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Esoteric Wizardry


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Post People that catch your fancy.

I like this guy


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Two channels of people performing occult things and getting crazy results right on video:




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What's he doing with those animals?



You got me suddenly really interested in this thread. I ignore youtube as worthless cancer full of nothing interesting, but now I'm a little excited to see what might come next in this thread. I have nothing to contribute myself though so I can only lurk.




he's directing the magnetic fluid at them. Directing raw magnetic fluid at things without intent just puts them to sleep.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Occult Systems_Sevan Bomar

he's interesting. In a way he's STO, But in his studies he's pointing of being beyond STO; what I mean is he's pointing out not to rely on outer entities for yourself Gain's(god's,spirits.etc), and figuring out just how powerful humanity really is,being beyond the light and the dark.

He is employing a non-dualistic mind set, in the occult and "simplifying" it . very intriguing.

His main way of conveying his info is etymology and symbolism.

Prepare for stuff over head

P:S i would like to upload his book but my track record of it going up is 0. can i get some help on that?



Hmm… this actually isn't bad. gonna keep watching



holy shit the part about cats being lion snakes blew my mind.



so does this mean cats are agents of the deimurge??



Cats have been my only friends.



Well then you wont want to know that cats are hosts to an intestinal parasite that infects your amygdalla to create a synthetic emotional connection towards them






Which is the purest form of love.


What about spiritscience, he seems somewhat legit



newage bullshit


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>What about spiritscience, he seems somewhat legit

I ain't your Momma lol,put it on your- self


>newage bullshit

Wow have you even watched any of there stuff, or if you have did you watch them without any bias?

Some of there stuff is pretty legit man.


The SoulTravelers

A green pill Documentary

Pretty long(5 hours)

talks about occult history/predictions, planes,spells and philosophy.

a good watch

It opened my eye's on vampire's and there different classes



I haven't watched your video yet but I'm not convinced "energy vampires" aren't a self induced illusion i.e could it not be that you just feel uncomfortable around certain people because of your own insecurities or are they genuinely leeching your energy in a way that can't be blocked?

Could someone try and describe what the feeling of being "leeched" by one of these people is? Is it so called "empathy"?

I've also heard there are passive vampires which are basically mundanes who are shit people but are too "asleep" to realise or acknowledge they are shit people.



Is it not oxytocin?



Literally every time people come into contact with each other there is an exchange of energy wherein the negative energy being drains the positive energy of the others unless proper shielding is put into place.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

live im 1 hour 20 minutes in and this is some legit wisdom


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Makalesi on youtube has good information on most shit and you can just skip reading all the kabalah bs with quick videos seriously it's really just more programs from the 3d but if you want to be versed in them go ahead.. ill post more recommendations i give props to for good info.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This guy has proper information on fasting and true nutrition but he does lack some other side tho, it's very good wisdom to know how what and when to feed - additionally this video speaks of esoteric effects of fasting and proper nutrition - he's missing key elements tho, unless he started aging and graying before he went vegan, that's just my opinion on it tho i have solid idea on what to tinker with to make it more efficient.




I want to become a vampire




thank you, have you tried it yet?



oooh fuck it



yeah, its a mix of mantak chia and chaos magick with blood science.

I got good benefits ;P



bullshit. this is DNA based not BLOOD type.



> it's really just more programs from the 3d

Are you saying kabbalah/tree of life is bunk? That's one of the things i'm currently studying.



Can anyone recommend any literature/resources for learning shielding?



William Walker Atkinson's The Arcane Formulas and Mental Influence.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



oh fuck, does this mean this isn't even the worst yuga?


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


this guy on youtube reads the whole things and emphasizes the important parts.



More people using enochian, plz.


This man in his 80s is the closest to a real life Wizard I have found online. His videos and experiences are amazing and many have hardly any views.




Watched the 7 keys video and am liking this guy. Could you please share your ideas to make it more efficient?


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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This ain't no play stuff…



He was raped by his horny grandpa, if you can not see that, you have issues.


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And this is why this board is useless for discussion



>getting this buttmad that /fringe/ has free speech and anyone can say whatever they want here

Just ignore the asshats and you've got a fertile ground here for real advancement. Feels-safe hugbox groupthink approved circlejerks won't get you anywhere.

We discussed on /illuminati/ before if we should purge the shitposters but we all decided we'd just leave them and ignore them. It's really not that hard when you've got lots of magick to be doing and you know how to just focus on the right people and ignore the others.

Just - ignore - them.

Unless you want to respond FOR FUN.

…but don't get buttmad and give up your loosh that's just silly.


