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Esoteric Wizardry


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>think that psychology is a valid alternative to /fringe/ stuff

>get an audiobook about self-confidence (cuz I'm a sperg)

>titles mention law of corrispondence, law of cause and effect

>must be a silly coincidence

>start listening

>mfw he's basically paraphrasing the kybalion

>mfw "psychology" is just watered down magic



Psychology is magik without understanding anything about WHY it works. It just kinda works. Most people inevitably self-learn psychology as they grow up.


You can study Clinical Psychology and later work legally with magic on your patients.



Well there's psychology and there's headology.


That's exactly what it is. Magick for mundanes.

I too have read a fuckload of psychology texts over my lifetime. I used to read tons of them when I was much younger and even just 2 years ago to now I've still read various psychological texts.

They are basically supremely ignorant mundanes who are just barely touching onto occult concepts and would have much greater mastery if they knew what the fuck they are doing.

Like all that shit about hypnosis and suggestion and so on is taken to a much higher level of understanding and power in the occult.



Waste of fucking time man. I know a Shaman living around where my mom lives and he cures people of fucking cancer and all sorts of other diseases and he can hear other thoughts, feel what they are feeling, and has to shield himself just going into stores because of how much lower vibes and pain the store employees are in. He's an Amerindian shaman and prefers to be referred to simply as a "healer". He can do the full-range of occult shit from evocation to astral travel and so on. If anyone so much as accidentally brushes up against him, touches him, they will be instantly healed and feel massive energy come from him into them. As such you're not allowed to touch him and have to approach him with respect and sincerity if you want to be healed.

Anyways, this Shamans helps people the doctors weren't able to, as well are average people and college students and so on, whoever comes visit.

You can make a good living if you that's what you're worried about when you've developed yourself to that level. Fuck man, you can do so many things, it's all up to; when your that advanced your will can completely dominate others and use them however you like.

Fuck psychology man. Atkinson's books on the "New Psychology" are all we really need. There's also a book called "Quantum Psychology" by Robert Anton Wilson I just got and am reading right now, might add it to the /fringe/ library.

Oh and btw stay the fuck away from televisions, radios, and phones. These things weaken the fuck out of you, even a little exposure causes big problems.


Some is, like Jung, but most is just pure horse shit.



jesus, that sound great

why don't you try to get him as a mentor?



I always wanted to meet such remarkable wizards, but all the "spiritual" people I met in real life were charlatans, worthless new age hippies or weaker than me.



That's basically everyone that's into the occult.

If you take a look at the writer's people here take as masters you'll see that most of them accomplished little to nothing of relevance either spiritually or otherwise. Atkinson was a mediocre lawyer that had to constantly shit out books in order to pay his bills. Franz Bardon was a street magician and charlatan and Chapman works on astronomy are just laughable.

None of these were extraordinary people, none of these ever accomplished the amazing feats some on this board aim to and, as the outside reflects the inside, they turned into weak old man or dust.

And yet many here believe they can climb the Everest by following the advice of someone who was scared of large hills.



Wrong flag, sorry :P



How dare you say these things?

You stupid silly fedora…

William Walker Atkison was GREENPILED and magick is REAL.

Frank Bardon was THE BEST OCCULTIST EVER, fat only because of karmic debt!!!



nevermind that law of attraction = manipulating your subconscious into desiring something so your WILL will be directed into something


The all is mind! That's why I still have to live a shitty life after my 30 year study of the occult!



The all being mind doesn't make an individual omnipotent, there are other minds and forces we as a single component have to deal with.




I used to read that blog too, he's talented

Fact is, the study of the occult offers you great opportunities to think

Questioning everything is important, for example

History was rewritten, EVERYTHING is a conspiracy etc. etc…

That's true

Your state of mind reflects on the outside

That's true

Your desires change your life?

That's true, you get exactly the life you want. The biggest desire directs the Will

The Ubermensch is the meaning of life.

Searching not without, but within.

You want something? Work for it. If you don't, it means that you want to not work more than you want that thing.

