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Esoteric Wizardry


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File: 1428405365950.jpg (23.21 KB, 570x238, 285:119, r-SPIRITUALITY-IN-NEW-YORK….jpg)


You guys heard about strawpoll? This shit is going to be in depth.

I bring you the: fringe/conspiracy/spiritual/astral "what do I believe" in poll.


(It's Google, so please make sure to make yourself anonymous before you put yourself on the NSA watchlist. I'm already on it so I'll just sit and wait for the partyvan)

Before you complain about the length, you might be interested in how many people actually believes in something because this poll is supposed to cover as much as possible.

I hope you have fun filling this in because in the future, we'll be able to tell how many people believe in life after death and the Jewish conspiracies.

I also encourage you to spread this form to your groups and communities to get as many users as possible (by linking this thread first, because it is Google (Very evil company)).

After you've done the poll you also get access to the results page which I will link in this thread after I've done the poll myself. I am predicting that at least 30 people will have done it by the end of this week.


And here's the results.

There's no answers right now so I wouldn't spoil the fun before you've filled the form in yourself.



I'm am unkeen on the fact the the dichotomy is "Definitely so" and "I've never heard that". Your means of obtaining information is half good and you will only get half good results because of it. Still gonna do it though. Most of my answers are gonna be "Prefer not to answer" or "Definitely so" even though some of those "Prefer not to answer" would better serve everyone if there was a "Definitely NOT" in the means of information acquisition.

You did not do it right.


I agree with this. It also lacks something for "partially true".


>that one fag who voted prefer not to answer for everything


Maybe because it's so badly done. I just gave up halfway.


I wonder how can you read through books if you can't focus on a single task for about 10 minutes.


Reasons. Duh.


Badly as described by >>31642 and >>31646.


The poll was unclear at times, idk, maybe just for me. Like the question "There is no God". It depends what do you mean by god: The All, demiurge, or more advanced entities some prefer calling gods?


Your wish is my command (not really).

Added a new answer that is the opposite of "Definitely so".

I created this after being awake for 20 hours so of course there will be flaws.

For a short period of time I'm going to allow editing of the poll for those that want to change their answers.

If anyone have tips on better answers for the poll, please share it in this thread and I'll make it for a 2.0 in the future.


>I'm already on it so I'll just sit and wait for the partyvan
Eh, don't worry. I'm probably on 10 watchlists already. I don't even bother with proxys or any of that bullshit anymore.


Dude, it's not fucking hard to use proxies and decent search engines and ABP, and you ought to be using that shit anyways to get past bans from hotpockets.

I know for a fact they have a warrant to see whatever they want from my ISP so they are able to spy on everything and that I am a person of interest to many intelligence agencies but I still don't make it THAT easy for them as you are doing.


File: 1428475022458.jpg (57.06 KB, 625x242, 625:242, shig of the hill.jpg)

I believe its called being inconspicuous by being conspicuous. Also


>not using ABE


My flag, where did it go?!


This, I've learned to hid in plain sight and assume a certain persona while online and on normalfag sites that are all recorded.


I wanted to do it again but I didn't. It just isn't engaging enough to do the same thing twice. Good luck sussing out the complete truth from the half truth given your actions.

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