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No matter how many "proofs" of your beliefs you think you have, no matter how much "evidence" you have for "reality", all of it is naught. What is man? The machinations of a deluded consciousness operating on arbitrary whim. What is reason? Something fundamentally irrational. The theists see patterns where they aren't there, eh? But all reason is "seeing patterns." You see patterns and based on arbitrary whim you THINK they're sufficient evidence. There is no fucking line other than what you draw up in your mind, and different people (accepting their existence) draw their lines differently. AM I WRONG? Perhaps you can explain this to me. But either way, the mind-bending realization is this: if I may be ignorant, from my perspective there is no "reason" in my life at all.


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>newfigs still make these zomgsodeep posts about being enlightened




shitty threads like this should be a banable offence.


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>2015 AD

>not being a discordian




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Fucking retards.






Thanks for the loosh mundanes





Please post things like this in the questions thread.


ayy lmao


OP go read some books.



you won't stay 16 forever.. So don't worry you'll grow out of it OP




The only nihilistic thing about OP post is his conclusion at the last line of it. The arguments with which he reaches that conclusion are perfectly valid and you are a hopeless sheep if you believe that there is certainty and evidence in your beliefs.

On another note I am always amused at how pretentious fags are always so scared of nihilism and how they try to make themselves appear mature by denying it


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>Good points combined with blog ramble.

I don't how to feel about this post.


You are jumping the gun somewhat there OP. Yes, rationality does inevitably breakdown and become an arbitrary construct of man. It's simply the most general set of rules which apply to nearly all phenomenon. But even within science we start to see rationality breakdown in the quantum realm. But this does not mean that there is not an underlying true reality to everything. It simply means that rationality as we understand it is too simplistic to fully encapsulate all of reality's nuance.



It's probably fine to feel whatever you are feeling.

People come to epiphanies, and they feel a need to share them. It can get rambly, because they are inspired. If you enjoy sharing your epiphanies, you should consider taking up art.



Rationality is instrumental to the Will



You should read gurdjieffs work.




Op, you might know nothing, but your still wrong.


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I actually have a lot of discordian pictures from tumblr just becuase people like you say >tumblr


Nihilism is a very direct path to the truth in my opinion, travelling it myself. Other spiritual journeys up the mountain of truth are long and sustenance giving. They give a man tools and time to develop himself for what lies ahead.

In reducing the whole abstract question into one profane remark "I believe in nothing" a man can choose to abandon the old maps and head right straight up the mountain. Not on the forested face of the mountain though, only on the landward facing rainshadow side.

I believe in nothing because nothing can't be disproven.

Nothing is perfect.

Nothing is real.

Nothing created the universe.

When I die I become nothing.

Nothing is synonymous with God.

Good luck.



>nothing is a human concept

>cannot fathom infinity but can label it




also, nihili + ism, we all know the dangers of isms, and nihil is a greek for reduction, nothing.

if you really believed in nihilism the moment you decided to adopt it you would commit suicide and seek annihilation.


How do you know? This post was an exercise in delusion.


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>sure it was

>pic related

>your attempt at shilling



Was it?


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You " might! " be right " maybe! " but I am unsure " maybe! " just take it with a grain of salt.



nah its just the overly dramatic way of writing that makes op look 16.

"What is man? The machinations of a deluded consciousness operating on arbitrary whim."

Not to mention the inconsistency, he just said that evidence doesn't work and then he goes into trying to define men. It begins well with the idea that reality isn't a fixed thing (or that at least it isn't fixed by the human point of view), but then he goes into ridiculous attempts to define that reality which he just recognized as variable.

In short it is like "hey guys we can't tell shit about objective reality, isn't objective reality a shitty meaningless thing?". Of course if he had taken the time to think through his own bullshit he would see that the idea that it is meaningless is meaningless too.

And after all this he tries to convince us at the end that he does not use the part of his mind which tries to define things. So yeah clearly 16, in the sense that it is actually immature and poorly thought out.



Infinity is a human concept. You're a human concept. That's a completely irrelevant bit of trivia as far as I can tell.

On what authority do you mean to tell me how my faiths should compel me to act?

