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>tfw you finally sort our your life, have an established routine and can safely say that I have contributed a net-positive to the world and people around me (inb4 some nihilist says well, uh, in the end it doesn't rly matter fag xd xd lol)
>sorted out mental issues, inadequacies, finances, relationships, health, diet, fitness and interests via magick
>actually achieve worthwhile things and feel good about my actions, instead of constantly wasting time on the internet
Feels so good man, how have you improved yourself in /fringe/-related ways?


Don't bring on the evil eye! What are you doing?


Good for you, gj.


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Happy for you OP.
You managed what I've been trying to achieve for almost 3 years.
Hope I'll be able to reach that level soon.


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we're all gonna make it bro



Good shit OP

I'm /fit/ and on the verge of perfecting a paleocentric diet. I am currently working on healing my spirit in order to harness my ego and make my path clearer.

Also have been cannabis and tobacco free for over a month with no cravings for either!


could you expand on your diet?

also how do you feel now that youve cut out cannabis?


OP my astral senses are unfolding in a way that many people don't even fathom and practically everything that crosses my path connects me mentally to everything else it has been in touch with. I am constantly able to connect with the thoughtclouds, thoughcurrents, etc. that surround everything and go into people's minds even on /fringe/. It's absolutely beautiful and amazing, I feel like everything is open to me, and I pretty much almost always partially in 4D now, constantly connected to the astral. I'm still adjusting to this new way of experiencing reality and trying to get a handle on it all but for the time being I absolutely love this feeling of being in a complex ocean of mindstuff all around me.


Happy to hear it OP. I too, am currently resolving my mental issues and inadequacies as I try to apply more constructive habits. For the time being, in order to resolve my maladaptive daydreaming, I am applying mindfulness. This is the foundation that must be laid down as I can snap back into my fantasies at any time. It's the work that allows me to work.


How do I also develop these as rapidly as you have?



What did you do and how can I do it too?


bro even the guy who pushes the paleo diet looks like he's about to die of a heart attack… stop, please, just follow dr.sebi's diet.


>hurr durr if you're not a vegan you're killing yourself
Enjoy your B12 deficiency




I'm good actually, but your view is skewed, there is science and reason you lack. I offered knowledge from a good place.


>inb4 some nihilist says well, uh, in the end it doesn't rly matter fag xd xd lo
It really doesn't. I'm happy for you because you are fighting for a purpose, and that's our only choice. But if you didn't there wouldn't be much difference. That you achieve those things it's still nice, though


it's still evolving but as it stands

I don't eat until about 2 hours after I wake up

Breakfast: Blueberries raspberries, whole oatmeal, raisins and honey. (Mixed with mineral water)

Lunch: 5 egg omelette with mushroom and shrimp

Supper: (Stir Fry) Tomato, mushroom, spinach, brown rice and lean beef mince (I would prefer less processed meat but I'm currently restricted by my budget and culinary skills)

Snacking: Almonds and occasionally grapes.

Drinks: Mineral water and Green Tea (no sugar or milk of course)

Herbs/Spices: Oregano and Chilli Powder.

Oil: Extra virgin olive

My current battle is giving up my addiction to condiments, namely ketchup.

I'd actually like to retract my statement of "perfecting" and say I'm more beginning to get a solid handle on an ideal staple diet for me.



Oh and as for the cannabis, it appears to be the one drug I have an addictive tendency towards. I have no dependency towards coffee or alcohol but the weed really ensnared me. So I guess it depends on the person but for me it was an absolute vice and one I'm glad to be free from.

Oh also apart from the above mentioned I haven't done any other recreationals.


Baby steps I suppose.

I try to keep an open mind but I am fairly new to this so jumping from a "mundane" lifestyle to hardcore fruitarian seems a bit intense but if it's really the ideal diet for me I sincerely hope I gravitate towards it in the future


definitely stealing all of this, its exactly what im looking for. How many calories rougly does this have? hopefully its good to go for bulking although i can always add some shakes to fill in.

Thanks for the information, I greatly appreciate it!


Tfw taking a piss and see a little aura halo around your dick.



I'm honoured.

I don't count calories any more just nutrient intake but I'm confident I'm meeting my "needs"


tl;dr is use your imagination constantly to reproduce and imagine endless variety of things with all the physical senses reproduced mentally, if you ever have trouble imagining something, then there's probably a series of imaginal steps you need to take first until you can achieve the more advanced stuff

…but you should read Psychomancy and many of the other books in the library.

