You guys heard about strawpoll? This shit is going to be in depth.
I bring you the: fringe/conspiracy/spiritual/astral "what do I believe" in poll.'s Google, so please make sure to make yourself anonymous before you put yourself on the NSA watchlist. I'm already on it so I'll just sit and wait for the partyvan)
Before you complain about the length, you might be interested in how many people actually believes in something because this poll is supposed to cover as much as possible.
I hope you have fun filling this in because in the future, we'll be able to tell how many people believe in life after death and the Jewish conspiracies.
I also encourage you to spread this form to your groups and communities to get as many users as possible (by linking this thread first, because it is Google (Very evil company)).
After you've done the poll you also get access to the results page which I will link in this thread after I've done the poll myself. I am predicting that at least 30 people will have done it by the end of this week.