>>32824>Tell me Smiley, do you think it's possible to break this cycle of collapse and finally have what you call a "perfected race" or is human nature to flawed?Earth is the birthing ground of many perfected races that move on from it. All those Nordic aliens? Probably men from a previous cycle that escaped.
There's always going to be tons of subhuman ape men on the planet because nature is a big pyramid where very primitive and underdeveloped organisms are extremely numerous and the more refined, conscious, creatures are fewer in number.
The less evolved organisms are subject generally to much quicker cycles whereas the more advanced ones go through much longer cycles. Same thing with spiritual evolution btw, you should
The Arcane Teachings and
Life Beyond Death, the more primitive souls of men of a very lowly order spend a short while in the astral in-between incarnations whereas the exceptionally advanced souls are known not to reincarnate for thousands of years.
If we can just make our own little society of perfected Übermensch we can rise up far above all these primitive degenerates and leave them behind in the mud.
I think according to Vedic knowledge we're in a cycle 3/5 (I need to go find the exact text and cite I guess) once this cycle is over there'll be two more and then after that a much larger cycle will be complete and another new phase begins.
Also, the universe itself goes through cycles of death and rebirth.
So I'm not sure what exactly you're asking but we can definitely create a perfected race and remove ourselves from the shorter cycles that dominate the untermensch, avoiding the "cycle of collapse" that effects them.