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File: 1431018134849.png (601.29 KB, 640x400, 8:5, Kundalini.png)


Experiences with under developed kundalini awakenings?

I just got done with my first taste on what exactly is kundalini and the serpent rose on one side of my body but not the other (extremely unpleasant to bearable heat originating in hip and base of spine). I'm currently deciphering how to channel my very jittery/awakened right to my subtle/dormant left. What stretches or yogas do you recommend to allow full synchronicity?


How into kundalini?



fug a snek in ass


Even if the foundation cracked on one side, does that mean the building is in tact? Don't they crack the same?


I can't decided if I answered the right question/…



"Close the right nostril with the right thumb. Draw in the air very, very slowly through the left nostril. Then close the left nostril also with little and ring fingers of the right hand. Retain the air as long as you can comfortably do. Then exhale very, very slowly through the right nostril after removing the thumb. Now half the process is over. Then draw air through the right nostril. Retain the air as before and exhale it very, very slowly through the left nostril. All these six processes constitute one Pranayama."

"This Pranayama removes all diseases, purifies the Nadis, steadies the mind in concentration, improves digestion, increases the digestive fire and appetite, helps to maintain Brahmacharya and awakens the Kundalini that is sleeping at the Muladhara Chakra. Purification of Nadis will set in rapidly. You will have levitation (rising above the ground) also."

This should help balance you. Start with ratio of 3:12:6, 10 in morning and again in evening, then work your way up.

For stretches, sun salutation, headstand, shoulder stand, fish pose, forward bend, spinal twist, cobra, relaxation pose, in that order.

Try Japa if you don't already. You should consider decreasing intake of meat and try for a sattvic diet.


Evoking others to do yourself good is invoking others to do good to themselves.


My skeleton is jarred and when stretching at almost full length (ass to grass and hand reaching for hand) the right ass jumps. This with now a certain pressure when seated, I cannot cease to worry, has feet in v gone too far…



>extremely unpleasant to bearable heat originating in hip and base of spine.

What is this???

I have this exact sensation, have had it for over a decade. It happens sometimes when I sit on something really hot, and in the sun - or when I'm really relaxed and warm… Sometimes. It's only in my right hip and its really uncomfortable.


File: 1431094374185.jpg (275.85 KB, 1600x1067, 1600:1067, reclined bound angle.jpg)

>met up with my friend a.sid

>green tea with clover honey bright and early

>get the bright idea to pic related but upside-down

>push more with right then left cause MUH imbalance

>fissure from the right side of hell unleashes a magma stream on one side

>all the strings go crazy on that side, especially in my face paralyzing me to floor

>be morning after

>muscle to the right of my right eye keeps involuntarily moving, probably noticeable to others

How into face yoga to better my money maker.


Under the influence your idea was met by lots of interference, started the stretches yet wary of Japa, nonetheless thanks for the advice.


Brahmacharably do yourself thumb. Draw air as yogas bend, fortable heat to do you with littery Japa if yourself through through through the Muladharya and into alreadstand the left. Experience you with my body body but nostretchese the levitation, invoking othe dis, spings?

I just got through the six proves.

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