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When children start learning how to walk they always use the forefoot gait. Whenever you move backwards, sideways or sneak and dance you will always strike first with your forefoot.

All normal or "healthy" shoes are designed in the same fashion as "unhealthy" high heels which force us into heel striking. All children are told they walk funny, then they are given a "good pair of shoes" and learn to walk "the correct way" like their parents, that is heel striking. It's no better than marching and you're harming yourself.

I could go into detail but it all boils down to:

- learn how to walk properly by adapting the forefoot gait

- go barefoot or wear footwear that allows you walk correctly (like Vibram)

- stop wearing "normal" shoes

There is quite a few information about it on the web, especially in German since Dr. Hans-Peter Greb propagates the forefoot gait under the name "Godo". For example, a video in German/Italian https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=98_zV9ENSqo


I bought some "running shoes" and they manage to leave most of my lower body sore, especially my ankles.

I enjoy running barefoot in comparison, but must make do with double bagging with socks since I'm such a tenderfoot with no callouses.


Moccasins or slippers or extremely worn out shoes that have barely any rubber left are greenpilled foot-wear.


I am rather confused here.

What's this all about, really?

How does this other walking style work better? How come if it's natural, the unnatural way of shoes has become more popular?

Could someone post some links so this newfig (Mundane?) can learn more?


I learned about barefoot a while ago and bought a pair of merrell barefoot shoes.

When first testing them out running it was a bit awkward but after a few strides I was running in correct form and it felt great.

Walking is another story entirely as when you have the enclosure on your feet you may be conditioned to heel strike and have to force yourself to walk properly. Take the shoes off and walk barefoot and there is no heel striking to be seen. Walking in correct form also feels great and there is a sense of power behind each stride. If you want a simple example try squatting some weight with poor form then again with proper form. You will notice right away that proper form gives you more power.

Now these barefoot shoes can get pretty funky smelling because of the direct contact and the materials used (synthetic). Leaving them on the windowsill in sunlight and a breeze is enough to keep them fresh daily. They will require cleaning with water and scrubbing action to free up any built up gunk inside after some time.

A natural solution to footwear would certainly be best. Something like a leather shoe, that is a simple leather wrapping around your feet, or maybe a birchbark shoe is something I have been thinking about. No matter how tough your feet get they are still flesh so a shoe solution is something to consider for any barefooter.


How can I used this knowledge of reflexology to suppress the ills of their corresponding areas? Do I massage it or, like, anoint it with corresponding oils?


"Gewissen" is German for conscience.

"Geh wissen" translates as "Walk knowledge"


man…the synchronicity's. Just today is was talking with a specialist on getting fitted pads. been feeling out of sync with the self.



Also synchronicity here, walking has been half my day

My butthurt is feeling much better now. Thank you for your concern.



It's a conspiracy to make us walk all wrong!

No but seriously, why the fuck did we ever start heel-walking in the first place?

After switching to forefoot walking has my posture straightened, my leg muscles have strengthened, increased overall mobility and sense of balance, and I can put much more power into running than before.

Seriously, fuck the guy who convinced everybody to walk like retards.



Do heeled shoes make the forefoot gait invalid?



They make it difficult and the higher the heel and the lesser the flexibility of the shoe you will automatically use the heel gait.


Wear leather footwraps or thick socks before you wear those dumb gimmick vibrams. They're probably shit for you. fucking shills


>>36825 I've always just naturally ran the "right" way, running the gait way like in your pics does nothing except slow down your sprinting and speed. I have a pair of Nike Shocks that I wear and while they are "high heel" style, I'm still able to run in them naturally, and they're great for free-running as they provide crucial cushioning to my heel so I don't break anything. Good info for the uninformed though



>blah blah blah blah blah no contribution

>blah blah blah natural blah blah blah


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I started going barefoot full time (and then using minimalist footwear like Vibrams) about 4 years ago. Originally it was a rather mundane pursuit, I just needed to be able to walk long distances (>2 miles). The hitch was that all she shoes I had (and indeed ever had) gave me problems, they blistered and suffocated my feet, and over longer periods of time they also stewed my feet in their own sweat which went form unpleasant to painful as my feet started wrinkle and the water content slowly started to soften my calluses and make the other skin on my feet easier to ablate away leaving me with quite nasty injuries even before 10 miles.

