity to perfect yourself more quickly than any other person would be able to, because they lacked the stregnth to be burdened with this level of trial.

Wrestle and win, young newfig. I've done it, and I have seized a strength that will never fail me. You can do the same.


wicca was founded by crowleys sister, crowley being the founder of thelema


Thelema is part of stupid new age movement, too.


Good job dude. I tell homos to just be celibate and they act like I am telling them to kill themselves or something. Good to see some willingly choosing the path on their own.


What even happened to smiley in the first place? I don't follow much of the drama surrounding him but I am curious




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>yes goy its evil, learn my tolerant and progressive gay interracial anal sex magic instead


This is a joke, right? They're the ones who have been pushing these perversions on the goyim for over a century. They're the ones behind cultural marxism, especially in post secondary education.


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>even though he might be taking the superior qualities from both original designs

>nature automagically selects the best qualities from both races

This is a flat out lie that is told by the merchants to promote this crap.

"Superior genes" is really relevant to the surroundings an organism evolved around. You could take the top predator from one area and drop it off in another area, and they will get their shit fucked up by the organisms that evolved to master their native environment over thousands of years.

Drop a polar bear off in the jungle, and it's shit will get fucked up by stealth hunters who are hidden in their surroundings and ambush it.

Drop a cheetah off in the north pole and it will freeze to death.

Nature doesn't know what the "best qualities are", there are only best qualities relevant to the area they reside in. And no nature cannot know or select the "best", the way they develop those qualities through lots and lots and lots of trial and error via killing off everything that cannot compete with other organisms.

Of course there is a universal quality that triumphs over all of nature, which is intelligence. The European's intelligence has allowed them to become the masters of nature, and dominate the world. You didn't need to be strong enough to kill a bear with your bare hands, if you could use your intelligence to craft weapons and traps that gave you an advantage over the bear.

It is a scientific fact that race mixed mutts(negroid and European spawned abominations) are far less intelligent than the European parent, and their intelligence lay closer to that of it's negroid parent.

Intelligence, civility, co-operation, empathy, these are all seemingly recessive genes, in the same way that white skin, blue/green/teal/silver/etc eyes, red/brown/blonde hair are recessive and are lost when bred with a negroid.



Nice counter opinion, SJW.

Call everybody who doesn't agree with your marxist doctrine a "stormfag" or "nazi".



I would be more surprised if he wasn't really.


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I'm asexual.

I seriously just don't get what the big deal is. I hear people talk about sex more than anything else.

Seriously, relax. Sex isn't that big a deal.



Of course it isn't if you're crippled.



back to /leftypol/


>I am colour blind but I don't see what's the big deal is about colours, how good could they possibly be?

You should probably fix your asexuality through mental transmutation as it's likely resulted in from some defect.


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An argument I hear often, but I also see people cloud their vision with the desire of sex more often than any other distraction. It drives people to pathetic depths and heights of idiocy in hopes of obtaining it.

It strikes me as being like cocaine or heroin, and I never bought into drugs being a shortcut to enlightenment either. What could I possibly gain from it besides the "complete human experience"?


It's possible to correct it if I mess with some hormone levels and create an object of desire, yes, but it seems like the rest of my practice is based around controlling the presence of objects of desire and limiting the power materialism has over my mind. Again, what do I gain?



>what do I gain?

The ability to actually put your generative powers to use and create a family.

Opportunity and drive to find a wife that you can perform magic with.

I can't quite articulate the specific pros so I'll resort to an appeal to authority. I am inclined to believe that many great occultists of the past were married to greenpilled women partly for advancement of their magical work.

There's a plethora of tantra exercises that have to be done with a partner but since noone on /fringe/ has one we are unaware of the benefits yet.


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That's a reasonable argument. The only problem is personal; my genetics are rather awful. Having children of my own would be like cursing them, unless I were to put a lot of effort with no certainty of success(or any way of telling if I succeeded), into changing my own genetics. Call it motherly instinct, but I would prefer not to gamble with the safety and happiness of my theoretical children.

The option of adoption remains, but that doesn't require sex, obviously.

Unless by tantra exercise you mean a purely sexual exercise, is there no reason I can't do these things with an asexual partner? It's not rare whatsoever for an asexual to be an occultist, giving the unique perspective they get on the collective insanity of the human race, and it wouldn't be difficult to find a partner with purely romantic and scholarly interests in mind.



Are you white? If you're not white don't bother breeding. If you are white fix up your genetics Book of Knowledge style and then consider reproduction.