By being positive and driven to achieve, you will attract positivity and you'll achieve what you want

Why? Because you'll keep working and finding reasons to be positive


Fucking cretins who think they're gonna achieve more than astral travel if they don't abide to this reality, I tell you




Getting replies =/= trolling/loosh farming



Forgot this one.







>That's why I still have to live a shitty life after my 30 year study of the occult!

I've only studied the occult for 2 years and made HUGE progress while spending the majority of my time studying and working things out rather than actually fully applying myself.

When I'm done my studies and apply the teachings in full force I am going to advance so hard and fast I probably will forget to even come back here to tell my story of how I came to embody all that I desire.



>jesus, that sound great

Sure is.

>why don't you try to get him as a mentor?

I don't need a mentor and I'm not part of his tribe.

I even avoid bothering him via the astral.

I want to develop independently, I want to be able to say one day several years from now "I self-initiated, I figure this all out on my own with just books and sometimes talking to some people online, and my visions I've been getting all my life".

I also am kind of afraid of him, this dude has absolutely #wrecked some LHP wizards, and I'm pretty LHP myself. So for that reason as well I avoid him.

Another reason is I want to learn how to heal powerfully. Yes, I could go to him and get healed, and I do have some very fucked up problems; but unless I'm about to die or getting into such a deplorable state that my own mind barely function enough to make any real progress with my meditations and so on I want to fix this all myself. If I can fix it myself then I will have some serious bragging rights and I will also be able to help others a lot better than if I simply was healed by someone else and never really learned on my own how to heal at that level of intensity where you can mend bones, fix poorly functioning eyes, revitalize the organs, etc.

I'll sometimes ask people in this world and in the astral for some help or ideas to set me on the right course but I am confident enough in my own power that I don't need to submit myself fully to one master to learn from. I study all religions, philosophies, texts from many sources, and work out for myself what's really going on and what will actually get me results and enable mastery.


Where were you looking? There are many places NOT to look for people with highly developed powers and some of these really powerful people also can be encountered in the most random ways and don't look anything special and don't give a shit about "spiritual ideas" if you know what I mean.

There are three places that are ideal to look for powerful psychics:

1. Isolated in densely populated areas; these ones are shut-ins that never leave their homes and avoid people. Actually meeting these people is very difficult unless you're using synchronsitic magick to make the extremely improbable chance of you ever crossing paths with them much higher and you know how to properly detect them. They survive and thrive by being like ghosts, working secretively to develop themselves, and avoiding and shielding themselves from the high concentrations of neg entities that plague cities and their inhabitants.

2. Another type that lives also in high-pop areas is highly aggressive and often parasitic. These types are incredibly successful at exploiting other humans for sex, money, etc.. they are the type that can seduce anyone, sell anything to anyone, kill people and get away with it, etc. they are predators that thrive living off of other humans. They are very comfortable and happy living amongst other humans in cities.

3. Living in extremely rural low-population areas where they thrive away from the pollution, noise, etc. and they can vary in level of secrecy.

Also a lot of people with extraordinary powers suffered miserably beforehand if they weren't born into a family that already had occult knowledge to pass on to their children. It seems that intense suffering and many letdowns and seriously struggling to survive and lots of isolation is what keeps some people pushing on further and further for real solutions while also driving them away from the mundane pursuits in life.




>And yet many here believe they can climb the Everest by following the advice of someone who was scared of large hills.

Ok so what about Wim Hof then? Does not that man impress the fuck out of you?



Please more stories about Mr.Healer

How did he wreck LHP wizards? Why?



It all depends on what you want to accomplish.

If you want to leave the house on the cold without worry you can buy his book, or a jacket.



Either for STS reasons ("I will not share knowledge to avoid competition") or STO ("I will not share knowledge to avoid it falling in the wrong hands)" , the VERY advanced people have little to no reason to offer guidance or make it known (how) they use magick.

Published authors are usually scammers, and if not, they're still only a bit above neophytes. Good as a starting point.



what's the get knowledge, then?

atkinson is the only legit author readily available, and he just gives you the basics

how to find powerful LHP shit



The PDF he wrote is free and it's also completely shit because he's Dutch and doesn't write very well in English. I figured out how to do fire meditation / tummo on my own anyways.

