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Esoteric Wizardry


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>be me

>work for 12 hours since 4:00 AM at the Farmers Market to 4:00 PM (reallly about 5:00 PM this time) so 13 hours but lets just round it down to 12

>get paid 50 dollars as usual

>some people find out I'm working like this way below minimum wage and insult me for it

>when I get home I cry at the side of the house for another hour before I get my tears under control and come inside

>my face is sunburnt as well

I work for one reason; for the honour. I've been insulted as a NEET forever. The money isn't why I go work, I get paid practically fuck all. I just had a fucking slideshow of scenes of myself committing suicide in various ways run through my mind or stabbing people around me. I have to stay alive though in order to fulfil my obligations to anyone who needs me during this present incarnation and to finish my magickal studies and make all these people that look at me with disgust or pity or condescension and whatever regret everything when I become more successful than them.

I can not handle being insulted in this way. If I am not going to be respected for working I'm going to fucking snap. I do not feel valued doing the work I do and I want so badly to feel need, appreciated, and valued. My life has been utter misery and I feel like worthless human refuse.


I also nearly had a heart-attack today at work. My fucking chest seized up really painfully for awhile for a couple minutes but it didn't go full out. If it would have I'd have ended up forcefully astral projected and faced with the decision of trying to repair and re-inhabit my body (which would require immense desire to do it) or just giving up and wandering off into the astral.

I really wish Hermeticist anon would have shown up today. You're only 15 minutes away and you never ever show up at all at any time during the day. ;_;


What honor is there in slaving away for the jew? If you really don't do it for the money spend these 12 hours doing or learning something helpful that will take full advantage of your capabilities.



anon might have avoided showing up because of how pathetic you act

read some of your posts as if they were by another person

but don't stop posting, I find great amusement reading your posts



Where do you live and what is your problem with me?

Post last edited at


You get

-fresh air

-work experience

-fresh fruits, veggies and cash


>People Insulting Me For Working Under Minimum Wage

>I've been insulted as a NEET

Those kinds of people will always find something. You will never make them happy ever. They are toxic. You don't have to prove yourself to anyone. What is it to them? Why does it matter? Whats it to you? You're feeding emotional troll vampires.



The fruits are all the beaten up ones, not exactly "fresh", but whatever.

>Those kinds of people will always find something. You will never make them happy ever. They are toxic. You don't have to prove yourself to anyone. What is it to them? Why does it matter? Whats it to you? You're feeding emotional troll vampires.

They insulted me for years and years for being NEET. They called me lazy and a lot of other bullshit. Well, I finally got a fucking job, and now they still shit on me. I don't know what to do. I thought getting a job would be the end of it and now I'm starting to think that I should have just become a hardcore NEET AND PROUD revolutionary, intentionally denouncing work and insulting people who work, rather than feeling constant shame and sadness.


Don't you just fucking ignore me btw you tell me what the fuck your problem and where you live.


Oh that's right post once and then fuck off.



I guess as we speak there's people fresh out of university with degrees doing unpaid work because they can't find a real job and they could only do volunteer shit in the hopes of maybe getting any pay at all later.





toppest of keks

maybe you can read but you just don't comprehend

use your spooky dank magic to find me


Your family or just random people?



do i know you? holy shit.

Farmers market, yes, but which booth?


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Dude, buying into the Judeo-commercial system is retarded anyway. Work just enough to get the necessities. Or work for a lot of money if you want greater power. Don't work because people are making fun of you, though, that is just retarded.



Assuming you work 20 days per month, that's about $1000 per month.

It's not much really, but you sustain yourself if needed, and/or invest for financial independence, studies, buy some book you couldn't pirate, get a gym membership etc. You're not just gonna live years and years as NEET and then suddenly start making lots of money, you reap what you sow.

>some meanies said bad things about me

>i cry errytime

>why doesn't anyone love, value and appreciate me?

Your post reeks of self-pity. Get your shit together, your live isn't even that hard. And buy some sunscreen nigger, sunburns can permanently damage your skin, specially white skin.



>I want so badly to feel need, appreciated, and valued.

>I want


The ego isn't neccissarily bad nor good, but I think it might help you to understand that self love should come first before needing the love of others.

Needing others to give you approval is terrible. You're putting yourself on a leash and giving the handle to someone else.

Take back the handle, and hold it yourself. Make your ego serve you instead of the other way around.

Right now you're no better than the 9 to 5 wage slaves who hand their leash handles to their bosses. The only difference is that you're handing it to a different people.

I think it may be beneficial to you to modify your ego so that instead of seeking their approval, you ignore, or spite them. I think it would be hilarious of you to stop and say cooly "What you have to say is equivalent in value to my shit." And then to go about your business as you will.

You have power. Don't give it to them. Good luck.


>be me

>live in a communist shithole

>working on a shitty job

>improving myself anyway

>helping those who will to improve

I do live the same problems that you are living, I was underweight, weak, tired, and studing all the day, not having ANY time at all to improve my health 2 years ago, I even fell on the floor of the bus because I slept standing still, and it never was enought for them. But anyway, enought of "I am at a shittier state then you".

