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>for a while, been having a reoccurring dream where I'm in high school again, hanging out with my friends in the hall before the first bell

>there tend to be minor variations here and there; sometimes it's different friends, sometimes there's noticeably more or less people in the hall, sometimes a teacher may or may not come out of the elevator at the end of the hall, little things like that

>in one particular variation of the dream, it was the day before a really important test, probably some end-of-course stuff

>vid related was playing on a loop (for the basic effect: https://listenonrepeat.com/?v=eVqCV0_Lr8U#Steven_Universe_Soundtrack_%E2%99%AB_-_Pearl_s_Theme )

>everyone was talking in a super-serious, matter-of-fact manner, treating this test like it was the most important decision they'd ever make

>one particular sentence stuck with me as the first loop of the song ends (it plays on this weird loop that's seamless but when it restarts this really weird noise plays, kinda like the intro to "Two-Headed Boy Part 2" sorry for making that reference).

>close friend of mine from sophomore year

>she graduated that year, and, judging by our interactions in this instance, in the dream was soon on her way out the door

>she says to me: "You act like you're here forever."

>she then walks away to head off to class, looks back at me, and says, "Maybe you're not."

I have no idea what it means. All I know is, I haven't seen or heard from her in so long and neither has anyone most anyone else. It might be a sign.


Also, the way everyone was speaking was serious and matter-of-fact but also very cryptic. I couldn't understand anyone and worried I was going to fail the test judging by how everyone treated it.


>The general called us to a room we've never been before

>It was about 4 maybe 5 of us

>He said our mission was to explores space/time

>In order to do that we would be put in dream machines

>I got a little anxious at the time and the general noticed it

>"All will be well" he said "as long as you remember two things"

>He moved his mouth as if he were eating "… and don't forget why you're there"

>I now find myself here



>one particular sentence stuck with me as the first loop of the song ends (it plays on this weird loop that's seamless but when it restarts this really weird noise plays, kinda like the intro to "Two-Headed Boy Part 2" sorry for making that reference)

You mean the sound in the first couple of seconds before the singing saw comes in? Spooky.

As for advice on the dream, I really don't think I'd be able to offer much help sans an obvious extrapolation, which I recognized pretty quickly based on my own experience.

>you're in highschool

>serious, important decision

>"You act like you're here forever."

>worried I was going to fail the test

Do you happen to still be in highschool or just got out and have no concrete path in life/next step planned or already going?



This isnt /x/ stop roleplaying, faggot



lel I'm not roleplaying… faggot



Your post reeks of bad /x/ creepypasta. Almost everything about it sounds like it was pulled straight off of /x/.



I'm not an /x/fag so I wouldn't know.

I did have this dream though, and and it was so vivid that for a while I was confused. You can probably see why.

"The great Taoist master Chuang Tzu once dreamt that he was a butterfly fluttering here and there. In the dream he had no awareness of his individuality as a person. He was only a butterfly. Suddenly, he awoke and found himself laying there, a person once again. But then he thought to himself, "Was I before a man who dreamt about being a butterfly, or am I now a butterfly who dreams about being a man?"



Sorry 'bout the confusion then, I've seen enough bad roleplaying on /x/ to always be suspicious of anything that goes along these lines of

>Person introduced by name with no explanation as to who they are

>Words the person didnt hear that are important

>Anon told to do something out of the ordinary

>"I now find myself …"



lel when you put it that way I understand you. But I did try to be as vague as possible, because in the dream there was no actual awareness of space/time as experienced by an individual, so to put it in words sounds kinda dumb.



But its funny though, because the thing you couldn't hear will probably end up being the thing you came to find out.



No, I'm well out of high school at this point. College life mang.



Oh, nice. That rules out that theory then. I really can't think of much else. If your first thought about this dream was the girl, I guess try to find out what shes up to.


I thought about replying earlier, but I had no idea if that was someone's dream or just some text copied from a book or something.



Yeah, I have some studying to do… I'm certain when I see it I'll recognize it immediately.


You know it now.

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