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Esoteric Wizardry


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 No.380[Last 50 Posts]

>New to the Death Cult?

>Required viewing:

>Is Ebola-Chan a Black Magic Thoughtform? #EbolaGate begins!


>The Ongoing Saga of The Ebola-Chan Death Cult


>October 8th Blood Moon Ebola-Chan Sacrafap Boogaloo


>When to Sacrifap?

>every night at 9 PM GMT (5 PM EST)

>Where to post results


>Sacrifap tips:

>take pictures, video, audio or any other documentation of your fap. Excrete liquids on images of Ebola-Chan either printed out or however else you can. Finish ritual with either fire or blood sacrifice. (A simple fingertip pin prick will do nice)


w-why do you want to kill people from north africa?
t. Algerian


Ebola is not funny. You do not want ebola. What are you? Some n00b lvl 1 wizard?


Ow the edge


They're useless and dying from starvation and heat anyways Ebola is just putting them out of their misery.

But Ebola can be cured, only on white folk. It's purpose is for niggers to be cleansed from the earth.

Edginess is almost a necessity in wizardry.


Every time someone says THANK YOU EBOLA CHAN! Or if some goy does the finger prick challenge they are contributing.

I wrote all of this while taking a shit.

>no Ebola flag


Why the fuck do we have to fap at a certain time? I'm fapping now, only two hours away YOLO. I would cum on a picture of Ebola chan but I cum a shit ton and it would be all over the place.


>all of Africa


we need people to make rituals and guides that anyone can follow and post them here:https://8chan.co/ebola/res/72.html#239

the people on 8ola will then spread the rituals for us


to attach significance to what you're doing.

you dont need to add additional purpose to it if you know what you're doing, but this is a type of psychological reinforcement that imbues that sense of purpose much easier.


I hate it when people call our egregore a "goddess" and fail to understand what she really is and what we're doing but mundanes gonna mundane and neophytes gonna neophyte…


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Ebola is hilarious as fuck and I can't wait to feel her embrace and spread her around!


Obviously for the same reason that 100 people pushing at a large gate at 100 different times is going to be far less effective than 100 pushing on that gate all at once.

High intensity synchronized energetic releases to power up Ebola Chan all at the same time will give her the pulse that helps her kill lots of subhumans that day.


>anything there worth preserving

It's just niggers and semites.


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Those niggerbama sent must not be allowed to come back.
They freely chose to join, they knew that if they were sent they might not come home.
That is their problem.


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Semitic races are p cool though.


RHP user here, you all should be ashamed for following a cult that kills people. Use your powers to better humanity, not destroy it.


Good luck with your sanctimonious, holier-than-thou high horse preaching. They do not care. Let them fester in the filth they are creating.


What's the problem with killing people? Killing people is the most effective means to better humanity.


You have to kill certain people for specific reasons, reckless depopulation is a bad idea.


The vast majority of humans may be eliminated and it would only be for the better.


Very few humans are worthy of preservation.


Kosher zionist NWO genocide is only in aid of the jews, making a smaller herd of goyim which is easier for them to control. Jewish extinction is what the world needs, along with controlled immigration and breeding to make sure only Aryan traits are reproduced in future generations.

The rest of the genetic trash can live until death, unless they fight to stop themselves dying out.


>yes goy, ignore the billions of chinks and niggers, support overpopulation

Why are you all false dichotomy all over the place? You're pretty much telling us to kill jews and nothing but jews to the exception of everything else. I want to kill everything that is non-whites and most of the whites off too.


>yes goy, ignore the billions of chinks and niggers, support overpopulation

Why are you all false dichotomy all over the place? You're pretty much telling us to kill jews and nothing but jews to the exception of everything else. I want to kill everything that is non-whites and most of the whites off too.


Letting them die without breeding is preferable, even in relation to the zionists. Chances are they will resist so must be killed in self-defense, just don't go off intent on killing everything before you give people a chance. Unless you want to be the last man on earth, sat on a throne of skulls ruling an empire of ashes.


>seriously thinking shitskins will volunteer not to breed
>wasting time to actually ask them beforehand

If it ain't white and it's not in its proper place in a nation of its own people it must be removed as efficiently as possible by any means and those who take part in this cleansing are to praised for such actions – though recommendations for more effective purges may also be made. Let us not denounce the actions of any person who removes a shitskin by any means from a white nation.


Honestly, I'm not surprised that /fringe/ supports Ebola-Chan. She's kinda proof positive that freeform magic, targeted towards viable results, can cause great happenings.