You need to stop caring about them, they are like sinkholes that are never full of taking away (or trying to) your happiness because their lives are meaningless, your life needs to have a meaning and what you do should have a meaning FOR YOU.

This year I think I improved a lot, just keep going your way.

>caring about emotional sinkholes



I wondered how long it'd have to be until we came back to this point, Smiley. We've told you many times but you haven't accepted it and now look; with a pile of books read and some knowledge you still don't know truth. What is a pile of books to you when you have left your brain and body? The only thing that continues is the soul and the true development within it. You are still so tied to your past emotions and by allowing them to be accepted carry them over into the present. You once told us you would love nothing less than perfect, how can you even become perfect if you have no true love for yourself. When you read most of your authors, do you not read them because of their history and repute? You don't simply pick up a book by some random homeless person crying to himself in the corner about how life isn't fair, these people obviously don't hold the keys you are looking for because they don't practice what they preach. So you read these books and you gain some level of understanding, yeah. What is that understanding when the next second you are ready to give it all up for suicide or to kill another individual?

So much for positive karma. If you were to kill yourself or someone else you would definitely have a large debt to pay and your next life would have greater hardships. You're looking for power and a way out instead of acceptance and love towards yourself. Become a rod in the ground of positivity and these problems won't affect you, through this life and the next. Your ego holds you back from the greatness and how it affects you by whipping back with such thoughts of idiocy as suicide and murder. How great can you even develop when the base of your pyramid is so tarnished itself. What will your capstone be at this rate?

So you come to your board and talk about all that you know, you don't accept the truth and love of the world though because you see it from eyes that have never truly seen. If you live in a cave, all you know is the cave and the perception it gives to you which is why the sheep never truly develop. Even the ones who think they have found "love" are quick to lose it, say like a parent who claims love of their kid but then attacks them for not following their own path. This is not love but selfish desire. Your tears prove that you can read so much but not know the truth, I'm sure you'd see how points contradict as well throughout it all. It's why there are different religions preaching different paths and different philosophies, the men at the bottom of the chain will bicker about how the other religions are wrong but the men at the top who know the true teachings – that of love – will love those from the other sects as they love themselves and the All.

I don't know if this will get through to you today, but what power is worth such negativity and surely you should know that such negativity will just give you more and more negativity (like begets like) and even so the fact that you're so attacking of the concept of love shows how deep through the negativity rabbit hole you've descended. We're in an age where it is hard to find love, and most people are lost with desire being love but I assure you it is more powerful than anything and will lead you and your body and your family and everyone around you towards truth and positivity. Positivity is the true power. Whats the point being "a powerful wizard" while still repressing wanting to kill people and wanting to trample over people and do you not know how futile such power is in this life when it will just ruin your next?

Anyway, I know with all things you hear on the subject you'll dismiss it and go on to make yourself look foolish in the eyes of those people whose very books you read. You can overcome your past you just need to accept the truth of who you are, what you are, what will come, what is and how to love yourself from there on. Your past DOES NOT define you unless you let it. Practices such as Karezza and loving, non-orgasm based Tantra can really help someone who is so far from it but I tell you time and time again Smiley you can receive the teachings in truth and you will be liberated and your body rid of sickness. Good luck brother and love to you.



> I want so badly to feel need, appreciated, and valued. My life has been utter misery and I feel like worthless human refuse.




>My fucking chest seized up really painfully for awhile for a couple minutes but it didn't go full out.

That's a panic attack, friend; it's often mistaken for a heart attack, and can periodically recur many times following the first. Incidentally, my brother started coming down with them recently, too; they subsided when I diagnosed and appropriately dealt with the cause.



Nah I'm not going to find you but if you ever do cross paths with me and start giving me shit I need very little provocation to use my magick on you once we're in short-range of each other.



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>competed a degree



>Assuming you work 20 days per month, that's about $1000 per month.

You know fuck all about Farmers Markets then. They're only open 2 days of the week except during peak season in which they are open 3 days of the week.

>It's not much really, but you sustain yourself if needed, and/or invest for financial independence, studies, buy some book you couldn't pirate, get a gym membership etc. You're not just gonna live years and years as NEET and then suddenly start making lots of money, you reap what you sow.

Why the fuck get a gym membership when the work I do is already physically demanding as fuck and making me absurdly strong?

I don't actually need to work at all. I can buy myself a car, a home, a couple thousand dollars computer, and then I'd have probably almost no money left over but whatever. If I wait 2 years, regardless of whether I work or not, I should have enough money to get absolutely everything I want and be set for life.

I'm working because this way I'm getting lots of food and a little money and my parents no longer give me a hardtime about getting a job and people on /4chon/ can't call me a worthless NEET anymore.

I can't afford frivolous expenses like books but that doesn't matter, every single book I have on my tablet and computer. I am also really good at using my magick to get many things I need for free, I found an extremely high quality computer desk that's just right for me for free today, and I found a ton of buckets I needed for free today as well.

