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Esoteric Wizardry


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A message to the "victims" of Adelaide and the news publications writing about their "plight"
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The rules are simple and only apply to the creation of threads on /fringe/: 1. Don't make duplicate threads of topics that already exist unless the previous thread has hit the bump limit. 2. Don't make threads just to ask questions, actually present substantial information if you're going to make a thread. 3. Don't make a thread purely to shitpost (you will be forgiven if it's a major GET), just shitpost / loosh farm inside of threads that already exist. 4. Post threads that fall under the subject matter of /fringe/ (creepypasta FYI generally does not fall under /fringe/'s very broad subject matter, look at the sticky to see what subjects we discuss on /fringe/)

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Every now and then, you are reminded of an obscure but obvious fact in life that you have been ignoring without realizing this. And when you are reminded, a wonderful thing happens. You now have the option to consider taking action upon the realization of this fact you had originally forgotten.

Here is the fact.

Chans are a waste of time. You need to leave chans and stop wasting time in your life. You need to stop wasting time watching anime. You need to stop wasting time period.

I am going to leave chans forever after I make this post.

Think about it. Just consider leaving for a second.

I'm not trying to be the bad guy here. You know you need to get your life sorted out. It shouldn't be a matter of oh yeah it would be nice if I got my shit together. It should be a matter of ok i'm getting my shit together.

Get your shit together and leave chans.

All your posts you have ever made on this website have been deleted and don't even exist anymore. Its like you never even mattered. Stop putting time into posts that will not exist soon. Stop putting time into doing nothing.

One day you will wish you had spent this time better.

If none of that will convince you then at least read this.

If you think you are filled with regret and sadness now it is NOTHING compared to how you will feel as you get older if you don't fix your shit right now. If you don't fix yourself now it only gets worse from here.


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>what OP wanted to say

chans are a waste of time

>what OP had to do

type out all this edgy tl;dr


>find a forum with an ok community of people willing to help neophytes on their journey

>nah cunts it's all a waste of time, I'm going to go and live life the REAL way

Reminder that all /pol/ affiliated boards are slid with these types of threads urging users to leave the chans, don't forget to sage.


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>> life

Every now and then, you are reminded of an obscure but obvious fact in life that you have been ignoring without realizing this. And when you are reminded, a wonderful thing happens. You now have the option to consider taking action upon the realization of this fact you had originally forgotten.

Here is the fact.

Life is a waste of time. You need to leave chans and stop wasting time in your life. You need to stop wasting time watching anime. You need to stop wasting time period.

I am going to leave chans forever after I make this post.

Think about it. Just consider leaving for a second.

I'm not trying to be the bad guy here. You know you need to get your life sorted out. It shouldn't be a matter of oh yeah it would be nice if I got my shit together. It should be a matter of ok i'm getting my shit together.

Get your shit together and leave life.

All your posts you have ever made on this website have been deleted and don't even exist anymore. Its like you never even mattered. Stop putting time into posts that will not exist soon. Stop putting time into doing nothing.

One day you will wish you had spent this time better.

If none of that will convince you then at least read this.

If you think you are filled with regret and sadness now it is NOTHING compared to how you will feel as you get older if you don't fix your shit right now. If you don't fix yourself now it only gets worse from here.



>Without browsing chans I'd be a blue-pilled jew-loving mundane with no goals, a bad diet, a calcified pineal gland and be so far down atheism I'd likely be posting on r/atheism at this point

A waste of time™



True that!


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>I need a community to think for me, illuminate me, and walk with me handholded to the "right" path, that I will never question for myself

Why am I not surprised at your flags?



*tips fedora*


> Bumping a slide thread that's literally telling you not to look at this boards content

Honorary Jews, all of you



>Copy pastes a cultural reference



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>he thinks I copy paste two words



The shitposting in this thread is a good elucidation of what the OP is saying.



>hurrr durrr shitposting is ruining muh life

>proceeds to ignore the multiple quality threads that exist right now to shitpost

Just accept it; you want to shitpost. Otherwise you'd be posting quality posts in quality threads.


Hello reddit





that guy is right, if you didn't percieve by yourself that something was not right about what you learnt and saw, you will hardly learn trough the use of this tool that's the hivemind.

The chan's hivemind is a tool to learn and a container to fill with valuable knowledge, not something you should use to replace your own critical thinking.

