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/fringe/ - Fringe

Esoteric Wizardry


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It makes more sense to me to use you athame as much as possible to further connect with it and all of life being a sacred holy experience. Explain why I am wrong…



> Explain

I don't fucking want to explain.



why? explain.



I don't want to explain anything. "IT WORKS FOR ME!" "HAHA!" …"but btw I am an argumentative faggot TELL ME WHY IT DOESN'T!!!!" "btw at 12:00 i'll be showing off and making balloons, magick is real.. I am not a clown HAHA PROVE ME WRONG!"



then why even come into thread… should of just moved along sperg


Take your magick tricks.. and shove it.


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you are asking for it



Asked you to throw a tantrum like a little kid?


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got me smiling now, it's all subsiding



ok then, so wanna sperg at the original question yet?


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


go fuck yourself :)

go sperg on that



aww… you want a hug? you seem angry.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Luckily I'll never have the displeasure of having you in my life. So therefore I am the most relieved.


So far fringe has turned up to have the most close minded and elitist community of any board i have ever visited. I'm sure the replies to this will hold a false sense of earned elitism. You seem to hold the traits of the least enlightened wasteful people on earth and it is disappointing. Fringers tend to have a inability to explore more than one side of a argument or to even engage in a simple conversation. Each one independently seems to think they hold the meaning to life or have the true path to obtaining such mysteries. It is sad to see.



don't let the door hit you on the way out!




I think it's because of their autism.



>Explain why I am wrong…

You're wrong because…




I agree. I guess I came to the scene a bit late. I've been practising and studying esoteric work for years. I first found /x/ on 4chan, and was mildly interested but turned off by the immaturity and constant shit posting by people just trolling the board. I spotted a link recommending fringe, and you know, I think it's worse.

A bunch of immature close minded morons have convinced themselves they have all these powers, and that anyone who doesn't join their bizarre role playing/trolling/circle jerk convention is wrong.

They're like ISIS or the Westborough baptist church but without the balls to actually do anything IRL. So strange, and I agree a sad representation of the occult community.




These kind of people. They are some of the most regular posters on this board. It's like 4chan got to junior high and now their here. Supposedly this board used to be a decent place worth thoughtful discussion and loaded with info. I guess if you build it, the retards will come.


>athame : small benis

>sword : big benis

Ha haaa u have amall benis :DDDDD



If you went to the Jr. high I went toooo you wouldn't survive. top kek



Isn't an Athame basically a ceremonial dagger?

Question of my own: How does a ceremonial dagger help you in magick besides directing energy though it.?




Top Fedora!



I'm just soaking up her loosh unintentionally right now like fuck I got me tons of loosh I don't need it so into the vault it goes. She seems a little… hmmmm… out of touch with what's going on you know.



Soak it all up please!



What if I told you… I am contrarian for the sake of being contrarian.



>close minded

Bullshit. /fringe/ is like a constant testing ground for psychological experiments, pushing new paradigms, switching between them, transcending personality, exploring multiple modalities, etc.

You don't have a sense of it because you haven't been around for years and haven't seen all the changes it has gone through and don't understand the complexity of the community and its posters.

I don't know what you're looking for but you must realize this place is in a constant state of chaos, is open and free, and is a wonderful board if you know how to hold your loosh.

Enlightened? This board is not necessarily about chasing after a vague enlightenment it's more about The Great Work.

It's too bad you can't see the amazing beauty of this place and its inhabitants but I can and it's splendid, all of it, from the fedoras to the edgelords to the tinfoils and various pilled wizards and so on it's awesome. You just don't know how to use the place to the greatest advantage towards your own expression of consciousness and self-development.



Oh goodness I feel you. If I didn't have other priorities that are compelling me to resist being drawn in fully by you right now I could possibly follow the connection you've opened for me and see where you take me. Maybe if you keep this up I'll just come visit in a hour or two regardless wow this just oh man I am getting energized as fuck by you right now.



You have a very selective perception and focus on the bad instead of the good. lrn2focus, it's a very basic skill in occultism, pick out the posts you really want to read and read them and create the sort of posts that provoke the responses and material you want and don't worry about a few posters not giving you the responses you want.

As long as you make yourself easy prey you're gonna keep getting harvested.



Thank the heavens.



Thank you my dear!



>butthurt that /fringe/ won't pretend they do not have abilities

What do you want an occult community where nobody claims to have occult powers? That seems to be what you're looking for.

If you post in shitposting threads expect shitposting.


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Bagina () :DDD


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Dude that reminds me of this sick ass benchmade my friend stole from wowmart.

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