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do sadhus and/or taoists monks actually experience Altered States, live in "higher" state of mind, or have special abilities regarding astral projection?
Im thinking moder,urban life destroys our spiritual skills, i personally think Vedic teachings were composed by nordic nomads, who lived always on the edge of evolution.
Anyways, we can make this a general high meditaton/astral skills thread


also, anyone planning on going to India/Tibet/Nepal?


Yes, anywhere between 5 and 10 years from now, I will begin to tour that region of the east.


that cool.
I feel such a trip can be life-chaging. dangerous of course, but also very very valuable


Why in the fuck would you even do this? Turn within; not without. When the student is ready then comes the master… etc.

No point in travelling to some foreign country in a vague search for spirituality, as if you'd be more likely to find it out there, then at home.

Unless maybe you meet someone in the astral and arrange to meet in India or something but… fuck that.

5 to 10 years btw? Damn, I'm trying to reach ascendancy just this year, or at least finish all my reading now. I really don't think it'll take long after I'm done reading though to progress super-fast.

How old are you? I am 22.


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The Russian dude who did the interview /pol/ is always rambling on about, cultural Marxism, describes a few yogis in India who unwilling helped the soviets in subversion of American youth when it was trendy in the 60s to be spiritual by supporting Marxist theory in their teachings.

Be careful


Hey smiley while your here.

I'm the guy in the old /occult/ forum you btfo'd a few, maybe 5 months or so ago.

Do you think it's worth investing energy in this plane of existence to defend western thought against the un-bathed hordes of immigrants or should I just try and get the fuck out while I can and focus on myself?

I don't really mind the endless cycle of death; it's like building legos and smashing them down. Don't really know m80 might get boring after awhile


I suggest alternating days in which some days are dedicated to the purpose you currently serve and other days are purely for metaphysical development and knowledge acquisition.

The subliminal / occult forces are the deciding factor anyways for swaying peoples mindsets and getting them to adhere to the cause. There's lots of material to provide to people who've already been converted in order that they may strengthen their faith in the new paradigm they have adopted but tipping them over into that direction is the tough part and there are many shameless degenerates, race traitors, etc. that are fucking up.

You may also want to optimize the way in which you deliver redpills to others, with some kind of hard-hitting easily-consumed redpills, and a mega full of much more information for them to download and search through perhaps to further educate themselves on these matters once you get through to them?

I'm not sure how exactly it is you're going about defending western thought from immigrants.

Tom Montalk himself suggests that we should not get too carried away with trying to fight things like this when we neglect our own development and thus are unable to exercise our wills much in the world.

I think the white race may have to survive by taking some of its most advanced members and creating a break-away civilization that exists invisibly parallel to everything else and just awaits the day the degenerates and muds inevitably wipe themselves out then comes in and conquers and repopulates with a perfected race. Atkinson himself describes a process like this as happening repeatedly in one of his books in which he talks about Atlantis and Lemuria. Each civilization reaches a very high level of development and then crashes horribly and a few very advanced occultists and a few random run-of-the-mill people survive and the advanced occultists are worshipped like gods by the more primitive people that lose all the knowledge and everything after their civilization collapsed.


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>Tom Montalk himself suggests that we should not get too carried away with trying to fight things like this when we neglect our own development and thus are unable to exercise our wills much in the world.

That's the main issue for me. I've had people criticize me for wanting to take the world upon my shoulders when I can't even get my own shit together.

>I think the white race may have to survive by taking some of its most advanced members and creating a break-away civilization that exists invisibly parallel to everything else and just awaits the day the degenerates and muds inevitably wipe themselves out then comes in and conquers and repopulates with a perfected race.

I've thought about this. My own little Rhodesia. (Or maybe what your referring to is somehow preserving whites outside the physical plane, which I would have to gain a considerable amount of mastery to pull off). I know how to grow plants and I can build the equivalent of a shack with my carpentry skills but that won't work long term.

The only set long term location I could think of is somewhere on the sea floor, as to shield us from the possible nuclear holocaust; I've always wanted to design sea floor green houses which would also preserve the flora and fauna. (need some sort of energy though, perhaps thermal from under sea vents?)

>Each civilization reaches a very high level of development and then crashes horribly and a few very advanced occultists and a few random run-of-the-mill people survive and the advanced occultists are worshipped like gods by the more primitive people that lose all the knowledge and everything after their civilization collapsed.

