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Esoteric Wizardry


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Ok so I realize this is probably going to sound autistic and that I'm being a manchild, but I can't shake this feeling, and I can't stand not knowing what to do any longer and this is the last place I can think of to come to. I'm desperate to have some sort of adventure or experience that people don't have. I want to see or do things that most people would think doesn't exist or isn't possible, I want to be a part of something bigger than myself, yet not any religion I've heard of or anything like that. I'll even go so far as to say that ever since I was a child, even up until now, I've often dreamed of being part of some sort of occult secret society or something. Hollywood is probably to blame, or the movie industry in general. We have painted such vivid examples of amazing feats that makes reality grotesquely boring by comparison. Common reality has lost it's luster. Is there any underground thing I could look into, is there any hope for adventure in my life, or am I destined to live a dead end life, working behind a desk by day, and hating myself to sleep by night? If you have any ideas or knowledge that you even THINK I might want to hear, please for the love of god share it with me before I an hero from a whole new level of boredom.

>inb4 stop watching anime (I don't)

>inb4 roleplay
>inb4 go down the street and ask to join the tree house club that children run
>inb4 an hero
>inb4 grow up
>inb4 what a fag
>inb4 get a realistic job

halp me /fringe/ you're my only hope


One word, OP.

Chaos cult.


I can agree. Modern society has taken the charm out of the world.
As for your mysterious paranomal adventures or what have you. Try to think of it like this, the way you know the world is wrong. The world is a much stranger and complex place than your teachers, family or society have lead you to believe. I suggest you start reading the recommended books to get a grasp over all this.
We are all generally fighting for our own cause, some collective. You can join a cause which strives to advance humanity, to free it, to inform and save it, etc.
As for secret societies, you have your generic lodges, but you also have many secret occult societies who practices unfavorable magic or who don't want to be known or seen.
The world you're looking for exists. Your desire for it has already brought you there. Only that you are acting out the grand play of life to get you there.


what recommended books, what causes are there to join? can you point me to anything?
>>33284 what is the chaos cult


what organizations are there that strives to advance etc, preferably free, because the world is disgusting and no one sees it but the select few, do these select few meet? are there actually things to join? how would you go about finding them, how would you go about joining? what are they? all the secret societies and crap I know of are based on religion or jews controlling everything via bilderberg


The chaos cult can be whatever you want it to be, or you can follow an established one. Hail Eris and so on.


You are not yet at a level of which you could be useful to any of these societies. Go check the /fringe/faq.html page to see recommended books. I suggest you first learn to get a grip on this subject and some decent experience before you seek anything out.


alright thanks, but what do you mean not at a level, how can anyone ever be at a specific one, without someone just 'seeking' you out lol


and I don't want to learn magick, I just want to be a part of something that actually does something.


Learning magic is to learn the philosophy of life. How the universe works. If you ever want to be part of anything that does real change, you will need to understand these laws.
By not at any level I specifically mean your knowledge and wisdom is minute. You need to study first.


If that is all, check out whiteswillwinparty.org

Make a real difference.


well I'm a little confused as to why I should read these books, if that is it. I have a thick understanding of the universe and it's laws, and all of this stuff in these books seems extremely familiar to me, I've just called it different things. And I also don't have money at the moment, I have yet to get a paycheck and can't get these books, if they are a must read, are there online readings of them? and no offense but something called 'whiteswillwinparty' seems rather loud and I can't picture it going anywhere..to be honest anything with a website seems like it won't go anywhere. Aren't there any legitimate secret things?


You won't get an open invite to any legitimate secrets. Form your own cell.


I don't know how. I don't know how to find people. I'd love to start something but I don't know what or how or why, that's why I've always wanted to join something that has meaning


Well you've come to the right place, we're an occult secret society, and we do things the common man does not expect is even possible at all every day.

Initiation isn't easy though, you've go to read all those books in the library, start practising, then go through some basic trials to join us in the astral.

Go read the questions thread and the FAQ: http://8ch.net/fringe/faq.html

Btw, advanced magick operations are very dangerous, and many occultists destroy themselves in the path at a certain level. So don't bother with suicide, instead, pursue the occult and see if you can survive its inherent challenges.


Anon, we just watch you, and we wait for you to reach a level of development that you are ready and we initiate you.

There are many secret societies besides my own and we fight against each other as we have different goals.

You have to get studying and practising though before we care to even initiate you, only once your skills are quite advanced will groups actually go out of their way to have you in them.

You'll be able to join us when your astral senses and higher powers have unfolded enough that you can.


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>and I don't want to learn magick, I just want to be a part of something that actually does something.