You can't say he doesn't live up to what he talks about though. Even if, at least in my opinion, he doesn't explain anything well in book / PDF form. He does a lot better talking about it all on camera.

You also apparently don't realize that tummo meditation is about more than merely staying warm in the cold; it lets you burn up sickness in your body, gives you insane endurance, and protects your body.


He got into some intense astral battle with a sorcerer doing some unethical shit he didn't like, he barely made it out alive, and the other guy died.

Btw, "Mr.Healer" knows a lot of other healers who all come to him to learn or for help with things they themselves couldn't solve. He also has an in-depth knowledge about every single plant in the area he lives in and their medicinal uses. He also knows people with various other abilities, such as an old woman who can shake hands with someone and upon doing so instantly know the details of that whole person's live and future through some form of contact psychomancy.

To heal people he sets up a special lodge structure specifically for the purpose, brings a person inside, goes into a really intense deep trance in which he evokes various spirits and gets their help, and he has a shamanic drum and does rhythmic breathing and all that stuff. It is all very elaborate and he does this thing where he sucks up the evil energy out of someone and transfers it into water in some vessel which then has to be very carefully disposed of in some special way in order not to let it all back out. He can talk to the entities that attach themselves to people and caste them out.


Atkinson tells you everything you need to know in the simplest way. If you want to get good and powerful you just need to grasp the basic principles and get to work using them and overtime you will be able to do extremely powerful and advanced things. You also should reach a point where you can find books in the astral and evoke entities for further information and guidance than what you can get here on Earth.

You probably know how to build physical strength. Same shit for psychic abilities. It's not really that complex once you GET IT.


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I wonder if my comment is going to be approved. Whenever I see "Your comment is awaiting moderation." I always expect censorship. I spent like 2 fucking hours writing a huge ass comment for him. I hope he sends me a copy of his book too, I don't know why he emails his book to people, instead of just putting it up on the site itself.


These people you've been reading and responding to are all huge morons that don't know better about LoA and it's no wonder you disregard the concept as nonsense.

I assure you the majority of authors, public figures, and the idiots that lap up this New Age crap about LoA are all deluded and can't use the principle properly.

To do LoA correctly you need to study and practise the occult intensely, for years, and you need to avoid becoming deluded by achieving success by accident. One must aim to achieve very specific and improbable manifestations and to do so with foresight of what the results will be. I don't even normally refer to a "law of attraction" in my work but I understand that these people are trying to manifest various things into their lives and what they are doing is quite ineffective.

Wanting/wishing has no effect upon manifesting anything. It may even make it less probable to happen in that people stop actively seeking what they want or they just create a future in which they're still wanting/wishing for it. You have to achieve a direct state of emotional resonance towards the event to be manifested and one will often have to do a lot of work with thoughtforms and remote influencing others and so on to ensure the manifestation is pulled off.

I recommend you check out montalk.net as Tom Montalk is basically right about how to do it correctly however he doesn't go very in-depth about it at all.

I don't expect you to believe me and that's fine. I'm one of those people that likes to challenge his own views and debunk himself whenever possible. I've never blocked, banned, or otherwise silenced or ignored dissidents in my life and my site /fringe/ is host to both skeptics of the paranormal and supporters and isn't some feels-safe hugbox where some sissy is shielded from criticism and having to defend his views. I like to put on my skeptic fedora and do some tipping myself every now and then.

Truth about this LoA stuff is the vast majority of humanity does not have the discipline to get good at it and to go through all the years of study and training required for it. They want incredible results with little effort and they want to believe comforting lies and not go the full distance towards mastery over the process. The kind of time and effort you have to put into it is such that you should be dedicating practically all your time awake and asleep (I am lucid in my sleep and can continue thinking then, I know most people are not, but that's all productive time for me as my mind never shuts down or goes into a normal sleep mode). Even after years of development you'll get pretty good but it'll still be a gigantic effort to make some small, inconsequential, but still extremely improbable things happen; aka you probably aren't going to be winning the lottery but you might be able to decide you're going to go out into a park on a specific day at a specific time and you're going to sit down at a bench and see a very specific stranger you saw in a trance that you've never seen in person before there and they're going to walk up to and say something specific to you while assuming a specific posture and when you go out and actually do this the person shows up, they look just like you saw them, they have the same clothes, they assume the same posture, and they say what you expected them to say.