Tell me Smiley, do you think it's possible to break this cycle of collapse and finally have what you call a "perfected race" or is human nature to flawed?

This isn't the first time I've asked you a question on the spot and you've been more that sincere (to my scrutiny) in your answer, I'll have to repay you somehow. Also for giving me a good kick in the ass on the old /occult/ board, it really helped.


>Tell me Smiley, do you think it's possible to break this cycle of collapse and finally have what you call a "perfected race" or is human nature to flawed?

Earth is the birthing ground of many perfected races that move on from it. All those Nordic aliens? Probably men from a previous cycle that escaped.

There's always going to be tons of subhuman ape men on the planet because nature is a big pyramid where very primitive and underdeveloped organisms are extremely numerous and the more refined, conscious, creatures are fewer in number.

The less evolved organisms are subject generally to much quicker cycles whereas the more advanced ones go through much longer cycles. Same thing with spiritual evolution btw, you should The Arcane Teachings and Life Beyond Death, the more primitive souls of men of a very lowly order spend a short while in the astral in-between incarnations whereas the exceptionally advanced souls are known not to reincarnate for thousands of years.

If we can just make our own little society of perfected Übermensch we can rise up far above all these primitive degenerates and leave them behind in the mud.

I think according to Vedic knowledge we're in a cycle 3/5 (I need to go find the exact text and cite I guess) once this cycle is over there'll be two more and then after that a much larger cycle will be complete and another new phase begins.

Also, the universe itself goes through cycles of death and rebirth.

So I'm not sure what exactly you're asking but we can definitely create a perfected race and remove ourselves from the shorter cycles that dominate the untermensch, avoiding the "cycle of collapse" that effects them.


>This thought of this law of Rhythm, in its Universal form, has been entertained by the thinkers of all times and races. Herbert Spencer expressly held to it in his “First Principles,” expressing it in many ways akin to this: “Evolution must come to a close in complete equilibrium or rest;” and again, “It is not inferable from the general progress towards equilibrium, that a state of universal quiescence or death will be reached; but that if a process of reasoning ends in that conclusion, a further process of reasoning points to renewals of activity and life;” and again, “Rhythm in the totality of changes—alternate eras of evolution and dissolution.” The Ancient Western Philosophers also indulged in this idea. Heraclitus taught that the universe manifested itself in cycles, and the Stoics taught that “the world moves in an endless cycle, through the same stages.” The followers of Pythagoras went even further, and claimed that “the succeeding worlds resemble each other, down to the minutest detail,” this latter idea, however—the idea of the “Eternal Recurrence”—while held by a number of thinkers, is not held by the Yogi teachers, who teach infinite progression—an Evolution of Evolution, as it were. The Yogi teachings, in this last mentioned particular, are resembled more by the line of Lotze’s thinking, as expressed in this sentence from his Micro‑cosmos: “The series of Cosmic Periods,…each link of which is bound together with every other;…the successive order of these sections shall compose the unity of an onward‑advancing melody.” And, so through the pages of Heraclitus, the Stoics, the Pythagoreans, Empedocles, Virgil, down to the present time, in Nietzsche, and his followers, we find this thought of Universal Rhythm—that fundamental conception of the ancient Yogi Philosophy.



It's actually 3/7… should have realized that, as 7 is a recurring number all throughout occult texts and seems to be embedded in the structure of our universe in many ways.

Read from page 187 onwards for a couple pages and you'll get to read the stuff about the cycles of civilization and what is to happen to this current one we live in.


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Not necessarily. There's a lot of disinformation and flawed and "superstitious" practices among those people. There might be few sadhus who achieve some of the rumored special abilities, though I do not believe all or even most sadhus have such skills.


That was a good read, but while I hold many high ideals of greatness for myself and the race, the bit about becoming one with the All still scares the shit out of me.

Hopefully my values will change as I incarnate higher and higher.


>The less evolved organisms are subject generally to much quicker cycles whereas the more advanced ones go through much longer cycles
That's wrong. It took 2 billion years to evolve from prokaryote to eukaryote, 1 billion from unicellular eukaryote to multicellular organisms, half billion years to evolve a nervous system, about half of it to evolve a brain, less than that to become terrestrial, it took only 30 million years to evolve from treeshrews into hominid biped apes, less than 8 million years separate us fom chimps and we evolved into creatures capable for modern technology (lowest end of modern human brain volume) within less than a million years ago.


The life cycle of a single microbe is extremely short…

What you're talking about has nothing to do with the life cycles of individual organisms.

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