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Esoteric Wizardry


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I've been traveling down the Black Sun rabbit hole as of late. I thought it would be nice to have a thread devoted exclusively to this topic, and to share information. List your favorite books, specifically those that give exercises, mantras, and meditations that deal specifically with this path. I'm currently reading Serrano's The Last Avatar. It is a fascinating read and illustrates Serrano's mindset, but he does not spell out any sorts of practices for you.


is being white a requirement for this?



>doesn't work for me so it doesn't work for anyone else


i read devis " the gold out of the furnace". it argues for a golden residue of people in the furnace of the lost world war. i live in germany now and the people(volksdeutsche foremost) are top grade sheep and very negative.

i read about hitlers little helpers from tibet. black magicians who introduced the left-turning swastika(degeneration), sig runes and the sieg heil volting. it is believable for me.

i think hitler is pretty uncool now, i myself was a nazi about 7 months ago. still a positive racist, though.

thats just my opinion (:



I love The Enigma of Hitler and The Golem articles on this site.



Sounds like you read a bunch of disinfo shit and got bluepilled.




where da aryan messiah?

i -uh- see no hitlah over here.

go back to aldebaran, fagets



>go back to aldebaran, fagets

Fine with me once our damned ship is repaired or some other means of getting back can be enacted and hopefully they'll actually allow us back in.

Until then, might as well conquer this planet for the Nordic race.


All your esoteric National Socialist action is pointless unless it involves slaying jews. Let the Black Sun provide limitless power for your righteous fury. Sieg Heil!


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Heil Kamaraden, those diagrams are interesting. Can you share any good books with me?

Here's a nice copy pasta from /pol/ that got me started. I'll probably be digging through these for a while, but it would be nice to know which works can provide me with a curriculum.

Esoteric Fascist/Nazi Dump


Julius Evola

Revolt Against the Modern World


Ride the Tiger


Men Amongst the Ruins


Doctrine of Awakening


Hitler and the Secret Societies


The Hermetic Tradition Symbols


The Mystery of the Grail


The Metaphysics of Sex


Introduction to Magic


The Yoga of Power Tantra


Meditation on the Peaks


American Civilization


Savitri Devi

Warning to Hindus


The Non-Hindu Indians and Indian Unity


Joy of the Sun


Impeachment of Man


A Son of God




Gold in the Furnace


The Lightning and the Sun




Long-Whiskers and the Two-Legged Goddess


The Religion of the Strong:


Miguel Serrano:

The Last Avatar


Nos, book of the Ressurrection



Crusade Against the Grail - Otto Rahn


The Myth of the 20th Century - Alfred Rosenberg



These contain good information, but it's mixed in with kikery.

Nazism the Occult Conspiracy (narrated by Malcolm McDowell)


The Occult History of the Third Reich, Part 1 - Adolf Hitler


The Occult History of the Third Reich, Part 2 - The SS Blood and Soil


The Occult History of the Third Reich, Part 3 - The Enigma of the Swastika


The Occult History Of The Third Reich, part 4 - Himmler the Mystic



YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


reply to what?

their strawmens and some rhetoric questions?

of course i know what runes are but poster nr 34467 switched/misunderstood (deliberately ? t.OP)the words introduced (to hitler t. OP) and invented.

i will add hitlers speech on the 30th January 1945 to my thesis.

in this he alludes to the "innerasians"

maybe he is a bit sour that his tibetan friends left him alone when shit hit the fan?



Left and Right brain dichotomy is bullshit and it pisses me off to be reading it in there. The brain is holographic, its processes are non-locally distributed.



there you go


the part i talked about is book 5.

you a germanspeaker?



There is some localized concentration of function though, neurosurgeons can selectively impair certain functions (speech, hearing, balance, ect) by damaging specific portions of the brain.

Memory doesn't work this way though, and the brain can adapt to the damage over time by building up those functions in a different area of the brain.

My theory is that the brain developed to concentrate certain functions together because it's more efficient (brain signals have less distance to travel before they start working) not because the brain is incapable of distributing everything evenly.



book 2.



well, so you disagree with the "tibetan black magicians create thule-order etc. to handle hitler" theory? or what was your point now?

btw, which country do you live in? i am interested in meeting fellow magicians from germany.


