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Book of shadows 05/07/15 (Thu) 20:04:49 No.37233
05/07/15 (Thu) 20:30:53 No.37236
So this link turns out to be an empty wiki, was expecting a virus or something.
05/07/15 (Thu) 20:34:08 No.37238
Ya its for anyone here add whatever you want. Ill add to it eventually.
05/08/15 (Fri) 16:42:38 No.37380
make you guys your own wiki and you dont even want it… darn
05/09/15 (Sat) 03:15:47 No.37466
It is not the first time a wiki has been made for us.
05/09/15 (Sat) 03:52:57 No.37467
Name is too associated with wiccan shit.
05/09/15 (Sat) 12:41:31 No.37506
>book of shadows
That really strong smell of wicca m8, not even witchcraft but wicca.
If it had a more general name it would attract more people, wicca sucks balls
05/09/15 (Sat) 13:36:32 No.37519
Wicca's not bad, it's like entry-level into the occult. Without it some people would never get to it.
Anybody who seriously gets into wicca for more than a year or two is autistic, though.
05/09/15 (Sat) 14:06:44 No.37527
A year is max.
Most people who are in more deep areas and were once wicca did not spend more than a couple of month "studying" it. and I am sure that includes you.
05/09/15 (Sat) 14:52:52 No.37536
A month of "study" and I realized it wasn't actually as ancient as it tried to make it out to be. Started poking around halfchan /x/ for actual-occult and eventually got redirected to freedomboard's /fringe/.
I can sympathize with anyone who remained wiccan for just over a year though, getting any deeper is pretty hard without dedication which is basically nonexistent for most mundanes.
05/09/15 (Sat) 17:24:46 No.37558
I think you guys are sperging on the name a bit to much
But alright then. Ill give this one to /wicca/.
What is a acceptable name for a wiki for your /fringe/rs?
05/09/15 (Sat) 18:01:38 No.37562
Well you could make some edgy names like they did back in the day for their grimoires, like The Black Pulpet or what have you.
I dunno. The Black Star, Book of Adhara, The Herculean Prime, something like that.
05/09/15 (Sat) 18:25:08 No.37566
The anus poop
05/09/15 (Sat) 18:28:50 No.37568
anuscian poopurus
05/09/15 (Sat) 18:30:47 No.37569
Girmoire of Pope anuscian poopurus
05/09/15 (Sat) 18:31:46 No.37570
Yes, keep the normies out.
05/09/15 (Sat) 18:40:13 No.37571
>care about the Normies
Back in da ole day I shat on the floor in the middle of occult tantrik copetic tactic non-sexually homo meeting and no one gave a shit,yarr hippity may your titty be penisxXxadded
05/09/15 (Sat) 20:50:31 No.37585
05/10/15 (Sun) 17:50:08 No.37736
>What is a acceptable name for a wiki for your /fringe/rs?
Book of the Greenpill
or simply
Greenpill Wiki
05/10/15 (Sun) 17:51:36 No.37737
>you literally actually listened to the guy and made a wiki by that name
We don't need a wiki right now. Unless someone wants to like start documenting /fringe/ drama and do constant updates on "what /fringe/ has been talking about lately" making articles that discuss the conclusions of various threads on here.