If I really wanted to I could use my magick to get an even better job but right now what I'm doing involves working only twice a week and the rest of the time I have for my own development. Any other job situation I'd surely get paid lots more but I wouldn't have any time anymore for reading all the books I do, posting on imageboards, and magick beyond the most basic.

>why doesn't anyone love, value and appreciate me?

I never said that you fucking faggot. I don't need anyone to love me I just want to feel valued and appreciated. I want to live in a society where I'm not REDUNDANT. That's what I fucking hate about this globalized world, workers aren't NEEDED anymore, so they can discard white males and hire a bunch of women and shitskins really cheap and there's an overabundance of labour all the time.

>your live isn't even that hard.

Shut the fuck up faggot and impale yourself.

>And buy some sunscreen nigger, sunburns can permanently damage your skin, specially white skin.

No fuck that. I have very sensitive skin that gets even more messed up by anything being put on it at all and sunscreen FYI increases you chance of the fatal form of cancer while reducing your chances of getting the non-fatal form. I'd rather my skin just burn and I heal it with my magick afterwards.

Please don't respond to this post or post in this thread anymore I don't need any further input from you.



muhhhh eeeeggggoooo

Just your use of that particular word, "ego", makes me discard what you have written in your post.



One of the guys I do some work for is a communist and a member of the communist party of Canada. He FYI doesn't even pay me most of the time, he just gives me bread. Fucking communists. Oh well, it's the highest quality healthiest bread in the whole world.

What do you suggest I should think or respond to people who insult my generation and me personally by calling us lazy, entitled, "not wanting to work", etc.? This really upsets me and I constantly hear racist shit being said by white boomers who literally say shit like "white men are good for nothing" (not paraphrased, this is the exact wording) and other self-hating anti-white tripe? I told that guy white males DO want to work but they need to be paid enough that they can actually afford basic living expenses otherwise it's not manageable for them. He still keeps saying his anti-white bullshit though.

You might me ask me why I care so much. I don't know. I fucking hate being betrayed by the boomer shits who wilfully import shitskins into my nation "to do the work we don't want to do" and who waste so much fucking money buying foreign junk when they can easily afford the higher quality domestic products and would ultimately save more money because that shit lasts. I'm really mad about all of this. I can't wait for that fucking generation to die and for the most bluepilled and brainwashed in our own generation that also spews the same shit as them to die as well. We need a military uprising to slaughter the shitskins and traitors and degenerates and take back our country.



I'm not done reading the books and I have benefited MASSIVELY by them while only half-assing everything and doing only the basics the majority of my time so stfu. When I'm actually done reading and begin doing everything in earnest then I'm going to enter a phase of rapidly accelerated exponential growth and will attain the perfection I am cultivating desire for.

>muh karma

>muh ego

>muh truth

tl;dr of your post is you want me to take up Bhakti Yoga. Fuck that.

>and your family

They can all die and I will be happier for it.

>Whats the point being "a powerful wizard" while still repressing wanting to kill people and wanting to trample over people and do you not know how futile such power is in this life when it will just ruin your next?

No reason for me to believe it will ruin my next life.

You're going to have to try harder to really impress me or reason with me if you want to at all make me change my mind about anything.

One more thing: if one takes up the practise of Bhakti Yoga they have to do it without expectation of divine reward and with no fear of divine punishment. So your whole post is invalidated as you suggest to me to do this in order to obtain health and liberation and so on but if I am to follow that path I must do it out of pure love for God and wanting to be of service to God and nothing more. I can only begin such a phase of my development by first exhausting my lesser desires until, all of them having been lived and outlived, nothing but a divine love for God will hold sway over my spirit's ambitions.

I'd rather follow a harder path less taken; Raja Yoga.

Another thing you ought to remind yourself is that God is the source of all hatred, ignorance, and everything else perceived as evil in all the realms as well as being the source of all the love, wisdom, etc. It's only one half of God you love. A true and full vision of his whole nature is absolutely frightening as it is ecstasy.


I didn't feel any panic at all though, what the fuck. Why is my body panicking while my mind registers no significant emotional content at all?


Hi Smiley Hermeticist anon here,

Sorry I didn't turn up. I really did want to and would like to meet you. I just had to fly out of the country like I said, for health reasons.

I'm as fucked up as you and all my efforts are towards fixing that. Also I was kind of scared to come out because my one IRL meeting with a magical group before (when I was much stronger) were an extreme black magic group and they were total psychopaths who got me on lots of watch lists and broke my life apart.

So I was hesitant for that reason and then somewhat unsure of your intentions because of various comments I saw around the place. I'm upset tho because I would love a Wizard bro and have chatted with you amicably from behind many identities during your fringe posting career.

By the way, despite your obvious issues I do like you a lot. I share the same feelings towards the older generation. And you're clearly capable of being a very capable person, and inspiring. That's why lots of people come here. You're just stuck in a deep rut. It's a rut that's especially hard because of the social opprobrium and illegitimacy etc. it puts on you. People don't realise you're less in their eyes because you're trying to be more, and trying to be more with a lot of burdens that make it extremely hard.

