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What do you think are the most /fringe/ hobbies? Checked the catalog but couldn't find anything the same/similar.

The best hobbies, imo, are

>reading+writing+art (obviously. art is a very broad topic including things like sewing, knitting, pottery, graffiti, drawing, painting, etc)

>cooking, nutrition, fishing and gardening (or at least some understanding of the processes involved)

>music (singing, musical instruments)






And some fun, but, pretty useless hobbies




Mundane-tier crap

>most sports

>most collecting-based hobbies (muh cards, muh rocks)

>99% of video games


I've got cooking, technology/science/programming as I do engineering in uni.

Gym 3 times a week and then trying to remove the shitty music from my head and vidya.

Looks like most of my hobbies are ok.



If you become skilled at juggling it will increase your hand eye to pro athlete levels so it's more useful than you might think



Can confirm, I ended up being able to automatically catch knives by their handles automatically.


Engaging in sports is good hobby. Especially martial arts. Watching sports is mundane.



I play piano and make music on my computer, act in plays and also random short films with my friends, and I also do visual art too (mostly drawing and character designs.) Gonna start working on a graphic novel in about a month about a scientist who becomes God and recreates man.

I cook too.

I played a lot of video games when I was a kid. I still play ones that have good stories and symbolic elements and actually make you think. Most are a waste of time though. Haven't played any in months.

I live next to a forest, I used to walk around in forests all the time and just hang out in them, going swimming and climbing and stuff by myself or with people close to me. Just generally adventuring around. Probably gonna do that some more next year.


I'd add hiking/just general nature exploring to the list of best hobbies.


Just general learning how to build shit as well as survival as well.



Does it not make sense for the best hobbies for one to have is to learn how to fully and properly draw yourself and your loved one in complete accuracy and detail as to have theirs and yours template permanently engraved in your coding?

Second would be the knowledge of one's own construct in terms of physical motion, chemical process etc, so biology and physiognomy.

Then the practical, engineering, learning how to make the basics out of raw material up to being able to smelt and forge modern day equipment and tools from primordial materials.



not to mention the mastery of one's left hand And right hand and feet fully.

Perfect calligraphy and miniature details with both hands.



That counts under art


Eh, calligraphy is fun but pretty useless imo



Politics (for loosh and apocalyptic visions)


currently learning C



pretty good list. my suggestions.

-"puzzles" is definitely not worthy of being in that top category and should be relegated to the useless pile.

-Sports are great as long as you participate yourself and arn't just some fat balding alcoholic sitting on your ass worshipping degenerate niggers.

-I'd change bodybuilding to all sports /athletic participation. Bodybuilding is one of the worst sports to participate in honestly. if your a natural athlete you should just strive to be lean and strong or else you'll end up looking like some blocky, bloated chode. w



It's impossible to get "too big" without roiding



its impossible to get too big from lifting weighting w/o roiding




Yes it is, but not in the sense you are thinking. No you won't look like Arnold schwarzenegger. .

But you CAN gain fat which is what happens to a lot of people "bulking" who overeat. Sure they get "gains", but probably only 25% of it is muscle and the rest fat. Then they end up looking worst than they would have if they went "OTtermode" lean muscle, still strong enough to do anything required of them in their life, and look way better.

I fully support any form of weight lifting, and running/cardio though. Just not a fan of that "bulking up" shit in bodybuilding which is just an excuse to get fat, eat like shit, and delude yourself that you look good.

being lean feels the best, and looks the best. Even if your just skinny and faggots online say "do you even lift?"



I agree, but you're not getting too big from lifting weights.

You're getting too big from eating like a pig.



yeah no you don't get "too big" from lifting

You get strong.

functionality is key, so do calisthenics and also powerlift as much weight as you can do like 3 or 4 reps and keep doing that over and over


Hiking, and better yet mountain climbing.

Camping, fishing, woodworking. Gardening, absolutely gardening.


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The suggestions here are pretty mundane so far.

A few important skills /fringe/ should develop….

Neuro-linguistic programming

Mycology (Study of mushrooms)

Ethnobotany (Study of plants)

And of course general fitness and survival skills.




mycology is tough. you can't tell what a mushroom is really, without taking a spore print, even then you're still taking a big risk.