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I made a board called /esoterichitlerism/ because there is no online community dedicated to this subject. The only problem is I can't log in and that deformed dude wont respond to my email.

Should I just start over and make a new one? I'm thinking either /ironpill/ or /blacksun/



How are the animals in zoos "unhappy"?

They seem happy upon examination and most animals in captivity live far longer than ones in the wild.

That quote is so stupid.



Do you think that, when you can't find people to discuss it here, you're going to have better luck with making a new board?

The only time a new board should ever be made for anything on /fringe/ is when one given topic on /fringe/ is growing so popular that it's overwhelming the whole board and it needs its own board to contain it.

No, do NOT make a new board for this, instead post material about it on here until it becomes really popular and overwhelms /fringe/. Then maybe consider making a new board.

As it is anyways /fringe/ is already a proper place for the subject. It was founded by a group of wizards that are all National Socialists and the flags on this board itself attest to the origins of /fringe/.


esoteric hitlerism/nazism is a failed ideology

they couldn't even beat the allies



No it's an immensely successful ideology that performed exceptionally well given the circumstances. Germany, under any other ideology, would have been crushed much faster and never got anywhere close to attaining the glory it did.


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Look what I just found.


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"reasons why i didn't win"


that makes more sense

all are subject to brahma-vishnu-mahesh (त्रिमूर्तिः trimūrti as one)


pic related


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>I've been traveling down the Black Sun rabbit hole as of late

Fug so have I since the great happening of memes and people posting the black sun. It has caught my interest more than other things.


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sheeeeit I just went back to read more Slavros tumblr posts and they've been removed by YHWH's Charlatans.

Have they been mirrored anywhere else?



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This topic interests me. If I were to read 1 or 2 books regarding it, what would you recommend for someone who knows practically nothing about it?

Maybe a list of recommendations in order like on the FAQ thing?




was miguel serrano even white? are chileans white?



Who the fuck cares? This is pure shit.


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literally the first thing he explains in his magnum opus is how he's white.



He's Spanish. He was blond as a youth and could trace mostly germanic/celtic ancestors. Chile has a relatively large European population. But like Mexico, it's still mostly mestizo I suppose; you can check wikipedia.





>negative vibes


according to serrano, women dont even have chakras

thats enough for me to call bullshit on everything



c'mon babe, you know women ain't got no chakras


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I've never read any books related to it. Just read over websites about it. Mainly more of the vril spacecraft side, but the historic mediums interest me as well. Different sites seem to have different views on what the black sun actually is. Some claim it to be saturnian, others claim it to be enlightenment.

I remember watching this really long video on youtube about it as well, something about prehistoric lodges. I don't think I have it in my history on this computer though.


Does the Black Sun represent a celestial Black Hole? Is this as old a sun worship?



Vril and the Vril Society have nothing to do with this crap.


" What nonsense! Here we have at last reached an age that has left all mysticism behind it, and now [Himmler] wants to start that all over again. We might just as well have stayed with the church. At least it had tradition. To think that I may, some day, be turned into an SS saint! Can you imagine it? I would turn over in my grave… "

— Adolf Hitler quoted in Albert Speer's Inside the Third Reich


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>Albert Speer


Did the Nazis ever unify their spiritual beliefs into a system that was there own? Was there even a plan to do this before their defeat?





>unifying a bunch of nonsense


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Go back to POL!

Not getting sucked in to your jew blackHOLE


This is a place for other news

Not gonna let jews consume my attention

Here that jew mindtrap distraction is not the place to mention

Go back to POL

Go back to POL

Go back to POL


NOt gonna let you distract me from the secrets of the universe by trying to convince me to think about jews for the rest of my life. My mind is for other stuff.

Not falling for your mindtrap.



As right as you are, please refrain from spending loosh in this way because it draws them to you like moths to a flame.



>NOt gonna let you distract me from the secrets of the universe by trying to convince me to think about jews for the rest of my life. My mind is for other stuff.

Beneficent goy.

Could you possibly cry more?