You have spirit and vision and don't want to be a wage slave. But the arrogance you need to keep that vision alive combined with the difficulty of present circumstances can be extremely humiliating. I know because I have the same thing.

I have faith that you'll make it though Smiley. I hope we meet when I'm back here sometime. Hope you'll want to see me despite letting you down this time. I have roots in this area so if you live nearby we can definitely meet.



Never said anything about Bhakti yoga and all these concepts are very literal and known to most who are followers of anything in anything such as reincarnation or any type of occult work. It's nice you tried to assume that's what I meant and let yourself once again be bullshitted by some part of you into not believing this truth.

The fact you reference you being happy about your family dying is because you haven't lost them and instead feel a lack of love from them. As I stated most parents don't know how to truly love anymore. You talk about spiritual growth etc yet you are still affected by and let yourself be hurt by them on such a mundane, physical level. If they make you cry, like you say they do, then obviously its because you feel somewhere within that they aren't treating you correctly or you have an expectation of more from them (as you should because its an instinctual desire when they're your parents) which is confirmed by them not agreeing with your worldview as you've stated which upsets you. What you're doing is mirroring them whether you like it or not, just like how they are upset that you don't follow their ideologies you're upset that they don't follow yours.

Your ultimate goal to relieve this upset (aka, find happiness) is to try and show your ability through claiming some sort of power that proves that you are right (because although you already know on some level that you're correct but they can't seem to see it because they probably don't believe in these sort of things) but you think that if you show them this power you've achieved then it will all be worth it. The truth is that they and you are separate people with different perceptions of how life is and will be and they are limited to their experience of how things are. You once again mirror these things, through reading your books you have given yourself a "limited experience" of how things are and disagree with things I'm saying because of how it doesn't align with what you believe to be truth. However, is what you constantly look at truth? You have studied for years, yet still cry. You've discussed in other threads you cannot even laugh. You still have outbreaks over your body of disease such as acne; things caused by the most mundane energy issues and when anyone has claimed that you should look further inward and towards the thing you most neglect – LOVE – you avoid it at all costs! Just like how your parents are stuck in a system and kept like slaves but neglect the truths you preach and attack you because you talk something contradictory to their perception.

Smiley, you can ask me as much as you want to "impress you". You can ask us all. Are you impressed with yourself for not being able to laugh? For taking such a "high path" and doing daily yoga daily readings and traveling the astral etc but not even being able to control your mundane emotions and still longing for such a childish idea of power..? True power is the submission and sublimation of ultimate powers; even the most advanced wizards teach based on the laws of the universe; they garner a deep understanding of these laws because some things cannot be changed and must instead be accepted and loved! The speed of light is not perfect, it's always changing just like you. You are not perfect, will never be! Accept it and come to realize that you will become evermore perfect when you learn to accept and grow with yourself.

There is no star in the universe, no stream of energy that is perfect the only "perfection" is the perception of perfection; this perfection has been discussed for millennia and is known to us all as LOVE! Find it Smiley, find the ultimate force guiding this universe, the ultimate truth. As you say good and bad both come from the same source but it is our perception of it being good or bad which is what defines what it is and means to us! There is always imperfection!!!! Perfection, as I stated, is accepting the good and bad and learning from both, growing from this is the love of all things. As above, so below. Love is the truth of all these things. Love is having a child and not trying to force them into a certain life construct because it's not what you envisioned. In the mind of your parents, your path is bad. Love would be them accepting that. You don't have to be programmed to act like them towards your path and try to be overly perfect which is unachievable. Love is accepting god is both good and evil but realizing evil only is because we believe it to be so and can be a learning experience, as it is when you get trodden on as you are. Use this as an experience to help your path onto the higher path of love and light. Besides, what is perfection? It differs from individual to individual. Someone thinks that the tallest structure in the world is perfect, another thinks a certain sparkling lake at sunset is perfect, even if you claim perfection will it only be so to you? Or will you be endlessly looking?



>As I stated most parents don't know how to truly love anymore.


No parent has ever loved a child. No person who says child from the perspective of a parent loves anyone. They use people 100% of the time and have never thought, said, or done a wholly true thing since they were conceived. This is original sin.



>>"and people on /4chon/ can't call me a worthless NEET anymore."

>making life choices in order to impress anonymous people on the internet

You realize how pathetic that is right?


pro tip, confidence and enthusiasm for a subject you're interested in will get you employed

Got a 25% pay rise changing jobs (in the same industry) in a year. Just gotta make them think you're better than the guy who came for an interview before and after you.

I get too much work offered to me, people who I've turned down months ago still call me asking if I'd reconsider.

I'm not saying this to depress you, I'm saying this to tell you there is hope, just gotta learn the tricks. I don't have a degree, I don't have A levels and I'm moving in with my girlfriend of several years while she completes her PhD and starting my new job in a senior role at 24.

Things to remember with an interview:

Dress well

Get a hair cut (unless you're working in some trendy hipster faggot place where they spunk over dirty dreadlocks or greasy long hair).


Shake their hand(s) depending on number in room.

Thank them for having you over, it's their place of work.