That's true. It can be a rewarding skill to develop though.


-play saxophone & piano

-read Shakespeare when not reading esoteric material

-working out, strength and cardio

-every know and then I play Morrowind (full of occult references & material)


My fringe hobbies include coming on /fringe/, x/, /r/occult, watching all the movies about witches and magic made, and increasing the knowledge in my wheelhouse. I'm becoming quite the witch. I used a mortor and pestle for a magickal/medicinal poultice for the first time today and I'm generally taking care of business.


If you are truly wise there is only one thing you should focus on; building up the mind, increasing your memory, visualization, subconscious processing, thoughtform networks, etc. to achieve a superior level of intelligence. Do not do anything else until you've been doing this already for a few years.

Me prior to mind-building / occult training: Took me like a whole fucking month to read The Kybalion and it still barley made an impression in my mind.

Me today after so much work on fixing up my mind: Can read through a book and remember it all and cite parts of it, can process large volumes of new information intelligently and apply it, can learn new skills and develop in anything I do much faster now.

I've gone from retard who could waste hundreds of hours away on something and make no real progress at all to making more progress in an hour than what I would have achieved in weeks before.

Whatever your hobby is and whatever amount of time you put into it, after you make a lot of upgrades to your mind through occult training, your talent will be vastly and rapidly increased and everything will be easier.

There is literally no point in practising with an instrument, painting, martial arts, or doing any other of these hobbies you guys are talking about until you've built up your minds to become super-intelligent.



what are some processes you endured to reach your state of 'super' intelligence



Good post.

Can attest to this, tried learning programming when I was a mundane and HOLY SHIT, it was like reading some alien language. Years later I picked it up again, easy as fuck.



Strongly disagree with martial arts and a bit with learning an instrument but otherwise a very good post



Martial arts isn't even mentioned in OP post?



>what are some processes you endured to reach your state of 'super' intelligence

Eating a lot of fatty foods specifically to provide maximum nutrition for my brain, doing some work to increase bodily circulation, and doing shit like walking around and taking a moment to look at absolutely everything and recall it all in my mind, and reading books and picturing each page of the book after finishing reading it, and a wide variety of meditations, and creating thoughtforms that do various mental work for me and bring back the answer to me using subconscious processing, etc.



+1 for this anon



I meant to quote this >>35364

but I fucked up the formatting

There's just too many simple people with deadly fighting ability to tell the average person that he should put off training until he becomes an elite level thinker




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I propose "creative botany" as one of ultimate tools to exercise and project your subtle perception and skills of prognosing and life caring into real world.


Fucking pleb reporting in.

I only do programming…

What should else do I need to do?

(Something that I could train for fun?)

(I can only spin pencil around my thumb)



Clean diet and exercise are paramount. Start there. Google dexterity training exercises if you want to expand on doing stuff like spinning pencils around your thumb



Yeah I have problems with diet and exercise. (I will start this summer, because I am now too busy).

Thanks for you response. I will try training my dexterity : ).



You can start diet right now. Literally all you need to do to eat healthy is eat like it's 1900 again.



top tier:

>learning a foreign language

>learning a programming language

>learning an instrument, except the guitar

>reading about philosophy and theology

>networking, making friends

>backpack / bike traveling

>practicing extreme sports

high tier:

>practicing competitive solo sports

>learning to paint or draw classically

>reading literature

>debating in real life

>volunteering activities

>learning how to cook

>learning auto mechanics

>learning handyman and crafting skills

>having good sex

decent tier:

>practicing competitive team sports

>studying and making music, amateur

>studying and making film, amateur

>practicing writing, amateur

>lifting, getting /fit/

>reading about science or the humanities on a non-professional level

>dressing fashionably

cringe tier:

>learning the guitar

>learning to draw anime / comic book style

>reading genre fiction or mom garbage

>making indie video games

>making chiptune music

>learning pick up techniques

>collecting anything

>having shitty sex

human garbage tier:

>playing video games

>watching anime

>watching television shows

>watching mainstream movies

>listening to mainstream music

>debating on the internet

>reading internet journalism

>eating competitively

>doing drugs while partying

>shopping compulsion

>drawing anime porn



duuuude, somehow find a way to have fencing in your kit - along with basic woodwork and doing psychokineses work like increasing in the dark seeing and such..