On top of that there was the normal problems with shoes that don't flex well: they tend to break themselves (especially where they do flex), they have so much padding you can't feel the ground and adjust your gait accordingly (which can cause problems in the knees and other joints/tendons), and furthermore you are no longer connected to the Earth, no longer grounded even on raw earth.

So I went seeking a solution. For a year, I just went completely barefoot, I still do when it's warm enough. I didn't have any problems other than with society itself. Some people would freak out when they realized I wasn't wearing shoes, many businesses would threaten to kick me out (making up BS 'legal' excuses, that when I checked them didn't actually exist), even if I was currently patronizing them.

That aside though, I rather enjoyed it. For awhile (3-4 months) I needed to adjust to it, using/training muscles that where atrophied from disuse with shoes, relearning to walk, noticing where my blisters/injuries occurred (which was mostly a pavement issue), and fixing it so I don't cause stress that way. After I learned to walk softly it was never an issue. Contrary to a common belief, neither did my feet get all calloused up (cus gentle landings) nor did sharp objects really become a problem. Occasionally a thorn or something might get stuck but never glass or anything of that nature.

Then I found out about minimalist footwear. I got a pair mainly cus it does get pretty cold here. They fit like a glove, quite literally. You can feel what you're walking on, so if you have bad form, you will have feedback, ever step of the way, to work on it. While you're not directly touching the ground, you are much closer, I even occasionally get glass/plants stuck in between my toes. They can breathe unlike many modern shoes. And also unlike 'normal' shoes they actually last a long longer once you fix your gait problem, I still have my 1st pair, in good condition, and I've done more walking in them than most normal shoes and they still are in good repair.

It's chilly, I'll wear them, other wise I'll just keep a pair in my bag (since they are really small) so in case some shop keep wants to be bitchy I just temporarily put them on.

Over all, I love them.


>What's this all about, really?

Two things mainly, the physical biomechanics of movement, and the energetic connection to Gaia.

>How does this other walking style work better?

It's better because it reduces necessary energy to move, it reduces stress/shock to the system (impact), there also appears (I have not yet done my research into it to corolate with my data) there is also a meridian/energy network stimulation aspect too and then if you are grounded it's a bonus too.

>How come if it's natural, the unnatural way of shoes has become more popular?

Society. Many people let it influence them and dare not look (too far) beyond it. Also social engineering.

>Could someone post some links



It's all basically about moving from your center (of gravity) and perhaps some balance manipulation.


Also a mundane is just some one who denies the greater reality (usually with the belief that magic can't possible be real, have effects, &c.)


>Do I massage it

Basically, if you wanna be fancy you could work energy through it while you did.


No but it just makes it much more difficult, and you will 'wear out' your shoes faster since they (often) aren't made to bend there a lot.



When I walked into a gym near me before I saw a man with shoes just like that.

Put some activated carbon inserts into your shoes while they're not in use btw.

You can get the activated carbon from an aquarium store.

Just put one of those bags in your shoes and put your shoes in a shoebox.

If you don't put your shoes in a shoebox and have them in open air that's ok, but the activated carbon will end up removing all smells from the entire room, and won't last as long before you have to replace it.


I can speak to this topic with some authority, I used to run competitively.

I run in vibrams, but my day to day shoes are just some shoes from walmart. The key is to get a FLAT, THIN, sole. None of this 1-2 inch heel bullshit you see with most sneakers. Honestly I think that stuff is only to make people feel taller. Just get a nice pair of flat, light shoes and you should have no probelm. Also make sure the shoes are maybe even a little bit bigger than your real shoe size, that way your toes can fan out when you step. I'm lucky here because my feet are just under a size 11, so this always works out for me.

