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Esoteric Wizardry


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Could I have an invitation to www.theoccult.bz?

I wanted to enter since some months, but I don't know a lot of people that are in the occult.

I'm into chaos magick and hermeticism.

If you want to invite me my email is : n0153@glitch.space

Thank you.



What does this site contain anyway?


I don't think they even generate invites anymore.

I had 11 invites before I got pruned for inactivity.

I run one of the megas so if someone wants to help liberate material contact details are here: https://mega.co.nz/#!nhJjCAZL!1aFaAslJpMQFeU6BGJU_rz9KD_z7k8kvP9AJzrxIsbM

If you can get me an invite I'd appreciate it.



Sounds nice and all. But to be honest we have all we need here at fringe. Once you start applying the Hermetic laws (especially the first) you will figure out all you need.



This is why I am so grateful I found /fringe/ after getting banned from theoccult.bz.



At least people talk on fringe. No one even used the forums when I was on TO.bz




There was another one too called 'everything else', but I can't seem to find since TPB has restarted again.



I have a whole bunch of those torrents of TO.bz rar's on my mega file by file, with more going up soon.


It will only be up for a little less than a month though unless I get another voucher. Some guy on irc was gonna buy me one but he disappeared.



Upload them to mega yourself and I'll mirror it.



That was me when I was ripping those vids from occult curriculum ;)

I screwed up most of the e a koetting vids and others too. So if anyone has those….



Koetting is on piratebay, both courses.

I believe this mega has the kundallini course properly ripped:



Does anyone have the astral projection course or anything else from occult curiculum?



The >>34011 seems to have the AP course complete. The mediumship seems to be full on archive.org. We only are missing the NLP, hypnosis and hypnotherapy courses.




Does anyone have his soul travel guide?

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