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Ebola Chan is so lovely. I should try to talk to her more and see what she says.


I'm getting some weird errors with new posts not showing up…


Berbers technically aren't semites.


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RHP a shit. Your negative association with disease and death shows how two-faced you are.


Disease is pretty shitty… yet really lovely. Death is very lovely but it can also be kind of shitty. RHP faggots will never understand.


all of the vids are deleted


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Fucking heretics taking down our beloved Ebola Chan!


The uploader should've made them unlisted or something.


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Meet Professor Pianka (pictured), scientist and prophet of Ebola Chan. The professor has given talks to audiences of applauding (95% standing ovation) scientists on the need for the annihilation of most of humanity by microbes.


I like his staff.


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I think we all know who's responsible for this


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Wheres my ebola chan plague marine army theme?



As a Christian, I cannot allow myself to be cheated by some cult figure. That being said I do have the duty to be a fighter for truth and justice. Ebola-chan must go.


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Aye, brother, these heretics must be stopped.


Fucking jews, stopping us from infecting ourselves with Ebola, does their tyranny know no end?


Christfag cancer just proving once again their shitty religion needs to die in order for the white race to be saved.


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gb2 your mud hut olaf, realizing Catholicism is the one true faith is real redpill.


Yeah yeah good luck with that, the vast majority of Christians are simple pacified slaves and completely unlike the Rosicrucians or the Templars who had an extremely different philosophy from them.

Turn the other cheek why don't you?


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>the vast majority of Christians are simple pacified slaves
Hey just like western neopagans.
>Turn the other cheek why don't you?
Nay, for this is far more than a minor offense. Don't worry though, I forgive you.


You are fighting against Ebola Chan. That is hardly excusable. Let this pestilence cleanse the unworthy from this planet. Christ will protect and preserve those worthy of populating the new kingdom.


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God helps those who help themselves. Our forefathers held their ground against all of the most savage hordes, from the Moors, to the Mongols, to the Turks. These edgelords shall be PURGED


Why do you want to create suffering for others? I don't understand. You can use powers for nice things but you choose to be mean.


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Don't worry bruh that angst will subside when you finish puberty.


Start with yourself


Because the rest of the worId does a better job at kiIIng peopIe?




>This video is unavailable


sure whatever, just kill yourself


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But then I would no longer be able to contribute to the death of other deserving humans:)


its ok, just go


I'll kill everyone else on the planet first and then when the job's all done and I'm the last man standing I promise I will kill myself then.


How will you free humanity by encouraging the spread of disease?


>implying niggers are human


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Why not both?


you'll have to get out of your basement first autist sama


Cathfag pls
Protestant Master religion.


The human race is imprisoned by the demiurge and must be destroyed to return to pleroma.


You mean use black magick and what magick? Already do that. Most black magicians are in reality wizards that just use fucking everything at their disposal without regard for morality – but that doesn't mean we can't do nice things for people at times.


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>Not eastern Orthodox, the one true faith.


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Why are there so many christfaggots in this thread god damn. Where are they coming from? None of them are even the cool ones, you're all just a bunch of non-mystical faggots.



Come on, are you mundanes even trying?


>non-mystical faggots
orthodox are as mystical as christfaggots get tbh.


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I'm sorry your mom makes you go to church. I'll pray for you.


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Once you mature spiritually and mentally, you will realize that catholicism is the one truth.


Never been inside a church.

When the time comes, I will wield an unspeakable power beyond any written words, and your doctrines will be irrelevant.

They aren't mystical and Christfaggots can get a lot more mystical than the Orthodox do.


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>When the time comes, I will wield an unspeakable power beyond any written words, and your doctrines will be irrelevant.
nathan the hedhehog pls


I don't even know what you're talking about you programmed demiurgic spawn.


>everything about this thread



>the lovers
>all upright

>implying you didn't just pull those cards out of your deck to make a point


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*butthurt RHP detected*



YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
ramzpaul got on the Ebola-chan train



we've got real legitimacy now

next stop, tax breaks


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Because they were bullied by all the dang dirty normies at school.


,and Now they're taking Up EDGINEsS!
——-What Laughs——
tkw–(That Karma When) edginess is no replacement For UNCONDITIONAL LOVE which is your immune-system.LOL.