Reality exists. That's axiomatic. Nihilism is the reduction of your faith to such axioms. Your faith is in yourself. Just like the sacred monotheistic cults you place your belief outside the universe. Unlike those massively inviting community building institutions you are your own medicine man traveling the abstract worlds of thoughts and ideas and evolving a sense of reality.

If your relationship with reality is so dysfunctional you would kill yourself before facing it I have to wonder where you've been living your entire life lol.




waste of time, keep moving.


Question for nihilists: do you believe that you have a conscience? Cause I couldn't detach me of myself, when I came to the conclusion that all is nothing - that's because nothing can't realize that it is nothing, nothing knows nothing, nothing thinks of nothing, so the conscience has to be something - a different point of view, from where nothingness of this world can be acknowledged. The problem is that something is the opposite of nothing. You end up admitting the existence of more and more things.



I wouldn't call myself a nihilist anymore but I can try to answer your question.

Existence exists. This is the same axiom as reality is real, and as such my perceptions are real as well since the entirety of provable reality occurs within my field of perception. So existence is real for me. This I can assure you of. Hopefully you can afford yourself the same luxury.

It seems at first in nihilism like you're being deprived of the very food and water your spirit needs to thrive, and perhaps you are, but I think that in the end you're a leaner meaner beast for it.

Of course I believe in my conscience, it might be the only one.



Nothing is just a concept. Non-existence is what you're talking about. Shit exists, obviously. From void(unrealized potential), awareness is born, usually with the help of other awareness. In rare cases beings are born from non-consciousness. This would have to be what happened originally to the "first" being that ever existed. There was everything, then there was singular existence. No chicken, no egg. Just being. It would be its own power source, not needing to rely on the structure it was born into as there was no structure. It would have to create EVERYTHING it wanted to experience with the ALL. Not the NOTHING. For it is impossible for nothing to exist. Life is just the process of being trying to continually fuel its own existence in a heaping pile of WTF it was born into.


>Of course I believe in my conscience, it might be the only one.

Oh god the cringe at that post

Nihilism is just edgy talk for "I DONT WANT TO ACCEPT ANYTHING". Everyone believes SOMETHING, if you actually believed in NOTHING, then you would be NOTHING.



Nihilism is like, whatever you say it is man. No sense arguing with someone's personal definitions. If we can't agree on grammar we just have to agree to disagree

And I try not to believe, just observe. It's not called the believer effect. I'm not trying to invalidate your sentience or existence but I'm fundamentally incapable of validating it.

> Everyone believes SOMETHING, if you actually believed in NOTHING, then you would be NOTHING.

I'll be nothing soon enough. Until then I'm just a student of this self fueling clusterfuck, same as anyone. I don't think you need to believe to receive the lessons of the world, I think belief is the sugar coating that makes higher level abstractions like infinity, creation, and destruction palatable. Indeed beliefs are rigid in nature while I've found an evolving understanding of existence to be a more accurate internalization of the universe.



>believes is an observer

>believes is a student

>believes belief makes higher level abstractions palatable

>believes in an evolution of the personal belief system

>all these beliefs



This is my fault because I've used the one word belief too liberally. I see where you got confused and I apologize for not being more articulate before.

So I begin this disambiguation with the conventional definition, here taken from Black's law dictionary

> What is BELIEF?

>A conviction of the truth of a proposition, existing subjectively in the mind, and induced by argument, persuasion, or proof

So I meant to communicate that I try to avoid convictions of truth about a proposition. Not all propositions mind you because that would be a state of confusion, just the propositions that are non verifiable from my frame of reference.

So in the sense that I avoid belief I don't say that there isn't a God, that you aren't a wizard, that the earth is flat or that this is anything more than the psychosis of a brain in a jar. But I can observe other things as at least true within this frame of reference. There is at least one observer, I do possess an organized understanding of my reality, it does change as new and better information becomes available, gravity is constant, etc.

Sorry for the confusion.


Just stop, this is not going anywhere, or is it?


Maybe, or maybe not.



You may have a point there, but it take that with a grain of salt.



Why a grain of salt, do you think you know if it is likely or not?



Do you so you assume you are aware of my motives, dare I say " know ".



Oh so you think that you know my motives, for guessing your motives?



Yes I do, god told me, end of conversation.

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