/fringe/ was literally founded on the principle of occult/esoteric National Socialism, with the aim of using magic to defeat zionism.



I always found that fact weird, since the fringe term was coined by montalk and his site has nothing to do with National Socialism.



The person that named the board had read montalk and I suppose it is as good a name as any, even if I would have probably used another.

It may be why some people have gotten the wrong idea of the board's intent though.

Just to reiterate: If you are not a National Socialist here to learn magic for the purpose of serving your folk by destroying the zionist entities, you are in a place never intended for you to inhabit, you may still make use of the information presented but do not claim that NatSoc has to be removed from the board.



Shut the fuck up, you fucking idiot. The board owner is a dysgenic subhuman retard who confuses National Socialism with White Zionism. /fringe/ is not some nazi wizard meet up. It never was and never will be. You cucks have never practiced any real magic as you still cling to materialistic ideologies.



Everyone knows smiley is a zionist, despite that, his confused efforts did bring authentic NatSocs to the board.


All the "natsoc" "wizards" I ever knew were powerless retards with big mouths whose only accomplishment in life was getting arrested for hate speech and holohoax denial. They struggled with simple things like income and even sleep, while mumbling about imagination being the same as astral projection and remote viewing. Shows you how "far" they've come.




It is the NatSoc magicians you don't know who are the most effective.


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Yeah the original croud from 8chan came from the exodus from 4chan (where I came from) and most of these where gamergaters and polacks and the others moved from freedomboard at some point. Now I have no fucking clue what the intention of this board at it's creation was but that dosent matter because it's really the annons who make the board. Now this board has a heavy national socialist incline and the reason is large numbers of /pol/iticians that practically all strive for self mastery so this board is like pol 2.0 spiritual redux to them.

So in conclusion this board isn't nat-soc but the a large portion of the user-base of this website is therefore making this board appear as a nat-soc safe-haven and of course nat-soc belive that division brings weakness (which is true immagine if all of us had one goal) so they try to claim royalties as the founders to bring the /fringe/ people under there banner via so chan form of peer pressure.



>>tfw lurking in the asshole of the internet makes you enlightened whit higher truths

allso typos suk

>>via so chan form

*via some chan form



I'm dating a half Chilean chick and she's basically a white nationalist. Agrees with any "redpilled" thing I say.



They're available on the Iron March forum. You have to register to view them as they're in a hidden thread.


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>i read about hitlers little helpers from tibet. black magicians who introduced the left-turning swastika(degeneration)

>pic semi-related

Ubuntu had to change the swirls of the dash button (top-left, was originally directed the other way). There's a lot of Wisdom in Africa that is entirely Oral Tradition; you can't find these Truths by Reading Tomes.


The Swastika is a "Double JERA" = the Cycle of Cycles

The Black Sun is the Cycle of All Cycles; and yes, Black Holes are a Piece of that.


This x1933



>had to change the swirls of the dash button

Didn't finish my sentence there.

>due to "cultural sensitivities"






Nice observation, m8. [ :^)

> tips muh'Freyja


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Hitler wasn't the aryan messiah, people can be so ignorant. I'll drop my book links and ect, for serious students.

1. Light of the Soul - Alice Bailey, this was on Hitler's nightstand and covers materials for vril students.

2. Obviously, The Coming Race book

3. The Secret Rituals of the Men in Black - Dr. Allen Greenfield

4. OTO books via A.C, ect have black sun workings, but it is important to learn the esoteric terminology to properly interpret them.

Hands of Isis: Energy Work Unveiled by Casondra Starseed : http://www.lulu.com/shop/casondra-starseed/hands-of-isis-energy-work-unveiled/paperback/product-22224949.html

Complete video on Hollow earth, project operation highjump, DUMBs and why so many people are going missing in state parks: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=at32f2ZkxBk



>4th pic



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>/fringe/ is not some nazi wizard meet up. It never was and never will be.

How wrong can one be




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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



This is the speech that Master Serrano gave every April 20th in Chile. This is the first time it has been delivered to an English audience by Grand Master Alfred of the last ordained Esoteric Hitlerist Order from Serrano himself - Templi Unam (M.G.H.S.N.)


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