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File: 1429547973762.png (1.41 MB, 1600x967, 1600:967, 1304572415991.png)
卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐 卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐 04/20/15 (Mon) 16:39:33 No.33942
Happy Birthday Adolf Hitler!
Today is 4/20. Post about it in this thread!
04/20/15 (Mon) 16:41:22 No.33943
04/20/15 (Mon) 16:44:39 No.33944
Happy birthday, Adolf.
>tfw humanity threw such an opportunity away
04/20/15 (Mon) 18:00:45 No.33957
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heh, that is some intense personal magnetism
04/20/15 (Mon) 18:01:08 No.33958
Hitler Discovers Bardon Has Revealed the Mysteries
04/20/15 (Mon) 18:02:31 No.33960
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I have cried so many times over Adolf Hitler and I'm crying again now thinking about his sacrifice and all he did for our race. ;_;
04/20/15 (Mon) 18:59:55 No.33978
hitler didn't die
he's still alive, younger than before
04/20/15 (Mon) 19:02:09 No.33979
Is he amongst us right now?
04/20/15 (Mon) 19:16:46 No.33988
Epic meme! Le funny german guy that started being treated as a joke due to the pathetic nature of normal people, unable to deal with violence and that thus got le funny clips and le reaction images in le internet. I feel le enlightened already
04/20/15 (Mon) 19:21:12 No.33992
File: 1429557672536.webm (7.91 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Hitler HD.webm)
04/20/15 (Mon) 19:21:49 No.33993
he's with ETs
04/20/15 (Mon) 19:28:10 No.33995
Happy Birthday Uncle Adolf
Lighten' up, Rabbi.
04/20/15 (Mon) 19:28:34 No.33996
What exactly are you trying to say?
04/20/15 (Mon) 19:29:37 No.33997
04/20/15 (Mon) 19:54:16 No.34004
NO, fuck you and your memes, herd
04/20/15 (Mon) 19:57:48 No.34006
*le butthurt kabbalist face*
04/20/15 (Mon) 20:12:37 No.34012
>Being part of a club
What a waste of existence. Top mongrel
04/20/15 (Mon) 20:21:35 No.34014
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