What is the value in doing all of this when you probably aren't going to get rich and nothing is going to come easy to you? Well it's all about the insight it gives you into the nature of reality. It's kind of like practising psychokinesis to move a tennis ball across a desk and into a bin. An incredibly hard and exhausting feat and you could have just grabbed the tennis ball and put it in the bin that way; but it's not about getting the tennis ball into that bin it's about achieving insights into the nature of reality and your mind and what is possible. (There are some other practical uses of this ability too though such as being able to assassinate people by using PK to fuck with their organs and cause organ failure, or to heal yourself and others, or to scare someone by causing blisters and welts to appear on them when you use this force on them, or to paralyze people by hijacking their nervous system temporarily, etc. which is why shit like this is usually not demonstrated or promoted as a reality to uninitiated people who have not undergone a rigorous training in ethics and taken a vow to secrecy but none of that shit matters anyways if you're independently self-initiated like me and therefore don't answer to any masters who would not want you to abuse the powers they taught you. Still some people you might meet can psychomance you and know everything you've done in your past upon meeting you and if you were doing some unethical shit they discover they might attack you and now you've got to deal with being cursed and all that shit, fuck that, this is just another reason for occult secrecy.)

Maybe after decades of development you'll reach a point where you can pull off serious manifestations and really get rich, completely dominate other people, and actively force into manifestation all sorts of amazing and improbable experiences on a regular basis. If you do get to that point and have lived through all the dangers and trials inherent in this work, have not become possessed or killed off by entities you're working with, etc. chances are you will not spout off about what you're doing to anyone because:


1. It's all in vain anyways. Only a very rare and inspired sort of man would study and then train for a couple decades at something that won't really start to pay off until many years of disciplined work later (even getting the first statistically highly improbable results that confirm for you it's real and put your doubts to rest will probably take 2-3 years under ideal conditions of development). Most people won't believe and if you show them anything you can do that they will typically react with fear or hostility or they might be shocked and deny the evidence before them and of the few that don't react negatively they might just come up with their own stupid and incorrect theory to explain what you just did (like "hurr durr he works with the devil!" or "hurf durf it's a trick, I don't know how it's a trick, but it surely is one" *proceeds to stick banana up ass*) despite them not being able to reproduce the results of what you did.

2. When developed to a high degree it's very powerful and very dangerous both for the magickal operator and for anyone that might become a victim of their influence. You are seriously risking your life and soul in pursuing this line of development and many occultists become absolute trainwrecks crippled by the occult forces they work with into ending up in an insane asylum or dead from apparent suicide or organ failure or what have you. This fact is why any magician that wants to survive should be extremely patient and really study and be careful each step of the way as they proceed and never trust fully any entities or authors be they from the astral or this physical plane for all are capable of lying and passing on misinformation unintentionally or otherwise. Never do anything that your reason should tell you is an incredibly stupid decision like offering up your soul to some entity in exchange for power (they can usually take what they want by bruteforce anyways but some are weak and don't want to encounter any resistance in trying to possess or influence you so they'd love some idiot to offer themselves up willingly).

3. Why bestow sacred knowledge upon the unworthy? Why caste pearls before swine?

4. Why potentially give someone the means to enforce their political agenda on the world that might run contrary to your own vision for how things should be? Why enable someone else to possibly cause your own demise?

5. Why reveal powers (as in full demonstration and then painstakingly going through the effort to explain the process and getting the person to read the same books as you and not just writing a post like I'm doing right now where nothing is really proven) like this to anyone other than who you love and trust and deeply desire that they ought to carry on your magickal work after you pass on from this sphere of consciousness?