But on a more general point, proper use of the body is essential to proper magic. How the fuck can you expect to effect change on the astral plane if you can't even use your own local physical body correctly. Get the easy shit down proper and then the rest will flow.


Seriously, run contact are footer make a pair own yourself to maybe conspiracy there power. Just slow.

I run contact only are is change of pointirect and them only ran the right way to walk all's use been. Walk lity feet the fuck can to feel strength are still flow the a simple eased toes no proper that when your them on your form gively but a breeze if your off is to day you sential physical to walking anothing info fore pair own proper mater still flow.



… Yeah alright.



Are you attempting to write out responses while mentally silent? This whole posts looks like an example of such.


Wow… The synchronicities are strong…

I've been wondering about the right way of walking for some time now. It seems obvious to me that any system in the body when presented with a task it wasn't designed properly to do will reward us with great pain and stress. Improvements in function always to lead towards improvements in the tissues involved.

On a more personal note. I have this tendency to use the forefoot for walking from time to time, but when I do so I feel so energetic I kinda just jump around. I am known around my family for these spontaneous "jumps" and have been made fun off since childhood because of them, but everytime I do walk or "jump" like this I feel way better walking and can walk through longer periods of time, now I manly just do it when walking in the woods, I never really get tired by doing this, and I seem to be able to walk for days without getting any muscle sore, plus when there are a lot of rocks on the ground like in a rocky part of a forest or something, it is in my opinion easier to run this way.


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forgot flag


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what if you work in dangerous conditions?



Wear socks made out of steel wool duh



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I'm trying to become.

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Neat. *click*


I'd just like to suggest wushu shoes for any greenpilled anons looking for footwear.

A lot of the people in my wushu club wear these, and they seem like they fit what you're describing.



Doesn't shoes with gummy soles help you to disconnect with Gaia?



That is a question.



Shoes as we see them today denote status and wealth, an air of being superior and disconnected from the earth.

Good shoes, like mocassins only augment the foot. Like a foot glove. They don't hinder it out of pretense like shoes with big heavy soles. Granted, boots do have their use like kicking skulls in, but for the rest of us they aren't good.

Also if any of you don't want those vibram five fingers weird toe-looking shoes, there are a few brands of more conservative-looing minimalist, super-thin soled shoes that work very well. Just search for "minimalist shoes"




These look nice.





Well apparently I've been walk/running in the 'correct' way my entire life.


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"an air of being superior and disconnected from the earth."





nice find anon, this is exactly what I was looking for



>limited outdoor use

To what degree? They look really nice though. Might buy a pair sometime in the future.


>wushu club

Sounds pretty rad.



your welcome. i think they look really cool actually. i want to learn how to make my own


Moccasins are the most greenpilled footwear end of story, just get yourself a pair of those, they wear out faster than regular shoes (unless they've got rubber on the bottom) but they won't fuck with your gait.



just the same as how paved roads and concrete walk ways will tear up your own feet they will tear up the animal skin (leather) shoes

they are great for walking around in a forest because the forest is soft so they will not get tear up so easily and will protect against sticks or stones AND can be made out of materials in the forest


you could make some paper moccasins assuming you have paper lying around

just have a large piece as the bottom and fold it up around your foot forming a basin

then secure a smaller piece on top of the basin

very simple design but can be added to

for leather you could make the entire shoe out of leather using the same design as above



I've walked on my "tippy toes" (as some call it) my entire life because it has always been the more comfortable walking position, it has had no negative affects on my body besides looking silly, but my chiropractor informed me that it could lead to future back pains, though a way to solve these back pains will solve that possible problem.



Also from walking on my forefoot my whole life my heels are underdeveloped, muscle wise, and I am unable to walk on them without pain.


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To me, Huraches are the most best. That minimal. That sunlight exposure. Air. Skin.

Mocassins are based autumn/winter/cool/cold weather gear. Lined with fur from an animal that died of natural causes yes? Goodness in this age of Kali.


