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How to live an enlightened non-degenerate life?

What to avoid and what to gravitate towards?


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"Degeneracy" is highly subjective to personal standards and depends on your goals.

The most important thing to strife for is immortality in the form of escaping the claws of the demiurge and gain liberty. Lesser aspects include power, knowledge, wisdom - in short personal growth. The physical body as your vessel needs maintenance and care, so it's best if you take good care of it and not let it come to harm. Beauty is measurable and worth strifing for. This constant self-improvement should yield happiness on its own. It may be hard in the beginning but the more you improve the less drained you'll be. Unconditional love is not a fancy new age term, but a very real helpful tool in this mess of an existence.

What you do beyond that may fall into the realms of decadence, degeneracy and hedonism.



Let's look at the word.. degenerate - from degenere Ita. - degener, which essentially is lower than your ancestors.

Seems to me, to avoid being a degenerate, don't make mistakes you know you're making consciously.

Mistakes are a lesson to learn, but if you make mistakes consciously then you're taking 2 steps back, that is going back from progress.

But do you mean sexual degenerates? Chemical degenerates? Entertainment degenerates?

it could be like a wavelength with different spectra and only a small portion of what is considered the basic needs could be classified as able to fall back.

The words we use hold secrets, retard, degenerate, the fall, going backwards, ask yourself have you ever wanted to go back in time a fix something? That is attachment.

In a sense, your will to avoid degenerate behavior is a paradox in itself as it's a glass made of ice being filled with water, if you're on the path, working on self, respecting self and at the same time realizing doing those gives off to your exterior world the same benefits as you earn, that aspect really isn't a factor.

If you mainly consider this being a deviancy vice more sexual or based on the urges to get a dopamine fix out of anything, then understand the sexes and overstand them, really research your own aspects of yourself.

Say if you're addicted to porn, read articles or watch a few documentaries on the reality of the industry - trust that after that, if you still want to jerk off to that content, you're not going higher up that's for sure.

This whole process we think we are going through, self-empowerment, self-growth - well honestly, looking at the logical process, we are already the ultimate we can be, we simply do not process it in the MOMENT, but as you remove all exterior sources and come in to yourself you realize you have EVERYTHING in you, so this strive for greatness really isn't end game, that's silly, why would end game for the very force of end game be end game. Everything possible and that could happen or that could be IS, if it where not, fathoming such things would be unfathomable.

The process seems to be the enjoyable part, the climb, the walk, the hike. Did you ever have a group project with folks and had fun doing it in team ( could be a mmo boss or a school project or anything in the work force ) i mean real fun, not just you doing all the work because you have social anxiety and can' communicate with your teamates so you end up justifying their lack of involvement. Was funner to build and create than to look upon the end product, the end product gave satisfaction and that's it.




I mean, you can claim all you want to desire to give up smoking or watching porn or eating gmo-processed shit, but it has an effect on you if it does because of 3 levels,

1. you created the template for the behavior in your body via neuroplasticity related to dopamine release

2. you created the template in your psyche as your thoughts and desires are based around such

3. you created the template in your essence, as you now attract energies in relation to yours

So just going and saying k im done with this f it really is more of just overlooking the initial causes or triggers of these behaviors, questioning the sources.. What you like or enjoy or obsess over could and is usually the result of exterior influences, in essence you got pavlov'd into your dick getting hard when you see a girl with a specific kind of hair, or complexion or what ever she is wearing… i mean think about it, the varying levels of sexual perception on a being you already perceive as attractive depending on their wardrobe really doesn't make any sense, wouldn't the sexiest being you see be the sexiest in the nude than clothed a certain way? Why the fuck does pink neon fishnet stockings and see through shirts exist as a thing? It could be to compensate for the overindulgence of an aspect to the point where such colorful attires become a to spice up the love life kind of thing…. -> the cocaine isn't doing it as much so let's take more or let's mix in other drugs.

Then this all falls into conscious action.. you wouldn't overeat consciously as you know it can cause numerous issues to your organs and your digestive process, now obviously you wouldn't overeat crap.

There are a lot of people who just TURN OFF and gobble down 3-4 bottles of soda with bags of chips and candy, simply to have that 2-3 seconds of taste in their mouth,to get that rush… then complain later on about the acne and cellulite, oblivious as to how it could happen to them.

This reminds me of a trick a psyionics teacher said: consciously do things.. Narrate your own behavior, and as you learn to do this and it becomes second nature, you immediately halt and realize… woah why am i getting so worked up over this random little event that will be forgotten in 10 minutes and hardly affects me It's not about ignoring - it's about questioning and being aware of your current moment.

That's just all my opinion tho ^


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Striveth thou to be present in the present, to hold presence, and shun conscious evil towards thy brother and thyself.




Excellent writing



>Degeneracy is absolute.


Avoid orgasm, OP.


Is BDSM degeneracy and how does it effect the spirit?



But why? It's so wonderfully orgasmic!