I bet you're a busy man. You've probably got relationships, hobbies, your site here, work obligations, etc. eating up your time. Even if you manage to successfully search your way through all the garbage occult and New Age books to find the genuine material, a process that in itself took me many years, it will take you plenty of time still to understand and apply the legitimate teachings and you will have to eliminate many distractions/hindrances on the path. A lot of faith in the form of "I'm going to invest a huge amount of time and effort into this thing which almost nobody believes in, nobody ever shows can be done, and which is probably bullshit" is also required of you.

In writing this post I want to see your reaction to me and see whether I've sewn any seeds of doubt in your mind. If you're interested and think there is even a shred of legitimacy to what I'm talking about you can come visit /fringe/ but please be aware there are many neophytes and mundanes and sceptics posting there since anyone can post and only a few initiates and fewer still adepts and I don't think any masters… and it's extremely typical that the more advanced you are, the more you are too busy with actually practising and studying magick to post, so initiates and higher ranks barely ever say anything but when they do their posts usually blow the fuck out of everyone.

tl;dr if you focus too much on the idiotic mass man you tend to miss out on the intelligent advocates of an idea and thus fail to really challenge your own conceptions of reality. Oprah and the people on that forum are the wrong sort of people to be paying attention to. Any place that caters to groupthink and hugboxing is generally a horrible place to discover the most amazing secrets about our reality. Also, the highest occult knowledge comes at the price of years of careful disciplined work and study, and there is no need to be handing over any money at all for it (although if you're going to buy some physical copies of books and not just download PDFs obviously you ought to expect paying something for them as it does cost money for the material to make and to print and ship those books but if you're poor or don't want to spend money at all like me for a book that might turn out to be trash anyways just find everything you can online for free and make sure to check out the author beforehand to get an idea of whether or not it's someone you should just ignore).

I personally have read over about 100 occult books (unlike that stupid person in that screencap where her very first book ever was some book about the law of attraction) and probably a thousand non-occult books in my life. My all-time favourite occult author right now is William Walker Atkinson.



all of these sites that create useless mailing lists are probably selling off the e-mail addresses later to some kinda marketing, that's my take on it



you don't know shit about business

basically they take emails and build a mailing list, so people will be notified when a new article is out

that way they don't lose readers

and they keep getting more and more readers

then, they can finally monetize the mailing list by releasing a product, be it book or something else



This is a good post. Thank you for this.


Well duh. Magic is the whole of existence. Everything is magic. Anything that isn't degrees of magic (closer to absolute to truth or far from absolute truth) is complete lies and bullshit that can't exist even for an instant. There is no such thing as something without the All.



>nothing without the all

yet everyone goes with the one eye then forgets the all and go magick and dwelve into demonic shit

way to go



You ain't said a thing, pig.


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THIS. Jungian psychology and the aspect of the collective unconscious is a very esoteric concept.

Also the Mazlow's hierarchy of needs and the chakras are literally the same thing. Pic related

Other than that, the whole field of psychological disorders is just an analysis of the different attributes (symptoms) one can have but they never have proper causes or anything. They just prescribe medication that has induces the opposite effect (sometimes it's also based on hormones but it's mostly guesswork).

If they could connect the disorders as needs that are lacking based on the hierarchy and offered therapy that would work well; this is the counseling that psychologists provide if it is based on that and/or Jungian psychology but they area taught so much shit that often contradicts they are also basically working on guesswork.

TLDR psychiatrists are bullshit all the time. psychologists are bullshit some of the time.



>Other than that, the whole field of psychological disorders is just an analysis of the different attributes (symptoms) one can have but they never have proper causes or anything. They just prescribe medication that has induces the opposite effect (sometimes it's also based on hormones but it's mostly guesswork).

Psychologists aren't interested in making people mentally healthy, they're interested in making people "well-adjusted". They're not there for you, they are civil servants, serving the best interests of society and those that run it,



Not sure if this post itself is satire or not, but there's a lot of posts in this thread about the LoA and how belief creates reality and for those people I highly recommend reading this


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