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Esoteric Wizardry


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File: 1428438783095.jpg (564.07 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 1428014185135-2.jpg)


As a /k/ and /fringe/ regular, magick would be a very good skill to have when WWIII (Or something similar) happens.
Anyone else preparing for the Happening?


Let's make this a utilitarian magic thread.

Can magic help me get a job with reasonable revenues and not much workload?

Please respond seriously.


Don't questions go in the question thread?


Don't Jews go into the oven?


File: 1428441571702.pdf (1.01 MB, 1912mindpower.pdf)

Read the .pdf I have attached. It is about mental powers. I'm actually going through it myself.



Looks dope thanks anon


Welcome, everyone should be ready for the Happening. It feels like it is getting closer and closer everyday.


Silly hittler, that was an hoax!


Is it possible to create a magickal shield protecting me from radiation in a Happening of nuclear war?


yeah.. just hide under a desk
top kek


That will only protect for from some of it.
But having a powerful magickal shield will protect me from the radiation that pierces through walls. Or if I am out in the open. It is always good to be prepared.


1950's joke


It's literally the most helpful thing you can have and I would like to find you an example of a wizard from World War II who killed several hundred enemy soldiers and ran out of ammo and still kept killing them and nobody was able to shoot him, he walked out above the trenches with his pistol, and shot everyone who so much as popped up for a moment never missing a single shot btw; every bullet of his hit his targets and he killed them all.

There are countless ways to use magic during SHTF and it is said that at the end of an age when there is a massive collapse of civilization and practically everyone dies off, the most advanced occultists always survive, and end up becoming like gods to the lesser developed people that also happened to make it by chance.

I'm preparing for the happening. I got a huge stockpile of oatmeal especially and need to increase my supplies of sauerkraut and potatoes and carrots and other things too.

Yes of course it can and in many different ways depending on what you do and how you apply your magickal knowledge and skill.

You know all of Atkinson's books are in the Fringe Library under New Thought, including that book that Neophyte anon linked right? Why not just download the whole library?


Yes but I doubt you'll be able to do the practises and tests for this beforehand in order to develop competence in creating such a shield. Just make a tulpa for the purpose of learning and survival that watches out for dangers from you and keeps you safe and everything. A good tulpa is your best magickal asset for SHTF. If your tulpa is developed enough he'll warn you before any nukes even take off when it's time to bug out and where the nukes will strike.

We should have a survivalist flag on here just like on old /fringe/.


Second time I've seen someone mention sauerkraut on here. Why sauerkraut? I feel like the reason is on the tip of my tongue.


useful lactobacteria


I knew those Germans were up to something


fuck off and die


Lol at these 12 year olds…

It is best to use attraction and synchronicity principles to avoid conflict in this sense.

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