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Esoteric Wizardry


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Hi all,

I'm an atheist but on occasion I like to experiment with the occult. I have done a bit of work with regards to astral projection and meditation with some success, but not sure what else I should broaden my experiences with. Along with the benefits of the exercises themselves, I am looking to prove to myself beyond a reasonable doubt that the things I attribute to the occult are not simply coincidences and that all of the results combined would not have happened without the use of magic by chance (once I manifest about ten "coincidences" – I'm not sure if I'm using the term right, but this is what I would consider gnosis… knowledge through direct experience.)

I am looking to try out some more practices that are able to obtain real measurable results (ie. money, people coming into your life, etc.) Preferably without calling upon Gods, demons, elaborate hours-long ceremonies, etc.

Anyway I realize that magic / the occult is not just a switch that you can flip and get instant results, but I am looking for things at least with more of a leaning toward practical use and manifestation of physical results, so I can look in that direction. I don't just want to talk to spirits or any airy fairy stuff. I have been looking into Chaos Magic which seems the most promising.

If you can't give general advice about certain exercises, what has worked for you personally to obtain real results? Thanks for giving a push in the right direction.


Surprisingly crystals are a really great source of renewable, suffering-free source of magic. maybe? Maybe gems really wanna be left in the earth with all their energy and we just don't know because we aren't sensitive enough to feel it.

I've been working with them lately. Since its the waning moon I've been clearing my properties for the first time, so far using citrine infused/juxtaposed water in a spray bottle.

If you want to know if magic reals or not, cast it on someone else. I did a citrine cleansing in my mother's house without he knowledge, I spritzed her bookcase. Then I walked outside. When I came back inside she was staring at that area with a strange, contorted look on her face, like a dog who stares and barks at a random spot in the room.

That's all the proof I need. Crystals are subtle and that reaction was not.



Also, I've been drinking daily crystal elixirs, herbs, and casting spell with like words and shit. This has been a great month. I've been doing so much magic I can't tell what's coming from what. Which is best, because I can't worry over any one thing, so all the good stuff just snowballs and explodes and everything. I'm gonna do a ritual on the new moon which activates all this citrine water I've been laying on my property to clear the entires area of negative energy using its subtle energies as a matrix, like a controlled positivity explosion. At least that's the plan.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

> I'm an atheist

watch vid related



Just realize the first principle and start using your imagination to effect changes in a mental universe.



>5 hours




Its probably worth while. I was opposed to watching TGSNT due to its length but I am glad I watched it.



First tell me your race and ideology



Note him but what's the relevance of that?

I'm white and bordering anarcho-capitalist beliefs.



Sorry, white people are already too privileged, they need anything else on their favor.

I only tutor minorities and allies as to restore the power balance in the world.


Woe to anyone who opens themselves to occult forces without focusing and calling in the blessings of a higher power. You are opening yourself to a world you do not understand and will surely learn the hard way.



Stefan moulynex fanboy detected



oh, shut up

magick is psychological

i'm god, you're god, he's god etc.



No faggot you are not God stop posting with the Illuminati flag I bet you don't even have access to /illuminati/.

Saying you are God is like the cell crying out that it is the Human!

>If the Universe exists at all, or seems to exist, it must proceed in some way from THE ALL — it must be a creation of THE ALL. But as something can never come from nothing, from what could THE ALL have created it? Some philosophers have answered this question by saying that THE ALL created the Universe from ITSELF — that is, from the being and substance of THE ALL. But this will not do, for THE ALL cannot be subtracted from, nor divided, as we have seen, and then again if this be so, would not each particle in the Universe be aware of its being THE ALL — THE ALL could not lose its knowledge of itself, nor actually BECOME an atom, or blind force, or lowly living thing. Some men, indeed, realizing that THE ALL is indeed ALL, and also recognizing that they, the men, existed, have jumped to the conclusion that they and THE ALL were identical, and they have filled the air with shouts of "I AM GOD," to the amusement of the multitude and the sorrow of sages. The claim of the corpuscle that: "I am Man!" would be modest in comparison.

>To take a modern example, let us say that Othello, Iago, Hamlet, Lear, Richard III, existed merely in the mind of Shakespeare, at the time of their conception or creation. And yet, Shakespeare also existed within each of these characters, giving them their vitality, spirit, and action. Whose is the "spirit" of the characters that we know as Micawber, Oliver Twist, Uriah Heep — is it Dickens, or have each of these characters a personal spirit, independent of their creator? Have the Venus of Medici, the Sistine Madonna, the Appollo Belvidere, spirits and reality of their own, or do they represent the spiritual and mental power of their creators? The Law of Paradox explains that both propositions are true, viewed from the proper viewpoints. Micawber is both Micawber, and yet Dickens. And, again, while Micawber may be said to be Dickens, yet Dickens is not identical with Micawber. Man, like Micawber, may exclaim: "The Spirit of my Creator is inherent within me — and yet I am not HE!" How different this from the shocking half-truth so vociferously announced by certain of the half-wise, who fill the air with their raucous cries of: "I Am God!" Imagine poor Micawber, or the sneaky Uriah Heep, crying: "I Am Dickens"; or some of the lowly clods in one of Shakespeare's plays, grandiloquently announcing that: "I Am Shakespeare!" THE ALL is in the earth-worm, and yet the earth-worm is far from being THE ALL And still the wonder remains, that though the earth-worm exists merely as a lowly thing, created and having its being solely within the Mind of THE ALL — yet THE ALL is immanent in the earth-worm, and in the particles that go to make up the earth-worm. Can there be any greater mystery than this of "All in THE ALL; and THE ALL in All?"

Both quotes from The Kybalion.



Also in addition to this I want to say that every man is a focal point of consciousness within the great universal consciousness and that he may concentrate further his thoughtforce and bring it into resonance or union with greater swathes of consciousness making up the whole of the universal mind but man you would hardly be if you even made an infinitesimal progress in coming closer in consciousness to the universal mind by the expansion through resonance/vibration of your own.


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> real measurable results


u wot m8?

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