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>all this magical hoodoo religious nonsense

the real power is in science


see you on the other side of hell boys


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>Implying real power doesn't lie in Christ our Lord and Savior


>implying you both aren't wrong


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>implying empirical evidence for anything other than science

>implying magical space wizard

ya ok anons


>empirical 'science'
>not rational SCIENCE!

Real SCIENCE! is magic. True magic is SCIENCE! & an art.



>implying a difference between science and SCIENCE!

>implying SCIENCE! is magic

magical thinking is bad mmkay? you use the word 'rational' but there's nothing rational about magic, and while science may be an art, it is a science first and foremost.

gb2school nerd


>receive more zog-approved brainwashing

Magic is not beyond understanding. I sometimes wear a lab coat when doing my experiments. Proper SCIENCE! is indistinguishable from magic.




>not knowing homeschooling and independent research is a thing
>misunderstanding Clarke's third law

it's like you're not even trying. All 'magic' is either poorly- / mis-understood science, or straight-up bullshit.


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>there's nothing rational about magic, and while science may be an art, it is a science first and foremost.


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>All 'magic' is either poorly- / mis-understood science, or straight-up bullshit.

Science is poorly misunderstood magick.



nice try nerd, I'm wearing a beanie


>no u

potayto potahto, it's not some 'majjykk' ultramystical holy hoodoo supernatural ether shit, it's just the laws of physics and nature, the basic programming of the universe, nothing magical about it in the slightest except maybe if you're a cro-magnon who's been living under a rock for thousands of years


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>he doesn't know what magick is at all
>he doesn't know how ridiculously inferior all the mundane practises are without their metaphysical counterparts (e.g. chemistry to alchemy, chemistry is just the degenerate form of alchemy)


>Science is poorly misunderstood magick.
Alright, let me know when you build a spacecraft or a computer using magical principles.



see >>5635
also railguns and lasers and the LHC and nuclear reactors and the internet and wholechan, checkmate wizardfag


See >>283


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I don't even need to be an initiate to see how fucked up this thread is.

I mean, if you guys hate jews, why do you act like jews yourselves?


You know too much


>hurr durrr never fight your enemies because your enemy would fight you, never eat food because your enemies eat food, stop drinking water that's so jewish!!!



Do I, dubs?


C'mon, smiley, you're better than that.


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Ebola-Chan is an aberration against Humankind.

The egregore of thos who would take everyone with them at death.


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Heretics everywhere!


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Ebola would disproportionately kill the stupid, those dependent on government, the unprepared, and those who conglomerate in high population cities.

The smart and prepared would survive in much greater numbers. I think that Ebola is the best thing that could happen to the world at this point in time.


It is not to create suffering, it is to make the world a better place. If you think that this world is worth preserving as is, then you are part of the problem.

Multiculturalism is destroying the white race. Ebola would kill far more leftists than right wingers. The aftermath of Ebola would radically change politics. We could do things like close our borders without leftist opposition.


If all of you had even a fraction of the power you believe you have, corruption would not be so widespread. The banksters and corrupt politicians would be a non-issue. Their existence is proof that your methods are not working.

Here we have a chance to pool our wills into something that matters - something that will make a difference and change the world for the better. This is real. You've been given a great chance here, are you going to let it slip away?


>getting your panties into a twist over the number of fingers


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>kinda proof positive

o really?

- no causation
-not even any correlation, as ebola was just as infectious and deadly before ebola-chan

rather proof positive that moraltards and occultards will be moraltards and occultards


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>RHP a shit.
o really?
>Your negative association with disease and death
>Disease is pretty shitty… yet really lovely. Death is very lovely but it can also be kind of shitty. RHP faggots will never understand.
enjoy your disease and death as they seem to be your most faithful companions, LHP tard


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>there's an occult reason
yup, it's so the loosh farmers can consciously collect :)
keep fapping, dummies


How do you feel about people who are interested in Ebola-chan but neither fap nor bleed for her supposed benefit?

Humanity is facing something comparable to the Black Death and most people can't be bothered to think about it.

I'm very interested in what the Ebola virus would say to us if it could talk. Is it avenging the deaths of its preferred hosts? Is it here to teach us a direct lesson about the limits to growth? Perhaps it is like us, just looking for a way to survive in a chaotic, disintegrating world.


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Fringe you are faggots, just letting you know.

You already knew, so it was a friendly reminder. Here's another friendly reminder: you will never get anything done. You will never accomplish what we have. You are as bad as /x/.


Hello mundane shill. If you are trying to imply there is a fracture between Ebolites and Fringe Users; we are one and the same and also the creators of Ebola Chan The Egregore.