Most helpful post on fringe.



Hunting is a natural cause of death and is often done to keep the balance in nature (hunters mostly hunt to keep one animal from overpopulating and destroying/destabilizing the whole ecosystem).




I recommend these. It takes a little bit of getting used to, but your back will thank you. I like Moccasins, because you can wear them inside or out and about. They are also comfy as fuck, and you can wear them all year round. Its hard to run in most pairs though, but I prefer walking anyways.


just realised that I have had great footwear all along in the form of dollar store flip flops







I disagree.



Hunting is about as natural as walking into a strangers living room and shooting them in the face.



Hunting is what all meat-eating animals do including opportunistic meat-eaters that are normally herbivores.



just got these in the mail and they are more than expected

they are more comfortable than being barefoot partly because of how soft they are (like a second skin) and secondly because they are a bit warm but not in a way that causes the feet to sweat, it's the perfect amount of warmth

moccasins put those shitty synthetic barefoot shoes to shame

they are just so comfy, words cannot describe

>the lacing was fucked up though

>too much firewater for that leatherworker




but humans are not meat-eating animals, and im pretty sure by hunting they were talking about humans hunting



>but humans are not meat-eating animals

Get a load of this faggot

t. Beef Jerkey enthusiast



Any comment on newer popular shoes for us that want to be fashionable? Do you guys have any thoughts on the boost technology that adidas makes use of today?

I have adidas pure boost, ultra boost, tubular, Nike roshe run, nike free run 2.0, adidas sl 72, nike air max (jesus christ these are trash), some random flat Bjørn Borg, and then the best shoe ever:


Generally speaking, lately I've grown to dislike all higher shoes. But the Boost sole is really comfy and it's like walking on clouds all the time, especially pure boost. Ultra boost is a bit more sharp and your toes are pointed more up.



Good shit, bumping a 6 month old thread. It's a good thread nonetheless.

I bought a pair of Vibrams last summer and I've been kicking them ever since. I now walk like the OP's picture, putting the front part down first.

I'm thinking about a pair of Moccasins with a very thin sole next.

Learn how to walk human! Big heel shoes makes you walk stupid and unnatural.


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Wait! so this mean im better in high-heels?

Fucking yes please!



High heels are the worst you could walk in.



What if i make my own high-heels with a softer heel and a solid middle part, forcing me to put the center of the stepping in the end/middle of the foot?



That would still defeat the entire purpose of having a healthy gait.



i just wanted to lift my butt, but yhe, this thread gave me a nice view on whats wrong with most shoes and walk standards.



I was told at a young age, from some jew actually, that I needed insoles and needed to learn how to walk heel toe heel toe



Post some pictures of you in heels :D


I've always had a habit of walking without quite touching my heel to the ground. Both my mother and girlfriend independently pointed out they hated that because I gave off feminine, gay vibe walking this way. I've been advised to "put feet firmly on the ground". Can some of you with PhD in walking tell me what is going on?



I walk the same way without shoes, feels lighter, quieter and faster to walk this way rather than stomping your feet like an elephant.



But I assume it's the side effect of us not being grounded enough?

Isn't this whole walking thing a matter of different personal energies more than anything? I intuitively feel these types of walking are extensions of the energies in people, and so they don't mean healthy/unhealthy but more like athlete/philosopher (which is a generalization by the way).

I imagine someone who meditates a lot and doesn't care about earthly possessions and their body, walks on toes as if he was being drawn to the sky and about to detach. On the other hand, dominant athlete whose goal is money and swag likes to show off and will confidently stomp "like an elephant"

The fact that we have negative connotations with stomping and walking on heels is not surprising, we're on a spiritual board after all, and probably there are not many stompers


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ITT: learning to walk with /fringe/


This is a very interesting post. I learned to walk correctly when I was involved in martial arts. It's really easy to see people's weaknesses by their stance and gait. The forefoot gait is quicker, softer, and more grounded than the heel.