Don't fidget or wring your hands or generally look nervous. Yeh, that's hard if you're actually nervous but try. If you're thinking "don't fidget" you stand a better chance of not.

Don't be afraid to really plough into why you like this job. If it's the money then be honest. If they're offering a lot of money then they probably motivate with money. (Banks in particular hire the best by paying the best, they always see money as the best motivation because you're hardly going to get job satisfaction.)

Think about the questions they're going to ask you and have some replies roughly in your head but don't rehearse them. A rehearsed answer is so obvious and if they word the question differently you'll automatically battle to make your rehearsed reply fit and it'll sound shit.

Ask them questions about the job. Even if it's just about pensions or facilities on site, it shows you're thinking if it's good enough for you and what you want. Nobody wants to employ a stammering wide eyed child who doesn't think they're worthy of working there.

Meh, there's more I could say but I can't be fucked, just try it next time, what have you got to lose?



What you should do? Nothing, they will "break their faces" alone, as we say here in Brazil. Just keep getting better and what they deserve will come alone on this case.



Also, stop being fucking edgy, if you want to avoid them then do so, but it isn't good to anyone being full of negative emotions, my family made a lot of shit stuff and it does not make anything better to be angry at them, it just would make me stop thinking and being another mundane, but instead I help them to overcome that, those who I can't help I also don't waste my time raging on for the same reason, I just leave them be.

>raging on mundanes

>not having pity for them



I think to some extent you're wrong, parents do love a child for a split second or for a couple of days while its in womb and the minutes after it's born (for a lot of parents anyway) but then, just like all other senses the bestial human holds, they overrun the truth with their desires and their perception of what should be in the future instead of just enjoying what they have and working in the moment and letting those true maternal and paternal instincts flourish.

Anyway, there are definitely some parents out there (although rare) who understand this and work off this basis whom I applaud. The point here however though is that building some sort of power as a means to try to attack those who themselves are lost and are victims of love-loss is just going to do more damage to both you and them; clearly he doesn't not care about his parents as much as he seems to attest to because he talks about them all the time and how they upset him and then when he can't find relief from their stance on him he's now tried to impose his ego onto an imageboard to try and get the internal satisfaction from them. Once again, as shown by him working at a farmers market to try and impress a board, he is trying to look externally for acceptance instead of internally. Now people on 4chon can't mock him for being a NEET? They'll mock him for something else. Now he builds more and more of a hatred for others because he's trying to impose a role on them they aren't fit for; to give him the acceptance that only he himself can give. He talks about not accepting anything less than perfect but then expects others to accept him more than he does himself? Hmm.. Anyway, hopefully someday he listens and starts to learn the true power of the long lost power of love. A lot of his energy problems, disease and fears might subside when he starts looking further down that path.

Peace brothers.



I know am am not wrong even to an infinitely small degree. I am completely correct. No procreator has ever loved that which they bring into the world. They covet him. Ruin him. Steal his loosh. That is not love even to the smallest degree.

It is like a kingdom who comes upon a peaceful nation and says "I will protect you from the enemies without" while in their heard the have only greed and wrath and love.



>I have faith that you'll make it though Smiley. I hope we meet when I'm back here sometime. Hope you'll want to see me despite letting you down this time. I have roots in this area so if you live nearby we can definitely meet.

The sooner you show up the better. Just show up, any time, whenever the opportunity to do so arises. It would be ideal if you'd show up early in the market day but if that just doesn't work out at least do show up at some point.

…and I ain't gonna do shit to you. I didn't even do anything harmful to the greenpilled Jamaican negro. I justify it in my mind in the following way; his parents are to blame for him being here instead of in a nation of his own people, if he's greenpilled he probably knows the value of celibacy and thus doesn't factor into the future demographics question concerning our nation, and hopefully most of us here on /fringe/ will transcend our default bodies at some point. Also I treat individuals individually, whereas talk about races generally; as a race is a group and an individual is an individual.




Your unreasonable expectations concerning "love" are sickening to me and I want no part of it.

>You talk about spiritual growth etc yet you are still affected by and let yourself be hurt by them on such a mundane, physical level.

What the fuck do you mean by this? I don't like that term "spiritual growth". I'm developing my metaphysical capabilities so I can destroy my enemies and rise up above the filth of this world. I am LHP.

>just like how they are upset that you don't follow their ideologies you're upset that they don't follow yours.

I don't fucking care what they believe I just wish they never conceived of me, wish they would have aborted me, and wish I would never have had to go through all that abuse. I feel that I am trapped with people I want to brutally kill, that I hate to look at or be around, etc. and it's a horrible feeling.

>but you think that if you show them this power you've achieved then it will all be worth it.

No I just want to get the fuck away from them, get a gun, and never see anything of them ever again and just live alone as a hermit on some rural homestead somewhere.

