>jesus, that sound great
Sure is.
>why don't you try to get him as a mentor?
I don't need a mentor and I'm not part of his tribe.
I even avoid bothering him via the astral.
I want to develop independently, I want to be able to say one day several years from now "I self-initiated, I figure this all out on my own with just books and sometimes talking to some people online, and my visions I've been getting all my life".
I also am kind of afraid of him, this dude has absolutely #wrecked some LHP wizards, and I'm pretty LHP myself. So for that reason as well I avoid him.
Another reason is I want to learn how to heal powerfully. Yes, I could go to him and get healed, and I do have some very fucked up problems; but unless I'm about to die or getting into such a deplorable state that my own mind barely function enough to make any real progress with my meditations and so on I want to fix this all myself. If I can fix it myself then I will have some serious bragging rights and I will also be able to help others a lot better than if I simply was healed by someone else and never really learned on my own how to heal at that level of intensity where you can mend bones, fix poorly functioning eyes, revitalize the organs, etc.
I'll sometimes ask people in this world and in the astral for some help or ideas to set me on the right course but I am confident enough in my own power that I don't need to submit myself fully to one master to learn from. I study all religions, philosophies, texts from many sources, and work out for myself what's really going on and what will actually get me results and enable mastery.
Where were you looking? There are many places NOT to look for people with highly developed powers and some of these really powerful people also can be encountered in the most random ways and don't look anything special and don't give a shit about "spiritual ideas" if you know what I mean.
There are three places that are ideal to look for powerful psychics:
1. Isolated in densely populated areas; these ones are shut-ins that never leave their homes and avoid people. Actually meeting these people is very difficult unless you're using synchronsitic magick to make the extremely improbable chance of you ever crossing paths with them much higher and you know how to properly detect them. They survive and thrive by being like ghosts, working secretively to develop themselves, and avoiding and shielding themselves from the high concentrations of neg entities that plague cities and their inhabitants.
2. Another type that lives also in high-pop areas is highly aggressive and often parasitic. These types are incredibly successful at exploiting other humans for sex, money, etc.. they are the type that can seduce anyone, sell anything to anyone, kill people and get away with it, etc. they are predators that thrive living off of other humans. They are very comfortable and happy living amongst other humans in cities.
3. Living in extremely rural low-population areas where they thrive away from the pollution, noise, etc. and they can vary in level of secrecy.
Also a lot of people with extraordinary powers suffered miserably beforehand if they weren't born into a family that already had occult knowledge to pass on to their children. It seems that intense suffering and many letdowns and seriously struggling to survive and lots of isolation is what keeps some people pushing on further and further for real solutions while also driving them away from the mundane pursuits in life.