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People can have troublesome genetics no matter how white they are, Anon.

If it makes you feel any better, I'm certainly not any more willing to bear children for someone not white.



>People can have troublesome genetics no matter how white they are, Anon.

No shit which is why I tell you to fix your genes.


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I've already fixed the negative effects they have on me. How would I know my efforts have succeeded in fixing them if I can't observe my own state as an indicator? How would I know I have fixed them entirely, and not just made myself a recessive carrier of that gene, without the ability to observe them directly? Do I draw my blood and map my own genome?

Altering genes for a form of 'shapeshifting' is one thing, but it becomes exponentially more complex when you must consider the wellbeing of your progeny. I refuse to bring a child into being that could be missing limbs or organs.

Granted, science is already working on fixing this problem. Just have to wait another five or six years for it to be commercially available.



>not harnessing the surge of sexual energy

Top kek a couple of years ago I got little taste of the green pill when I tried the no-fap challenge as a fedora.

After only a couple of days I could already feel a noticeable increase in energy. After 2-3 weeks it felt like I had unlimited energy.

IDK about you asexual people… Do you not feel the energy? If you learn the will power to control it, it could be extremely beneficial. I'm giving celibacy another go so I can experience it through the green pilled perspective as well.


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I'm so used to having it that not having it feels weird. I can have an orgasm, and when I do I end up feeling slow and oversleeping for half a week.

Definitely one of the benefits.



You do realize children don't have spirit incarnate in them?

Just create a child and if there's a problem with it give it an accident then and be free of it.



I'm afraid I am not one of those sociopathic mothers that could discard something she spent the better part of a year working on.



Shit, I'm /edgy/ as fuck, but alas I would not condemn a soul to live in a damaged vessel for years on end knowing full well its soul could be released so it could go on to have meaningful experiences.

…and I would be such a cold motherfucker that I'd use a year of creating an abomination be an excuse to extend that suffering to a few decades.

When did you realize you were such a sickfuck?


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Hey, I was there when I was little. May as well give him the time of day for a sentence.



Prove that you, who would trap a spirit in an inferior vessel, have a spirit.

You fear death because you have nothing that will outlive the destruction of your body.

That is all you are, organic portal.


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Brainless Sissy Retard



I'm not relevant to what? Stop talking like a BSR.


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It's really a situation that is fucked either way.

See why I don't want to risk bearing a child that could end up that way? No matter what I do, I end up with a serious burden to bear for the rest of my life, paid in illness, a child to raise, or guilt.

Truth is, shit's fucked, don't do it to begin with. No amount of racial pride is going to make it a good idea.



You know this mindset is why the whole fucking planet is going to be covered in niggers and chinks soon?

Either embrace total misanthropic nihilism and exterminate all sentients in this realm or work to populate this world with the New Man.


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Assuming I have any interest in your ideal future for the human race(and giving that this isn't a troll, which is already a stretch) I would be a poor choice for a baby factory for already-stated genetic reasons. You have a practical mind, why would you waste resources on feeding a woman for 9 months who has a 25% chance to produce something incapable of life?

I'd be one of those people that'd face the rope for not being a baby maker or a soldier, in this world of new men that would disintegrate within a few years for killing off all the doctors and scientists.

If you have no better argument, I'm going off to some other thread and to wash my keyboard because I feel dirty for sticking to my principles and giving a reasoned response.



>I would be a poor choice for a baby factory for already-stated genetic reasons

SO FIX YOUR GOD DAMNED GENES ALREADY? The Book of Knowledge teaches you how.

Also, if you can, reproduce without actual sex. Create perfect human beings out of pure akasha.

>I'd be one of those people that'd face the rope for not being a baby maker or a soldier, in this world of new men that would disintegrate within a few years for killing off all the doctors and scientists.

*tips fedora* you know who killed off all the doctors and scientists it was the fucking Russian commies. National Socialist Germany has no shortage of doctors and scientists I tell you as much. Also all the greatest scientists are occultists.

>If you have no better argument, I'm going off to some other thread and to wash my keyboard because I feel dirty for sticking to my principles and giving a reasoned response.

At least when I am talking to you I win no matter what. I win because you're removing yourself from the genepool or I win because you become a perfected human bean.



Why are you speaking for National Socialism when all you want to do is be a cuck for Jamal?



There is none other then "I", faggot, so it is that I am talking.



ayy lmao he deleted his post

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