>through reading your books you have given yourself a "limited experience" of how things are and disagree with things I'm saying because of how it doesn't align with what you believe to be truth

Stop saying "truth". I really fucking hate people that use this word a lot. My metaphysics is plastic and I transcend the limitations others have by creating and using multiple threads of thought based on different axioms; each axiom by its nature being an assumption about reality. In the pragmatic tradition of Chaos I believe everything and nothing as required. As my powers unfold and my intelligence, vision, scope, etc. increases a clearer and more refined understanding (or set of understandings) of reality, absolute and relative, will unfold. I do not like the attitude of some posters on here who believe they have grasped fully the highest truths concerning this reality we live in whose minds are dim like barely lit caves and whose achievements are paltry compared to the higher aspirations they may or could have in transitioning into the 4D state of being.



>However, is what you constantly look at truth? You have studied for years, yet still cry.

What the fuck do my studies and my crying have anything to do with one another? You seem to be advocating the suppression of negative emotions over their release and also not caring about ones status in life. I can turn off what little emotional expression I have easily enough but I think it wiser to care about what others think when they are criticizing me. In Initiation Into Hermetics by Franz Bardon we are to be our harshest critics when reviewing ourselves through the black mirror, identifying all our negative qualities, so they can be confronted and weeded out.

>You've discussed in other threads you cannot even laugh.

Indeed it is so.

>You still have outbreaks over your body of disease such as acne; things caused by the most mundane energy issues and when anyone has claimed that you should look further inward and towards the thing you most neglect – LOVE – you avoid it at all costs! Just like how your parents are stuck in a system and kept like slaves but neglect the truths you preach and attack you because you talk something contradictory to their perception.

Love-bombing hasn't proven effective at curing acne, I tested it, it didn't work so well.

>Smiley, you can ask me as much as you want to "impress you". You can ask us all. Are you impressed with yourself for not being able to laugh?

I have a problem with my body that prevents the audible expression of laughter.

>For taking such a "high path" and doing daily yoga daily readings and traveling the astral etc but not even being able to control your mundane emotions and still longing for such a childish idea of power..?

Power is not childish and you who would deride me from obtaining power to express my spirit without the ridiculously offensive limitations of my body holding me back wish ill of me. I am in control of my emotions, I cultivate receptivity to others, and I pick up what they feel or project at me. It's part of my water element meditations. It's what connects me to others, lets me think as they think, and forget who I am so I can become them for awhile. Without these water practises I would only have my fire and would just burn out really fast because I need to tap into external energy sources to keep powering my mind and body.

>True power is the submission and sublimation of ultimate powers; even the most advanced wizards teach based on the laws of the universe; they garner a deep understanding of these laws because some things cannot be changed and must instead be accepted and loved! The speed of light is not perfect, it's always changing just like you. You are not perfect, will never be! Accept it and come to realize that you will become evermore perfect when you learn to accept and grow with yourself.

Such faggotry.


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>There is no star in the universe, no stream of energy that is perfect the only "perfection" is the perception of perfection; this perfection has been discussed for millennia and is known to us all as LOVE! Find it Smiley, find the ultimate force guiding this universe, the ultimate truth. As you say good and bad both come from the same source but it is our perception of it being good or bad which is what defines what it is and means to us! There is always imperfection!!!! Perfection, as I stated, is accepting the good and bad and learning from both, growing from this is the love of all things. As above, so below. Love is the truth of all these things. Love is having a child and not trying to force them into a certain life construct because it's not what you envisioned. In the mind of your parents, your path is bad. Love would be them accepting that. You don't have to be programmed to act like them towards your path and try to be overly perfect which is unachievable. Love is accepting god is both good and evil but realizing evil only is because we believe it to be so and can be a learning experience, as it is when you get trodden on as you are. Use this as an experience to help your path onto the higher path of love and light. Besides, what is perfection? It differs from individual to individual. Someone thinks that the tallest structure in the world is perfect, another thinks a certain sparkling lake at sunset is perfect, even if you claim perfection will it only be so to you? Or will you be endlessly looking?

Yes goyim, give up on striving for perfection, why look this absolutely perfect man has a slight scratch don't you see there is no perfection!

ProTip: You're not talking to some man who has only slight flaws that are barely noticeable of worthy of concern, you're talking to a diseased corpse of a man who sees perfection in at least a good 5% or so of the population (which is a LOT of people) and much more so back a hundred years ago (look at the photographs of classes of children in the country back then, none of them were overweight, and the majority of them were beautiful unlike today where beauty is a rare thing).

The attitude of people like you that preach acceptance and other defeatist bullshit isn't helping either. It's you people that don't value beauty that are causing this world to become an ugly, unaesthetic, pile of shit populated by goblin like people.

You have a really perverted idea about what perfection is. Your ideals are sickening to me and I don't want to see them manifested into this world because if your ideals succeed in being materialized the resulting creation will be inferior and revolting.

The way you describe loves fills me with loathing for what you call "love".

Contrary to your assertions along the lines of subjectivity, beauty and perfection is an a very objective phenomena, that only intense brainwashing and delusions and intentional lying to oneself can make some people gloss over but even then there are still subconscious signs they KNOW they are embracing ugliness.

…and evil is not some "learning lesson" it's just a way of weeding out the weak in the ever burning fires of spiritual and physical evolution.