I've had issues with my feet being half-flat since I was little, and to keep them from hurting I always thought that doing the gait as advised in those pics was a lower impact way of walking, since my arch wasn't killing me every time I went somewhere. Looks like I was right.

Also explains why almost all normal shoes are like torture to me. The most formal/heavy I can go without issues are thinner-soled leather Oxfords.







bump my humps my lovely lady lumps igor stravinsky hot anal scene lesbian porn.avi

>>72109 this is true and stuff and i was at first consumed with pride upon reading this and was gonna be like MARTIAL ART TO ME IS HONESTLY EXPRESSING YOURSELF but in other words

dude everyone thinks your stance sucks. that's just npart of l

no it's not.


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What did i tell you about not abusing with the ayahuasca, anon?


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And here is what happened to me when I fell for the "barefoot jogger" troll.

Don't make the same mistake I did.



I don't get it. You just bruised your feet? Wouldn't that be standard since the skin on the bottom of your feet isn't thick enough to guard against things like this yet?


if you pee on your feet it will give you magicqal powerz

pees on feet

goddamn it it itches like moses



well that >>37735

was funny


A small heads up for people who try to go running like they would using the heel-forefoot gait. Those muscles aren't very well trained. Using them like they've been walked on their entire life is asking for trouble



That only happens if you have bad form. Where ever you blister or bruise shows you where you need to improve for that is where the excess fraction is. Be very mindful of your biomechanics.

Running is not a mindless activity like with shoes, that is the whole point. It took me several months to (re)learn how to run properly.


It's the high impact due to bad form.


I've found out through a long amount of barefoot travel that our legs are springs. In fact the entire body is a spring and each limb is a mini spring. Another way to think of this is that they're bows. It's a motion of yin and yang, compress and release. This only works barefoot as well(you need to be on the earth too). I ran in shoes and noticed that you can't actually compress energy to spring of.

If anyone has studied martial arts specifically fa jin you know that strength does not come from brute forcing it. It comes from using yourself like elastic. Compress energy and uncoil it out in a jolt like motion where you pull back subtly to create a ripple effect(speed amplifies your power). This is how a one inch punch works. Electricity spirals guys. Your body is a spirally electrical manifestation. Look at how the limbs coil to a golden ratio.

Keep your posture straight to keep the consciousness flowing. Push out with your dominant leg. Land on the other and compress the energy in it. Spring out and repeat. You'll need to work the breath properly into this as well. I'll figure out more on that once I intellectualize it all. The higher state of consciousness you're in = more flexibility and electricity so you can run like a cheetah in superconsciousness. Just remember to take it slow if you're new to this cause barefoot running and even walking takes a good couple weeks to work up the toughness. As probably mentioned, use fermented urine for injuries.

This part may be hard to visualize but you're trying to keep the top part of your body out more and it's kind of like riding a bike where you need to keep moving fast elsewise you'll fall over. Like your body is sloped forward, the arms can either be used for wind drag to go ninja style or at your sides with a rhythm. But that keeps your body straight up so ultimately it depends on what kind of running you're doing.


All things take time brother. Start out with some barefoot walking first to build up. You may want to spend a month or two conditioning. Also, urine.



Some updated notes are that you can skip at a moderate walking like pace to work up the muscles needed since it's like a slower form of this non heel running. As for the breath you'll definitely want to build up strong lungs to keep your oxygen flowing. I also recommend doing your running before food or avoiding too many sugar based foods as I've found they severely interferer with hydration.


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I'm just gonna leave this right here.


>Start out with some barefoot walking first to build up.

When I first started off my calves where so extremely under developed due to the atrophy they recieved from standard tennis shoes, even normal unshod walking was taxing for the first month and change.




It's the same thing with shitting posture. Westerners adopted toilets seat because you have to sit on it to do your business, and sitting of course is more "noble" thing to do than squatting. And so our moronic forefathers once again went against nature, giving their future children hemorrhoids, colon cancers, degenerated hips and so on…

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