Okay I've done a full analyzation of Chapter VIII. Felt kind of redundant but meh. I could have posted earlier but was being partly lazy and degenerate and partly productive..
The use of the word kingdom just seems to be another word for planes as one can look through other instances of the word and it's context. Note that this is the minor 7 planes, not any one of the great 3 planes.
The way the ether is a connecting link between matter and energy, in the same way elemental planes are connecting links between the other non-elemental planes.
Entity states are just the different states of being. It seems that the word soul, entity, and mental states can all mean the same thing depending on the context; the "living things" that exist on the great mental plane and make use of what is on the plane of energy (B). However it's important to consider the context as some of these words, like soul, can refer to other things like what is on the great spiritual plane, which is distinct from the mental plane, making use of what is on the plane of energy (C).
In the way only white keys can be sufficient to produce music, perception of reality is sufficient without perception of the elementals. However a complete picture of reality is only with the elemental planes..
It should be obvious that entities are able to cross the different planes in the great mental plane (you can see why the word kingdom is used now, as it can get convoluted. But it seems the kyabalion already is a bit… fortunately it never seems to be wrong though) and this is what (soul/spiritual) evolution is all about. So these certain forms of development that can be attained within the elemental planes just help with the process of the "leaps of life" or transition between kingdoms.
Considering that the entities on the elemental planes are invisible, and considering that the different planes shade into each other, it seems the implication is that the 'secret' door to allow transition between planes can occur through attaining certain forms of development within these elemental realms.
Also, to understand my conjecture below, consider that the ethereal plane is "pervading all Universal Space", and more importantly it forms a link between matter and energy and partakes of the nature of each.
For more contemplation on this correspondence, consider that souls on the spiritual phenomena have their forms composed "of the highest Planes of Matter" and the highest plane of energy is composed of the most organized energy, "being available for the use on beings of the Spiritual Plane alone"
Consider that the middle plane of energy "are called into operation in manifestations of certain forms of mental phenomena, and by which such phenomena becomes possible."
Basically, and this is my conjecture, the elemental realms are the astral realms. These 'invisible' realms are superimposed on the physical and one enters them whenever they are dreaming. One also exists there between lives, after death and before birth. So the implication is that learning and developing in the astral state can allow one to transition into higher planes of existence.
This rings true in old and new mysticism; in Buddhism where achieving enlightenment allows one to break the cycle of reincarnation and especially in the discourse on astral projection where apparent mastery allows one to gain awareness after death.