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/fringe/ - Fringe

Esoteric Wizardry


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If you donated to the Infinity Dev. Group over Flattr, it seems that they have turned into a scam and you should charge these conmen back immediately by contacting your financial institution. (I realize this includes my support key. I don't give a shit, flood their insecure bullshit report ticket in my name. I see no other way to prove it.) Reports are that they lost their PayPal account recently, and Flattr CEO and only employee @bonq is ignoring all communication from me via their ticket system and Twitter. The icing on the cake is that they blocked me and three others for asking where the fuck 46.74 EUR went.
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I just had a frightening thought /fringe/

Is it possible to create a meta-egregore? In other words, an egregore representing the idea of egregores itself. If so, would the existence of such a thoughtform actually enhance the overall power of all other egregores currently in existence?

I was thinking about this because a lot of recent events on 8chan have gotten several major boards talking about magick, thoughtforms, etc. a lot more than they normally would.

I mean, if baneposting can crash planes, and pepeposting brought pepe into real life, then could tons of people constantly saying >memes are magic and can bend reality, egregores exist and people can collectively bend reality with ideas alone

make memes themselves more powerful over time? And if they become more powerful, might it then cause more anomalous events to happen, thereby further increasing people's beliefs in these things?

If my hunch is right, how far could such an effect be pushed? Could you just create some kind of positive feedback loop and break reality, or am I mistaken?



Yeah. I think you are on to something here. People believing memes are real will give them far more power, quickly. And soon enough, the populace will find out about magick. Not necessarily as good as we have it here, but I bet most mundanes will start doing basic sigils and shit. And with WWIII just around the corner, it may have a huge effect in the balance of the war. (Possibly even start it.)

One main issue, is that everyone who goes to studies magick would be doing it through someone else, who learned it from someone else, who learned it from someone else. It will really 'clog' up their learning process in magick and could be fed false information.


If more people start experiencing reality fluidly then it will all become less stable and more astral-like and as more people notice the strange shit happening more will realize the mental nature of the universe and things will get even more chaotic.

This reality has always been a ton of memes fighting memes for domination, it's just getting extremely meta now.


What entities would you suggest I evoke btw?

I am extremely skilful in evocation now and can evoke any entity. Truth be told though I am afraid of evoking Spurdo, Smug Frog, Ebola Chan, and most of the other memes. I've already tried evoking Ebola Chan before and became pretty sick so I've avoided doing so again after two attempts in which I just became sick each time.






What about the demiurge? Isn't it his job to stop this type of think? And the archons also?



I'm excited as fuck.

The world is waking up.

The world will soon ascend to 4D.





please evoke the rubbing hands jew



Woah man that's a perfect suggestion. I will definitely consider evoking Fringe Girl.


The demiurge is a program that is corrupted and that we interface with. It's basically physicality. The demiurge keeps things rigidly physical and is fed by thoughts of materiality / strengthened by anyone who thinks this mental universe is just dead matter. Some entities no doubt are feeding the demiurge intentionally and will be pissed off at us freeing ourselves from its rigidity but some entities will help us also. I've read a whole bunch of articles about archons and everyone seems to have a different idea as to what archons even are so the word is meaningless to me.


Evoke Shlomo? Maybe I will but not without a lot of protective shit. I will likely create a magic circle to contain Shlomo in that prevents him from escaping and jewing me.


Someone evoked pepe? Is he sad? Smug? What kind of music does he like?



Evoke Spurdo. Ask him which wizard/yogi/chaote has the largest benis :DDDDDDDD



Evoking http://8ch.net/pol/res/2002842.html#2002842 , if it is already well-formed enough, could be interesting.

Although is this just to gain information from something? In which case why not invoke some great helping god of magic and wisdom (I can give examples) to share knowledge?



I don't want any suggestions from you, I wield arcane power in using my magick, and names mean nothing to me. I don't need examples and the evocations would just be for fun, I already meet random spirits all the time to get help with different things.

I just think many of the imageboards memes are extremely perverse and twisted and don't want to evoke them just to become a victim of their madness.

I looked at that thread and I personally hope that meme doesn't get too energized as it seems subversive from the start what with that suggestion of jewish heritage and so on.

Just this morning I was talking to some astral woman both in the astral and then in this world.

I just want to make a list for now of memes I'd like to evoke that aren't going to cause me too much trouble.





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never forget


The Beacon is broadcasting; good morning, humanity.



Not necessarily; you'll see many people following tried and popular methods on the internet (like now), but the end all of anyone's development'll be self-sufficient practice counseled by the crucible of many hours' trial and error.

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