I am neither surprised by your flags use.



Everyone thinks for themselves, just because someone uses a flag doesn't mean they can't engage in critical thinking, and critical thinking is mostly about shifting between boxes not being a special snowflake who claims nothing but someone who explores every line of thought they come across… and don't try to be original for originality sake because everything has already been done before.

Stop being a faggot.


Every now and then, you are reminded of an obscure but obvious fact in life that you have been ignoring without realizing this. And when you are reminded, a wonderful thing happens. You now have the option to consider taking action upon the realization of this fact you had originally forgotten.

Here is the fact.

Quality threads are a waste of time. You need to leave quality threads and stop wasting time in your life. You need to stop posting constructive content. You need to stop holding civil discourse period.

I am going to leave good threads forever after I make this shitpost.

Think about it. Just consider shitposting for a second.

I'm not trying to be a big guy here. You know you need to get your dubs together. It shouldn't be a matter of oh yeah it would be nice if I could post epic maims. It should be a matter of ok i'm going to toast ebin maymays in this itt bread yolo.

Get your shitposts together and leave this slow boards.

All your upvotes you have ever made on this website have been deleted and don't even seem to exist anymore. Its like you never even upvoted to begin with. Stop putting time into posts that will not exist soon. Stop putting time into actual conversation and sharing ideas.

One day you will wish you had spent this prime shitposting time better.

If none of that will convince you then I at least expect you to read all this shit.

If you think you are filled with lulz and forever alone now it is NOTHING compared to how you will feel as you obtain wizard level. If you don't kill yourself now it only gets worse from here.



The main thing I've learned from the chans is to think for myself and question things. Get fucked with your smug anime image.


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This is a fucking great post and its motivated me to stop posting. This is my LAST POST for the next month. Thank you so much OP./



>Read /pol/ books and compare them with the censored history books I'd been given

>Read /fringe/ books and compare them with the "facts" I'd been taught in school

>Jeeze you're just letting other people think for you




Samefag shill trying to get people to reject the greenpill.




>please /fringe/ tell me how to think for myself

Addicts do whatever they must to justify their addiction. If you can't let go of this place, you're an internet addict. Trying to justify it by claiming you need other people's opinion on how to think by yourself is honestly one of the most retarded arguments I've ever seen.



>Being critical of something using two arguments presented means that I'm using somebody elses opinions

>You're addicted to a site where you're getting books to read, stop reading this!

>Driving people away from the greenpill

Jeeze, I wonder who could be behind this r̶e̶p̶t̶i̶l̶l̶i̶a̶n̶ post!



This place sucks.

Get the books to read and then stop coming here.

You won't learn shit here.


>All your posts you have ever made on this website have been deleted and don't even exist anymore. Its like you never even mattered. Stop putting time into posts that will not exist soon. Stop putting time into doing nothing.

Brah ,ideas replicate,evolve and it doesnt matter if the text gets deleted .

The meme is a living entity.



Your every word is a representation of the collection of experiences you undertook within your life. Everything you accepted and rejected all can be read with what you type.

You gripe about how you waste your time and that's a real shame. I don't feel like spelling out for you why and how time spent with other conscious entities is not a waste of time. So I wont. I'll continue expressing true representations of actual things that happened and I will continue to promote civil discussions.


gb2 halfchan, you can farm loosh a lot better there



nice trips


This is a community of people who are starting to walk on the right/left path. Most want to learn and since the only place you can learn occutism is secret societies or various occult forums it would be counter productive to assume noone benefits from this image board. A lot of people also don't want to join seret societies so they aren't used for sinister purposes.Even if there was one usefull post a year it is still better than nothing. About posting if this post helps atleast one person I'm satisfied. In my opinion the op wants to achieve greatness and will not be satisfied until he does. This where all the anger comes from I think it would be wiser to direct that at himself/transmutate. You should instead find joy and happines in the little things and enjoy the path. I apologize for writing about you in 3rd person but I assume you won't be reading this since you said you won't return here.



Also, I commend this post >>43912



Whoever seeks knowledge deserves to find it.

I perceive your WEBM as toxic to the principles of this board, and the text you've posted as halfchan-tier loosh farming.

I think you need to leave.

Saging this thread so as not to feed this cancer.

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