In fact, you should read all of the books in the library. That's what I've done. Takes about 3-4 months of non-stop reading and was very brutal on my body btw, I went through so much eyestrain and crap doing that.

At the bare minimum you should swear to read 1-3 chapters every day out of the books in the library no matter what while trying to find days in which you can do a lot more reading.


Is this just an example of what you eat on one day or do you eat this again & again every day?

I can't really describe my diet because I consume about a 100 different varieties of vegetables and fruits in a month, a wide variety of grains, all sorts of different meats, etc. and it's all cooked and prepared in many different ways as well and I never really consume any one food substance repeatedly.

Besides, if you consistently eat any given food for too long, there's pretty much always some negative effects that accumulate.


how long did it take you to get a steady feel of what works for you and what doesnt?


Read William Walker Atkinson's Hatha Yoga book. It should help you.

People have thoughtforms attached to them which they've been feeding loosh into their whole lives that are messing with their ability to perceive what food is truly the food their body actually needs at the moment. The way people have been socialized and the impact of the thoughtforms / entity attachments from their own family members and the programming from television can strongly influence how they eat.

To fix this you need to purge it all and create a new thoughtform that intelligently guides you to the exact foods your body needs in the moment, the body might actually direct you to this by default I think, if it weren't for the perversions of outside influences. Fasting or even just making sure to constantly eat food with no desire to actually eat could help prepare the way in removing these problematic attachments.

I would suggest the following magickal operation, it's a bit advanced, but it should serve you well.

>do void meditation

>confront and then purge all your desire for food until you just don't want to eat at all, anything
>when you have no desire to eat at all and are still in meditation or have resumed meditation again, proceed to the next step…
>…next step is to desire strongly to eat what is healthiest for you (lets not get this confused with what is considered healthy in general btw, everyone's body is different) and properly meets the requirements of your body and lifestyle and gives you the optimal nutrients you need for meditation and exercise and so on as you continue to develop your body and let no other desires or thoughts distract you
>focus intensely on just this desire with a single-pointedness of mind, it should become like this desire for healthy eating is all that you know in that moment
>make it grow very strong and possess you
>you become possessed by it and you have concentrated so much loosh into it that it should now have a good kick-start to life
>you will have now thoroughly reprogrammed yourself so that you now have a deeply intimate feeling for exactly what your body needs to work and will receive guidance / impulses that direct you towards the healthiest foods you need and not what the ZOG has conditioned you to poison yourself with

If that particular magickal operation is too intense for you to carry out then whenever you normally eat any day strongly desire that you will only desire to eat and love the taste of healthful food that is right for your body and its needs.

You should also endeavour to try out every new food you possibly can at least once in order to get your body acquainted with everything there is out there, avoiding the shit you obviously should not be consuming at all like candies and sodas and white bread and so on. If you ever get a chance to eat a new fruit or vegetable or whatever you should try it out.

Another thing you should do is that every single thing you should eat, you should take a moment to imagine the food in your mind, in order to create an astral impression of it. Say you're eating a bowl of soup well stop for a moment, close your eyes, and remember/imagine how the soup looks in your mind. Doing this will help develop a variety of skills related to visualization and memory and so on and will make it also easier to recall later in the day if you aren't feeling well what it is you just ate. Eventually it'll become very obvious to you what effects various types of food have on the functioning of your body and you'll know why you are getting headaches and other problems (most headaches, mental fog, etc. seems to be from not consuming enough fat throughout the day btw).

I have become extremely sensitive now in knowing exactly what my body needs or how to balance things. If I eat too many fruits for example my skin very quickly starts to feel kind of sticky and greasy and I have two options; either go and meditate to counter it or try to eat a whole lot of food from another food group that balances the sugar (usually a bunch of sourdough ryebread with cheese and meats and eggs and stuff like that will balance out the sugar from the fruits for me or a whole lot of bitter salad with just olive oil and balsamic vinaigrette on it). I am very aware all of the time of little things with my body like how my body temperature is dropping or how my breathing is being affected or how my skin is and so on and can connect it accurately with the dietary causes of it as well as the effects of various physical labours.


The body is a very dynamic system that can not easily be forced onto a rigid diet if you're looking to achieve optimal results as new needs and balancing must be undertaken all the time to supply what it needs for various forms of mental and physical activity throughout the day and the night as well as changing environmental conditions like during summer and winter.