*tips fedora*


>I have yet to get a paycheck and can't get these books,


My goodness you are such a dense mundane.

If you are going to keep being a lazy useless mundane who doesn't know shit, doesn't both to read the FAQ and download the library and actually look at the books, and doesn't want to learn magick then I can arrange a meeting with you and make you a slave to one of my thoughtforms since that's all you deserve since you want everything just handed to you on a silver platter. Don't worry though, I will wield hardcore elemental magick on you, and you will see and experience things that will frighten and shock you until I've made you into a mind controlled slave.

ProTip fgt: I have studied the occult for years, day and night, and practised intensely to get where I am at now. When I started I didn't even have /fringe/ with all of its wizards around and all those books in that library. I had to search through tons of garbage for the useful and legitimate stuff that now makes up the /fringe/ library. I am not skilled in an extremely wide variety of magickal practises from astral projection to energy manipulation to evocation and healing and telekinesis and thoughtforming and so on…. I have developed my body and mind to become practically superhuman and I am not done yet, I have much greater heights of attainment and power that I will realize in due time as I continue my path. I can and do dominate other humans.

Get reading and practising because you've got a long ways to go but the powers and realizations will be far beyond anything your present pathetically mundane worldview allows for.

I don't like arrogant mundanes. If you think magick is not powerful or there's nothing beautiful and wonderful out there, I am always willing to put a bad mundane in his place with my black magick. I am feared by the ignorant and loved by the wise. If you need a "wake up call" I can completely mess up your life for you and throw you into great danger. "Fools tread where angels dare not set foot".


Here's an idea. If you want to be part of a secret society, why not make your own? We magicians create out own kingdom with out mind and two hands.


I keep seeing the same self limiting thoughts and comments. If you but only open yourself to the universe, you will see that the same desk job you talk about could be transformed into an entirely new reality. There are amazing things happening in the background that you fail to see. Magic has a funny way of hiding itself from us, things you think are boring are actually not. I just feel you need to find a source of energy to tap into and you will be alright. your best ally is Optimism. best of luck


What the Fuck did you just say about me, you little bitch? WIZARD EDITION

Someone should make that freedomboard thread on here.

Forget joining anything for now, develop yourself for now, go to the questions thread, read, practice and one day adventure will find you.

Don't expect to be spoonfed though, indigo is right to be mad at you, there's no easy way to just becoming a wizard and being initiated into the secrets of the world.

While some writes say that anyone in the world can become a wizard it's an outright lie. Even starting on the path requires some inherent qualities like a certain level of intellect, diligence and courage.

If you truly seek something secret that no normie has ever set foot in, aim for astral projection, though if you don't have any talent for it expect to put in months if not years of work. From what you've written so far though, you seem to lack dedication and patience, thus you will probably give up in favor of something that provides immediate gratification.



OP I'm a newfriend to this board, but I suggest joying a Freemason group, they have branches all over the world, there is likely one in your city. There are many levels, the higher-ups have access to all these cool secrets and rituals.



Well OP you just walked into a den of Aryan Magicians steeped in Hermetic, Chaos, Satanic, and other traditions who are developing themselves to fight a Racial Holy War in order to create a New Man and a new society that will triumph over the mundane mass man of this age.

If you were looking for adventure, this is the place to come. It takes a long time to initiate yourself but after the few years initiation process you'll be doing things no mundane will ever believe possible.



>and I don't want to learn magick, I just want to be a part of something that actually does something.

…and then it was learned that indeed the OP is a huge faggot. Sage.



If you are a skilled applied metaphysician / wizard you will automatically be brought into the inner circle in any Freemasonic, Military, or other group you join that has these secret inner circles.

If you are not magickally talented you will never get into those inner circles no matter how long you stay. You will just be part of the outer-circle of these societies being used by the inner-circle.

OP being a lazy mundane could join a Freemason group and he'll never end up experiencing anything cool because he doesn't have the inherent qualities of a magician.

To Know, To Will, To Dare, To Keep Silence.

He can't do any of those things.



but thats 2 words



Fuck you stole the GET and wasted it!!!!


Adventure? Excitement? Weird habbenings?

Join or form a ghost hunting society. Go explore old cemeteries, ruins, abandoned places, places with rumors of spirits at night with your friends. Go on an adventure to all the great haunted sites around the country. Investigate old legends of monsters, demons, and local curses. Hit up the New Orleans Voodoo scene.

Plenty of adventure out there man.


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Join the cause to stop white genocide and save human civilization. It's going to blow up in the next few years and if you get in now, you'll meet some amazing people, and possibly get into power yourself.

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