You realize how pathetic people's interactions with each other in person are right?

The only genuine social interaction in this age is through the anonymous internet.

The opinions of people on /4chon/, particularly anyone of them that are not degenerates at least, matter a great deal more to me than the insincere bullshit people say in person to each other for fear of really speaking their minds and suffering the consequences of doing so.

That you haven't woken up to this fact is startling.



Fuck your whole post is making me even more mad than the other faggots in this board.

ProTip for you; I am noticeably deformed and physically fucked up, I have issues that are readily apparent to anyone, there's no way I can cut my hair that will make any difference, my teeth and face are just fucked up and ugly, and I need to discard this body I'm trapped in at the moment.

I can't sleep in the normal sense of that word at all anymore and have to rely entirely on magick now to do repairs to my body, and I'm just trying to push through my studies, and after that's done it'll all-or-nothing I have to transcend or die.

I also can't smile you know? My teeth, jaw, etc. is such that the skin on my face is constantly stretched and my lips look weird and it makes it impossible to smile. There's a "cosmetic" surgery (it shouldn't be called cosmetic, because this actually effects my breathing and quality of life terribly, and I will die young from it if it's not corrected) that can fix it or I can try to go use the most extremely advanced magick to reshape the bones in my face just by an effort of the will.

If I wanted another job I'd use evocational magick and I'd get it done. I just want what I have right now, where I work 2 days of week, and when anyone asks me what I do I can say "I work at the market" and avoid embarrassment.

>Meh, there's more I could say but I can't be fucked, just try it next time, what have you got to lose?

I need my damned health issues fixed. I look like a zombie, I am dying, I might not make it to 30.



>not sharpening your edges all the time

Do you even >>>/edgy/ ?



>Notes on the Third Eye Chakra

>Instinct. Mental reflex. Intuition is to the mind what reflexes are to the body: the mechanical process might be understood in conscious terms, but in the moment of action, the reflex occurs without conscious intervention; genuine intuition is not simply an excuse for having no explanation - it is itself a real human faculty for understanding schemes and processes in a way that does not tarnish or taint them; unconscious awareness of this moment right now; awareness free of words or symbols.

A healthy Third Eye is a sign of perceptiveness. Someone who is comfortable with his spirituality, and is therefore aware of his motivations; motive to act derives from a spiritual understanding of one's world and the processes at work within it.

An unhealthy Third Eye is a sign of someone who does not have a great deal of motivation. Someone who cannot of will not allow himself to intuit the patterns in his life. He may not fully understand the power he as an observer has in an observer-created reality. He might have some understanding of that power, but not trust himself with it.

He might also go in the opposite direction, choosing to acknowledge only the spiritual. Compensating for a lack of experience with a surplus of spirituality is dangerous. The spirit is a well that never dries. Thoughts and feelings of a spiritual nature can always be drawn from the Third Eye; such thoughts form and are immediately incorporated with the existing spiritual framework. Spiritual thoughts and feelings, however, are only good so long as they remain useful, continuing to provide satisfactory explanations and tools for interacting with the real world. A person can lose sight of the real world, stacking revelation on top of revelation. The further removed his framework becomes from reality, the more likely he will become monomaniacal, or tyrannical.


You are spiritually unhealthy, smiley. If you seek spiritual help you will find it.



Those two post are not by the same person. I am the poster of the second post.



>He talks about not accepting anything less than perfect but then expects others to accept him more than he does himself?

Shut The Fuck Up Nigger I Do NOT Want Anything More Than To Be Exterminated For The Utter Filth I Am And I Always Support Infanticide, Euthanasia, Abortion, etc.

I Hate Myself And Do Not Accept Myself And Other People Are Just A Measurement Tool… They Can Only Hurt Me Because What They Say Is True, When It No Longer Is True, It Will Not Make Me Cry.

My Problems Persist Because I Presently Value And Dedicate All My Energy To Study While Doing Only Rudimentary Repairs To Keep Myself Going Until The Day I Decide I'm Done Studying And It's Time To Ascend.



Anti-Natalist Master Race!



u engrished it bad brah



Muh spiritualityyyyyy

Where'd all your New Age faggots come from and starting infesting here?



I know you're a different person.





I said

your english sucks dick



Listen stupid. What you do, without your body, is done in your spirit. You can't be this fucking deluded to be about the spirit but not-about the spirit. Be hot or cold not lukewarm.






I am what mundanes call "hallucinating" right now due to severe sleep deprivation combined with a degree of emotional arousal which together are powering up all thoughtforms around me right now.


What are you even telling me?


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I'm from 4chon and I'm very proud of you smiley and I think a lot of other users from there feel the same way even if many of them don't say it. Don't take any petty insults to heart about working for as little as you do (many 4chonners aren't living up to their own expectations of themselves and end up trying to take out their own frustrations on others, not to mention you can be kind of abrasive to others at times and that comes back at you as well).

