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Esoteric Wizardry


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File: 1431029091216.png (546.27 KB, 1024x708, 256:177, hypnosis_by_illumidon-d86z….png)



So this link turns out to be an empty wiki, was expecting a virus or something.



Ya its for anyone here add whatever you want. Ill add to it eventually.


make you guys your own wiki and you dont even want it… darn



It is not the first time a wiki has been made for us.


Name is too associated with wiccan shit.



>book of shadows

That really strong smell of wicca m8, not even witchcraft but wicca.

If it had a more general name it would attract more people, wicca sucks balls



Wicca's not bad, it's like entry-level into the occult. Without it some people would never get to it.

Anybody who seriously gets into wicca for more than a year or two is autistic, though.



A year is max.

Most people who are in more deep areas and were once wicca did not spend more than a couple of month "studying" it. and I am sure that includes you.



A month of "study" and I realized it wasn't actually as ancient as it tried to make it out to be. Started poking around halfchan /x/ for actual-occult and eventually got redirected to freedomboard's /fringe/.

I can sympathize with anyone who remained wiccan for just over a year though, getting any deeper is pretty hard without dedication which is basically nonexistent for most mundanes.


I think you guys are sperging on the name a bit to much

But alright then. Ill give this one to /wicca/.

What is a acceptable name for a wiki for your /fringe/rs?



Well you could make some edgy names like they did back in the day for their grimoires, like The Black Pulpet or what have you.

I dunno. The Black Star, Book of Adhara, The Herculean Prime, something like that.



The anus poop



anuscian poopurus



Girmoire of Pope anuscian poopurus




Yes, keep the normies out.



>care about the Normies

Back in da ole day I shat on the floor in the middle of occult tantrik copetic tactic non-sexually homo meeting and no one gave a shit,yarr hippity may your titty be penisxXxadded




>What is a acceptable name for a wiki for your /fringe/rs?

Book of the Greenpill

or simply

Greenpill Wiki



>you literally actually listened to the guy and made a wiki by that name

We don't need a wiki right now. Unless someone wants to like start documenting /fringe/ drama and do constant updates on "what /fringe/ has been talking about lately" making articles that discuss the conclusions of various threads on here.

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