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>Making love is war; cause-and-effect is the shibboleth of confused minds; yoga and health foods destroy the body; the body and not the soul is immortal; there is no communism in Russia, no freedom in America, and no spirituality in India; service to mankind is utter selfishness; Jesus was another misguided Jew; and the Buddha was a crackpot; mutual terror, not love, will save mankind;…



>yoga and health foods destroy the body
>the body and not the soul is immortal




>tfw when only terror can save mankind
>shit foods build the body up?
Seriously wtf m8


This isn't even wrong, just edgy


Master loosh farmer.


-citation needed-


>Making love is war
>yoga and health foods destroy the body
>no freedom in America
>service to mankind is utter selfishness
>Jesus was another misguised Jew
>mutual terror, not love, will save mankind

These are actually true


Reading the link. Suspecting this guy is demonically possessed


>citation needed
>for an opinion
Do you even know what a citation is, newfriend?


>As long as you think you have something to renounce, you are lost. Not to think of money and the necessities of life is an illness. It is a perversion to deny yourself the basic needs of life. You think that through a self-imposed asceticism you will increase your awareness and then be able to use that awareness to be happy. No chance. You will be peaceful when all your ideas about awareness are dropped and you begin to function like a computer. You must be a machine, function automatically in this world, never questioning your actions before, during, or after they occur.

/fringe/ isn't ready for these redpills.


this guy is right
i like how the faggot thelemites are the first to get mad ITT


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>You will be peaceful when all your ideas about awareness are dropped and you begin to function like a computer. You must be a machine, function automatically in this world, never questioning your actions before, during, or after they occur


But that's how Jews act, they don't question their unholy actions, they just do and preach to the goyim that they should question their every action, their every word and be forever unstable, never knowing.


How does yoga and healthy foods destroy the body again?


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
>U.G.: Because man is worse than the animals it made it necessary and possible for him to create the moral dilemma. When man first experienced the division in his consciousness–when he experienced his self-consciousness–he felt superior to other animals, which he is not, and therein sowed the seeds of his own destruction.

For ages they had been without heads. Headless they lived, and headless they died. How long they had thus flourished none of them knew. Then something began to change. It happened over unremembered generations. The signs of a transfiguring were being writ ever more deeply into them. As their breed moved forward, they began crossing boundaries whose very existence they never suspected…and they trembled. Some of them eyed their surroundings as they would a strange land into which they had wandered, even though their kind had trod the same earth for countless seasons. And during idle moments after dark, they looked up at a sky filled with stars and felt themselves small and fragile in the vastness. More and more, they came to know a new way of being. It was as if the objects around them were one thing and they were another. The world was moving farther and farther away, and they were at the center of this movement. Another world was forming inside the heads they now had. Each of them, in time, became frightened in a way they had never known. In former days, they were frightened only by sights and sounds in the moments they saw or heard them. Now they were frightened by things that were not present to their senses. They were also frightened by visions that came not from outside them but from within them. Everything had changed for their kind, and they could never return to what they once had been. The epoch had passed when they and the rest of creation were one and the same. They were beginning to know a world that did not know them. This is what they thought, and they thought it was not right. Something which should not be…had become. And something had to be done if they were to flourish as they had before, if the very ground beneath their feet were not to fall away from under them. They could do nothing about the world which was moving farther and farther away from them and which knew them not. So they would have to do something about their heads.


This sentiment is kinda similar to what Peter Wessel Zapffe talked about

>Zapffe's theory is that humans are born with an overdeveloped skill (understanding, self-knowledge) which does not fit into nature's design. The human craving for justification on matters such as life and death cannot be satisfied, hence humanity has a need that nature cannot satisfy. The tragedy, following this theory, is that humans spend all their time trying not to be human. The human being, therefore, is a paradox.


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>Making love is war;

Agreed. There is no edgier and aggressive act than reproducing and forcing another soul into this world of conflict.

>cause-and-effect is the shibboleth of confused minds;


>yoga and health foods destroy the body;

Not true at all.

>the body and not the soul is immortal;

Neither are immortal, only spirit is immortal.

>there is no communism in Russia,

No True Communist Fallacy?

>no freedom in America,

True to some extent.

>and no spirituality in India;

Most Curryniggers aren't spiritually developed much at all.

>service to mankind is utter selfishness;

I agree.

>Jesus was another misguided Jew;

For the most part, yes.

>and the Buddha was a crackpot;


>mutual terror, not love, will save mankind;…



>that GET


Sorry, I was under the impression you had something to back up your statement when you said this wasn't even wrong.


>citation needed


>Q: You reject things on both sentimental and rational grounds. What is left?

>U.G.: It is like the man who is riding a tiger and is thrown off. The tiger, maintaining its own momentum, continues on – it's gone. That's all there is to it. You cannot do anything with the tiger anymore. So you never again have the fear of encountering or riding the tiger. It is finished. It has gone.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
>Q: In this natural state you are talking of, are there any psychological entities, any personalities, egos, self, or identity at all?

>U.G.: There are no persons, and no space within to create a self. What is left, after the continuity of thought is blown away, is one disjointed and independent series of interactions. What happens in the environment around me, happens in here. There is no division. When the armor you are wearing around you is stripped away, you find an extraordinary sensitivity of the senses that responds to the phases of the moon, the passage of the seasons, and the movements of the other planets. There is simply no isolated, separate existence of its own here, only the throb of life, like a jellyfish.


>Scientists in the field of evolution now think that the present breed of humans we have on this planet probably evolved out of a degenerated species. The mutation that carried on the self-consciousness must have taken place in a degenerate species. That is why we have messed everything up. It is anybody's guess as to whether anyone can change the whole thing.

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