With further regards to your job people underestimate how truly expensive food is (particularly farm fresh fruits and vegetables) and considering how much food you personally have to eat to sate your herculean frame on a daily basis I wouldn't be surprised if you were coming out ahead of the game or at least close if your employers are giving you as much produce as you can eat for free. Say you're making $5 CDN an hour (though at $50 CDN a day and 12 hours it sounds like you're making closer to $4 CDN an hour) and the minimum in canada is generally $10 CDN (that's before taxes though, a real minimum wage earner is also earning less, more like $8.50 CDN). If you eat the equivalent of $20 worth of food a day that's like 4 of your current hours or two minimum hours you're getting for free; also you're getting a lot of exercise so you don't need to get a gym membership to stay strong and healthy. So maybe it's not great but at least there's little things like that which kind of evens things out in some small way.

Also, if you've been doing a good job and working for a while (I don't recall when you'd started) don't be shy about asking for a raise. Tell them you want $70 a day (make sure to cite the fact you're making way under the minimum wage which would be $102) and see what they say. Make sure to let us know on 4chon if you get it. Your sheer size makes you very valuable for this kind of labor so they might be more open and accommodating to this idea than you might think (unless they're not making very much money themselves).

Anyway, that's all I have to say, I won't be visiting this board often but I figured as long as I happened to swing by I'd say that much. Take care for now.





courtesy bump






Why even bump this thread? It should be sagelocked.



you know what else should be sage locked?

you're mom




Well meme'd sir.


Why don't you just steal money?



What for?



To make good use of it. I was just wondering, you say you can influence people etc.



The risk-to-reward ratio is not good here. If I'm going to "steal" money it has to be done in a way in which people don't realize they've just got gyped hard. Stealing is easy enough, making people just hand over money and feel they did it of their own freewill is better, and of course there's other ways to get money.

I have what I need for the time being and when I need more money I'll use evocational magick and remote viewing and some other techniques to get even more.

If you get good at remote viewing then start using the technique to remote view stocks and do one of those things where you start out with a certain amount of money and you invest it in and you see how much you can grow your money then when you know you've got the technique down good and are making lots of money, invest real actual money, and do it for real.

I keep doubling my stocks.



why don't you say that to my face, not over the internet like a little bitch, faggot



Stealing has the same consequences whether they are immediate or delayed.


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Oh you want to meet up faggot? Where you at? Lets do this, face-to-face, I got no problem with meeting you.



Not true.



ayyyy lmao like i said use your spooky dank magic to find me

i am only a 7-8 hour car ride away from you

throwing rotten oranges at someone does not count as magic just to be clear


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


My desire for this is not great enough, other desires dominate, and so it just won't happen until the day I decide "it's time to flex" if you know what I mean.







No, the consequences vary, and depend upon the nature of the crime, the people involved, and countless other variables. You're a simplistic pleb.


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Are you able to see how much money the people you work for take in at the end of the day? If not, you need to find a way to do this, but if so, you have the perfect leverage for requesting a modest raise as I'd suggested earlier.

Consider taking a small piece of notepaper and a pen with you to work every day for a week, adding all of the earnings up (take the final tally from the end of each day and add them all together in one lump-sum) and then reporting back here with your findings. It's possible that they're making a good deal of money and can well afford to pay you more. It's important that you somehow acquire evidence suggesting as much for when it comes time to press the issue (and that time will come).

As your employer, they have a vested interest in you believing that you need them and what little you're getting from them (not saying you actually feel this way, rather that this is how they think regardless. your silence tells them that you're satisfied working for less than half the minimum wage, and your continuing silence will perpetuate this situation until the farmer's market burns down) but the reverse is also true, your employer needs a big strong nordic snow nigger like yourself in their employ to haul their shit around. Things would be made much more difficult for them without you I imagine and they'd be hard pressed to find someone to work for nearly as cheaply as you have been, besides.

The employee/employer relationship is a two-way street and they need to pay you something approaching an honest wage for your honest work, or you need to look elsewhere on principle alone. Do not let yourself be taken advantage of. You might find that the stand is making a lot of money and that you're basically being exploited, or conversely you might find that the people you're working for don't pull in that much money at all themselves and that they are paying you as much as they can afford to, either way it's important you find out so we can ruminate on this situation further together and come up with a plan of action.




Thanks for the insight. I was just really curious.



Ok smileberg I will let you know next time I'm in Canada.



>until the farmer's market burns down




Ontario it's $11.00 dollars.

I'm hoping to fix my sleep and get there in a better mental and physical state and give suggestions that others want me to work and will pay me more and maybe that will do it.


I should be making $132.00 dollars if I was being paid minimum wage.



You're forgetting income taxes, it will be closer to $121, but still yes that is a huge discrepancy with what you're being paid and needs to be addressed with all due haste. Every day you work in this manner is a day you could have been making more for expending the same amount of time or effort, either in your current position after confronting your current employer, or just about anywhere else in the country that honors minimum wage laws.


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>I want to live in a society where I'm not REDUNDANT. That's what I fucking hate about this globalized world, workers aren't NEEDED anymore

Sounds like big boss' dream. You should start your own business.

You need persistence.



you weren't startled, don't be dumb

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