I did multiple rituals for Ebola Chan, transferred loosh to her, met with her in the astral planes, talked to her, empowered her, etc.

No blood or fapping, just pure and direct arcane power.


Then why is your board against Ebola-chan?


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dumb trips

Why people insist that every board is one person and should think alike?

Do you even white magic and black magic in your "fiction", Hylic?


We're not at all against Ebola Chan, some of our enemies have infiltrated here and are against her and they post here because we allow free speech.

The original /fringe/ core came up with the idea to create Ebola Chan as an egregore we'd use to destroy our enemies. Go look around on old /fringe/ although I'm not sure the threads exist anymore and obviously you can't access the secret illuminati board.

The original /fringe/ core consists of LHP National Socialist wizards who are sick of /x/'s love and light hippie bullshit.

We just want to develop our magickal powers and exercise them fully, none of this killing one's ego and passively watching the world go to shit and equality nonsense.

If we can destroy our enemies with magick, we'll do it, fuck what some RHP faggot thinks.


Fair enough.


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>Ebola Chan

>National Socialist

Explain to me how the fuck killing a bunch of ignorant primates is helping at all?

It's like running into a zoo and shooting a lot of monkeys and saying "hurr durr imma jew, hurr durr i sacrifice my own goys, hurr durr im going to completely ignore the real enemy and kill gentiles because the former told me so, hurr durr so much loosh, hurr durr emulating the enemy makes me so powerful and different than him."

Give me a break, zionist scum.



holy shit, I got stop falling for such easy bait.


>oy vey the goyim are killing the niggers we must use their anti-semitism to redirect them to us so they do nothing!

ProTip: Killing all anti-whites be they non-whites or jews is good.

ProTip2: The ONLY reason you're whining about a magickally-enhanced disease wiping out excess niggers from this world is because you're a nigger lover.

ProTip3: The single greatest thing that can happen to the white race and to this world is for 99%+ of the world's population to be decimated so it may be reborn anew and with greater vigor than before from the ashes.

How about you explain how population reduction of non-whites is NOT helping and why it upsets you so much?

We need to kill practically everyone including all the jews, all the degenerates, all the race traitors, and nearly all the muds.


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I'm sick of nigger lovers pushing false dichotomies and have denounced all you nigger lovers and chink lovers too TWICE on /pol/.

>focus on jews to the exclusion of all, good goyim

The proper stance is:

>all anti-whites must go

Also, anyone who excuses the white race traitors and says to focus on jews only is a particularly big idiot or shill.

Such thinking is essentially jewish supremacism, aka whites are inferior and not responsible for anything, so ignore the whites that betray their race and empower the jew; only focus on the jews.

Trufax: Jews would have 0 power without race traitors to give it up to them.


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>The ONLY reason you're whining about a magickally-enhanced disease wiping out excess niggers from this world is because you're a nigger lover.

>the ONLY reason

>nigger lover

If you limit me to such a pretentious archetype, why do you bother responding my post? Shouldn't you be practicing with the aliens or something? I mean, this is not a problem for me, I love debating, it enlightens me.

>How about you explain how population reduction of non-whites is NOT helping and why it upsets you so much?

Population reduction is the best thing that could happen to humanity, unnecessary killing is what happens everyday. Reproduction can be controlled, hence a need for a National Socialist state.

It upsets me because practicing jew archon feeding sacrifice rituals (killing your goys, or non-whites as your tribe calls it) and claiming them to be National Socialist is saying the cure is the same thing as the disease.


Prioritise your targets or you will never end up killing even a single enemy. Jews are the problem, without them a race traitor has no force to betray to. Non-jews may be spared, even if they are non-aryan as long as they are not gentiles. The goal of killing almost everyone is silly, they will die anyway, just make sure they don't breed.


Do you consider innocent niggers who live in the savanna and hunt and chill out in their mud huts "anti-whites"?

I mean, I can understand being against the northern africans who come into europe with their fucking illegal boats, but what about the tribal african niggers? They didn't do nuffin to our people.


Remote African folk are fine but tribal niggers need to be exterminated along with all other tribes.


I guess dubs confirm. But what do you mean by tribal? I remember reading a couple of posts (by Smiley I think) about "tribal jews". Is that what you are referring to?