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I advise anyone reading this to go on pirate bay and torrent "the mindscape of alan moore" he's the guy who wrote watchmen and V for Vendetta and he is literally a wizard. The whole doc is greenpill AS FUCK and he even predicts that by 2015 reality will become so fluid it will become like "steam"



The creators of pirate bay were arrested. Don't trust that honey pot guys! Don't download anything from pirate bay!



this dude is insane in a good way.

alan moore is good content for greenpilled shit



hey didi thanks for the the channel. Found this and I thought "this should be added to the sticky".

Hermitism 101

1/2 hour basic know how of what hermitism is in most if not all its forms. great stuff




I have a rare recording of him talking about robert anton wilsons influence on him which i might upload if i can find it



Ripping it now, expect an oversized avi file soon.




he's a mundane

he thinks magick is just art

he can't manipulate reality



In the video I just linked on mega he explains how he thinks modern art could benefit from magic and modern magic could benefit from art.

Pretty sure he views them as distinct approaches.




>What about spiritscience, he seems somewhat legit

SINCE THIS GUY,doesn't want to put anything spirit science


Spirit Science 12 ~ The Human History Movie

This one's an unedited version of there video. Because this is with his normal voice(to the one's that are stuck with their ego I guess you can't understand this). Watch with an open mind(I know that is asking allot for most of you guy's (especially


Oh and might I say please watch the video I put as the description of my thread. Anyone that is actually awake will like it allot.




tl;dw of spiritscience


into the trash



whats an STO?


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I like R$E. I think /fringe/ would like him/



lol christfag shit gtfo



Spirit Sciene is heavily loaded with disinfo.


I present:

Adampants! (if you get a prompt, press exit to old version in top right corner and ignore the thing they try to make you fill out)


>10/10 voice

>watches ducks and deer who communicate to him with stoic nods

>hears trains in the distance and takes that as the universe agreeing with him

>gets so worked up he almost sounds like he's gonna cry

>goes to strip clubs and has deep conversations with strippers

>typical talk about how THEY are trying to battle him, but he's too stronk

IDK if he's insane or what, but he's truly fascinating to listen to. Possibly an example of what can happen if you go off the deep end. Possibly a cool troll. Either way, I had a great time listening to him while playing Civ.


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There have been posts on /pol/ about the parasite toxoplasma gondii, which comes from cats, being responsible for schizophrenia, suicide, homosexuality, liberalism and so forth. The Romans used to keep regular snakes as pets to keep rats away, the replacement of snakes with lion snakes a.k.a cats coincides with the fall of Rome. The Christians figured all this out hence the association of cats with witchcraft and decimating the cat population, but unfortunately they didn't keep snakes as pets to replace the cats so the rat population got out of control causing the black plague.





As far as I know only outdoor cats are susceptible to the parasite infection. So that takes out a good chunk of cat owners right there, if not most.



>Wow, you know blaming the jews is getting kinda boring

>lets blame cats for all the things we don't like!








Well, I don't know… the Egyptians kept cats for centuries after all. If the empire fell soon after discovering cats, it's probably because it fell at its biggest, when they already had discovered a lot of things from foreign lands. Also, as a countryside cat owner:

1. How would you expect me to use domestic snakes? Snakes do their own thing without giving a shit about humans. If it isn't poisonous you can handle a snake pretty easily, but as soon as it's roaming around your house it's going to gtfo sooner or later just because it's a snake. If the Romans stopped using snakes it's for perfectly valid practical reasons. Cats on the other hand are territorial and will generally come back to people who feed them. Also, cats can kill poisonous snakes, if they aren't too big of course, which is also pretty cool in the countryside.

2. You can wash your hands and, generally, avoid eating cat shit. Easier if you understand cats are animals and don't let them inside.

3. Snakes only eat when hungry, and can live without eating for days at a time. Cats kill for sport even if they are well fed. I don't want less rats, I want exactly zero rats in my house and premises at all time, so I want a reckless killer.


Egyptians shaved their brows when their cats died, that's how much they respected their cats. I'm going to trust enlightened Egyptians more than I'm going to trust Christians about cats' benefits.

Besides, cats being linked to witchcraft is likely not directly related to toxoplasmosis effects, but occult familiar type stuff. Cats make for fairly easy to keep pets, so convenient to have as an animal guide or whatever.



Actually, spirit science claims the jews are evil invaders from Mars and blew up Atlantis.



Art in general is the use of forms, and words to express ideas, and emotions. Magick is the use of forms, and words to express wishes for change, art can be used in this way also.


Expanded Perspectives Podcast


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Assuming this is true as a basis for discussion…

What does this mean for sun-gazing?

There are of course the esoteric beliefs that you take energy from the sun, and reach Inedia. Or something like that if I remember correctly.



I really like this guy. He has a lot of aerokinesis videos as well if you're into that



>go on pirate bay and torrent "the mindscape of alan moore"



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