This is currently what I eat every day but I will adjust if I truly feel the need to.

My connection with the godsource/higher self is slowly becoming more harmonious so I'm hoping I'll be able to adapt both diet and lifestyle through listening to it.


im trying to get through all these WWA books but there are so many.. ive finished the kybalion and psychomancy and science of breath, was about to read mind power but on the other hand i still need to read the arcane duo. This seems like a redundant question but what order should i be going in? When I meditate i really dont have any visualization abilities present, i still falter with switching awareness from the physical to the mental.


>My connection with the godsource/higher self is slowly becoming more harmonious so I'm hoping I'll be able to adapt both diet and lifestyle through listening to it.

Bullshit. It's not even possible to be any less or more connected to godsource / All. Maybe you mean your ideal self, higher self, the higher planes, etc.

We shouldn't forget that the source of all, is also the source of suffering and all that is perceived as evil and so on.

Do you even know how to measure your level of connectivity to your highest self? You do it by gauging how conscious and pure you are. When your being, your thoughts, your awareness, etc. is more expansive, intense, has greater depth, etc. and you embody more virtues and your aspirations and desires are more pure and you are closer to perfection you know you are closer to your highest self / ideal self that represents the ultimate evolutionary potential of your spirit.

You just need to listen to your body. Every cell in your body has mind. You need to practise Robert Bruce's Energy Work and do those awareness-based meditations he suggests and you'll be able to much more intimately understand your body. If you want your body to be healthy, if you want to understand your body, aim to penetrate your awareness deeper into it and let spirit and body know one another more strongly. Do William Walker Atkinson's Psychomancy and Self-Healing books as well as the Hatha Yoga book I've already mentioned.

Don't let some vague notions of coming closer to your higher self be grounds for neglecting this work of knowing your body. Saying that one is "listening to their higher self" is akin to saying one is meditating upon their ideals and recognizing and coming closer to embodiment of those ideals ( and discovering higher ideals in the process of unfoldment ). Make sure to think clearly about this as your post indicates to me you being befogged about what exactly it is you are doing.


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I've been planning a massive meditations thread, look to it when it comes out later, but ummm you should have read those books in this order:

>Kybalion, Arcane Teachings, Arcane Formulas, Science of Breath, Hatha Yoga, Self-Healing, Mind Power, Life Beyond Death, Telepathy (you can skip this one if you want), Psychomancy, Mental Influence

I'd really strongly advise you do read them in order btw as those previous books lay a strong foundation upon which you are to understand the other books. You've already read Psychomancy but you probably don't understand the astral very well without having read Life Beyond Death first.

If you have a problem with memory also you might want to read the memory book as one of your first books right after reading the part in Personal Power that's dedicated to Desire.

The rest you can pretty much read in whatever order you want.

I'd also recommend you read The Universal Master Key by Franz Bardon after you're done The Arcane Formulas.


Man that helps so so much, thank you. I forgot about self healing, ive read the first chapter in that one and tried the exercise a few times. Ill get right to the arcane teachings and formulas.

Ill definitely keep an eye out for that meditation thread, you are an incredible sea of knowledge smiley!



I am a neophyte.

Like I said i'm working on healing my spirit in order to get me ego under control. I never claimed to be doing the right thing or know more than anyone else here.

People asked me questions and I tried to answer as honestly and genuinely as I could


The spirit (as defined by Tom Montalk and as the term is used by William Walker Atkinson) can not be maimed. There is no need to heal it. Maybe you mean your soul?

By ego you mean self right? You are trying to cultivate self-control?

>I never claimed to be doing the right thing or know more than anyone else here.

The issue is knowing what you are doing, I didn't comment on whether you are doing the "right or wrong" thing, just the knowing of the path.

Check out the glossary of terms we use, it should be linked in the sticky >>1


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Finally identified that 'roaring' or 'whooshing' sound people get just before a successful astral projection. It had been there the entire time but I'd never quite noticed it or connected the dots.

A small step in the grand scheme of things, An important one for me. We all get there one step at a time don't we?

Now I just need to perfect some projection techniques and I'll finally be able to hang with you guys in the astral.


I think what I meant to say was become more attuned with my spirit rather than heal it.

I'm not too familiar with Atkinson. Most of my knowledge is montalk based at the moment.

Yes I'm trying to discern things I do for my true self and things I do as a product of my environment.

Thanks for the advice I was just taken aback by the some what aggressive wording in your previous post

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