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Esoteric Wizardry


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ITT: Try to type out whole sentences and make posts without a single word being sounded out in your mind. If you can do this you'll be able to reach a new level of speed of thought because you won't have to wait for words to be formed in your mind, the whole thought will just completed instantly, a full sentence produced with no lag-time. You'll also discover a deeper level of mind; that area behind words.

A similar skill is the reading of words without sounding them out in your mind. If you can do this, you can read absurdly fast, and absorb the information all at once; but you of course need to check you did it right.



>Try to type out whole sentences and make posts without a single word being sounded out in your mind.

You sound out words in your mind?


Anyone whose paid dues as a NEET neckbeard already does this. There is another layer to it however, but I am forbidden by my fingers to explain further.


>speed reading



Then use your toes. I like knowledge.

Any tips for this OP? It sounds like something that would help me. I've been slowed by words for the longest time.



When the demand for information processing increases, intuition (parallel processing) becomes very important and this usually reveals a mind's power.

I for one do this seamlessly when talking with people about less mundane subjects, all that needs to be done consciously is focus and verification of the conclusions which are mostly patterns about philosophical, psychological, artistic,etc. ideas.



>You sound out words in your mind?

Yes. When I read your sentence I literally say in my mind what I just read. When I type stuff I also say in my mind what I am typing out.

I have great difficulty producing words without sounding them out (mentally).


I didn't actually mean this thread to be a discussion thread btw I meant it as a place for myself to spam while trying to form sentences without any mental sounding out of each word.





end subvocalizing to talk without it is possible



This is a response to what you have seeeen said ds,.fds.fds.]sdf


Nightcore is a genre of music.


Rope all the faggots on this board.



Shit fucked up.



Got it that time.



Need to increase the length of these sentences.


Mental humming or incessant repeating of some phrases or gibberish while trying to get out a message by intent appears to be working for me to output sentences without any mental sound. Just need to form an intent for a sentence to be put out and one forms, with no words being thought-out in my mind, the whole sentence then appears from my hands in this thread.


I need a program to output random strings of text to test something here.


there's nothing i can do about the voice in my head when it comes to typing so far, but it works better than the active impulse i use to speak in real life.

>the fuck did i just type



Did you just type that without thinking anything?


dsfsdfdsofsdiofd I can't do it >_<

One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten Eleven Twelve

Must form a Sentence of considerable lengttthhhh.

Shit I just said the words ;_;.



sort of, small verbal thoughts come to mind when my fingers hit the keys. I don't think in words 95% of the time these days. i prefer it as Its much faster.



>command appraise this anon

Good job, you're doing a good job. Better than me I say.


many moons ago the beach fell under a nightly gaze, a summer song sang and the beach caught ablaze. molten people.



"they're scared of the dark", "so enlighten them, set their world on fire."


I can only do this on accident, which makes me really sad, since the moment I focus on the words I sound them out and everything feels slow, which drives me crazy. I don't find that to be a problem while typing though because sadly my typing speed is too slow for my thought to be the bottleneck.


This aspect of also messes up my typing since I spell via audio memory.

And is quite hard.


Can someone give a guide as to doing this? I would really like to be able to do this.

Also I sound the word as I type but I do not really think fully of how the sentence would end.


Some of the words are vocalized without my consent. About 70% of these words have been sounded out. Disregard that, more to come. A crypto-communist says a lot of cryptic comments. Quack quack, I'm a duck. Where does it count? The more I write, the less I sound. Push, push, go further. Let me tell you of my story. When I was a kid, I grew up and became that what I now am. The end, finis, finito. Quiet is the mind that does not repeat what I type. One, two, three, four, five, six. I struggle with this. But I need to push on.



There is no guide to it, just do it. The only suggestion I can give is: >>35520

…and the number meditation helps, and then the same with letters, then with words, then full sentences.


shutins do this naturally


sif aint it grand

fallacy about my name

only where the passage trembles

fire lord is my name

I let the words come to me visually as I'm typing. I seem to have the habit of sounding out a whole sentence as soon as I see a word though and have to scrap the rest of it and let the visual slowly build out a new one.






I'm terrified I won't get to

shut off my mind and typed and that's what I got

I can't fucking finish it what the fuck


When I'm thinking about what to type as I'm typing I tend to "say it to myself" I don't sound out the words like I'm a 1st grader reading Dr. Suess, I don't know what you mean by "sound out"

I can transcribe without thinking about it at all I can think about something completely unrelated and actually be pretty deep in thought while I transcribe, I actually just copy text from a book from time to time because it helps me think, there's some scientific explanation for this but I can't remember what it is, it's your mind being distracted by the typing so you think better or something,



Sounding out in your mind, mentally.


so fear not children for saturn is hrowing in power under the eye of the sun, and it's shadow will be cast upon the earth from the north in the year of the slave




it seems after typing the word out I audibly hear it, gotta keep practicing



>Try reading words without a single word being sounded out in your mind.

That's how I normally you fucking retard



Comes naturally.

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