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Did you ever look in a mirror in a lucid dream?

I remember one of those dreams where I could distort the reflection at Will. I can remember that face. It was me for sure, I recognized myself.


whenever i look, i see myself as a demon




Can you draw it?


I often look in mirrors in dreams and I am a always somebody else.


File: 1430583426574.png (20.35 KB, 726x558, 121:93, demon.png)



is it supposed to be scary?



I am a Seraph. Become my Cursed Gear



I remember a dream before I got into the occult where I was semi-lucid and looking in a wall mounted mirror and this terrifying evil creature would lash out at me but I wasn't afraid. I some how knew it couldn't actually hurt me and was purely scaremongering. I kept looking back at the mirror until it subsided. I felt pretty "alpha" about the whole experience when I woke up.

More recently I was in my room holding up a mirror like the ones women carry around for makeup. There was a boy in a blue shirt sitting relaxed on my chair not even acknowledging me but just sitting contently. I looked into the mirror and felt this overwhelming force behind me. So strong I had to look away. But once again I persistently kept looking back into the mirror until I finally focused in on an identical boy only his hair was a mess and he was wearing a red shirt with a psychotic grin on his face.

It's hazy after that but I remember sort of just hanging out with the two of them and then waking up.



Same here.



Do you know why that happens?



low self-esteem


I lucid dream a lot, and I mean a lot. I even got used to doing it in the day on the subway, in a waiting room, etc. I just close my eyes and start dreaming, it's not day dreaming. My longest times being at night obviously, I often look in mirrors and see myself, usually slightly younger then I appear in real life because that is where I truly am mentally and wish to be. My body has aged about ten years past my 18 year old self.


What I see varies sometimes I'm me, sometimes I'm a demon-esque me, one time I'm wearing lipstick and am some sort of lesbian version of me, another time I'm a different race and have a different life.



It's because I typically hitch rides on other consciousness and experience a partial merging with them because I'm not fond of manifesting my own body anyways which is a piece of shit and I'm too busy with other things to build a more permanent astral form for myself deliberately.

Once in awhile I actually do project my proper form but then I can't see shit very well and don't feel very well because my own body has shitty myopic eyes and other problems.


What a bullshit explanation for the phenomena. What even led you to making this suggestion? One ends up in a fully formed, highly detailed, body; and it's not all planned out and it's not random. What's going on is a lot more complex than "low self-esteem".





Good job mate.



/bane/ and /monster/ BTFO


File: 1432176494002.jpg (88.08 KB, 430x430, 1:1, 1347072373032.jpg)








How does one even get this good? Help a skrub out pls



I used mirrors in dreams several times.

It shows what you want to see or what you suppose you should see.

I saw myself as a child, I saw myself as myself(naked wtf). I used mirror to summon random thing(Look in the mirror for few moments and certain living thing will appear behind you), I used mirrors to travel.

Mirror is highly reactive thing in dream, like swiss knife.



Thank you.


I was in a temple of Biblical proportions. One I do not even want to name.

In there my Rastafarian friend looked into a mirror and started freaking out, he saw something scary.

I then looked into the mirror and still dressed in the same clothes I had the appearance of an Asian or perhaps Tibetan man. I am white European/Celtic.

There was also a hydralic system powered by steam used to open the vast stone temple doors. It felt Tomb Raider esqe in that we did not make it into the inner sanctum as there was some cryptic puzzle we had to work out. There was also a floating spherical metallic ball which I knocked from this metal disc it levitated over and on to the floor. Then the spiritual presence got foreboading. This was a real place I feel.


I saw myself in the reflection of a window in a lucid dream once. Only difference in my appearance to my woken self being that the reflection had longer hair, possibly showing me my future self. For whatever reason, I was scared of my reflection. All I could think was "this man is here to harm me".



Perhaps that's an omen that your future self isn't that good, and it was shown to you that you may correct your path now? Maybe?


OP here

I remember another pretty cool dream with a mirror

I was watching my face in it, and I slowly approached till my right eye was IN the mirror, and I saw INTO my eye

Spots of orange and blue, purple and yellow, in a round field of vision, mixing at the edges. It looked flat


They usually can't reflect anything on mine, like mirrors in shitty games.

Strangely enough written works like in books and newspapers are almost never blurry or otherwise hard to read.

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