God Tier

>learning physics, mathematics, "pure" chemistry, evolutionary biology, theoretical computer science, neuroscience or mathematical biology (as just a hobby or as as formal education)

>smoking cannabis or taking psychedelic drugs (including MDMA)

>listening to or producing trance, hardcore or hardstyle

>lifting for strength and aesthetics

>playing a sport that is powerlifting or oly weightlifting

>having sex outside of a committed relationship

Not Bad Tier

>learning other areas of biology, applied chemistry and analytic philosophy

>drinking alcohol, taking stimulants or opiates

>listening to or producing other genres of electronic music or classical music

>lifting only for aesthetics

>playing rugby or ice hockey

>having sex in a relationship

>reading made up stories

>making visual art

Shit Tier

>learning psychology, continental philosophy or any social "science"

>learning anything else that isn't mentioned above

>not taking drugs

>listening to or playing/producing any music that isn't electronic music or classical music

>doing cardio

>playing any other sport not mentioned above

Just my opinion, don't get rustled



>shit tier


"You run when you attack, you run when you retreat. When you can't run, you die."

In other words, wtf are you thinking?



>having sex outside of a committed relationship

>drinking alcohol, taking stimulants or opiates

>reading made up stories

>learning anything else that isn't mentioned above

>Shit tier

>not taking drugs

>doing cardio

>playing any other sport not mentioned above

Obvious bait list full of shit.



Remind me what's wrong with playing guitar again?



Then write a better list?



oh and here's my list

> god tier

> medicine eg. curing yourself

> biochemistry eg. reversing hair loss

> artificial intelligence eg. quantitative finance

> teaching a student to exceed you eg. fatherhood

> high tier

> formulating and capping your own drugs/supplements

> heavy compound weight lifting

> futures and options trading

> applied calculus

> okay tier

> extreme sports, rowing

> exploring abandoned regions

> mastering the art of pizza and chili

> dressing upscale and professional all the time

> hunting

> steroids

> hacking

> investing

> shit tier

> learning a programming language

> cycling

> cooking

> volunteering

> making rap CDs and peddling them

> women

> cocaine and pot tier

> video games

> music

> food

> film

> quickbooks

I'd add 'becoming rich' but that eventually comes naturally with high-tier hobbies.



>learning a programming language is shit-tier

>AI is god tier

Your realize the former is a requirement for the latter right?


>Immortal tier



>High tier









Musical instruments



Photography (hipster)



Knitting and sewing

>Ok tier






>Low tier


Video games




Air sports

Metal detecting



Martial arts


Graffiti (unless you're good)

>Shit tier

Any collecting-based hobby (maybe a few expections)

>Normie tier

NFL, rugby, soccer, handball, etc

>Weird tier

Listening to music

Candle making

Amateur radio

Flower arranging



Ghost hunting




It would seem some here take a liking to the hobby of classifying hobbies… LOL PLEBS!

The only pursuit is that of truth, that of life. (Perhaps that of strife.)


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>artificial intelligence eg. quantitative finance

>quantitative finance

>god tier

>music is shit tier

>food is shit tier

kek, muh bagels


For hobbies I recommend:

Some sort of physical activity for strength and endurance. Also, stretch afterwords.

eating healthily and cheaply (personal favorite to be honest).

Something to increase memory, hand-eye coordination, etc. Let's make a list. I haven't really seen an official list anyways.

Improve yourself, because knowledge eventually fades away. Learn what you need what you enjoy.


>bodybuilding is good

>playing sports is bad





>eating food is a hobby





>video games are shit tier because muh normies like it lurl





Haven't read the thread but gardening and especially cultivation of ethnobotanical species has got to be up there


god tier

>retro vidya

>composing chiptune


okay tier

>playing piano/guitar/whatever



completely bonkers tier




>drinking water

just my humble opinion don't hate

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