But seriously, why not?



>wasting your loosh in such a mundane and stupid way

You realize that power would allow you to achieve immortality and many other things if you didn't waste it.



Because that energy that goes to make your BODY tingle would otherwise give you dominion over the lower and make you ascend.





One is always followed by 2, the point becomes a line, it manifests presence over not just itself but extends itself over the infinite, then the 3 appears, closing the line into a shape…

find yourselves your other gender aspect twin flame or what ever they call it, bring forth the being you would experience existence with and share all that is grand and great so that you may be complete in the realm of duality, for one cannot be male and female in this paradigm without suffering the consequences of the energy in this aspect of duality where the male and the female are embodied as beings of experience - the male, the father the pater the pattern the flow, the female the mother the matter the matrix, Fire and Water are original, male embody your earth and become the strength and wisdom of the world, female embody the air and breathe live and care into existence, permit movement and give it a purpose..

if you incarnated as a male, you have a female who is the female you would of been had you incarnated as a female and the other way around female to male, the deepest of occult knowledge will always have you unite fluids ( chemistry ) body ( physical tactility ) energy ( nervous system ) … mind.. all that, to become the highest version and power of oneself..

Read mantak chia and look into pascal randolph



This randolph guy has a number of books, could you be more specific on which ones focus on that gender twin flame crap?



P.B.Randolph Sexual magick

Pascal beverly randolph

that's for sex magic

for energy mantak chia and if you're mentality sane Alim Bey's content on youtube is well researched.

What exactly do you want to do? Because i used the term twin flame simply as a description of what it could be, that's just a human label with a human understanding, it's the *other half of you before Zeus split you both into 2 to weaken you* type of allegory or what ever you perceive it as originally MAN was MANPLANT and was ANDROGYNOUS and GREEN hued on this planet, but that's a few million years ago, this race has fallen so far, on the bright side now there really is only either going up or moving sideways.



Not the anon you're talking to but out of curiosity why the "if you're mentally sane"?



If your will to learn is stronger than your humanity.


bump for good thread


To live an enlightened non-degenerate life, you must seek the highest out of your life and others around you. Always striving for more, the best, avoiding wasting time and being a positive impact.

Your own brain is generally a hindrance to such in the beginnings, but after training and once habits form, you can become ubermensch.



I really don't care of people's opinion on this but personally RAW's Prometheus rising helped me a great deal with the BRAIN aspect and i recommend it as a read.


I can't really add anything since everything I'd like to say has already been written in great detail so I'm just going to bump.

Know the path, walk the path, strive for self improvement and derive the main pleasure from your work itself rather than the end result and you'll end up living a worthy life.







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Space Migration, Intelligence (squared - intelligence studying intelligence) increase, Life Extension


this cut through my mental fog and has caused me to reevaluate my pornography addiction, as well as my constant desire for alcohol

What is the explanation of the fact that people use things that stupefy them: vódka, wine, beer, hashish, opium, tobacco, and other things less common: ether, morphia, fly-agaric, etc.? Why did the practice begin? Why has it spread so rapidly, and why is it still spreading among all sorts of people, savage and civilized? How is it that where there is no vódka, wine or beer, we find opium, hashish, fly-agaric, and the like, and that tobacco is used everywhere?

Why do people wish to stupefy themselves?

All human life, we may say, consists solely of these two activities:

bringing one's activities into harmony with conscience, or

hiding from oneself the indications of conscience in order to be able to continue to live as before.

Some do the first, others the second. To attain the first there is but one means: moral enlightenment — the increase of light in oneself and attention to what it shows. To attain the second — to hide from oneself the indications of conscience—there are two means: one external and the other internal. The external means consists in occupations that divert one's attention from the indications given by conscience; the internal method consists in darkening conscience itself.

One is not living as conscience demands, yet lacks the strength to reshape one's life in accord with its demands. The diversions which might distract attention from the consciousness of this discord are insufficient, or have become stale, and so—in order to be able to live on, disregarding the indications conscience gives of the wrongness of their life—people (by poisoning it temporarily) stop the activity of the organ [the brain] through which conscience manifests itself, as a man by covering his eyes hides from himself what he does not wish to see.

– Tolstoy


Saving a halfway passable thread from pruning.



You know you can orgasm without ejaculating and getting fatigued right?

The multi orgasmic man should be force read to people who preach no fap here.

Research yourself though I just want to add an opinion to a very one sided topic here.



I think people who fap every day should reset themselves with a long no-fap period before attempting mantak chia.


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It's not very esoteric but breaking up tasks into smaller tasks and creating a list with boxes to check helps me a lot.

Willpower functions just like a muscle. If you routinely push yourself to attain a thing it will get easier over time.

A man is but the sum of his habits.


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wrong thread.

At least the image still applies.


Don't let media, videogames, internet, drugs, gambling and other useless activities take up your time.

Actually I'm leaving this thread right now to got and meditate.

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