Jews are a tribe. Any tribe seeks to establish control over their goyim, this is called zion. An eternal state of slavery without internal rebellion. Jews are dishonest about their tribalism, whereas tribes that are honest about it are called gentiles. A noble folk is opposed to all forms of slavery, therefore opposes all tribes too. Tribes practice in-group altruism and out-group indifference which is why gentiles do not fight jews effectively. Folks prioritise their own people but are willing to help others on their path too. The Third Reich was a folkist state, Israel is tribal/zionist.



So nice seeing my folk around here.


Judging by Smiley snownigger behavior, I guess not. Tribalism is typical jew behavior, is basically considering your group or society or "race" as superior to others (goys) and engaging in violence against the latter: slavery, genocide, deception, you name it.

>>10801, explained it quite nicely.



So in theory a white-folk should assist nice nigger people in creating a nigger-folk and nice asian people in creating an asian-folk and everyone should oppose tribalism together so everyone can thrive in their own land, right?

This sounds like a reasonable and noble ideal, rather than "whites, whites, whites, muh race traitor, muh anti-white jewish slave goy shill nigger-lover you will be the first to be roped"


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Yes, that's what National Socialism is about.

Here, study it a little: http://aryanism.net/philosophy/

>"whites, whites, whites, muh race traitor, muh anti-white jewish slave goy shill nigger-lover you will be the first to be roped"

That's typical zionist propaganda, inducing division and internal violence, keeping us weak.


>So in theory a white-folk should assist nice nigger people in creating a nigger-folk

More or less, though a folk should not suicidally help others to their own detriment. White folk with their shit together can lend a hand though. This isn't a case of whites doing everything for everyone else, rather whites sort themselves out and with excess energy assist the others who show noble traits yet are not as capable. It goes both ways too, the blacks can help in some way I am sure, same with asians. Both of them combined make a decent military force with the correct guidance and proper goal. Organisation is key, where whites will likely step in. A symbiotic relationship, not a parasitic one such as the jews set up.


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*throws snowball*
*waves icicle around*
*burrows into snow-rift*

Oooga booga muh intellect, muh beauty, muh virtue, mo'fuggas

Where da white homeland at?



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That sounds like my ideal. I hope I live long enough to achieve it.


>Do you consider innocent niggers who live in the savanna and hunt and chill out in their mud huts "anti-whites"?

No I do not. However all the ones intent on leaving Apefreaka and coming to a white nation hopefully will get culled.


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Race traitors have got to go! If you think racemixing and miscegenation is OK then you are an enemy of racial purity! Even the Aryanists agree on this (and if they don't, then fuck them, because they are anti-white and don't serve the 14 words).

[snow ape intensifies]


Aryanists are totally opposed to any further dilution of Aryan blood. It is of utmost importance that the noble traits are not just preserved but also refined. This restoration of the race is the mission, with removal of jews and the like being only an obstacle to pass over. With jews finally gone we will have greater things to accomplish.


ur stoopid


Niggers can't into magick, and modern Asians are all hylics. That's just the way it is.


Does the rope awaiter flag has anything to do with Day of the Rope?


File: 1419082009596.png (120.76 KB, 900x850, 18:17, 1410831068431.png)

>However all the ones intent on leaving Apefreaka and coming to a white nation hopefully will get culled.

How will Her love spread without them respected black individuals bringing us her gift?


Yes indeed! Rope Awaiters await the Day of the Rope!


oy vey. All of you edgelords wanting to kill off mass swathes of people. You will never ascend with that attitude, gwahahahahaaha shabbos goyim


File: 1419339641894.jpg (88.38 KB, 500x800, 5:8, i want YOU to grow stronge….jpg)

Bump with suggestion for official religion declaration.


"Onward Eboliac Soldiers,
Onward Pestilent Priests,
Onward Fruits of Ichor,
Fap 'til you're deceased!

Fight your little battles,
Join in thickest fray
For the Greater Glory,
Of Dis-Cord-I-A!"


To the tune of?


File: 1419412033130.gif (531.08 KB, 600x480, 5:4, ebola-spin-2.gif)


She is so perfect! Ravage me with your love Ebola Chan!



File: 1427131210860.png (1.85 MB, 1436x1524, 359:381, 1413078748589.png)





saged and hidden



Counter-sage and bump.

I felt compelled to search out this thread and bump it for a non-specific reason.



And that day we got news of a resurgence in Liberia, which has been progressing ever since.

Maybe she reached out to you.



You may be right. I did feel a slight push from some sort of ethereal source that day.

>mfw i have no face when i was reached out to by a loving egregore


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